APUSH Semester 2 Final Review, unit 9 Test, unit 6 test, Unit 7 test, unit 8 test

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Which of the following historical developments between World War I and World War II would the author of the passage most likely support? (Senator Joseph McCarthy, The Congressional Record)

Restrictive immigration quotas

which 20th century presidents policies were most consistent with the sentiments expressed in the gospel of wealth

Ronald reagan

The excerpt above is best understood in the context of (The Louisiana Black Code)

Southern resistance to Radical Republicans' efforts to change Southern attitudes

What was a major result of the Cuban missile crisis of 1962?

Steps were taken to relax Cold War tensions.

Which of the following represented the most direct rejection of mainstream 1950s cultural norms?

The Beat movement

Which new innovation allowed FDR to more effectively communicate his ideas to the American people?

The advent of the radio

The author of the quote above most directly attacks (The Southern Declaration on Integration)

The efficacy of using federal power to achieve social goals

Which of the following U.S. Government efforts was most undermined by the federal policy that resulted in the events described above? (Monica Itoi Stone, Nisei Daughter)

The mass mobilization of American society for the war effort

Which future political trend does the passage above most clearly foreshadow? (President Jimmy Carter, "televised address to the nation")

The rise of a new political and cultural conservatism

Which of the following most directly supports the assertion expressed in the excerpt above? (Hinton R. Helper, The Impending Crisis of the South)

The slow population growth of the South

How did the United States get access to the Canal Zone in Panama? a) killed mosquitoes b) negotiated with Colombia c) backed Panama rebels d) bought it from Spain


Normal MC: Which of the following was least associated with the Gilded Age?

conservation of natural resources

One of the main reasons for railroad workmen initiating strikes was to do what?

cuts in wages.

9. Which 20th-century president's policies were most consistent with the sentiments expressed in "The Gospel of Wealth"? a. Lyndon Johnson b. Woodrow Wilson c. Franklin Roosevelt d. Ronald Reagan

d. Ronald Reagan

who was a fearless african american anti-lynching advocate, suffragist and women's right activist

ida wells-barnett

the competition of the transcontinental railroads through the American West contributed most to the

migration of settler to the west

What was the purpose of the Berlin airlift?

supplying West Berlin with necessities during the Soviet blockade

Historically, struggles between American Indian tribes and the federal government have stemmed from (The Dawes Severalty Act)

the Constitution's failure to precisely define the relationship between American Indian tribes and the national government

The author of the quote above most directly attacks

the efficacy of using federal power to achieve social goals.

One consequence of the change in Americans' attitudes toward Germany and Japan described in the excerpt above was (Carl N. Degler, Out of Our Past)

the mass mobilization of American society for war

large scale production assisted by the strategies outlined in the quote above

were supported by financial and management structures

In the excerpt above, President Johnson drew an analogy between between the conflict in Vietnam and the struggle of (President Lyndon Johnson, Remarks at John Hopkins University)

African Americans for civil rights and racial justice

During the 1950s which group most directly challenged portrayal of American life depicted in the illustration above?

Artist intellectuals and Beatnix

"In our efforts for recovery we have avoided, on the one hand, the theory that business should " The principles championed by President Roosevelt in the speech above directly challenged the a. view that the United States should remain a nation based largely on agriculture. b. laissez-faire economic policies of the Gilded Age. c. the efforts by Progressives to institute social reforms at all levels of society. d. idea that large corporations had come to dominate the American economy.


"Wilson's arrival in the White House in 1913 was a perfect instance of Victor Hugo's saying" In the early 1900s, which of the following groups most supported the political changes described in the excerpt above? a. Large corporations b. Imperialists c. Progressives d. Recent migrants from southern and eastern Europe


Giddens Quote: Which post-1985 economic pattern is most clearly a result of the changes described in the excerpt above? A. The creation of a stable global economy B. Growing economic equality in American society C. The decline in union membership D. The resurgence in US manufacturing jobs

C. Decline in union membership

Which of the following was the most popular destination for late 19th-century immigrants to the United States? (The impact of Immigration)

Cities and rural and "boomtown" areas of the West

The terms brinkmanship, peaceful coexistence, and détente are most closely associated with

Cold War relations between the United States and the Soviet Union

The excerpt above was most likely a response to (Caroline Bird, What Women Want)

Conservatives and liberals clashing over the women's rights movement

Know and describe the supporters of the Populist party.

EXCEPT: The Atlanta Compromise

Immigrants formed ethnic enclaves in cities for what reasons?

EXCEPT: the government forced immigrant groups to live together.

At Ellis island, immigrants could except what to occur?

EXCEPT: they would be given new passports.

Hooverville Photograph Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum Captionless Image 5. Which of the following factors was most responsible for creating the conditions depicted in the photograph above? a. The transition from a rural society to an urban one b. Episodes of credit and market instability c. Political corruption d. The failure of Progressive reforms

Episodes of credit and market instability

Which of the following factors was most responsible for creating the conditions depicted in the photograph above? (Hooverville Photograph)

Episodes of credit and market instability

The reforms described in the excerpt above were most directly a response to

Episodes of market and credit instability.

The reforms described in the excerpt above were most directly a response to (Paul K. Conkin, The New Deal)

Episodes of market and credit instabillity

Who of the following would most strongly support the sentiments in these headlines? a. Members of Protestant missionary societies b. Midwestern and western Democrats c. President William McKinley d. Expansionists such as Henry Cabot Lodge

Expansionists such as Henry Cabot Lodge

D. The role of women in the abolitionist and temperance movements

Feminist Activism Quote: Which of the following movements from the first half of the 19th century most clearly foreshadowed modern feminism as described in the passage above? A. Efforts by mothers to instill Republican values in their children B. The larger number of women working for low wages in factories C. The increased separation between home and workplace D. The role of women in the abolitionist and temperance movements

C. Preemptive War

George Bush State of the Union: The actions that resulted from the sentiments expressed in the excerpt above best exemplify which concept? A. Containment B. Imperialism C. Preemptive War D. Globalization

C. Decline in union membership

Giddens Quote: Which post-1985 economic pattern is most clearly a result of the changes described in the excerpt above? A. The creation of a stable global economy B. Growing economic equality in American society C. The decline in union membership D. The resurgence in US manufacturing jobs

Which of the following groups most opposed the actions of President Roosevelt described above? (Carl N. Degler, Out of Our Past)


The map above best supports which of the following contentions about the end of the Cold War? ("The collapse of the Soviet Union and the creation of the independent states", map)

It created new political and military challenges for the United States

The quote above illustrates growing unrest between

Labor and management

In the excerpt above, President Wilson signaled a willingness to abandon which long-held American policy?

Overseas expansionism

C. Christian Fundamentalists

Parental Advisory Label: The concerns that led to the creation of the label above are most consistent with the ideology of which early 20th century group? A. Nativists B. Progressive reformers C. Christian Fundamentalists D. Laissez-Faire capitalists

the concept of standardized tome became an important one when the transcontinental railroads began to run. why?

Passengers and freight needed to depart on time. Passengers and freight needed to arrive on time. Collisions had to be avoided. EXCEPT: D

(Morrison Testimony) Which of the following groups was most sympathetic to the concerns expressed in the testimony above?


A. Social Conservatism

Reagan Acceptance Speech: Which of the following is most consistent with the sentiments articulated in the above speech? A. Social Conservatism B. Environmentalism C. Technological Innovation D. Liberalism

Which group was most likely the intended audience of the cartoon above? (Sumner-Brooks Cartoon)

Members of the Republican Party

During the late 19th century, western Native American life was most affected by

Post civil war migration of whites

The illustration above was likely created in support of (Here Lies Prosperity)

reform politics and creating stronger government oversight of the economy

Reagan political cartoon: Who would most likely agree with the point of view expressed in the above political cartoon? A. A liberal B. A fundamentalist C. A neoconservative D. An immigrant

A. A liberal

James Watt Quote: Which of the following groups would most likely have agreed with sentiments in the passage above? A. Industrialists in the late 1800s B. Progressives in the early 1900s C. New Deal Supporters in the 1930s D. Environmentalists in the 1900s

A. Industrialists in the late 1800s

National Debt Graph: Between 1980 and 1995, which of the following LEAST contributed to the trend evidenced in the image above? A. The deregulation of many US industries B. Federal tax cuts championed by conservatives C. A large increase in spending for social safety net programs D. A large increase in defense spending

A. The deregulation of many US industries

George Bush State of the Union: The argument put forth in the excerpt above can best be described as an example of which foreign policy approach? A. Isolationism B. Unilateralism C. Mercantilism D. Multilateralism

B. Unilateralism

What earlier movement is most consistent with the sentiments expressed in the post above?


During the late 19th century, western Native American life was most affected by

post-Civil War migrations of whites.

In the 1960s and 1970s, both the United Farm Workers and the American Indian Movement a. followed Thordeau's model of civil disobedience and nonviolent protests b. greatly benefited from the economic initiatives of the Great Society c. vigorously attacked the policies of legal segregation d. demanded social and economic justice and a redress of past injustices

d. demanded social and economic justice and a redress of past injustices

In Horatio Alger's books, the hero is successful primarily as a result of his a. formal education b. influential relatives c. religious piety d. hard work and talent e. inherited wealth

d. hard work and talent

Which of the following was NOT a figure in the Harlem Renaissance? a) James Weldon Johnson b) Langston Hughes c) Zora Neale Hurston d) Josephine Baker e) A. Phillip Randolph


Which of the following pairs of immigrant groups were most prominent in the construction of the first transcontinental railroad? a. Chinese and Italians b. Chinese and Japanese c. Italians and Irish d. Irish and Japanese e. Chinese and Irish

e. Chinese and Irish

An important result of the 1936 presidential campaign was the a) emergence of a viable third party b) landslide win by Republicans in the Congress c) shift of African American voters from the Republican Party to the Democratic Party d) move of intellectuals to Alf Landon and the Republican ticket e) decline in support for the New Deal


How did John Wanamaker attract customers to his department store? a) he published a mail-order catalog b) he made sales signs in different languages c) he placed large newspaper advertisements d) he sold expensive and unusual items


The concept of republican motherhood includes the idea that women should a) have the right to vote b) hold public office c) be educated to raise their children to be good citizens d) be encouraged to seek employment e) have as many children as possible


What was one effect of the D-Day invasion? a) Japan knew that Germany was out of the war b) Germany could never again attack the Allies c) The Allies took an important step toward reaching Berlin d) Soviet troops stopped pushing toward Germany from the West


Who won the 1968 Presidential election? a) Hubert Humphrey b) Robert Kennedy c) Richard Nixon d) George Wallace


Which future political trend does the passage above most clearly foreshadow? a. US efforts to redefine its global role in a post Cold war world b. attempts by liberals to use federal power to alleviate social ills c. the rise of a new political and cultural conservatism d. new US military and peacekeeping interventions -President Jimmy Carter televised address to the nation


which US foreign policy was most consistent with the goal articulated in the statement above? a. isolationism in the 1920s and 1930s b. the containment of communism in the 1950s c. detente in the 1970s d. increased defense spending in the 1980s -Gorbachev quote


The creation of the type of society depicted in the image above was possible because of a. the dismantling of the New Deal b. strict environmental regulations c. the suburbanization of the middle class d. conservative victories on taxation

c. the suburbanization of the middle class

which of the following was least associated with the gilded age

conservation of natural resources

Which of the following historical developments was most likely responsible for increasing the effectiveness of the advertisement above?

The continued development of the mass media

Newspaper headlines such as those above mot directly contributed to which of the following?

The declaration of war against Spain by the U.S. Congress

One result of the changes depicted in the map above was... ("The collapse of the Soviet Union and the creation of the independent states", map)

The formation of new diplomatic relationships abroad

The advertisement pictured above best demonstrates which of the following changes in the early decades of the 20th century? (Lucky Strike Advertisement)

The increasing focus on producing consumer goods

The Cold War challenges and technological deficits enumerated in the quote above most closely parallel US un preparedness in the early stages of which previous war

World War II

(consumption magazine) image above most clearly epitomized the gilded age focus on a. consumption b. utopianism c. labor reform d. business consolidation


One of the goals of the Reagonomics was to a) Encourage private investment through tax cuts for businesses and the wealthy b) Redistribute income to the bottom fifth of wage earners c) Reduce the United States nuclear arsenal d) Restrict immigration from Mexico e) Outsource United States manufacturing to Asian countries


Americans whose lifestyle paralleled the image above most likely opposed which aspect of post-World War II society? a. the growing counterculture b. the continued growth in federal spending c. military actions to contain communism d. cultural conformity

a. The growing counterculture

George Bush State of the Union: Which of the following groups would most likely have supported the point of view expressed in the above passage? A. Pro-British loyalists during the Revolutionary War B. Western, pro-war expansionists during the War of 1812 C. Anti-war opponents during the Mexican-American War D. Anti-Imperialists during the Spanish American War

B. Western, pro-war expansionists during the War of 1812

The CIA participated in the Cold War by a) helping design efficient weapons systems b) carrying out secret operations in other countries c) coordinating American space-related efforts d) helping the President determine foreign policy


The Chinese Exclusion Act a) barred U.S. cities from hiring Chinese workers b) prohibited Chinese laborers from entering the country c) stripped Chinese Americans of their U.S. citizenship d) forced Chinese children to attend segregated schools


The Civil Rights Act of 1964 forbids discrimination in employment on the basis of a) education b) race c) age d) gender


The literature of the Harlem Renaissance a) explored the origins of jazz b) explored the pains and joys of being black in America c) is largely forgotten today d) argued for the separation of races


To which city did President Eisenhower send federal troops to protect African American students? a) Montgomery, AL b) Little Rock, AR c) Topeka, KS d) Baltimore, MD


What did Nazi camp administrators do to identify people from different groups in the concentration camps? a) Each group was sent to a different camp than other groups b) Each group was assigned and wore different colored insignia c) Some people had numbers tattooed onto their arms and others did not d) Some groups wore vertical stripes and other groups wore horizontal stripes


What was one result of the Great Society? a) Poverty was eliminated in the United States b) The lives of many underprivileged Americans improved c) President Johnson's popularity plummeted d) The federal government shrank considerably


Which invention made the building and use of skyscrapers feasible? a) mass transit b) elevators c) zoning laws d) suburbs


Which reform did the 19th Amendment enact? a) temperance laws b) women's suffrage c) a ban on child labor d) African American men's suffrage


Who made the decision to use the atomic bomb against Japan? a) Franklin D. Roosevelt b) Harry S. Truman c) Leslie Groves d) Enrico Fermi


In the 1950s and 1960s, which region's nationalist movements presented the greatest challenge to U.S. Cold War goals? a. The Middle East b. Asia c. The South Pacific d. Africa

b. Asia

31. Popular sentiment during which 20th-century period most closely aligned with the point of view in the excerpt above? a. 1950s conservatism b. New Deal liberalism c. Progressive-Era reform d. Post-World War I conservatism

b. New Deal liberalism

8. The view of the poor in the quote above is most consistent with the ideology of a. the Populist Party. b. Social Darwinism. c. the Social Gospel. d. utopianism.

b. Social Darwinism.

