APUSH Henretta Ch. 13 Study Guide

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The 1857 Dred Scott decision had which of the following consequences?

The decision persuaded many Republicans that the Supreme Court and President Buchanan were part of the "slave power" conspiracy

James K. Polk's declaration that American blood had been shed "upon American soil" was his call for

War with Mexico

In an 1858 senate campaign speech, Abraham Lincoln

Warned that the nation could not endure as "a house divided against itself," that is, half slave and half free

Which of the following was the most direct and historically significant result of the patterns Greenberg describes in the above excerpt?

The Mexican War

Which of the following actions best supports Greenberg's assertions in the excerpt?

The call for laws in California to expel Chinese workers

What did nineteenth-century American expansionists mean by the term Manifest Destiny?

The citizens of the United States had a God-given right to conquer the land to the Pacific Ocean

The 1845 annexation of Texas provoked

the Mexican War


"Although territorial expansion in the early republic had not proceeded peacefully, the expansionism of the 1840s . . . was newly aggressive, clearly grounded in racism, and driven by the conviction that all nonwhite peoples must necessarily bend to the will of whites. Until the 1830s, Americans justified taking land from 'savages' because they were not . . . 'improving' their land. . . . But after the ethnic expulsion of the civilized Cherokees . . . in the 1830s, race and not civilization became the determining factor in this equation. Increasing numbers of 'Anglo-Saxon' Americans believed their claims to North America to be superior to those of any racially 'impure' peoples." — Amy Greenberg, historian, Manifest Destiny and American Territorial Expansion,

Which of the following statements characterizes American settlement in California before the mid-1840s?

American settlement in California was fairly sparse in this period

From 1854 to 1856, which of the following was the fundamental principle all Republicans agreed on?

An absolute opposition to the expansion of slavery into any new territories

During the 1850s, proslavery American expansionists attempted to acquire which of the following regions?


Americans who lined up behind the free-soil cause in the late 1840s

Declared that slavery threatened American republicanism by undermining family farms

Which of the following statements describes the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850?

It denied alleged runaways a jury trial or the right to testify in their own defense

Which of the following statements describes the historical significance of Harriet Beecher Stowe's 1852 novel Uncle tom's Cabin?

It sparked an unprecedented discussion about race and slavery in the United States and abroad

Which of the following made the Oregon Territory so appealing to Americans in the mid-1800s?

Its mild climate and rich soil

Which of the following events took place in Kansas during the summer of 1856?

John Brown and his followers murdered and mutilated five proslavery settlers at Pottawatomie

Which of the following policies was implemented as part of the Compromise of 1850?

Passage of a new Fugitive Slave Act

What did the Wilmot Proviso, introduced in Congress in 1846, propose to do?

Prohibit slavery in any territory the United States acquired from Mexico

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