APUSH First Semester Final Exam

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Under what authority did George Washington issue the above proclamation?


Which of the following was a direct effect of the trend in the mid-19th century shown in the image above?

Controversy over allowing or forbidding slavery in newly acquired territories

Which of the following groups most strongly OPPOSED Washington's point of view in the address?


Writings such as Grimke's above most sought to challenge which of the following social ideals of the nineteenth century?

Division of men and women into separate "spheres" of activity and influence

Which of the following best explains how ideals from the Enlightenment and the Second Great Awakening most directly led to the rise of the women's rights movement?

Embracing ideals from the movements, women became increasingly involved in reform efforts outside of the home, but faced social restrictions.

Which statement below accurately compares German and Irish immigrants in the United States

German immigrants typically settles in the Midwest while Irish immigrants settles in northeastern cities

What was "plucked" from Mexico as a result of the war?

Its northern territories

In the passage above, the phrase "Tyrants of America" most likely refers to which figure?

John Adams

Which of the following of de Tocqueville's predecessors expressed priorities that would have best aligned with his conclusions about America?

John Winthrop in A Model of Christian Charity

Which of the following was produced in response to the Alien and Sedition Acts?

Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions

The excerpt most directly relates to which of the following continuous political issues during the first half of the nineteenth century?

Maintaining the balance of free and slave states

According to Calhoun, which period of time being described is classified as a dangerous concept?

Manifest Destiny

Which event caused Thoreau to write his famous piece of work?

Mexican-American War

According to Calhoun, what was the problem with democracy?

Most people don't have the capacity to successfully participate.

The government removal policies in the 1830s in relation to the tribal lands shown in the above map were most directly due to which of the following causes?

Regional development in the New South for growing cash crops, particularly, short-staple cotton

Which of the following was an argument offered by some Americans against removal of the tribes shown in the above map?

Some of them had adopted white American ways

Nullification "would haunt the nation later" over which issue?

South Carolina's protest of tariffs

The Protest above most closely resembles American reaction to the

Stamp Act

Which of the following groups would have been most likely to applaud the sentiments expressed by Calhoun?

Supporters of nullification

Which of the following was most supportive of the ideas expressed by Hamilton?

Supreme Court decisions in the early nineteenth century

Which part of the nation would have sympathized with the view expressed in the cartoon?

The New England states of Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island

Which of the following developments in the nineteenth century represented a continuation of the ideas expressed in the painting?

The annexation of Texas

Madison's concern expressed in the above quote most closely parallels the central point of contention in which of the following political controversies in the early days of the new US?

The debates over the establishment of the first national bank

Which of the following was the most direct result of the ideas expressed in the quotes above?

The development of the first political party system in American politics

At the time that George Fitzhugh wrote this, what recent event was exacerbating the issue of slavery?

The end of the Mexican War

Which of the following developments most strongly contradicted the ideas expressed in Jefferson's statement

The federal government's purchase of the Louisiana Territory

The table above provides evidence for which statement below?

The largest number of immigrants in the mid-nineteenth century arrived from Ireland

The image most directly reflects the

The modernization of the new west

In relation to the general subject matter of the legislation referenced in the above excerpt, how were the consequent actions of the northern states and the southern states different?

The northern states invested heavily in building a transportation infrastructure, while the South continued to move their agricultural goods to market through natural waterways

De Tocqueville's conclusion about the source of America's greatness was likely influenced during the era by

The popularity of Second Great Awakening figures such as Charles Grandison Finney

Which of the following resulted from the Supreme Court case Marbury v. Madison?

The power of judicial review

Which of the following was most likely influenced by the trend in the mid-19th century shown in the image above?

The rise of major nativist movements caused by immigration into newly acquired territories

Which of the following was a significant cause of the trend in the mid-19th century shown in the image above?

The sense of American racial cultural superiority

What was the result of many of the Supreme Court decisions made under Chief Justice John Marshall between 1801 and 1835?

The strengthening of the federal government

What other reform movement in the 1800s included women in leadership role?

The temperance movement

Why would George Washington NOT have the power to make this proclamation under the previous government?

There was no executive branch under the previous government.

The excerpt above most closely resembles what other important piece of writing in American history?

Thomas Jefferson, The Declaration of Independence

Which of the following groups would most likely by sympathetic to Grimke's concerns expressed in the above letter?

Those who believed in the idea and discovery and realization of the self

What was the purpose behind the publication of the 1840 illustration above?

To portray William Henry Harrison as a common man

Which of the following was a major reason for the drafting of the legislation referred to in the above excerpt?

Westward movement by whites and resulting economic development

What issue became prominent following the war with Mexico?

Whether or not the new lands from Mexico should be admitted to the union as slave or free states

The image above most directly reflected the view of Andrew Jackson by which of the following groups?

Whigs and National Republicans

People who agreed with the argument made in the speech would most likely have recommended

a Constitutional amendment preventing the declaration of war without an attack on the US

Those people most opposed to President James K. Polk's expansionist program were the

antislavery forces

The concerns expressed by Washington were a response to the

controversy regarding support for the revolutionary government in France

A major purpose behind the passage of the 1798 Alien and Sedition Acts was to

diminish the support of the Democratic-Republicans

The tribes represented in the above map had established societies on their tribal lands by the 1830s, which can best be characterized as

economically successful farming communities

Which of the following issues best reflected Jackson's abuses of executive power

his refusal to uphold certain Supreme Court rulings

A nativist who was concerned over the increases in immigration shown above would likely make all of the following arguments EXCEPT

illegal immigration was hurting America

One consequence of the Whiskey Rebellions was

it posed a serious threat to the authority of the new federal government

The Whiskey Rebellion worked to convince many Americans that

laws passed by the new federal government would be enforced

The amendments proposed by the Hartford Convention were intended to

limit the power of the federal government

The above proclamation by George Washington showed the

limits of the federal government in handling uprisings

The conditions described in the above account were a direct result of the

market revolution

The response by the government may have confirmed Anti-Federalist fear of

rights being taken away from individuals in favor of a strong federal government

The views expressed by this worker most directly contributed to the

rise of labor unions

In arguing for the continuation of slavery, southerners

stressed the happiness of the slave

President Madison was himself involved in expressing the idea of nullification with

the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions

The largest single addition to American territory was

the Mexican Cession

Prior to Calhoun's speech the idea of state's rights was expressed in

the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions

The feelings expressed by Thoreau in this letter further illustrate the belief of many that

the country had initiated a war of expansion again the wishes of the North

The increase in Irish immigration beginning in the 1840s was caused primarily by

the effects of the Irish potato famine

In the 1840s, Manifest Destiny was considered by expansionists to be

the natural fulfillment of progress by the United States

Western progression was led by

various forms of transportation including rail, stage, and covered wagon

George Fitzhugh was most likely a

white southern slave owner

Which of the following groups would most likely support the views expressed in the excerpt?


What American foreign policy problem of the early 1800s does this cartoon illustrate?

American efforts to force foreign powers to stop interfering with American trade

The two above excerpts serve as evidence of which of the following?

By the 1840s, the United States was beginning to fragment due to differences of opinion

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