(cosmos) which of the following would be most likely to oppose the ideas in the excerpt a. government agencies b. settlement houses, women's clubs, and self-help grops c. corporate monopolists d. industrial workforce


(nyc map) this map would be most useful to historians in analyzing a. gilded age politics b. intellectual and cultural movements that challenged the social order of the gilded age c. role of settlement houses d. the growing power of labor unions


(question+ answer) large scale production assisted by the srtategies outlined in the quote above a. benefitted from larger government subsidies b. embraced the ideas and the platform of Populists c. were supported by financial and management structures d. reversed the patters of the Gilded Age


(slavery) a decade after the speech above, segregation policies were reinforced by a. congress b. monopolies and corporate interests c. the supreme court d. the president


The passage above was a reaction to which challenge

Big businesses and their government allies inability to create a unified industrial nation

The speech above attempts to (Booker T. Washington, Atlanta Exposition Address)

Convince blacks to make the best of their prescribed place in society

Which of the following most often stood in the way of attempts to achieve the broader goals suggested in the excerpt above? (John Muir, Speech to the Sierra Club)

Corporate interests

"Wilson's arrival in the White House in 1913 was a perfect instance of Victor Hugo's saying" Many of those who supported Wilson's efforts to "impose a little order on this new giant" were also eager to A) preserve the social dominance of rural America. B) strengthen the power of the states in the face of growing federal power. C) keep all levels of government from getting involved in any social problems facing Americans. D) see an expansion of democratic principles throughout the government.


There were stories written about the exciting lives of cowboys. One of the most famous was an African American cowboy named Nat Love who wrote his autobiography. What was his nickname?

Deadwood Dick

Who of the following would most strongly support the sentiments in these headlines?

Expansionists such as Henry Cabot Lodge

B. Decreased regulations on industries such as oil production

James Watt Quote: The question above was most likely in response to conservatives' call for...? A. A lessening of the impact of economic consumption on the environment B. Decreased regulations on industries such as oil production C. Increased US dependence on fossil fuels D. Increased funding for a national energy plan

the homestead act offered 160 acres to white settlers who could maintain their property for five years. Why did this occur?

Keeping cattle from roaming their land. Defending themselves against outlaws. Erecting barbed wire fences to mark their boundaries. EXCEPT: D

Know and Describe what occurred on October of 1867 five Native American Tribes, including the Comanche met with a U.S. Delegation at the Medicine Lodge Creek in Texas. What were the four other tribes and who led the U.S. Delegation.

Kiowas, Naishans, Cheyennes, Arapahoes.

Which late 19th century labor union emphasized bread and butter unions?

Knight Union

FDR set aside 12 million acres of land for a) Indian reservations b) farms c) dams d) national parks


How many terms did Roosevelt serve as President? a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4


The changes described in the excerpt above most clearly demonstrate an evolution in (Testimony of machinist John Morrison to a U.S. Senate committee)

National identity

Which of the following early 20th-century cultural conflicts most directly contradicted the scene portrayed in the image above (Government poster)

Native-born versus new immigrants

Which of the following early 20th-century cultural conflicts most directly contradicted the scene portrayed in the image above?

Native-born versus new immigrants

Which of the following groups most strongly supported the sentiments in the excerpt above? (The American Party's Platform of Principles)


FDR 1933-1945

New Deal, Great depression

Queen Liliuokalani was overthrown and Hawaii's was annexed in a) 1887 b) 1893 c) 1894 d) 1898


The rock 'n' roll of Elvis Presley, Jerry Lee Lewis, and the Rolling Stones derived primarily from a) European folk music b) nineteenth-century American ballads c) Cowboy songs d) African American rhythm and blues e) Scotch-Irish ballads


during the late 19th century, the american industrial workforce

expanded through migration across the national boxers and internal migration

The excerpt above is best understood in the context of the (Congressional Speech by Senator Thomas Hart Benton)

idea of Manifest Destiny

President Kennedy created the Peace Corps in the 1960s to

improve economic conditions in developing countries

The giant corperations of the Gilded age tended to be located where?

in the northwest of the United States.

What was the primary method used by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to advance civil rights?

nonviolent protest of segregation practices

the author of the quote above was most likely motivated by the

opportunities in the new south

Swift, Hammond, Armour, and Morris are names of what type of companies and in what city were they located?

packing companies in Chicago

The populist failed to gain the US presidency but did gain what?

the adoption of the silver standard.

which 20th century group or program initially shifted reform efforts for urban poverty from local communities and cities to the federal government

the progressive movement

The medicine lodge creeks gave what two provisions to the Comanche tribe?

a Comanche reservation and the right to hunt on open plains below the Arkansas River in Oklahoma

The evidence in the visual most directly reflects which of the following

Against Union tactics when it interfered with company procedures

What was the main gilded age economic concern addressed in the cartoon above


A significant demographic development in the two decades following the Second World War was a a) decline in marriage and birth rates b) rapid growth of suburbs c) movement from urban to rural communities d) great migration from the South and West to the Northeast e) rapid increase in the average age of Americans


The view of the poor in the quote above is most consistent with the ideology of

Social darwinism

D. The War on Terror

Sun Sentinel Cartoon: Which post-World War II conflict is the proper context for the cartoon above? A. The Korean War B. The Vietnam War C. The Cold War D. The War on Terror

Which of the following most contributed to the Gallup poll results in 1950 as shown in the table above?

The Korean War

Which of the following most contributed to the Gallup poll results in 1950 as shown in the table above? (Gallup Polls of the Biggest Problems Facing America)

The Korean War

Which of the following events in the late 19th and early 20th centuries resulted from the idea described in the passage above?

The acquisition of island territories by the United States

What was a major result of Henry Ford's innovation manufacturing techniques? a) The sale price of the average car increased b) The sale price of cars went down c) More Americans bought cars from overseas d) Fewer Americans had jobs


the passage above is most likely a response to: a. growing debates over national identity b. declining public trust in the government c. continued Cold War fears d. ongoing debates about the protection of civil liberties -President Jimmy Carter televised address to the nation,


The method of mass production that developed during the nineteenth century was a process that a. utilized wireless communications to improve efficiency b. relied on the use of power-driven machinery c. promoted more cooperation between labor unions and factory owners d. relied on guilds to train artisans e. gave workers greater autonomy, less supervision, and the chance to be creative

b. relied on the use of power-driven machinery

Which African American leader championed vocational training for blacks, raised funds from white philanthropists, and sought new career opportunities for blacks to improve their status int he late 19th century?

booker t washington

(Riis) Which 19th century group of groups addressed problems in society similar to the description above a. know nothing party b. womens chirstian temperence movement c. utopian societies d. nativist movement


In the late 1800s, workers tolerated poor wages because they a) thought that the government would protect them b) believed it had to get worse before it got better c) could be replaced easily by other workers d) were tricked by employers into taking dangerous jobs


The first of the confrontations on the Edmund Pettus Bridge during the march of Selma became known as a) "Black Friday" b) "Freedom Summer" c) "Selma Saturday" d) "Bloody Sunday"


which ideology resulted from antipathy towards foreign born and new migrants


Many of those who supported Wilson's efforts to "impose a little order on this new giant" were also eager to a. preserve the social dominance of rural America. b. strengthen the power of the states in the face of growing federal power. c.keep all levels of government from getting involved in any social problems facing Americans. d. see an expansion of democratic principles throughout the government.

see an expansion of democratic principles throughout the government

George Bush State of the Union: The passage above was most likely a response to what? A. A renewal of Cold War tensions with Russia B. Fears of resumption of the Korean War C. The terrorist attacks that destroyed the World Trade Center D. The continued US dependence on fossil fuels from the Middle East

C. The terrorist attacks that destroyed the World Trade Center

The above cartoon is consistent with all of the following 1980s political trends except the... ("Arkansas arts center library collection of George fisher cartoons", cartoon)

Creation of a national energy policy

B. Unilateralism

George Bush State of the Union: The argument put forth in the excerpt above can best be described as an example of which foreign policy approach? A. Isolationism B. Unilateralism C. Mercantilism D. Multilateralism

Which of the following early 20th-century groups would most likely support the goals stated in the passage above? (President Lyndon Johnson, Commencement Address at the University of Michigan)


Which of the following took place during World War I in response to Wilson's assurance made at the end of the excerpt above? (Woodrow Wilson, Address to Congress's War)

Restrictions on freedom of speech

______ Would most likely constitute the ranks of the organization

Skilled and unskilled workers regardless of race and gender

(riis) which 19th century reform movement was closely associated with the activities described above a. social gospel b. populism c. social darwinism d. conservation


Which group faced the greatest financial difficulty during the 1920s? a) farmers b) industrial workers c) stock market investors d) bank owners


What NAACP attorney successfully argued the case that overturned school segregation and later became the first African American Supreme Court Justice? a. Thurgood Marshall b. Rosa Parks c. Stokely Carmichael d. John Lewis

a. Thurgood Marshall

(conditions pic) in the period of between 1865 and 1898, the activities portrayed in the phtoograph above was justified and defined by a. the social gospel b. social darwinism c. settlement houses d. people's populist party


Congress increased federal funding for education largely because of a) rising immigration b) massive population shifts c) the Soviet Union's space program d) the growth of information industries


The ideas expressed in the passage above can be seen as an expression of which of the following? a. Mercantilism b. Imperialism c. Colonialism d. Containment

d. Containment

The "Great Migration" out of the South by many African Americans during World War I was most immediately the result of

economic opportunities created by the demands of World War I.

A goal of the Supreme Court decision in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (1954) and the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was to

increase equal rights for African Americans

Which factor most likely led to the change in American sentiment about communism between 1950 and 1954?

investigations of suspected domestic communist activity

The post-1965 white Southern attitude described in the excerpt above was most similar to

nativist views of European immigrants in the mid-1800s.

Reagan Acceptance Speech: Which of the following is most consistent with the sentiments articulated in the above speech? A. Social Conservatism B. Environmentalism C. Technological Innovation D. Liberalism

A. Social Conservatism

"With a profound sense of the solemn and even tragical character of the step Which of the following took place during World War I in response to Wilson's assurance made at the end of the excerpt above? a. Restrictions on freedom of speech b. The first Red Scare c. Restrictions on immigration from nations in the Western Hemisphere d. The internment of Japanese Americans


A major difference between the immigration process at Angel Island and Ellis island was that Angel island does what?

Might be detained for weeks, months, or even years.

In response to the conditions depicted in the photograph above, many American families

Migrated within the United States.

"Worst of any, however, were the fertilizer men, and those who served in the cooking rooms. These people could not be shown to the visitor-- for the odor of a fertilizer man would scare any ordinary visitor at a hundred yards, and as for other men, who worked in tank rooms full of steam, their peculiar trouble was that they fell into the vats; and when they were fished out, there was never enough of them left to be worth exhibiting-- sometimes they would be overlooked for days, till all but the bones of them has gone out to the world as Durham's Pure Leaf Lard!" Upton Sinclair, "The Jungle," 1906 5. The above excerpt is most closely associated with which sector of the Progressive movement? a. Muckrackers b. Trust-busters c. Wisconsin Idea d. Square Deal


The argument in the passage above is most clearly a demand for the reinstatement of which prior historical development?

Plessy v. Ferguson

The argument in the passage above is most clearly a demand for the reinstatement of which prior historical development? (The Southern Declaration on Integration)

Plessy v. Ferguson

Which of the following groups was most sympathetic to concerns expressed in the testimony above


Which statement about the Vietnam War is an opinion?

President Lyndon B. Johnson's escalation of the war was a mistake.

Which of the following took place during World War I in response to Wilson's assurance made at the end of the excerpt above

Restrictions on freedom of speech

Which of the following took place during World War I in response to Wilson's assurance made at the end of the excerpt above?

Restrictions on freedom of speech

The concern illustrated in the cartoon above was most consistent with support for

Restrictive immigration quotas.

New York Journal, February 17, 1898 Captionless Image 7. Newspaper headlines such as those above mot directly contributed to which of the following? a. The capture of the terrorists by American authorities b. The selection of Theodore Roosevelt as a vice-presidential candidate c. The declaration of war against Spain by the U.S. Congress d. The attack by the U.S. Navy on Manila Bay

The declaration of war against Spain by the U.S. Congress

Jim Crow laws were designed to a. Segregate blacks from whites. b. open up land purchase to poor Southerners. c. curb northern immigration. d. increase the number of black voters e. create schools for former slaves.

a. Segregate blacks from whites.

Which of the following is one of the most memorable Depression-era movies because it showed people that their dreams could come true? a) War of the Worlds b) The Lone Ranger c) The Wizard of Oz d) The Shadow


Which African American leader championed vocational training for blacks, raised funds from white philanthropists, and sought new career opportunities for blacks to improve their status in the late 19th century? a. Frederick Douglass b. W. E. B. Dubois c. Booker T. Washington d. Langston Hughes

c. Booker T. Washington

The excerpt above was most likely a response to a. groups on the left assailing the status quo in American society b. The divisive impact of the 14th Amendment on the women's rights movement c. conservatives and liberals clashing over the women's rights movements d. Supreme Court decisions expanding individual freedoms

c. conservatives and liberals clashing over the women's rights movement

What was the main Gilded Age economic concern addressed in the cartoon above? (Here Lies Prosperity)


(q+a) the quote above illustrates growing unrest between a. local and federal government b. labor unions and social gospel c. monopolies and social darwinists d. labor and management


22. Which 20th-century presidential administration most supported reforms that addressed the conflicts expressed in the excerpt above? a. Woodrow Wilson b. Lyndon Johnson c. Ronald Reagan d. Franklin Roosevelt

d. Franklin Roosevelt

The sentiments expressed in the passage above are most consistent with America's stated goals prior to a. The Revolutionary War b. The Mexican-American War c. The Civil War d. World War I

d. World War I

Which factor most likely led to the change in American sentiment about communism between 1950 and 1954? a. the escalating military crisis in Latin America b. growing U.S. military involvement in Vietnam c. multiple oil crises in the Middle East d. investigations of suspected domestic communist activity

d. investigations of suspected domestic communist activity

The experience described in the excerpt above was an example of


The scene depicted in the photograph above was made possible by

new technologies and manufacturing techniques

the view of the poor in the quote above is most consistent with the ideology of

the social darwinism

Briefly explain ONE Progressive social or political reform between 1890 and 1920.

-Temperance movement 1919 = no making alcohol - repealed in 1933

The primary goal of the government policy cited above was to (dawes)

Assimilate native american tribes by not allowing them to practice traditional hunting and gatherong activities

The primary goal of the legislation described in the excerpt above was to (Paul K. Conkin, The New Deal)

Make society and individuals more secure

Popular sentiment during which 20th century period most closely aligned with the point of view in the excerpt above?

New Deal liberalism

Which of the following groups was most sympathetic to the concerns expressed in the testimony above? (Testimony of machinist John Morrison to a U.S. Senate committee)


The sentiments expressed in the excerpt above most directly contributed to which of the following? (President George W Bush, "state of the union address")

The US led invasion of Iraq

We younger Negro artists who create now intend to express our dark-skinned selves without fear or shame. If white people are pleased, we are glad. If they are not, it doesn't matter. We know we are beautiful. And ugly too. The tom-tom cries and the tom-tom laughs. If colored people are pleased we are glad. If they are not, their displeasure doesn't matter either. We build our temples for tomorrow, strong as we know how, and we stand on top of the mountain, free within ourselves." Langston Hughes, "The Negro Artist and the Racial Mountain," The Nation, June 23, 1926. 3. The sentiments expressed in the quotation above are best understood in the context of the a. existence of segregation laws in the South. b. Harlem Renaissance movement. c. restrictions on free speech coming out of World War I. d. rise of cinema in the 1920s.

Harlem Renaissance movement.

Which of the following events most directly contributed to the attitudes expressed in the cartoon above?

Labor strikes which disrupted society following World War I

Which of the following historical developments was most likely responsible for increasing the effectiveness of the advertisement above? (Lucky Strike Advertisement)

The continued development of the mass media

What future activity was LEAST consistent with the sentiments expressed in the passage above? (The Port Huron Statement, Students for a Democratic Society (SDS))

The emergence of neoconservative ideals and policies

Which aspect of America's involvement in World War II is best illustrated by this poster?

The mass mobilization of American society to the war effort

1942 poster for Westinghouse. Captionless Image 1. Which aspect of America's involvement in World War II is best illustrated by this painting? a. Technological and scientific contributions b. The popular commitment to advancing democratic ideals c. Questions about American values d. The mass mobilization of American society to the war effort

The mass mobilization of American society to the war effort

Levittown is most closely associated with which of the following?

