APUSH Period 7

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The essential issue in the Scopes trial was whether

Darwinian evolutionary science could be taught in public schools.

The immediate cause of American entry into World War 1 was

Germany's resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare.

Even after the Maine exploded, the United States did not immediately declare war on Cuba because

President McKinley was reluctant to get into a war.

Which of the following was the most direct result of the policy stated in this excerpt?

The United States intervened in many American countries in the early 20th century

Which of the following trends of the 1920's is most clearly portrayed in this advertisement?

The use of extended payment plans to purchase consumer goods

While it attacked business monopolies, the Clayton Anti-Trust Act exempted from antitrust prosecution

agricultural and labor organization.

The Prohibition Movement was similar to other Progressive reforms because it

began on the local and state levels before becoming national.

Wilson's initial attitude toward the Mexican revolutionary government was

to refuse recognition of General Huerta's regime but avoided American intervention.

The purpose of George Creel's Committee on Public Information was

to whip up public support for the war and promote anti-German propaganda.

Progressive Republicans grew disillusioned with Taft primarily over the issues of

trust-busting, tariffs, and conservation.

Most progressives were

urban middle-class people

President Grover Cleveland refused to annex Hawaii because

white planters had illegally overthrown Queen Liliuokalani against the wishes of most native Hawaiians.

The ost highly acclaimed industrial innovator of the new mass-production economy was

Henry Ford.

The above excerpt most directly reflects that the temperance movement

appealed to a varied constituency of reformers

Alfred Thayer Mahan promoted American overseas expansion by

arguing that domination of the seas through naval power was the key to world domination.

After the Lusitania, Arabic, and Sussex sinkings, Wilson successfully pressured the German government to

cease from sinking neutral merchant and passenger ships without warning.

Emilio Aguinaldo was

the leader of the Filipino insurgents against Spanish rule.

Most of the military supplies for General Pershing's expeditionary force came from

America's European allies.

The American city where gangsterism flourished most blatantly in the 1920's was


Among the primary victims of the prowar propaganda campaign to enforce loyalty were

German Americans and socialists.

The literary figure who promoted many new writers of the 1920's in his magazine, The American Mercury, was


Which of the following developments in the 1920's would most directly support the author's sentiments in the excerpt?

Liberalized divorce laws

Which of the following interpretations of progressivism would most likely support this excerpt?

Progressives were a diverse group who supported various reforms

Wilson won the election of 1912 because

Taft and Roosevelt split the Republican vote.

Which of the following most directly contributed to the anti-imperialist sentiments expressed in this excerpt?

The provisions of the peace tray ending the Spanish-American war

The administration of which of the following Residents who served between 1865 and 1900 most closely resembles the corruption of the Harding administration?

Ulysses S. Grant

Presidents William McKinley based his decision to make the Philippines an American colony on

a combination of religious piety and material economic interests.

Wilson's progressive policies and laws substantially aided all of the following groups except


General Pershing's expedition into Mexico was sent in direct response to

the killing of American citizens in New Mexico by "Pancho" Villa.

Wilson's most effective slogan in the campaign of 1916 was

"He kept us out of war"

Theodore Roosevelt's slogan that stated his essential foreign policy principle was

"Speak softly and carry a big stick"

Which of the following most directly supports the argument found in the above excerpt?

Appointment of Harry M. Daugherty as Attorney General

The threatened war between the United States and Mexico in 1914 was avoided by the mediation of the ABC powers, which consisted of

Argentine, Brazil, and Chile.

Uptown Sinclair's Jungle was primarily concerned about working conditions. Which of the following most directly helped organize labor?

Clayton Anti-Trust Act

Who of the following would most strongly support the sentiments in these headlines?

Expansionist such as Henry Cabot Lodge

Which of the following groups faced the most difficult economic conditions during the 1920's?

Farmers and many rural areas

The Jungle directly contributed to the passage of the

Meat Inspection Act

The above excerpt is most closely associated with which sector of the progressive movement?


Which of the following most influenced thinking about sexual behavior during the 1920's?

Popularization of Sigmund Freud

Which of the following represents a policy that the authors of the excerpt would most likely support?

President Wilson's signing of the Jones Act in 1916

Which of the following would most directly support the argument that Progressives were "exclusionary"?

Progressives did little to end the segregation of African Americans

The basic contrast between the two progressive candidates, Roosevelt and Wilson, was that

Roosevelt wanted the federal government to regulate the economy and promote social welfare, while Wilson wanted to restore economic competition and social equality.

Americans first became concerned with the situation in Cuba because

Spanish control of Cuba violated the Monroe Doctrine.

Roosevelt finally decided to break with the Republicans and form a third party because

Taft used his control of the Republican convention to deny Roosevelt the nomination.

Which of the was not among the targets of muckraking journalists exposés?

The U.S. army and navy

Which of the following was not among the colonial territories that the United States acquired in the Spanish-American war?

The Virgin Islands

Which of the following cities an event that most clearly challenges the interpretation expressed in the above excerpt?

The Washington Conference of 1921

Many historians criticize the economy that enveloped during the 1920's. Which of the following statements best supports that point of view?

The boom was based on speculation and borrowed money

Newspaper headlines such as those above most directly contributed to which of the folowing?

The declaration of war against spain by the U.S. congress.

Which of the following Progressive reforms most directly promoted "active citizenship"?

The direct election of senators

Which of the following was not among the factors propelling America toward overseas expansion in the 1890's?

The need to find new African and Asian sources of raw materials for American industry.

