APUSH period 4

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Two slave rebellions

-Nat Turner (1831): he and 60 other slaves murdered master and family, caught a month later and executed -Gabriel's Conspiracy(1800): inspired by French and saint Domingue revolutions, started to plan revolution but were captured and executed

Three different abolitionists

-William Lloyd garrison: called for immediate end to slavery w/o compensation -Frederick Douglass: former slave, published The North Star, traveled America and Europe, attended Seneca falls convention -Harriet Tubman: former slave, helped other slaves escape via Underground Railroad

How did democrats feel about tariffs? Whigs?

-against -for (American system)

How did democrats feel about the BUS? Whigs?

-anti -pro

Two new technological developments of the Market revolution

-cotton gin: Eli Whitney, increased slavery and production of cotton -Erie canal: 363 miles from Albany to buffalo(intrastate commerce)

How did African Americans protect their dignity and family structures?

-creates communities and strategies -joined political efforts aimed at changing status

How did democrats feel about federally funded internal improvements? Whigs?

-felt government should only fund if multiple states benefit -pro (key aspect of American system)

How were Natives impacted from westward expansion ?

-forcibly removed (Indian removal act) -death -culture and land robbed

What were the reasons for the growth of the second party system?

-increased political participation -very divided over issues like American system

What was the result of the American System?

-industries prosper -builds infrastructure -links north and Midwest -causes controversy between parties

Missouri Compromise

-maine was a free state -missouri was a slave state -anything above 36 30 latitude line would be free

How did democrats feel about the role and power of federal government? Whigs?

-more power for states -strong central government (pro American system)

Three impacts of the second great awakening

-reform movements grow (especially abolitionism) -religious diversity increases -perfectionism; striving for a better life

How did McCulloch vs Maryland establish supremacy of federal over state power?

Congress had implied powers under necessary and proper clause that the BUS was constitutional, states like Maryland cannot tax it

What arguments were used by the south to counter messages spread by abolitionists?

"Necessary evil" until 1830s, then it's a "positive good"

What were the parts of the American System?

High tariff, national bank, and international improvements

How were tensions during antebellum America?

High! -nullification crisis, sectionalism -nativism -Indian removal act

How did John c Calhoun feel about Andrew Jackson?

Not a fan- jackson threatens to hang him because Calhoun wanted to nullify tariffs of 1828 and 1832

What is nativism?

Pushing "American ideals" at the expense of others

What caused the Panic of 1837?

Speculation of western land; bank war; specie circular

What was the result of the Seneca falls convention?

Declaration of Sentiments

What are examples of nativism in antebellum america?

Irish immigrants were treated horribly -"NINA"

Specie Circular

Issued by Jackson - Provided that in payment for public lands, the government would accept only gold or silver

The Bank War (1832-1836)

Jackson vetoed new charter of bank because he doesn't like it, buries bank by removing federal funds, Nicolas biddle calls in loans and creates a panic

How did Gibbons v Ogden establish supremacy of federal over state power?

Only the federal government can control interstate commerce

What was the message of the Monroe Doctorine?

Stay out of Latin America

Why was the declaration of sentiments inspired by the Declaration of Independence?

They could relate the oppression of women to the oppression of colonists

What was the goal of the Seneca falls convention?

To bring supporters of rights for women together with the ultimate goal of suffrage

What is the purpose of Jefferson's letter to Randolph?

To spread awareness of the dangers of dividing the country further along slave/free lines

What happened to the amount of Americans able to vote under Jackson?

Universal white male suffrage -elimination of property requirements for white men only

Significance of Marbury v. Madison

judicial review, which allows them to determine the constitutionality of a law or government action

What was the goal of the American System?

to make the U.S. economically self-sufficient

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