The mass production of affordable suburban housing

The cartoon above is best understood in the context of the (Sumner-Brooks Cartoon)

Variety of proposals leaders made that ultimately failed to reduce sectional conflict

Which presidential action is the focus of this statement?

Woodrow Wilson's response to unrestricted submarine warfare in 1917

The Cold War challenges and technological deficits enumerated in the quote above most closely parallel U.S. unpreparedness in the early stages of which previous war?

World War II

(john muir) americans who were attracted to the ideas described in the excerpt woul dhave been most likely to participate in which of the following activities a. taking the train to califronia to see and experience the yosemite valley b. shopping in department stores for less restrictive women's clothing c. partaking in new cultural events such as NYC 1913 Amory Show d. joining the YMCA to participate in basketball and volleyball games


One reason for the German surrender in 1918 was that a) Many German soldiers were no longer willing to fight b) The German tactic on trench warfare was a failure c) The German submarine fleet had been destroyed d) The German blockade of France had failed


a "boom and bust" cycle means what?

a cycle in capitalist economies where increases in economic growth are followed by subsequent loss in profits and jobs.

Which of the following represented the most direct rejection of mainstream 1950s cultural norms? a. The Beat Movement b. Middle-class consumerism c. Liberal curricula in public high schools d. Television shows depicting family life

a. The Beat Movememnt

Refer to the political cartoon to answer this question: https://www.schoology.com/system/files/attachments/page_embeds/m/2014-12/nar001-1_549878a17e285.jpg What is the artist's opinion of Boss Tweed? a. The artiest doesn't like Tweed b. The artist is indifferent about Tweed c. There is not enough evidence to determine the artist's opinion d. The artist loves Tweed

a. The artiest doesn't like Tweed

By 1980, how had the traditional family illustrated above changed? a. many more women worked outside the home b. parents initiated a sexual revolution thereby liberalizing U.S. culture c. Fundamentalist Christian political influence on society had almost completely waned d. Middle-class prosperity had expanded as a result of real wage growth

a. many more women worked outside the home

26. Much of the urban reform described above was carried out by a. middle-class women challenging their prescribed "place." b. industrialists interested in changing the socioeconomic structure. c. wealthy urban women who enjoyed abundant leisure time. d. labor unions dedicated to addressing urban problems.

a. middle-class women challenging their prescribed "place."

Although the Sherman Antitrust Act was originally intended to inhibit the growth of business monopolies, courts initially used its provisions successfully against a. urban political machines b. labor unions c. immigrants d. public schools e. banks

b. labor unions

When comparing significant dates in the chronology associated with major strikes, more strikes occurred when?

between 1892 and 1905.

All of the following were crises during Dwight D. Eisenhower's presidency EXCEPT a) the Soviet Union launching Sputnik b) Egypt seizing the Suez Canal c) the Soviet Union shooting down an American U-2 spy plane d) Fidel Castro gaining control of Cuba e) the Soviet Union blockading river, road, and rail traffic into West Berlin


What did Nixon call his supporters who favored traditional family values and an end to liberal politics? a. Working-Class patriots b. Dixiecrats c. The Silent Majority d. New Republicans

c. The Silent Majority

(horse drawn harvester) the populist party developed as a reaction to the grwoth of corporate power in agriculture and a. indian resistance to expanding land demands for settlers b. wealthy americans practice of conspicious consumption c. the stronger role of the federal government in the american economic system d. economic instability in the farming sector


The presidency of Richard Nixon was weakened by his

involvement in the Watergate scandal

The post-1965 white Southern attitude described in the excerpt above was most similar to

nativist views of European immigrants in the mid-1800s

The concern illustrated in the cartoon above was most consistent with support for

restrictive immigration quotas.

late 19th century urban immigrants commonly relied on support from

settlement houses

Which of the following was not part of the populist platform?

the preservation of wilderness areas

The creation of the type of society depicted in the image above was possible because of

the suburbanization of the middle class

which of the following most directly contradicts the arguments in the excerpt above?

the widespread white acceptance of desegregation efforts in the South in the 1960's and 1970's.

Which of the following historical developments between World War I and World War II would the author of the passage most likely support? a. the great migration b. the free speech movement c. restrictive immigration quotas d. the growth of the American labor movement

c. restrictive immigration quotas

(Muir quote) The point of view expressed in the passage above is most consistent with the sentiments of which of the following groups?


the impact of the railroads on the length of time it took to cross the country was dramatic. In 1849 it took 6 to 8 weeks to travel california. how long did it take in the 1870s?

10 days

George Bush State of the Union: The actions that resulted from the sentiments expressed in the excerpt above best exemplify which concept? A. Containment B. Imperialism C. Preemptive War D. Globalization

C. Preemptive War

The ideas expressed in the passage above most directly reflect which of the following continuities in American history? (President Lyndon Johnson, Commencement Address at the University of Michigan)

Debates about the size and scope of the federal government's power

The Populist Party developed as a reaction to the growth of corporate power in agriculture and (Horse-Drawn Harvester)

Economic instability in the farming sector

B. Ongoing debates about gender roles and family structure

Feminist Activism Quote: Which of the following best characterizes the impact of demographic and cultural shifts on the status of women in the late 20th and early 21st century? A. The participation of women in moral reform efforts B. Ongoing debates about gender roles and family structure C. The growing political influence of women resulting from "republican motherhood" D. The emergence of women's clubs and self help groups

A. Marked by bellicose rhetoric

Gorbachev Quote: Early in his presidency, Ronald Reagan's relationship with the soviets was? A. Marked by bellicose rhetoric B. Generally friendly C. Based on isolationism D. Fueled by a desire for territorial expansion

C. The rise of a new political and cultural conservatism

Jimmy Carter "Energy and National Goals" Address to the nation: Which future political trend does the passage above most clearly foreshadow? A. US efforts to redefine its global role in a post-Cold War world B. Attempts by liberals to use federal power to alleviate social ills C. The rise of a new political and cultural conservatism D. New US military and peacekeeping interventions

The quote above illustrates growing unrest between (Testimony of machinist John Morrison to a U.S. Senate committee)

Labor and management

The scene depicted in the photograph above was made possible by (Highland Park Ford Assembly Plant)

New technologies and manufacturing techniques

The scene depicted in the photograph above was made possible by

New technologies and manufacturing techniques.

The sentiments expressed in the excerpt above are most consistent with which of the following political challenges? (Transcript of President Nixon speaking to John Dean in the Oval Office)

Political scandals and clashes over the power of the presidency

A. A liberal

Reagan political cartoon: Who would most likely agree with the point of view expressed in the above political cartoon? A. A liberal B. A fundamentalist C. A neoconservative D. An immigrant

what future activity was LEAST consistent with sentiments expressed in the passage above?

The emergence of neoconservative ideals and policies

Parental Advisory Label: The concerns that led to the creation of the label above are most consistent with the ideology of which early 20th century group? A. Nativists B. Progressive reformers C. Christian Fundamentalists D. Laissez-Faire capitalists

C. Christian Fundamentalists

Reagan political cartoon: The above cartoon is consistent with all of the following 1980s political trends except the? A. A continued growth of the size of the federal government B. Political victories conservatives achieved at a federal level C. Creation of a national energy policy D. Inability of Republicans to significantly cut popular spending programs

C. Creation of a national energy policy

The cartoon above is best understood in the context of

The Red Scare

Which 19th century reform movement was most closely associated with the activities described above?

The Social Gospel

At the time of this speech in 1934, which of the following groups most opposed Roosevelt's New Deal reforms?

The Supreme Court

The SALT I and SALT II agreements of the 1970s tried to improve Cold War relations between the United States and the Soviet Union by

limiting nuclear weapons

By 1980, how had the traditional family illustrated above changed?

many more women worked outside the home

Since 2000, which of the following economic phenomena is most consistent with the argument in the passage above? (Anthony Giddens, "BBS Reith Lectures")

Economic instability and major policy challenges

Who was the first Native American Commissioner of Indian affairs?

Ely S. Parker

What occupation did the U.S. government suggest for the warlike Comanche?


Between 1980-1955 which of the following least contributed to the trend evidenced in the image above? a. the deregulation of many US industries b. federal tax cuts championed by conservatives c. a large increase in spending for social safety net programs d. a large increase in defense spending -national debt graph


Early in his presidency, Ronald Reagan's relationship with the soviets was? a. marked as bellicose rhetoric b. generally friendly c. based on isolationism d. fueled by a desire for territorial expansion -Gorbachev quote


the classic 19th century essay the gospel of wealth was authored by

andrew carnegie

William Howard Taft 1909-1913


Which of the following resulted from the eventual disclosure of the above conversation? (Transcript of President Nixon speaking to John Dean in the Oval Office)

Reduced Public confidence and trust in the federal government

Which of the following groups would most likely support the arguments in the passage above? (Caroline Bird, What Women Want)

Urban social reformers during the Gilded Age

Americans whose lifestyle paralleled the image above most likely opposed which aspect of post-World War II society? (Levittown Advertisement)

the growing counterculture

Which group faced comparable levels of intrusion on their rights as those described in Stone's passage above? a. Eastern European immigrants in the early 1900s b. Mexican Americans during World War II c. American Indians in the latter half of the 19th century d. Progressives in the early 20th century

American Indians in the latter half of the 19th century

Who championed the growth of the US Navy to gain greater control of foreign markets and natural resources in the late 19th century?

Alfred Mahan

who championed the growth of the us navy to gain greater control of foreign markets and natural resources in the late 19th century

Alfred Mahan

industrialization contribute to advancing the cattle industry. In 1882 Gustavus Swift created refrigerated freight cars. How does this invention assist in this industry?

Allowed beef to reach its destination unspoiled. Kept ice used for cooling separate from the beef. Eliminated unpleasant odors. EXCEPT: D

Briefly explain how opponents of annexation rebutted the argument explained in Part A, or briefly explain how supporters of annexation rebutted the argument explained in Part B.

Annexation in 1898 Philippine-American War 1899-1902

Briefly explain ONE argument made by those who were opposed to annexing the Philippines.

Anti-imperialist league -6,000 mile away from Pacific Coast -Against tradition

what were the three goals of president grants indian peace policy?

Grant wanted to treat the Indian with dignity, end the corruption in the Indian Bureau, and to establish peace.

The change illustrated by the two maps above best demonstrates the (1964 Electoral Map)

Growing public opposition to the Vietnam War in the late 1960s

The passage above was most clearly a response to (President Lyndon Johnson, Remarks at John Hopkins University)

Growing public protests against the conflict in Vietnam

One result of the process described in the excerpt above was (Anthony J. Badger, "Different Perspectives on the Civil Rights Movement")

Growing tension and disagreements within the civil rights movement in the late 1960s and 1970s

The sentiments expressed in the quotation above are best understood in the context of the (Langston Hughes, "The Negro Artist and the Racial Mountain")

Harlem Renaissance movement

The sentiments expressed in the quotation above are best understood in the context of the

Harlem Renaissance movement.

know the importance of triangle shirtwaist fire, Plessy v. Ferguson decision, IWW and Haymarket bombing

Haymarket bombing happened first

During WW1, President Woodrow Wilson used his wartime powers to:

Increase government control of the economy

Which of the following resulted from the efforts described in the passage above?

Increased funding of social programs

Which factor most likely led to the change in American sentiment about communism between 1950 and 1954? (Gallup Polls of the Biggest Problems Facing America)

Investigations of suspected domestic Communist activity

Which of the following best explains the dramatic increase in personal ownership of homes after World War II?

Mortgages were at low rates, government insured, and tax deductible

C. The enduring popularity of many social programs

Reagan acceptance speech: Which of the following most clearly hindered Reagan's success in achieving the goals he outlined in the excerpt above? A. Divisive debates over free-trade policies B. A loss of support from evangelical Christians C. The enduring popularity of many social programs D. Geopolitical conflicts in the Middle East

In the early 1900s, which of the following groups most supported the political changes described in the excerpt above?


In the early 1900s, which of the following groups most supported the political changes described in the excerpt above? (Paul Johnson, A History of the American People)


Which of the following early 20th-century groups would most likely support the goals stated in the passage above?


The illustration above was likely created In support of

Reform politics and creating stronger government oversight of the economy

The excerpt above was most likely a reaction to which of the following historical trends? (Hinton R. Helper, The Impending Crisis of the South)

Regional economic and demographic changes between the North and South

Which 19th-century group would most likely oppose the regulations in the legislation above? (The Louisiana Black Code)

Republican Party Members

The concern illustrated in the cartoon above was most consistent with support for (Anarchist Political Cartoon)

Restricted immigration quotas

Which of the following historical development between World War I and World War II would the author of the passage most likely have supported

Restrictive immigration quotas

Between 1800 and 1900 the largest group of immigrants to the us came from

Southern and Eastern Europe

The passage above best reflects which of the following historical trends or patterns

Whites, Asians, and African Americans seeking new economic opportunities

Which of the following American actions prior to Luce's comments most closely aligns with his position?

Wilson's support of the League of Nations

The sweatshops of the Gilded Age, where many worked hard so that a few would profit, are an example of what?


The Sierra Club

challenged corporate control of national resources

the sierra club

challenged corporate control of national resources

A new aspect of work life that was developed during the Gilded Age was?


Horizontal integration is what?

competitors in the same industry.

The image above was most directly a response to... ("Recording industry association of America", logo)

conservatives defending traditional social values

McCarthyism of the early 1950s resulted in

damage to the reputations of many innocent people

One result of the process described in the excerpt above was

growing tension and disagreements within the civil rights movement in the late 1960's and early 1970's.

the quote above illustrates growing unrest between

labor and management

The policies illustrated in excerpt above were most clearly contrary to

laissez-faire capitalism.

The author of the quote above was most likely motivated by the

opportunities in the new South

the point of view expressed in the passage above is most consistent with the sentiments of which of the following groups


The purpose of the subtreasury system was to do what?

provide low interest loans to farmers.

A problem with the 1884 Presidential campaign was that both sides did what?

resorted to mud-slinging.

1919 political cartoon below by James P. Alley Captionless Image 5. The concern illustrated in the cartoon above was most consistent with support for a. restrictive immigration quotas. b. Progressive reforms. c. U.S. entry into World War I. d. labor unions.

restrictive immigration quotas.


social reform, for a strong government: Presidents Theodore Roosevelt, 1901-09 (left), William Howard Taft, 1909-13 (center), and Woodrow Wilson, 1913-21

The approach Franklin Roosevelt outlines in the speech above is most consistent with the previous efforts of

The Progressives in the early 20th century.

The author in the quote above is (DRUMS Committee of the Menominee Indians)

Addressing issues of identity and social injustice

During the 1960s, sit-in demonstrations were first effectively used by a) College students working with the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) b) Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) c) Huey Newton and the Black Panthers d) Malcolm X and the Nation of Islam e) African American veterans returning from the Second World War


How did Eleanor Roosevelt change the role of the First Lady? a) The role became an elected position with Congressional voting rights b) She created a newspaper column that all First Ladies now have to write c) The role changed from being largely ceremonial to a role of political involvement d) She created a new Cabinet position for herself that all First Ladies since have held


President Hoover responded cautiously to the depression because he a) thought that the business cycle would correct itself a) was distracted by the giant dust storms in the Great Plains c) had little experience with business methods and economic theory d) wanted to take an aggressive approach to recovery


Roosevelt created the Securities Exchange Commission to a) regulate the stock market b) ensure bank deposits c) give banks a chance to organize d) pay farmers to destroy their livestock


What was the effect of the Sedition Act? a) It limited freedom of speech b) It created distrust of German Americans c) It increased the size of the Army d) It gave women the right to vote


When World War I began, President Wilson wanted the United States to remain neutral because of the nation's a) ethnic diversity b) economic problems c) military weakness d) secret alliances


The ideas expressed in the passage above most directly reflect which of the following continuities in American History? a. Debates about the size and scope of the federal government's power b. Debates about the multiethnic and multiracial nature of American society c. Debates about the assimilation of immigrants into American society d. Debates about the definition and extension of democratic ideals

a. Debates about the size and scope of the federal government's power.