The leader most clearly associated with the viewpoint in this excerpt was

William Jennings Bryan

Even before the sinking of the Maine, the American public's indignation at Spain had been whipped into a frenzy by

William Randolph Hearst's sensational newspaper accounts of Spanish atrocities in Cuba.

The states where progressivism first gained influence were

Wisconsin. Oregon, and California.

The mobilization for war gave new momentum to the movement for

a constitutional amendment granting women the right to vote

During the Wilson administration, Congress exercised the authority granted by the newly enacted Sixteenth Amendment to pass

a federal income tax.

The most immediate consequence of American acquisition of the Philippines was

a guerrilla war between the United States and Filipino rebels.

Two areas where Roosevelt's progressivism made its substantial headway were

consumer and conservation legislation.

As a result of his campaign in 1908, William Howard Taft was expected to

continue and extend Roosevelt's progressive policies.

In the 1920's the major changes pursued by American women were

cultural freedom and expanded sexual experience.

Roosevelt overcame Colombia's refusal to approve a canal treaty by

encouraging Panamanian rebels to revolt and declare independence from Colombia.

Wilson effectively reformed the the banking and financial system by

establishing a publicly controlled Federal Reserve Board with regional banks under bankers' control.

Besides attacking minorities like Catholics, blacks, and Jews, the Ku Klux Klan of the 1920's opposed contemporary cultural and social changes such as

evolution and birth control.

The European powers and Japan weakened Wilson at the peace conference by

forcing him to compromise his ideas on matters of self-determination and punishment of Germany.

Roosevelt ended the Pennsylvania coal strike by

forcing mediation by threatening to seize the coal mines and operate them with federal troops.

Wilson bore considerable responsibility for the failure of the United States to join the League of Nations because

he ordered democratic senators to defeat the pro-League treaty with the Lodge reservations

Many of the prominent new writers of the 1920's were

highly critical of traditional American "puritanism" and small-town life.

Particularly violent strikes erupted during and after World War I in the

mining and steel industries.

The Roosevelt-backed Elkins Act and Hepburn Act were aimed at

more effect regulation of the railroad industry.

Pro-imperialist Americans argued that the Philippines should be seized because of

patriotism, religion, and economic opportunities.

Wilson arouse the somewhat divided American people to fervent support of the war by

proclaiming an ideological war to end war and make the world safe for democracy.

In the Open Door notes, Secretary of State John Hay called on all the imperial powers to

respect Chinese rights and permit economic competition in their spheres of influence.

Two major American industries that benefited economically from the widespread use of the automobile were

rubber and petroleum.

During World War I, African American military men served primarily in

segregated, non-combat support units.

Prominent among those who aroused the progressive movement by stirring the public's sense of concern were

socialists, social gospelers, women, and muckraking journalists.

The primary emphasis of the progressive movement was on

strengthening government as an instrument of social betterment.

The "red scare" of the early 1920's as initially set off by

the Bolshevik revolution in Russia.

The two key laws aimed at enforcing loyalty and suppressing antiwar dissent were

the Espionage Act and the Sedition Act.

The new regulatory agency cited by Wilson administration in 1914 that attacked monopolies, false advertising, and consumer fraud was

the Federal Trade Commission.

The "triple wall of privilege" that Wilson set out to reform consisted of

the tariffs, the banks, and the trusts.

One clear result of prohibition was

a rise in criminal organizations that supplied illegal liquor.

The capstone "Fourteen Point" of Wilson's evaluation of war aims called for

an international organization to guarantee collective security.

American soldiers were especially needed in France in the spring of 1918 because

a renewed German offensive was threatening to break through to Paris.

Wilson's primary weakness as a politician was

his tendency to be inflexible and refuse to compromise.

The controversy over the Hetch Hetchy Valley in Yosemite National Park revealed

a philosophical disagreement between wilderness "preservationists" and more moderate "conservationists".

One of the primary social effects of the new automobile age was

a weakening of traditional family ties between parents and youth.

This excerpt most directly reflects the continuation of the policy that

the independent nations of Americas should remain free from European intervention

Roosevelt was blamed for the Panic of 1907 because

his "boat-rocking tactics" had allegedly unsettled industry.

As president, Theodore Roosevelt gained political strength especially through

his personal popularity with the public and his belief in direct action.

The quota system established for immigration in the 1920's was based partly on the idea that

immigrants from northern and western Europe were superior to those from southern and eastern Europe.

A major difference between the World War I Selective Service Act and the Civil War draft was that

in World War I it was not possible to purchase an exemption or to hire a substitution.

Wilson blundered when choosing the American peace delegation by failing to

include any Republicans in the delegation

Radio and the movies both had the cultural effect of

increasing mass standardization and weakening traditional forms of culture.

Among the political reforms sought by the progressives were

initiative and referendum, direct election of senators, and women's suffrage

The Supreme Court case of Muller vs Oregon was seen as a victory for both progressivism and women's rights because

it upheld the constitutionality of laws granting special protection to women in the workplace.

The concentration of many America ethnic group sin separate neighborhoods with their own distinct institutions, cultures, and values meant that

it was almost impossible to organize the American working class across ethnic and religious lines.

The primary achievement of Marcus Garvey's Universal Negro Improvement Association was

its positive impact on black racial pride.

The sympathy of a majority of Americans for the allies and against Germany was especially conditioned by

the German invasion of neutral Belgium.

The point of view of this newspaper most clearly reflects

the concept of jingoism.

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