Between 1950 and 1959, what contributed LEAST to the change in American sentiment regarding unemployment? a. fear of communism b. growth in the private sector c. the rapid expansion of higher education d. increased federal spending

a. Fear of communism

Which of the following resulted from the eventual disclosure of the above conversation? a. Reduced public confidence and trust in the federal government b. Supreme Court decisions expanding the power of the federal government c. A newly energized conservative movement d. Clashes between conservatives and liberals over social issues and movements for greater individual rights

a. Reduced public confidence and trust in the federal government.

In the 1960s and 1970s, gender equity was most effectively advanced by a. educational gains resulting from passage of Title IX b. allowing women to assume combat roles in the military c. successfully closing the income gap with equal pay laws in most states d. the successful ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment

a. educational gains resulting from passage of Title IX.

Which of the following developments is best illustrated by the cartoon above? a. the demands of minority groups for greater equality b. the growing importance of minorities in the labor force c. the rebirth of organized labor d. the increased political power of the sun belt states - Border wall cartoon


which of the following best characterizes the impact of demographic and cultural shifts on the status of women in the late 20th and early 21st century? a. the participation of women in moral reform efforts b. ongoing debates about gender roles and family structures c. the growing political influence of women resulting from republican parenthood. d. the emergence of womens's clubs and self help groups -Feminist activism


This chart supports which of the following conclusions regarding economic conditions in the United States during the last third of nineteenth century? https://www.schoology.com/system/files/attachments/page_embeds/m/2014-12/mc002-1_549878a12d165.jpg a. Wheat farming became more lucrative b. Generally American farmers struggled financially c. Industrial workers refused to demand higher wages due to declining prices d. Cheap foreign goods were the primary cause for the decline in prices e. Americans with relatively stable incomes found it increasingly difficult to make ends meet.

b. Generally American farmers struggled financially

Jacob Rii's principal involvement in the reform movements of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries was his effort to a) bar obscene materials from the United States mail system b) organize the transfer of urban orphans to homes in rural areas c) publicize poor housing and sanitation in urban tenements d) establish special homes for juvenile delinquents e) pass federal laws to end prostitution


The Triple Alliance nations were a) France, Russia, and Great Britain b) Great Britain, France, and the United States c) Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy d) Russia, Germany, and Austria-Hungary


Which of the following is true of American women during the Second World War? a) They initiated a visible and highly vocal feminist movement. b) They married younger and had more children than women did before or after the war. c) Those who took industrial jobs learned new skills and earned better pay than in jobs previously open to them d) They organized labor unions and led strikes demanding better working conditions e) Aside from participating in rationing programs, women contributed little to the war effort


Why did the Bonus Army march on Washington, D.C.? a) The Federal Reserve refused to pay veterans their bonuses b) General MacArthur attacked protestors demanding their bonuses c) President Hoover vetoed a bill providing for early payment of bonuses d) Congress passed a bill promising to pay veterans their bonuses in 1945


The cartoon above is a response to which underlying issue? a. US dependence on oil from the middle east b. controversy over the US attacks on Afghanistan and Iraq c. the protection of civil liberties and human rights d. debates regarding how to preserve the racial identity of the US - sun sentinel cartoon


Critics of the arguments expressed in the excerpt above (N.F. Thompson, Testimony before the Industrial Commission on the Relations and Conditions of Capital and Labor)

challenged the dominant corporate ethic in the United States

A major difference between the lifestyle of Italian and Japanese immigrants was what?

encouraged both men and women to work outside the home.

During 1968 the deep divisions within the American public were demonstrated by all of the following EXCEPT a) The assassination of Robert F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr. b) Urban riots in major cities across the country c) Antiwar demonstrations at the Democratic national convention in Chicago d) The refusal of most Republicans to support Richard Nixon as their presidential candidate e) The strong showing of George Wallace's American Independent Party in southern northern urban centers


In 1933, Congress repealed Prohibition with the a) 18th Amendment b) 19th Amendment c) 20th Amendment d) 21st Amendment


What policy was designed to provide access to trade in China? a) Boxer b) Gentleman's Agreement c) Russo-Japanese d) Open Door


Which group did Nazi ideology consider superior to other people? a) Zionists b) Gypsies c) Jehovah's Witnesses d) Aryans


Which ships survived the attack on Pearl Harbor untouched? a) battleships b) destroyers c) light cruisers d) aircraft carriers


since 1995, what has contributed most to the trend illustrated above? a. the deregulation of many industries b. the end of the cold war c. free-trade agreements d. the size and scope of the social safety net - national debt chart


The most resented form of 19th-century government corruption was in a. The New South. b. Indian affairs. c. Labor unions. d. Big business.

d. Big business.

That Americans were increasingly fearful of the Germans and Japanese is shown by their One consequence of the change in Americans' attitudes toward Germany and Japan described in the excerpt above was a. the questioning of American values. b. the mass mobilization of American society for war. c. an unnecessary extension of the Great Depression. d. a decline in allied political cooperation.


The ideas expressed in the passage above can be seen as an expression of which of the following? (President Lyndon Johnson, Remarks at John Hopkins University)


Since 1990, which of the following is MOST consistent with the arguments from the quote above? (Anthony Giddens, "BBS Reith Lectures")

Debates over impacts of free-trade agreements

The "Great Migration" out of the South by many African Americans during World War I was most immediately the result of

Economic opportunities created by the demands of World War 1

Who pioneered the use of holding companies to control markets?

JP Morgan

who pioneered the use of holding companies to control markets

JP morgan

What factor most influenced "the tendency for expansion" noted in Zinn's passage above?

The transition of the United States from a rural, agricultural society to an urban, industrial one.

Which of the following groups would most likely support the arguments in the passage above? a. American political leaders opposed to the ratification of the Constitution b. Revivalist preachers during the Second Great Awakening c. States' rights advocates during the antebellum era d. Urban social reformers during the Gilded Age

Urban social reformers during the Gilded Age

Large-scale production assisted by the strategies outlined in the quote above (Testimony of machinist John Morrison to a U.S. Senate committee)

Were supported by financial and management structures

support for the transcontinental railroad began in what years?


C. Racial and National Identity

Border Wall Cartoon: Debates in which of the following areas during the late 20th century most closely parallel the controversy depicted in the cartoon above? A. Gender roles B. Family structure C. Racial and National Identity D. Government deregulation

Which of the following was the most popular destination for late 19th century immigrants to the US

Cities and rural boom town areas of the west

The Jungle" directly contributed to the passage of the

Meat Inspection Act

Crime and lawlessness were a part of life in the West. What are the generalizations about the groups during this time?

NOT: Cowboys and Indians were often in conflict.

The painting BEST supports which of the following assertions

The Great Depression had been brought to an end by full employment

(Washington Quote) The speech above attempts to

convince blacks to make the best of their prescribed place in society

"Another marked characteristic of the Anglo-Saxon is what may be called an instinct or genius for colonizing. His unequaled energy, his indomitable perseverance, and his personal independence, made him a pioneer. He excels all others in pushing his way into new countries." Americans advocating the ideas expressed in the passage above would be most accurately described as a) transcendentalists b) populists c) scientific managers d) Social Darwinists


Which ideology resulted from antipathy toward foreign-born and new migrants?


The excerpt above most directly contributed to renewed debates about

the power of the presidency and the federal government.

who accepted the 1912 presidential nomination representing the socialist party?

Eugene V. Debs

Between 1860 and 1900, railroads in the US were

Given government subsidies to open new markets

Which of the following groups was most likely the intended audience of the cartoon above (Political cartoon by Thomas Nast)

Modern Republicans

What new branch of the military was created to deal with labor strikes?

National Guard

The sentiments expressed in the excerpt above are most consistent with which of the following political challenges?

Political scandals and clashes over the power of the presidency

What earlier movement is most consistent with the sentiments expressed in the quote above?


The view of the poor in the quote above is most consistent with the ideology of (Andrew Carnegie, "The Gospel of Wealth")

Social Darwinism

Which of the following is most consistent with the sentiments articulated in the above speech? (Ronald Reagan, "acceptance speech")

Social conservatism

Which 20th-century group or program initially shifted reform efforts for urban poverty from local communities and cities to the federal government? (Jacob Riis, How the Other Half Lives)

The New Deal

Which of the following events in the late 19th and early 20th centuries resulted from the idea described in the passage above? (Howard Zinn, A People's History of the United States)

The acquisition of island territories by the United States

Which of the following events most directly contributed to the attitudes expressed in the cartoon above?

The debate over the League of Nations in the United States following World War I

(cookbook) which ofht efollowing groups or movements during the period from 1900 to 1920 had objectives that were most similar to those described in the excerpt a. settlement house movement b. african american activists c. opponents of child labor d. organized labor


(etiquette) the passage above best serves as evidence of a. change and modernization leading to cultjural conflict b. new opportunities available for women c. increasing focus in the us economy on consumer goods d. transition of the us from rural, agricultural society to urban, industrial one


The author of the quote above most likely

assailed liberals for doing too little for racial injustice

One consequence of the change in Americans' attitudes toward Germany and Japan described in the excerpt above was

the mass mobilization of American society for war.

which both century development regarding African Americans best parallels the quote above

mass mobilization of troops and expanded workforce participation during world war 2 provided opportunities for minorities to improve their social economic posistions

jane addams was instrumental in improving the conditions of immigrants and advancing urban reform primarily through the use of

settlement homes

The nation moved toward a more conservative political posture between the 1960 and 1970 for all of the following reasons EXCEPT

the 50 percent unilateral reduction in the US nuclear arms undertaken during Democratic administrations.

Historically, struggles between American Indian tribes and the federal government have stemmed from

the Constitution's failure to precisely define the relationship between American Indian tribes and the national government

The passage above was a reaction to which challenge? (N.F. Thompson, Testimony before the Industrial Commission on the Relations and Conditions of Capital and Labor)

A big business and their government allies' inability to create a unified industrial nation

Which of the following was most likely the intended audience of the excerpt above? (Hinton R. Helper, The Impending Crisis of the South)

Agriculturalists of the Southeast and Southwest

The Sentiments such as those depicted in the cartoon above most directly contributed to which of the following? (Sumner-Brooks Cartoon)

Breakdown in trust between sectional leaders

The image above most clearly epitomized the GIlded Age focus on (Sears Roebuck Consumer's Guide)


In 1917, President Wilson brought the United States into World War I based on his stated intention to (Government Poster)

Defend humanitarian and democratic principles

Which of the following most advanced the business model represented in the image above? (Sears Roebuck Consumer's Guide)

Federal subsidies for transportation

The scene depicted in the image above was most directly a result of (Kurz and Allison, Storming Fort Wagner)

Lincoln's decision to issue the Emancipation Proclaimation

Much of the urban reform described above was carried out by (Jacob Riis, How the Other Half Lives)

Middle-class women challenging their prescribed "place"

In the late 19th century, farmers had to adapt to new realities, as illustrated in the photograph above, requiring a greater dependence on (Horse-Drawn Harvester)


Which of the following 20th-century events or movements compares most closely with the ideas expressed in the excerpt above? (The American Party's Platform of Principles)

The Red Scare of the 1920s

The ideas expressed in the excerpt above reflect which of the following continuities in United States history? (Granville Stuart)

The desire for resources causing environmental transformation

Which of the following factors most strongly contributed to the realization of the goals outlined in the excerpt above? (Henry R. Luce, The American Century)

The dominant American role in the Allied victory and postwar peace settlements following World War II

The ideas expressed in the excerpt above most directly reflect which of the following continuities in United States history? (Letter from Mary Abell to her family)

The migration of peoples seeking new economic opportunities

The activities described in the excerpt above most clearly show the influence of which of the following? (Letter from Mary Abell to her family)

The passage of legislation promoting national economic development

The excerpt above is best understood in the context of (Susan B. Anthony)

The passage of the 14th and 15th amendments

The excerpt quoted above would be most helpful to historians analyzing the (Testimony of Robert Bent)

U.S. Government interaction and conflict with American Indians

Briefly explain ONE Progressive economic reform between 1890 and 1920

-Sherman Antitrust Act in 1890 = no monopolies

Which US foreign policy was most consistent with the goal articulated in the statement above? (Mikhail S Gorbachev, "address at Stanford university")

Détente in the 1970s

Which of the following represented the largest post-World War II effort to bolster the economies of non-Communist nations?

The Marshall Plan

Historically, struggles between American Indian tribes and the federal government have stemmed from

The constitutions failure to precisely define the relationship

The excerpt above most directly contributed to renewed debated about (Transcript of President Nixon speaking to John Dean in the Oval Office)

The power of the presidency and the federal government

Which of the following was the greatest setback to the U.S. policy of containment

The rise of Communist China under Mao Zedong

Which two issues led to protests and riots in many American cities during the 1960s?

the Vietnam War and racial injustice

The effects depicted in the political cartoon above can best be ascribed to... ("Arkansas arts center library collection of George fisher cartoons", cartoon)

A large US military buildup

Which of the following factors most strongly contributed to the realization of the goals outlined in the excerpt above?

America's popular commitment to advancing democratic ideals

Which of the following American actions prior to Luce's comments most closely aligns with his position? (Henry R. Luce, The American Century)

Attacks on radicals and immigrants during the first Red Scare

Buffalo Bill Cody's "Wild West, Rocky Mountain, and Prairie Exhibition" was very successful. It gave citizens living in the eastern part of the country and in Europe the unrealistic, untrue, romanticized, spectacle of the West they wanted. Why was this show successful and others were not?

EXCEPT: realism was what people came to the show to see.

Which of the following events represents a continuation of the actions described in the passage above?

Franklin Roosevelt's efforts to bolster regulation of the banking system in the 1930s

During the early 1950s which of the following resulted from the sentiments expressed in the excerpt above

Public debates over the proper balance between the free speech and national security

Many of those who supported Wilson's efforts to "impose a little order on this new giant" were also eager to (Paul Johnson, A History of the American People)

See an expansion of a democratic principles throughout the government

what steps did urban reformers take to improve the safety of cities?

Water supplies were regulated and electric lights were provided.

critics of the argument expressed in the excerpt above

challenged the dominate corporate ethics in the US

The artist(s) of the illustration above would claim (Here Lies Prosperity)

Corruption in government as it relates to big business is the problem

The artists of the illustration above would claim

Corruption in government as it relates to big business is the problem

The author of the quote above most likely

assailed liberals for doing too little for racial injustice.

the speech above attempts to

convince blacks to make the best of their prescribed place in society

Which of the following most often stood in the way of attempts to achieve the broader goals suggested in the excerpt above?

corporate interests

Which of the following 20th-century ideas or developments were most similar to those described in the excerpt above? (Congressional Speech by Senator Thomas Hart Benton)

Arguments that Americans were destined to expand their culture and norms to non-white nations prior to World War I

"We younger Negro artists who create now intend to express our dark-skinned selves without" The sentiments expressed in the quotation above are best understood in the context of the a. existence of segregation laws in the South. b. Harlem Renaissance movement. c. restrictions on free speech coming out of World War I. d. rise of cinema in the 1920s.


"With a profound sense of the solemn and even tragical character of the step In the excerpt above, President Wilson signaled a willingness to abandon which long-held American policy? a. The expansion of American culture and norms to other nations b. Overseas expansionism c. Advancing democratic ideals d. Noninvolvement in European affairs


Hooverville Pic Which of the following factors was most responsible for creating the conditions depicted in the photograph above? a. The transition from a rural society to an urban one b. Episodes of credit and market instability c. Political corruption d. The failure of Progressive reforms


Jimmy Carter "Energy and National Goals" Address to the nation: The passage above was most likely a response to what? A. Growing debates over national identity B. Declining public trust in the government C. Continues Cold War fears D. Ongoing Debates about the protections of civil liberties

B. Declining public trust in the government

Sun Sentinel Cartoon: The cartoon above is a response to which underlying issue? A. US dependence on oil from the Middle East B. Controversy over the US attacks on Afghanistan and Iraq C. The protection of civil liberties and Human rights D. Debates regarding how to preserve the racial identity of the United States

C. The protection of civil liberties and human rights

"We younger Negro artists who create now intend to express our dark-skinned selves without" The "Great Migration" out of the South by many African Americans during World War I was most immediately the result of a. the first Red Scare. b. their economic displacement due to the rising number of migrants from Mexico moving into the South c. the influence of the mass media. d. economic opportunities created by the demands of World War I.


Ford Pic How did Progressive reformers attempt to better the lives of workers such as those in the photograph above? A) Progressives pushed for a transition from a rural, agricultural society to an urban, industrial one. B) Progressives called for less government intervention in the economy. C) Progressives focused their reform efforts exclusively at the local level in order to assist workers more directly. D) Progressives urged the creation of new organizations aimed at addressing social problems associated with an industrial society.


Which of the following factors was most responsible for creating the conditions depicted in the photograph above?

Episodes of credit and market instability

B. Western, pro-war expansionists during the War of 1812

George Bush State of the Union: Which of the following groups would most likely have supported the point of view expressed in the above passage? A. Pro-British loyalists during the Revolutionary War B. Western, pro-war expansionists during the War of 1812 C. Anti-war opponents during the Mexican-American War D. Anti-Imperialists during the Spanish American War

D. Economic instability and major policy challenges

Giddens Quote: Since 2000, which of the following economic phenomena is most consistent with the argument in the passage above? A. Real-wage increases for most American workers B. A widespread public sense of economic optimism C. A decoupling of the US economy from the global economic system D. Economic instability and major policy challenges

"We younger Negro artists who create now intend to express our dark-skinned selves without fear or shame. If white people are pleased, we are glad. If they are not, it doesn't matter. We know we are beautiful. And ugly too. The tom-tom cries and the tom-tom laughs. If colored people are pleased we are glad. If they are not, their displeasure doesn't matter either. We build our temples for tomorrow, strong as we know how, and we stand on top of the mountain, free within ourselves." Langston Hughes, "The Negro Artist and the Racial Mountain," 1926 Langston Hughes, "The Negro Artist and the Racial Mountain," The Nation, June 23, 1926. 1. The sentiments expressed in the quotation above are best understood in the context of the a. existence of segregation laws in the South. b. Harlem Renaissance movement. c. restrictions on free speech coming out of World War I. d. rise of cinema in the 1920s.

Harlem Renaissance movement

The post-1965 white Southern attitude described in the excerpt above was most similar to (Anthony J. Badger, "Different Perspectives on the Civil Rights Movement")

Nativist views of European immigrants in the mid-1800s

In the excerpt above, President Wilson signaled a willingness to abandon which long-held American policy? (Woodrow Wilson, Address to Congress's War)

Noninvolvement in European Affairs

In the excerpt above, President Wilson signaled a willingness to abandon which long-held American policy?

Noninvolvement in European affairs

What earlier movement is most consistent with the sentiments expressed in the quote above? (The Port Huron Statement, Students for a Democratic Society (SDS))


Which of the following groups or movements most opposed the process illustrated above? (Nancy A. Hewitt and Steven F. Lawson, Exploring American Histories)


During the late 19th century, western Native American life was most affected by (The Dawes Severalty Act)

Post-Civil War migrations of whites

The point of view expressed in the passage above is most consistent with the sentiments of which of the following groups? (John Muir, Speech to the Sierra Club)


Late 19th century urban immigrants identified in the map above most commonly relied on support from

Settlement houses

Which of the following was a major consequence of the ideas expressed in the passage above? (Susan B. Anthony)

Some women's equality activists abandoned the movement to grant and protect African American rights

The approach Franklin Roosevelt outlines in the speech above is most consistent with the previous efforts of (Franklin D. Roosevelt, "Greater Security for the Average Man")

The Progressives in the early 20th century

At the time of this speech in 1934, which of the following groups most opposed Roosevelt's New Deal reforms? (Franklin D. Roosevelt, "Greater Security for the Average Man")

The Supreme Court

The passage above best serves as evidence of which of the following? (President Abraham Lincoln, Gettysburg Address)

The changing purpose of the Civil War

To convince North Vietnam to stop reinforcing the Vietcong, President Johnson ordered Operation Rolling Thunder, which a) began a sustained bombing program b) put more American troops on the ground c) involved search-and-destroy missions to hunt down guerillas d) increased the number of American advisers in South Vietnam


Which of the following statements about George Wallace's third-party presidential campaign in 1968 is correct? a) He appealed to many middle class voters upset by the civil disobedience associated with the Civil Rights and antiwar demonstrations b) He appealed to the isolationists who opposed United States involvement in Vietnam c) He supported the integrationist goals of Martin Luther King Jr., but opposed the more extreme tactics of the Black Muslims and Black Panthers d) He was strongly supported by intellectuals and college students who thought the Democratic and Republican parties were both too conservative e) He advocated an n expansion of poverty programs in an effort to win the support of the inner-city poor


Which of these African Americans is famous for breaking into major league baseball? a) Jackie Robinson b) Ralph Abernathy c) Thurgood Marshall d) Bobby Seele


29. The passage above was a reaction to which challenge? a. Big business and their government allies' inability to create a unified industrial nation b. The dramatic loss of support for big business in government c. Intellectuals challenging labor practices based on Social Darwinism d. Holding companies undermining trusts and corporate power

a. Big business and their government allies' inability to create a unified industrial nation

Which of the following was most characteristic of the cultural conformity of the 1950s and early 1960s? a. Middle-class suburbanization b. Steady domestic migration to rural America c. Racial integration following the Brown ruling d. A decline in higher educational opportunities

a. Middle-class suburbanization

28. Which 20th-century group or program initially shifted reform efforts for urban poverty from local communities and cities to the federal government? a. The Progressives b. The New Deal c. 1920s conservatives d. The Great Society

a. The Progressives

(conditions of labor) popular sentiment during which period most closely aligned with the POV in the excerpt above a. followers of the Enlightenment liberalism b. Post revolutionary war conservatism c. Jacksonian 5 era reform d. 1750s conservatism


(experience of workers) which of the following historical developments was the most direct cause of the phenomena Montgomery describes in the excerpt a. the emergence of organizations intended to win reforms for industrial workers b. growth of big business and its power to influence local and national governments c. the influx of 250 million immigrants into US betwen 1860 and 1900 d. growing levels of urban disorder caused by poverty and excessive alcohol consumption


(q+a) which of the following groups was most sympathetic to the concerns expressed in the testimony above a. social darwinists b. poplists c. federal government d. new South industrialists


After the Civil War, women reformers and former abolitionists were divided over a) creation of a sharecropping system in the South b) legislation that ensured the voting rights of African American males c) use of military forces to keep order in the South d) reliance on female workers in Northern factories e) redemption of greenback dollars for gold currency


The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution is significant because it a) required Taiwan to relinquish its position on the United Nations Security Council to China b) authorized the president to take any measures necessary to repel attacks against United States forces and allies in Southeast Asia c) led to an alliance between the United States, Japan, and Taiwan to limit the power of China in Asia d) conferred the most-favored-nation status to China in its trade with the United States e) declared that the United States continues to provide air and naval support but the withdraw all ground troops in the Vietnam War


Which of the following groups would most likely have supported the point of view expressed in the above passage? a. pro- brattish loyalists during the Revolutionary war b. western, pro-war expansionists during the War of 1812 c. anti-war opponents during the Mexican- American war d. anti- imperialists during the Spanish- American war -bush state of the union


"Money is power, and you ought to be reasonably ambitious to have it. You ought because you can do more good with it than you could without it. Money printed your Bible, money builds your churches....The man who gets the largest salary can do the most good with the power that is furnished to him. Of course he can if his spirit be right to use it for what it is given to him. I say, then, you ought to have money." The quotation above is an example of a) transcendentalism b) existentialism c) the Gospel of Wealth d) the Social Gospel e) reform Darwinism


(carnegie) which 20th century person, who ran for president, had policies aiming to redistribute welath a. teddy roosevelet b. john c calhoun c. eugene v debs d. woodrow wilson


(consumption magazine) some segments of society during the gilded age enjoyed previously unimaginable wealth a. and african americans in the south were able to abandon the sharecropping b. but women remained limited to only domestic service employment c. but many more Americans lived in poverty d. and labor unions also made large economic gain


The United States devised the Open Door policy in 1899 in order to a) establish a United States colony in China b) encourage the Chinese to adopt Western culture c) protect United States economic interests in China d) prevent European nations from establishing a presence in Chinese territory e) assure the right of the United States to intervene in China whenever necessary


The Warren Commission concluded that a) a foreign power had called for Kennedy's Assassination b) too little evidence existed to close the case of Kennedy's murder c) Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in Kennedy's assassination d) several people conspired to murder Kennedy


What happened within a year of United States Navy Commodore Matthew Perry's arrival in Tokyo Bay in 1853? a) The United States annexed the island of Hawaii b) Japan and the United States fought for control of trade c) Perry negotiated a treaty that opened trade to the United States d) Japan became a U.S. territory in Asia


What were Jim Crow laws? a) They were laws that protected African Americans b) They were laws that restricted African American voting rights in the North c) They were laws that enforced the strict separation of the races d) They were laws that restored equal rights to blacks


Which of the following did the Black Panthers and the Nation of Islam have in common in the late 1960s? a) They advocated ending segregation in the North rather than the South b) They sought affiliation with the American Communist Party c) They emphasized developing a greater sense of Black nationalism and solidarity d) They advocated nonviolent means to achieve their goals e) They split off from the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) after the death of Martin Luther King, Jr.


One result of the changes depicted in the map above was? a. decreased US dependence on fossil fuels b. increased international concern about climate change c. the formation of new diplomatic relationships abroad d. growing debate over the benefits of free trade policies. - collapse of the soviet union


The above cartoon is consistent with all of the following 1980s political trends except the? a. continued growth of the size of the federal government b. political victories conservatives achieved at the federal level c. creation of a national energy policy d. inability of republicans to significantly cut popular spending programs -Reagan political cartoon


The actions that resulted from the sediments expressed in the excerpt above best exemplify which concept? a. containment b. imperialism c. preemptive war d. globalization -bush state of the union


The passage above was mostly clearly a response to a. debates over the methods and policies to root out communism within the United States b. the lack of Republican and Democratic party support for the policy of containment c. growing public protests against the conflict in Vietnam d. concerns about the growth of a "military-industrial complex"

c. growing public protests against the conflict in Vietnam

(carnegie) the view of the poor in the quote above is most consistent with the ideology of a. utopianism b. populist party c. social gospel d. social darwinism


(conditions pic) which of the following was the most likely intended audience for the photograph above a. local and national labor unions b. segments of society that lived in relative poverty c. settlement houses and self-help groups d. critics of coprorate ethic and existing social orer


as a result of the process described in the excerpt above, which of the following developments has presented the greatest challenge to US policy? a. the revival of Cold War tensions b. deep cuts to domestic social programs c. the emergence of new social behaviors and networks d. continued US dependence on fossil fuels -Giddens quote


the image above the most directly a response to? a. the deregulation of many industries. b. the spread of computer technology c. the lack of public trust in the government d. conservatives defending traditional social values -parental advisory label


Which of the following most energized the nascent gay rights movement in the late 1960s? a. Anti-gay rights riots in Greenwich Village, New York b. New state laws banning same-sex marriages c. Homophobic attacks on college campuses d. The Stonewall riots against police targeting of gays

d. The Stonewall riots against police targeting of gays.

Which of the following was NOT an element of U.S. policy in the Middle East between 1945 and 1980? a. The Camp David peace accords between Egypt and Israel b. Consistent U.S. financial and military support for Israel c. U.S. intervention in the Suez Crisis in Egypt d. U.S. support for indigenous Arab nationalist movements

d. U.S. support for indigenous Arab nationalist movements

An example of patronage would be... a. bribing a government official b. influencing a public official c. blackmail d. appointing a friend to a political position

d. appointing a friend to a political position

During the 1950s, which group most directly challenged the portrayal of American life depicted in the illustration above? a. private-sector businesses b. political conservatives c. "Sun-Belt" migrants d. artists and intellectuals

d. artists and intellectuals

The author of the quote above most likely a. condemned violent protests b. was satisfied with the social programs of the Great Society c. support conservative tax policies and economic deregulation d. assailed liberals for doing too little for racial injustice

d. assailed liberals for doing too little for racial injustice.

Between 1950 and 1980, working women a. dramatically declined in numbers as a result of the baby boom b. received little or no help from the federal government for equal pay c. were excluded from protection under the Civil Rights Act of 1964 d. increased numerically as many social and cultural attitudes changed

d. increased numerically as many social and cultural attitudes changed.

The author of the quote above most directly attacks a. decision-makers in each of the three branches of government b. desegregation of the U.S. military c. the doctrine of states' rights d. the efficacy of using federal power to achieve social goals

d. the efficacy of using federal power to achieve social goals.

Which of the following best describes the main idea of Andrew Carnegie's Gospel of Wealth? a. Accumulating large amounts of wealth violates Christian principles b. Privately held wealth should be handed over to the government to be redistributed. c. Using wealth to help others is wrong, since it undermines their self-reliance d. Parents have an obligation to pass on their wealth to their children e. Wealthy individuals should use their wealth for social betterment

e. Wealthy individuals should use their wealth for social betterment

All of the following contributed to the rise of big business EXCEPT a. horizontal and vertical integration b. formation of monopolies c. interlocking directorates d. laissez-faire economic policy e. the Northern Securities decision of 1904

e. the Northern Securities decision of 1904

During the 19th century, the American Industrial workforce

expanded through migration across the national borders and internal migration

"In the field of national policy, the fundamental trouble with America has been, and is, that whereas their nation became in the twentieth century the most powerful and most vital nation in the world, nevertheless Americans were unable to accommodate themselves spiritually and practically to that fact. Hence they have failed to play their part as a world power—a failure which has had disastrous consequences for themselves and for all mankind. And the cure is this: to accept wholeheartedly our duty and our opportunity as the most powerful and vital nation in the world and in consequence to exert upon the world the full impact of our influence, for such purposes as we see fit and by such means as we see fit." Henry R. Luce, "The American Century," Life, February 1941. Your answer 3. Luce's remarks were most clearly an attack on America's a. initial neutrality in World War I. b. highly restrictive immigration quotas in the early 20th century. c. isolationism in the 1930s. d. policies dealing with race and segregation during World War II.

isolationism in the 1930s.

The principles championed by President Roosevelt in the speech above directly challenged the

laissez-faire economic policies of the Gilded Age

the majority of late 19th century women's clubs and self-help groups demanding social and political reform tended to be

middle class

(Riis quote) Much of the urban reform described above was carried out by

middle-class women challenging their prescribed place

In response to the conditions depicted in the photograph above, many American families

migrated within the United States.

In response to the conditions depicted in the photograph above, many American families a. advocated for overseas expansion. b. disrupted society with racial strife. c. migrated within the United States. d. resented President Roosevelt's unwillingness to use government power to provide them with relief.

migrated within the United States.

popular sentiment during which 20th century period most closely aligned with the point of view in the except above

new deal liberalism

which of the following was the most popular destination for the late 19th century immigrants to the united state

the east coast cities

which of the following was not a part of the populist platform

the preservation of wilderness areas

which 19th century reform movement was most closely associated with the activities described above

the social gospel

Briefly explain the short- or long-term impact of the economic reform explained in Part A or the political reform explained in Part B.

-McKinley Tariff: October, 1890 -enforced the ideas of the Sherman Antitrust act

Giddens Quote: Since 1990, which of the following is most consistent with the arguments from the quote above? A. Debates over impacts of free-trade agreements B. Calls to reform the US financial system C. Social disruptions caused by labor strikes D. The consolidation of large corporations

A. Debates over impacts of free-trade agreements

Which of the following most likely resulted from the policy described in the passage above?

America played a dominant role in the Allied victory and postwar peace settlements.

The painting above best supports which of the following assertions? a. The Great Depression had been brought to an end by full employment. b. The United States maintained an isolationist foreign policy. c. African Americans were denied opportunities to participate in the wartime labor force. d. America would play a dominant role in the postwar peace settlements due to its commitment to democratic ideals.

America would play a dominant role in the postwar peace settlements due to its commitment to democratic ideals.

the middle class grew because, why?

Americans moved from farms to towns and took on professional and managerial positions.

The classic 19th-century essay was authored by

Andrew Carnegie

Examine the court case Williams v. Mississippi. This law allowed poll taxes and literacy tests to be used for what?

As mechanisms to prohibit black voting.

The author of the quote above most likely (The Port Huron Statement, Students for a Democratic Society (SDS))

Assailed liberals for doing too little for racial injustice

(Conditions of Labor) The passage above was a reaction to which challenge?

Big Businesses and their government allies' inability to create a unified industrial nation.

D. Mexican migrants coming to the United States in search of economic opportunity

Border Wall Cartoon: Since 1900, which demographic trend best exemplifies the author's perspective in the cartoon above? A. The movement of African Americans from South to Northern cities B. The mass movement of many Americans to the "Sun Belt" C. The internal migration of many Americans during the Great Depression D. Mexican migrants coming to the United States in search of economic opportunity

"All through the night I heard people getting up, dragging cots around. I stared at our little" Which group faced comparable levels of intrusion on their rights as those described in Stone's passage above? a. Eastern European immigrants in the early 1900s b. Mexican Americans during World War II c. American Indians in the latter half of the 19th century d. Progressives in the early 20th century


analyze the argument in Plessy v Ferguson, the separate "but equal" race clause for railroad seating arguments

Did NOT violate the Fourteenth amendment

Among the issues identified in the speech identified in speech, which of the following became the signature accomplishment of the Obama administration in the first term? (Barack Obama, "speech to congress")

Health insurance reform and expansion of the Americans insured

Herbert Hoover 1929-1933

Hoover supported isolationism, individualism, free enterprise, and small government

"The Jungle" directly contributed to the passage of the a. National Labor Act b. Meat Inspection Act c. Eight-Hour Day d. Federal Trade Commission

Meat Inspection Act

The end of the 19th century saw ranch families rapidly replacing single cowboys. What were the results?

Men worked with the cattle.

The above excerpt is most closely associated with which sector of the Progressive movement?


The fraction of the republican party that favored sound money, desired limited government, and opposed tarrifs was called?


Which of the following federal actions during World War I most directly undercut the message of the poster above? a. Restrictions on freedom of speech b. A ban on all immigration to the United State c. Limiting African American migration to northern cities d. Outlawing labor union activities such as strikes

Restrictions on freedom of speech

Which challenge faced by the United States in the 1950s and 1960s best exemplified the concerns articulated in the quote above?

The U.S. struggle for global leadership

(bonds) what was the main Gilded Age economic concern addressed in the cartoon above? a. corporate expansionism b. currency c. conspicuous


the ghost dance movement that emerged prominently among the Sioux in 1890 promised the tribe what two things would happen if they returned to their ancient traditions?

The bison would return and white people would disappear.

Which of the following developments is best illustrated by the cartoon above? ("Political cartoon in the Denver Post", cartoon)

The growing importance of minorities in the labor force

The excerpt above best serves as evidence of which of the following? (Testimony of Robert Bent)

The increasing conflict between the U.S. Government and American Indians as the country expanded territorially

The creation of the type of society depicted in the image above was possible because of (Levittown Advertisement)

The suburbanization of the middle class

Which of the following was NOT an element of U.S. policy in the Middle East between 1945 and 1980?

U.S. support for indigenous Arab nationalist movements

Which of the following groups would most likely have supported the point of view expressed in the passage above? (President George W Bush, "state of the union address")

Western, pro-war expansionist during the War of 1812

Which of the following resulted from the efforts described in the passage above? a. New laws restricting Asian and Hispanic immigration b. Congressional indifference to voting rights c. Increased military spending d. Increased funding of social programs

d. Increased funding of social programs

Using the excerpt... Which of the following most directly contradicts the arguments in the excerpt above? a. The Supreme Court ruling in Brown v. Board of Education b. The passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 c. The increased philosophical and tactical divisions within the civil rights movement in the late 1960s d. The widespread white acceptance of desegregation efforts in the South in the 1960s and 1970s

d. the widespread white acceptance of desegregation efforts in the South in the 1960's and 1970's.

Luce's remarks were most clearly an attack on America's

isolationism in the 1930s.

"In the field of national policy, the fundamental trouble with America has been, and is, that" Which of the following factors most strongly contributed to the realization of the goals outlined in the excerpt above? a. Improved socioeconomic positions for American women and minorities b. The dominant American role in the Allied victory and postwar peace settlements following World War II c. The end of the Great Depression d. America's popular commitment to advancing democratic ideals


Between 1950 and 1959, what contributed LEAST to the change in American sentiment regarding unemployment? (Gallup Polls of the Biggest Problems Facing America)

Fear of communism

"In the field of national policy, the fundamental trouble with America has been, and is, that" Luce's remarks were most clearly an attack on America's a. initial neutrality in World War I. b. highly restrictive immigration quotas in the early 20th century. c. isolationism in the 1930s. d. policies dealing with race and segregation during World War II.


A. The deregulation of many US industries

National Debt Graph: Between 1980 and 1995, which of the following LEAST contributed to the trend evidenced in the image above? A. The deregulation of many US industries B. Federal tax cuts championed by conservatives C. A large increase in spending for social safety net programs D. A large increase in defense spending

C. Creation of a national energy policy

Reagan political cartoon: The above cartoon is consistent with all of the following 1980s political trends except the? A. A continued growth of the size of the federal government B. Political victories conservatives achieved at a federal level C. Creation of a national energy policy D. Inability of Republicans to significantly cut popular spending programs

B. A large US military buildup

Reagan political cartoon: The effects depicted in the political cartoon above can best be ascribed to what? A. The domestic impact of the world economy B. A large US military buildup C. The creation of a multilateral economic framework D. The effects of economic deregulation

Which of the following resulted from the eventual disclosure of the above conversation?

Reduced public confidence and trust in the federal government

Which 20th century president's policies were most consistent with the sentiments expressed in the Gospel of Wealth?

Ronald Reagan

Which 20th-Century president's policies were most consistent with the the sentiments expressed in "The Gospel of Wealth"? (Andrew Carnegie, "The Gospel of Wealth")

Ronald Reagan

(Gospel of Wealth) The view of the poor in the quote above is most consistent with the ideology of

Social Darwinism

A. It created new political and military challenges for the United States

The collapse of the Soviet Union map: The map above best supports which of the following contentions about the end of the Cold War? A. It created new political and military challenges for the US B. It undermined the process of economic globalization C. It prompted the US to embark on a policy of isolationism D. It stoked widespread public support for enlarging the US nuclear arsenal

The Granger movement was most dedicated to

challenging the railroad monopolies

the granger movement was most dedicated to

challenging the railroad monopolies

A key diplomatic achievement of Richard M. Nixon's presidency was a) A nuclear test ban treaty with the Soviet Union b) The signing of the Camp David Accords c) A joint Apollo-Soyuz space mission with the Soviet Union d) A visit to Angola to help the African nation resist communist guerillas e) A visit to China in February 1972


which post- WW2 conflict is the proper context for the editorial cartoon above? a. the Korean war b. the Vietnam war c. the cold war d. the war on terror - sun sentinel cartoon


B. The growing importance of minorities in the labor force

Border Wall Cartoon: Which of the following developments is best illustrated by the cartoon above? A. The demands of minority groups for greater equality B. Growing importance of minorities in the labor force C. The rebirth of organized labor D. The increased political power of the "Sun Belt" states

"[Franklin] Roosevelt locked one group out of his honeymoon suite. The reforms described in the excerpt above were most directly a response to a. the decline of America's rural, agricultural society. b. internal U.S. migration during first two decades of the 20th century. c. episodes of market and credit instability. d. the decline of large corporations during the 1920s.


National Debt Graph: Since 1995, what has contributed most to the trend illustrated above? A. The deregulation of many industries B. The end of the Cold War C. Free-trade agreements D. The size and scope of the social safety net

D. The size and scope of the social safety net

By 1980, how had the traditional family illustrated above changed? (Levittown Advertisement)

Many more women worked outside the home

D. The size and scope of the social safety net

National Debt Graph: Since 1995, what has contributed most to the trend illustrated above? A. The deregulation of many industries B. The end of the Cold War C. Free-trade agreements D. The size and scope of the social safety net

How did Progressive reformers attempt to better the lives of workers such as those in the photograph above?

Progressives urged the creation of new organizations aimed at addressing social problems associated with an industrial society.

Which foreign policy approach is most consistent. With the sentiments expressed by Wilson in the excerpt above? (Woodrow Wilson, Address to Congress's War)

The defense of humanitarian and democratic principles

the argument put forth in the excerpt above can best be described as an example of which foreign policy approach? a. isolationism b. unilateralism c. mercantilism d. multilateralism -bush state of the union


Since 1900, which demographic trend best exemplifies the author's perspective in the cartoon above? a. the movement of african americans from the south to northern cities b. the mass movement of many americans to the sun belt c. the internal migration of many americans during the great depression d. Mexican migrants coming to the US in search of economic opportunity. -Border wall cartoon


which of the following movements from the first half of the 19th century most clearly foreshadowed modern feminism as described in the passage above? a. efforts by mothers to instill republican values in their children b. the larger number of women working for low wages in factories c. the increased separation between home and the workplace d. the role of women in the abolitionist and temperance movements -feminist activism


According to historian Frederick Jackson Turner, a key factor in the development of American individualism and democracy was a) Puritan theology b) Transcendentalism c) the American Revolution d) the Civil War e) the frontier


TR 1901-1909


The excerpt above is best understood in the context of (Testimony of Robert Bent)

A sense of American cultural and racial superiority

Some segments of society during the Gilded Age enjoyed previously unimaginable wealth,... (Sears Roebuck Consumer's Guide)

But many more Americans lived in poverty

The controversy highlighted in the cartoon above was most directly a result of (Political cartoon by Thomas Nast)

Determined Southern resistance to Northern efforts to change its culture

The "Great Migration" out of the South by many African Americans during World War I was most immediately the result of (Langston Hughes, "The Negro Artist and the Racial Mountain")

Economic opportunities created by the demands of World War I

The primary goal of the government policy cited above was to (The Dawes Severalty Act)

End tribal identities

Which of the following events represents a continuation of the actions described in the passage above? (Paul Johnson, A History of the American People)

Franklin Roosevelt's efforts to bolster regulation of the banking system in the 1930s

While industries such as the one in the photograph above led to increasing conflicts between management and labor from 1890 to 1930, they also contributed to (Highland Park Ford Assembly Plant)

Improved standards of living

Which of the following events most directly contributed to the attitudes expressed in the cartoon above? (Anarchist Political Cartoon)

Labor strikes which disrupted society following World War I

The principles championed by President Roosevelt in the speech above directly challenged the (Franklin D. Roosevelt, "Greater Security for the Average Man")

Laissez-faire economic policies of the Gilded Age

Which 20th-century development regarding African Americans best parallels the quote above? (Booker T. Washington, Atlanta Exposition Address)

Mass mobilization of troops and expanded workforce participation during World War II provided opportunities for minorities to improve their socioeconomic positions

How did Progressive reformers attempt to better the lives of workers such as those in the photograph above? (Highland Park Ford Assembly Plant)

Progressives urged the creation of new organizations aimed at addressing social problems associated with an industrial society

Which of the following federal actions during World War I most directly undercut the message of the poster above? (Government poster)

Restrictions on freedom of speech

A decade after the speech above, segregation policies were reinforced by (Booker T. Washington, Atlanta Exposition Address)

The Supreme Court

Which aspect of America's involvement in World War II is best illustrated by this painting? (World War II Factory Worker [Rosie the Riveter])

The mass mobilization of American society to the war effort

The practices described in the excerpt above most directly led to (Labor Contract)

The progressive stripping away of the rights of African Americans

What factor most influenced "the tendency for expansion" noted in Zinn's passage above? (Howard Zinn, A People's History of the United States)

The transition of the United States from a rural, agricultural society to an urban, industrial one

The ideas in the passage above most clearly show the influence of which of the following? (South Carolina Declaration of the Causes of Secession)

The use of states' rights for the defense of slavery

Which landmark development largely ended the possibility of support for the author's goals outlined in the quote above?

The Civil Rights Act of 1964

An analysis of the various agriculture organizations in late 19th century America finds that ____ was the largest.

Farmers Alliance

As 19th century American cities grew in both size and number, the greatest attention to the stark contrast between urban wealth and working-class poverty resulted from

Journalists and the print media

Much of the urban reform described above was carried out by

Middle class women challenging their prescribed place

Which 20th century group or program initially shifted reform efforts for urban poverty from local communities and cities to the federal government?

New Deal

The actions that resulted from the sentiments expressed in the excerpt above best exemplify which concept? (President George W Bush, "state of the union address")

Preemptive war

The concern illustrated in the cartoon above was most consistent with support for

Progressive reforms.

Which 20th century presidential administration most supported reforms that addressed the conflicts expressed in the excerpt above?


Many of those who supported Wilson's efforts to "impose a little order on this new giant" were also eager to

See an expansion of democratic principles throughout the government.

The poster above best supports which of the following assertions?

The Great Depression had been brought to an end by full employment.

late 19th century critics of the ideology expressed n the quote above would most likely argue

societal good could be advanced through the social gospel

A decade after the speech above, segregation policies were reinforced by

The Supreme Court

Which post-1985 economic pattern is MOST clearly a result of the changes described in the excerpt above? (Anthony Giddens, "BBS Reith Lectures")

The decline in union membership

The ideas expressed in the excerpt above reflect which of the following continuities in us history

The desire for resources causing environmental transofrmation

U.S. anti-Communist allies in Latin America often failed to achieve success during the Cold War because

U.S.-backed non-Communist regimes often lacked a broad base of local popular support.

The sentiments expressed in the passage above are most consistent with America's stated goals prior to (President Lyndon Johnson, Remarks at John Hopkins University)

World War I

During the late 19th century, western Native American life was most affected by

post Civil War migrations of whites

which of the following was not part of the populist platform

the preservation of wilderness area

Long-Time republicans campaigned for Grover Cleveland because?

was known for his honesty, while the Republican candidate was known as corrupt.

Which 20th-century presidential administration most supported reforms that addressed the conflicts expressed in the excerpt above? (Testimony of machinist John Morrison to a U.S. Senate committee)

Franklin Roosevelt

In response to the conditions depicted in the photograph above, many American families (Hooverville photograph)

Migrated within the United States

The greatest priority of western railroad development as illustrated above was to (Nancy A. Hewitt and Steven F. Lawson, Exploring American Histories)

Open new markets

The author of the quote above was most likely motivated by the (Booker T. Washington, Atlanta Exposition Address)

Opportunities in the "New South"

Which of the following most directly resulted form the excerpt above? (Letter from General William T. Sherman to the Atlanta Mayor and City Council)

The South's environment and infrastructure was increasingly destroyed

Popular sentiment during which 20th-Century period most closely aligned with the point of view in the excerpt above? (N.F. Thompson, Testimony before the Industrial Commission on the Relations and Conditions of Capital and Labor)

Post-World War I conservatism

Late 19th-century urban immigrants identified in the map above most commonly relied on support from (The Impact of Immigration)

Settlement houses

Late 19th-century critics of the ideology expressed in the quote above would most likely argue that (Andrew Carnegie, "The Gospel of Wealth")

Societal good could be advanced through the Social Gospel

Between 1880 and 1900, the largest group of immigrants to the United States came from (The Impact of Immigration)

Southern and eastern Europe

The excerpt above would be most useful to historians analyzing the (Letter from General William T. Sherman to the Atlanta Mayor and city council)

Strategies and leadership of the Union Army

The painting above best supports which of the following assertions? (World War II Factory Worker [Rosie the Riveter])

The Great Depression had been brought to an end by full employment

The cartoon above is best understood in the context of (Anarchist Political Cartoon)

The Red Scare

Which 19th-century reform movement was most closely associated with the activities described above? (Jacob Riis, How the Other Half Lives)

The Social Gospel

The message in the letter above best reflects which of the following continuities in U.S. History? (Letter from General William T. Sherman to the Atlanta Mayor and City Council )

The application of effective economic and industrial strategies to warfare

The passage above was most likely a reaction to which of the following events or processes? (Congressional Speech by Senator Thomas Hart Benton)

The assertion of U.S. Power in the Western Hemisphere

The image above best serves as evidence of which of the following? (Kurz and Allison, Storming Fort Wagner)

The changing purpose of the Civil War

Which of the following actions of the Lincoln administration best exemplified the belief expressed in the quotation above? (President Abraham Lincoln, Gettysburg Address)

The decision to issue the Emancipation Proclamation

The sentiments expressed in the excerpt above were most directly a result of which of the following? (South Carolina Declaration of the Causes of Secession)

The election of Lincoln in 1860

Which 20th-century group or movement was the first to advocate for a change in the relationship between railroads and the federal government (Nancy A. Hewitt and Steven F. Lawson, Exploring American Histories)

The progressive movement

The excerpt above would best serve as evidence of which of the following? (Labor Contract)

The social and economic continuities that characterized the antebellum and post-Civil War South

The passage above best reflects which of the following historical trends or patterns? (Granville Stuart)

Whites, Asians, and African Americans seeking new economic opportunities

Between 1860 and 1900, railroads in the United States were (Nancy A. Hewitt and Steven F. Lawson, Exploring American Histories)

given government subsidies to open new markets

Luce's remarks were most clearly an attack on America's (Henry R. Luce, The American Century)

isolationism in the 1930s

The idea expressed in the passage above most directly led to political controversies in the 1870s (President Abraham Lincoln, Gettysburg Address)

new definitions of citizenship

The principles championed by President Roosevelt in the speech above directly challenged the

Laissez-faire economic policies of the Gilded Age

D. The US-led invasion of Iraq

George Bush State of the Union: The sentiments expressed in the excerpt above most directly contributed to which of the following? A. A national sense that the Cold War was finally over B. Us peacekeeping missions in Latin America, Asia, and Africa C. Debates about the merits of a "Military-industrial complex" D. The US-led invasion of Iraq

A. Debates over impacts of free-trade agreements

Giddens Quote: Since 1990, which of the following is most consistent with the arguments from the quote above? A. Debates over impacts of free-trade agreements B. Calls to reform the US financial system C. Social disruptions caused by labor strikes D. The consolidation of large corporations

At its heart, the Scopes Trial was a clash between a) biology and science b) education and science c) evolution and science d) religion and science


Irish miners that went out on strike in Pennsylvania mines were called what?



??Play public

"All through the night I heard people getting up, dragging cots around. I stared at our little" The experience described in the excerpt above was an example of a. internment. b. segregation. c. isolationism. d. opportunities for women.


"With a profound sense of the solemn and even tragical character of the step Which foreign policy approach is most consistent with the sentiments expressed by Wilson in the excerpt above? a. The pursuit of a unilateral foreign policy b. The United States taking a leading military role in the war c. The maintaining of isolationism by the United States d. The defense of humanitarian and democratic principles


Ford Pic The scene depicted in the photograph above was made possible by A) new technologies and manufacturing techniques. B) new economic opportunities for women. C) greater market and credit stability. D) a decline in the domination of the United States economy by large corporations.


The Bay of Pigs invasion was an attempt to overthrow a) Fidel Castro b) Nikita Kruschev c) the Batista regime d) the Kennedy administration


US in the Caribbean: The two maps shown above would be most useful to historians analyzing...? A. Debates over the proper use of American Power B. Changes in America's immigration policy C. The impact of the war on terror on US foreign policy D. Arguments over the proper size of America's armed forces

A. Debates over the proper use of American power

The collapse of the Soviet Union map: The map above best supports which of the following contentions about the end of the Cold War? A. It created new political and military challenges for the US B. It undermined the process of economic globalization C. It prompted the US to embark on a policy of isolationism D. It stoked widespread public support for enlarging the US nuclear arsenal

A. It created new political and military challenges for the United States

Gorbachev Quote: Early in his presidency, Ronald Reagan's relationship with the soviets was? A. Marked by bellicose rhetoric B. Generally friendly C. Based on isolationism D. Fueled by a desire for territorial expansion

A. Marked by bellicose rhetoric

Which of the following most likely resulted from the policy described in the passage above? (Carl N. Degler, Out of Our Past)

America played a dominant role in the Allied victory and postwar peace settlements

Which group faced comparable levels of intrusion on their rights as those described in Stone's passage above?

American Indians in the latter half of the 19th century

two elements that were important to both small and large cattlemen were the branding iron and barbed wire. Why were these important?

Branding irons provided a way to identify ownership of cattle. Barbed wire contained the herds in a designated area. Barbed wire protected the best grass.

During the 1950s, which group most directly challenged the portrayal of American life depicted in the illustration above? (Levittown Advertisement)

Artists and intellectuals

Reagan political cartoon: The effects depicted in the political cartoon above can best be ascribed to what? A. The domestic impact of the world economy B. A large US military buildup C. The creation of a multilateral economic framework D. The effects of economic deregulation

B. A large US military buildup

James Watt Quote: The question above was most likely in response to conservatives' call for...? A. A lessening of the impact of economic consumption on the environment B. Decreased regulations on industries such as oil production C. Increased US dependence on fossil fuels D. Increased funding for a national energy plan

B. Decreased regulations on industries such as oil production

Feminist Activism Quote: Which of the following best characterizes the impact of demographic and cultural shifts on the status of women in the late 20th and early 21st century? A. The participation of women in moral reform efforts B. Ongoing debates about gender roles and family structure C. The growing political influence of women resulting from "republican motherhood" D. The emergence of women's clubs and self help groups

B. Ongoing debates about gender roles and family structure

Sun Sentinel Cartoon: Which historical episode most closely parallels the situation illustrated in the cartoon above? A. The often violent nativist reaction to international migrants in the antebellum era B. The fear resulting in the post-World War I Red Scare C. Federal policies toward Mexican migrants in the 1930s and 1940s D. The embrace of the counterculture movement by many young Americans in the 1960s

B. The fear resulting in the post-World War I Red Scare

Border Wall Cartoon: Which of the following developments is best illustrated by the cartoon above? A. The demands of minority groups for greater equality B. Growing importance of minorities in the labor force C. The rebirth of organized labor D. The increased political power of the "Sun Belt" states

B. The growing importance of minorities in the labor force

"In our efforts for recovery we have avoided, on the one hand, the theory that business should" a. Radical Republicans during Reconstruction. b. Populist farmer organizations during the late 19th century. c. the women's rights movement in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. d. the Progressives in the early 20th century.


Hoovervile Pic In response to the conditions depicted in the photograph above, many American families a. advocated for overseas expansion. b. disrupted society with racial strife. c. migrated within the United States. d. resented President Roosevelt's unwillingness to use government power to provide them with relief.


Gorbachev Quote: Which US foreign policy was most consistent with the goal articulated in the statement above? A. Isolationism in the 1920s and 1930s B. The containment of communism in the 1950s C. Detente in the 1970s D. Increased defense spending in the 1980s

C. Detente in the 1970s

Border Wall Cartoon: Debates in which of the following areas during the late 20th century most closely parallel the controversy depicted in the cartoon above? A. Gender roles B. Family structure C. Racial and National Identity D. Government deregulation

C. Racial and National Identity

Reagan acceptance speech: Which of the following most clearly hindered Reagan's success in achieving the goals he outlined in the excerpt above? A. Divisive debates over free-trade policies B. A loss of support from evangelical Christians C. The enduring popularity of many social programs D. Geopolitical conflicts in the Middle East

C. The enduring popularity of many social programs

The collapse of the Soviet Union Map: One result of the changes depicted in the map above was? A. Decreased Us dependence on fossil fuels B. Increased international concern about climate change C. The formation of new diplomatic relationships abroad D. Growing debate over the benefits of free-trade policies

C. The formation of new diplomatic relationships abroad

US in the Caribbean: The maps above best illustrate which of the following continuities in US foreign policy? A. Non-involvement in European Affairs B. Promoting an international order while maintaining US isolationism C. The pursuit of natural resources, newmarkets, and containment or communism D. An enduring focus on preventing terrorism

C. The pursuit of natural resources, new markets, and containment of communism

Jimmy Carter "Energy and National Goals" Address to the nation: Which future political trend does the passage above most clearly foreshadow? A. US efforts to redefine its global role in a post-Cold War world B. Attempts by liberals to use federal power to alleviate social ills C. The rise of a new political and cultural conservatism D. New US military and peacekeeping interventions

C. The rise of a new political and cultural conservatism

Critics of the arguments expressed in the excerpt above

Challenged the dominant corporate ethic in the United states

The concerns that led to the creation of the label above are most consistent with the ideology of which early 20th-century group? ("Recording industry association of America", logo)

Christian fundamentalists

Which of the following best explains the general popularity of the Clinton presidency? (Sean Wilentz, "the age of Reagan")

Clinton presided over eight years of prosperity and improved middle-class incomes

As a result of the processes described in the excerpt above, which of the following developments has presented the greatest challenges to US policies? (Anthony Giddens, "BBS Reith Lectures")

Continued US dependence on fossil fuels

"The year of the massacre at Wounded Knee, 1890, it was officially declared by the Bureau of" What factor most influenced "the tendency for expansion" noted in Zinn's passage above? a. The extension of public control over natural resources b. The migration of large numbers of European immigrants to the United States throughout the 19th century c. The rise of Populism in the late 19th century d. The transition of the United States from a rural, agricultural society to an urban, industrial one


"The year of the massacre at Wounded Knee, 1890, it was officially declared by the Bureau of" Which of the following events in the late 19th and early 20th centuries resulted from the idea described in the passage above? A) The creation of Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal programs B) America's initial neutrality in World War I C) President Wilson's support for the League of Nations D) The acquisition of island territories by the United States


Parental Advisory Label: The Image above was most likely a response to what? A. The deregulation of many industries B. The spread of computer technology C. The lack of public trust in government D. Conservatives defending traditional social values

D. Conservatives defending traditional social values

Giddens Quote: As a result of the processes described in the excerpt above, which of the following developments has presented the greatest challenge to US policies? A. The revival of Cold War tensions B. Deep cuts to domestic social programs C. The emergence of new social behaviors and networks D. Continued US dependence on fossil fuels

D. Continued US dependence on fossil fuels

Giddens Quote: Since 2000, which of the following economic phenomena is most consistent with the argument in the passage above? A. Real-wage increases for most American workers B. A widespread public sense of economic optimism C. A decoupling of the US economy from the global economic system D. Economic instability and major policy challenges

D. Economic instability and major policy challenges

Border Wall Cartoon: Since 1900, which demographic trend best exemplifies the author's perspective in the cartoon above? A. The movement of African Americans from South to Northern cities B. The mass movement of many Americans to the "Sun Belt" C. The internal migration of many Americans during the Great Depression D. Mexican migrants coming to the United States in search of economic opportunity

D. Mexican migrants coming to the United States in search of economic opportunity

George Bush State of the Union: The sentiments expressed in the excerpt above most directly contributed to which of the following? A. A national sense that the Cold War was finally over B. Us peacekeeping missions in Latin America, Asia, and Africa C. Debates about the merits of a "Military-industrial complex" D. The US-led invasion of Iraq

D. The US-led invasion of Iraq

Sun Sentinel Cartoon: Which post-World War II conflict is the proper context for the cartoon above? A. The Korean War B. The Vietnam War C. The Cold War D. The War on Terror

D. The War on Terror

Feminist Activism Quote: Which of the following movements from the first half of the 19th century most clearly foreshadowed modern feminism as described in the passage above? A. Efforts by mothers to instill Republican values in their children B. The larger number of women working for low wages in factories C. The increased separation between home and workplace D. The role of women in the abolitionist and temperance movements

D. The role of women in the abolitionist and temperance movements

The ideas expressed in the passage above most directly reflect which of the following continuities in American history?

Debates about the size and scope of the federal government's power

The passage above was most likely a response to... (President Jimmy Carter, "televised address to the nation")

Declining public trust in the government

The 1964 electoral map above illustrates the (1964 electoral map)

Deeply partisan and closely divided nature of American politics

D. Continued US dependence on fossil fuels

Giddens Quote: As a result of the processes described in the excerpt above, which of the following developments has presented the greatest challenge to US policies? A. The revival of Cold War tensions B. Deep cuts to domestic social programs C. The emergence of new social behaviors and networks D. Continued US dependence on fossil fuels

Between 1950 and 1959, what contributed LEAST to the change in American sentiment regarding unemployment?

Fear of communism

The initiatives outlined above are most similar to the legislative goals of which president?

Franklin Roosevelt

The initiatives outlined above are most similar to the legislative goals of which president? (President Lyndon Johnson, Commencement Address at the University of Michigan)

Franklin Roosevelt

C. The terrorist attacks that destroyed the World Trade Center

George Bush State of the Union: The passage above was most likely a response to what? A. A renewal of Cold War tensions with Russia B. Fears of resumption of the Korean War C. The terrorist attacks that destroyed the World Trade Center D. The continued US dependence on fossil fuels from the Middle East

C. Detente in the 1970s

Gorbachev Quote: Which US foreign policy was most consistent with the goal articulated in the statement above? A. Isolationism in the 1920s and 1930s B. The containment of communism in the 1950s C. Detente in the 1970s D. Increased defense spending in the 1980s

While industries such as the one in the photograph above led to increasing conflicts between management and labor from 1890 to 1930, they also contributed to

Improved standards of living.

Which event led to the formation of the NAACP? a) the 1908 Springfield riot b) the Plessy v. Ferguson decision c) the first meeting of the Niagara Movement d) the segregation of federal government offices in 1914


Which of the following resulted from the efforts described in the passage above? (President Lyndon Johnson, Commencement Address at the University of Michigan)

Increased funding of social programs

The experience described in the excerpt above was an example of


The experience described in the excerpt above was an example of (Monica Itoi Stone, Nisei Daughter)


two groups of immigrants figured prominently in the hard work of laying track for the railroad. Which two groups were they?

Irish workers and Chinese workers

Luce's remarks were most clearly an attack on America's

Isolationism in the 1930's

A. Industrialists in the late 1800s

James Watt Quote: Which of the following groups would most likely have agreed with sentiments in the passage above? A. Industrialists in the late 1800s B. Progressives in the early 1900s C. New Deal Supporters in the 1930s D. Environmentalists in the 1900s

B. Declining public trust in the government

Jimmy Carter "Energy and National Goals" Address to the nation: The passage above was most likely a response to what? A. Growing debates over national identity B. Declining public trust in the government C. Continues Cold War fears D. Ongoing Debates about the protections of civil liberties

The creator of the image would most likely support which of the following statements

Labor unions are associated with creating chaotic conditions

The policies illustrated in the excerpt above were most clearly contrary to (Paul K. Conkin, The New Deal)

Laissez-faire capitalism

The policies illustrated in excerpt above were most clearly contrary to

Laissez-faire capitalism.

Analyze various states' "grandfather clauses" shows what?

Legal efforts were instituted to keep blacks from voting.

Who would most likely agree with the point of view expressed in the above political cartoon? ("Arkansas arts center library collection of George fisher cartoons", cartoon)


Since 1900, which demographic trend best exemplifies the author's perspective in the cartoon above? ("Political cartoon in the Denver Post", cartoon)

Mexican immigrants coming to the United States in search of economic opportunity

The primary goal of the legislation described in the excerpt above was to

Make society and individuals more secure.

the term "gilded age" was coined by american writer ___?

Mark twain.

Early in his presidency, Ronald Reagan's relationship with the Soviets was... (Mikhail S Gorbachev, "address at Stanford university")

Marked by bellicose rhetoric

Which 20th century development regarding African Americans best parallels the quote above?

Mass mobilization of troops and expanded workforce participation during World War II provided opportunities for minorities to improve their socioeconomic positions

The gold rush of California and the mineral finds in Nevada, and South Dakota brought people to the West in great numbers seeking their fortune. It also caused a movement of people who had exhausted their efforts in other states. Where did this occur and not occur?

NOT: The gold was shared with the South Dakota tribes.

Government Poster Library of Congres Captionless Image 3. Which of the following early 20th-century cultural conflicts most directly contradicted the scene portrayed in the image above? a. Idealism versus disillusionment b. Native-born versus new immigrants c. Urban versus rural d. Fundamentalism versus modernism

Native-born versus new immigrants

Briefly explain ONE argument made by those who were in favor of annexing the Philippines.

New markets and fields of investments -"white man's burden" -Japan and China

The greatest priority of western railroad development as illustrated above was to

Open new markets

"With a profound sense of the solemn and even tragical character of the step I am taking and of the grave responsibilities which it involves, but in unhesitating obedience to what I deem my constitutional duty, I advise that the Congress declare the recent course of the Imperial German Government to be in fact nothing less than war against the...United States; that it formally accept the status of belligerent which has thus been thrust upon it....Neutrality is no longer feasible or desirable where the peace of the world is involved and the freedom of its peoples, and the menace to that peace and freedom lies in the existence of autocratic governments...not by the will of their people. We shall, happily, still have an opportunity to prove that friendship...towards the millions of men and women of German birth and native sympathy, who live amongst us...and we shall be proud to prove it towards all who are in fact loyal to their neighbors and to the Government....They are, most of them, as true and loyal Americans as if they had never known any other...allegiance. If there should be disloyalty, it will be dealt with a firm hand of stern repression...." Woodrow Wilson, War Messages, 65th Cong., 1st Sess. Senate Doc. No. 5, Serial No. 7264, Washington, D.C., 1917. 3. In the excerpt above, President Wilson signaled a willingness to abandon which long-held American policy? a. The expansion of American culture and norms to other nations b. Overseas expansionism c. Advancing democratic ideals d. Noninvolvement in European affairs

Overseas expansionism

D. Conservatives defending traditional social values

Parental Advisory Label: The Image above was most likely a response to what? A. The deregulation of many industries B. The spread of computer technology C. The lack of public trust in government D. Conservatives defending traditional social values

The homestead strike occurred at Andrew Carnegie's plant where?


Immediately after the civil war, congress created the Indian Peace commission to negotiate peace with which tribe?

Plains Indians

The argument in the passage above most clearly a demand for the restrainement of which prior historical development?

Plessy v. Ferguson

"We are all in it together. This is a war. We take a few shots and it will be over. We will give them a few shots and it will be over. Don't worry. I wouldn't want to be on the other side right now....I want the most comprehensive notes on all those who tried to do us in. They didn't have to do it. If we had had a very close election and they were playing the other side I would understand this. No—they were doing this quite deliberately and they are asking for it and they are going to get it....We have not used the Bureau, and we have not used the Justice Department, but things are going to change now....And who the hell are they after? They are after us. It is absolutely ridiculous. It is not going to be that way anymore." Transcript of President Nixon speaking to John Dean in the Oval Office, September 5,1972 U.S. Congress, House. National Archives. 1. The sentiments expressed in the excerpt above are most consistent with which of the following political challenges? a. Growing public opposition to and protests against the Vietnam War b. Political attacks by conservative movements against liberal principles c. Political scandals and clashes over the power of the presidency d. Groups on the left claiming U.S. foreign policy was immoral

Political scandals and clashes over the power of the presidency

This excerpt most directly reflects commentary on conditions prevalent

Prevented labor groups from forming only when work stoppages interfered with goods distribution

"Wilson's arrival in the White House in 1913 was a perfect instance of Victor Hugo's saying, 'Nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come.' Since the Civil War, the United States had become by far the world's richest country, with an industrial economy which made all others on earth seem small, and it had done so very largely through the uncoordinated efforts of thousands of individual entrepreneurs. The feeling had grown that it was time for the community as a whole, using the resources of the United States Constitution, to impose a little order on this new giant and to dress him in suitable clothes, labeled 'The Public Interest.' Theodore Roosevelt had already laid out some of these clothes, and Wilson was happy to steal them." Paul Johnson, A History of the American People (New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 1997), 634. In the early 1900s, which of the following groups most supported the political changes described in the excerpt above? a. Large corporations b. Imperialists c. Progressives d. Recent migrants from southern and eastern Europe


Which of the following is NOT a reaction to Watergate and attempts to limit the authority of the president? a. Presidential term limits b. Public campaign financing c. The Freedom of Information Act d. Campaign Spending Limits

a. Presidential term limits

How did Progressive reformers attempt to better the lives of workers such as those in the photograph above? a. Progressives pushed for a transition from a rural, agricultural society to an urban, industrial one. b. Progressives called for less government intervention in the economy. c. Progressives focused their reform efforts exclusively at the local level in order to assist workers more directly. d. Progressives urged the creation of new organizations aimed at addressing social problems associated with an industrial society.

Progressives urged the creation of new organizations aimed at addressing social problems associated with an industrial society.

During the early 1950s, which of the following resulted from the sentiments expressed in the excerpt above?

Public debates over the proper balance between liberty and order

During the early 1950s, which of the following resulted from the sentiments expressed in the excerpt above? (Senator Joseph McCarthy, The Congressional Record)

Public debates over the proper balance between liberty and order

Debates in which of the following areas during the lare 20th century most closely parallel the controversy depicted in the cartoon above? ("Political cartoon in the Denver Post", cartoon)

Racial and national identity

Which of the following federal actions during World War I most directly undercut the message of the poster above?

Restrictions on freedom of speech

"With a profound sense of the solemn and even tragical character of the step I am taking and of the grave responsibilities which it involves, but in unhesitating obedience to what I deem my constitutional duty, I advise that the Congress declare the recent course of the Imperial German Government to be in fact nothing less than war against the...United States; that it formally accept the status of belligerent which has thus been thrust upon it....Neutrality is no longer feasible or desirable where the peace of the world is involved and the freedom of its peoples, and the menace to that peace and freedom lies in the existence of autocratic governments...not by the will of their people. We shall, happily, still have an opportunity to prove that friendship...towards the millions of men and women of German birth and native sympathy, who live amongst us...and we shall be proud to prove it towards all who are in fact loyal to their neighbors and to the Government....They are, most of them, as true and loyal Americans as if they had never known any other...allegiance. If there should be disloyalty, it will be dealt with a firm hand of stern repression...." Woodrow Wilson, Address to Congress's War, April 2, 1917 Woodrow Wilson, War Messages, 65th Cong., 1st Sess. Senate Doc. No. 5, Serial No. 7264, Washington, D.C., 1917. 8. Which of the following took place during World War I in response to Wilson's assurance made at the end of the excerpt above? a. Restrictions on freedom of speech b. The first Red Scare c. Restrictions on immigration from nations in the Western Hemisphere d. The internment of Japanese Americans

Restrictions on immigration from nations in the Western Hemisphere

Which of the following historical developments between World War I and World War II would the author of the passage most likely support?

Restrictive immigration quotas

_____ was the head of the American Federation of Labor.

Samuel Gompers

"This convention has shown to all America a party united, with positive programs for solving the nation's problems; a party ready to build a new consensus with all those across the land who share a community of values embodied in these words: family, work, neighborhood, peace and freedom....Never before in our history have Americans been called upon to face three grave threats to our very existence, any one of which could destroy us. We face a disintegrating economy, a weakened defense, and an energy policy based on the sharing of scarcity....I pledge to restore to the federal government the capacity to do the people's work without dominating their lives...a government that will not only work well but wisely, its ability to act tempered by prudence..." Ronald Reagan, Acceptance Speech, Republican National Convention, Detroit, Michigan, July 17, 1980. 10. Which of the following is most consistent with the sentiments articulated in the above speech? a. Social conservatism b. Environmentalism c. Technological innovation d. Liberalism

Social conservatism

Late 19th century critics of the ideology expressed in the quote above

Societal good could be advanced through the social gospel

C. The protection of civil liberties and human rights

Sun Sentinel Cartoon: The cartoon above is a response to which underlying issue? A. US dependence on oil from the Middle East B. Controversy over the US attacks on Afghanistan and Iraq C. The protection of civil liberties and Human rights D. Debates regarding how to preserve the racial identity of the United States

B. The fear resulting in the post-World War I Red Scare

Sun Sentinel Cartoon: Which historical episode most closely parallels the situation illustrated in the cartoon above? A. The often violent nativist reaction to international migrants in the antebellum era B. The fear resulting in the post-World War I Red Scare C. Federal policies toward Mexican migrants in the 1930s and 1940s D. The embrace of the counterculture movement by many young Americans in the 1960s

The efforts by American Indians in the 1960s and 1970s to demand greater equality and a redress of past injustices was most influenced by (DRUMS Committee of identity and Social Injustice)

The African American Civil Rights movement

Which of the following conclusions about the social attitudes of Americans toward the Chinese in the 1880s is best supported by the information

The Chinese are taking the jobs of American citizens

Which landmark development largely ended the possibility of support for the author's goals outlined in the quote above? (The Southern Declaration on Integration)

The Civil Rights Act of 1964

the comanche and the U.S. government had different interpretations of the Medicine Creek Lodge Treaty. what were they?

The Comanche believed they could stay on the reservation during the winter, collect government payments, and hunt during the spring outside of the Treaty boundaries. The government thought they would become farmers and hunt only within designated Treaty limits.

Which United States foreign policy action best illustrates the concept of containment?

adopting the Truman Doctrine in 1947

Which pair of items best represents the dichotomy of President Lyndon Johnson's attempts to eliminate poverty while attacking communism abroad?

The Great Society and the policy of escalation

the country was divided into four zones on November 18, 1883 at the insistence of the railroads. why did this occur?

The country still operates in four time zones. The railroads believed time zones were necessary and asked to make it a reality. Passengers needed to arrive in a timely manner. EXCEPT: D

Which challenge faced by the United States in the 1950s and 1960s best exemplified the concerns articulated in the quote above? (Charles D. Jackson, "The Sputnik Crisis: The Beep Heard 'Round the World'")

The U.S. Struggle for global leadership

Which of the following events in the late 19th and early 20th centuries resulted from the idea described in the passage above?

The acquisition of island territories by the US

Which of the following groups would most likely have agreed with sentiments in the passage bellow? a. industrialists in the late 1800s b. progressives in the early 1900s c. New deal supporters in the 1930s d. environmentalists in the 1960s -James watt quote


"The year of the massacre at Wounded Knee, 1890, it was officially declared by the Bureau of the Census that the internal frontier was closed. The profit system, with its natural tendency for expansion, had already begun to look overseas. The severe depression that began in 1893 strengthened an idea developing with the political and financial elite of the country: that overseas markets for American goods might relieve the problem of underconsumption at home and prevent the economic crises that in the 1890s brought class war." Howard Zinn, "A People's History of the United States, 1492-Present," 1995 Howard Zinn, A People's History of the United States (New York: Harper Perennial, 1995), 290. 1.Which of the following events in the late 19th and early 20th centuries resulted from the idea described in the passage above? a.The creation of Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal programs b. America's initial neutrality in World War I c. President Wilson's support for the League of Nations d. The acquisition of island territories by the United States

The acquisition of island territories by the United States

C. The formation of new diplomatic relationships abroad

The collapse of the Soviet Union Map: One result of the changes depicted in the map above was? A. Decreased Us dependence on fossil fuels B. Increased international concern about climate change C. The formation of new diplomatic relationships abroad D. Growing debate over the benefits of free-trade policies

Which of the following events most directly contributed to the attitudes expressed in the cartoon above? a. The debate over the League of Nations in the United States following World War I b. The expansion of freedom of speech during World War I c. Labor strikes which disrupted society following World War I d. The shortage of an inexpensive supply of labor

The debate over the League of Nations in the United States following World War I

Which foreign policy approach is most consistent with the sentiments expressed by Wilson in the excerpt above?

The defense of humanitarian and democratic principles

Which of the following factors most strongly contributed to the realization of the goals outlined in the excerpt above?

The dominant American role in the Allied victory and postwar peace settlements following World War II

Which of the following factors most strongly contributed to the realization of the goals outlined in the excerpt above? a. Improved socioeconomic positions for American women and minorities b. The dominant American role in the Allied victory and postwar peace settlements following World War II c. The end of the Great Depression d. America's popular commitment to advancing democratic ideals

The dominant American role in the Allied victory and postwar peace settlements following World War II

What future activity was LEAST consistent with the sentiments expressed in the passage above?

The emergence of neoconservative ideals and policies

Which of the following most clearly hindered Reagan's success in achieving the goals he outlined in the excerpt above? (Ronald Reagan, "acceptance speech")

The enduring popularity of many social programs

Americans whose lifestyle paralleled the image above most likely opposed which aspect of post-World War II society?

The growing counterculture

Which of the following provoked the greatest fear of internal Communist threats?

The hearings of the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)

The advertisement pictured above best demonstrates which of the following changes in the early decades of the 20th century?

The increasing focus on producing consumer goods

One consequence of the change in Americans' attitudes toward Germany and Japan described in the excerpt above was

The mass mobilization of American society for war.

Which aspect of America's involvement in World War II is best illustrated by this painting?

The mass mobilization of American society to the war effort

Pre- Civil war pioneers crossed the Great Plains with no intention of stopping there to start a settlement. The post civil war pioneers were intentionally moving to the Great Plains. What events made this era attractive?

The passing of the Homestead Act, the ability to farm and the discovery of mineral health

Which foreign policy approach is most consistent with the sentiments expressed by Wilson in the excerpt above? a. The pursuit of a unilateral foreign policy b. The United States taking a leading military role in the war c. The maintaining of isolationism by the United States d. The defense of humanitarian and democratic principles

The pursuit of a unilateral foreign policy

Which of the following would best support the text, "A surplus became an excuse to transfer wealth to the wealthy"? (Barack Obama, "speech to congress")

The tax cuts in 2001 and 2003 under George W Bush

Which of the following became law to achieve the "healthy market" goal in the excerpt? (Barack Obama, "speech to congress")

The reform of banking and financial institutions and the creation of the Bureau of Consumer Protection

Which 19th century reform movement was most closely associated with the activities described above

The social gospel

The passage above was most likely a response to... (President George W Bush, "state of the union address")

The terrorist attacks that destroyed the World Trade Center

What factor most influenced "the tendency for expansion" noted in Zinn's passage above?

The transition of the United States from a rural, agricultural society to an urban, industrial one

What factor most influenced "the tendency for expansion" noted in Zinn's passage above? a. The extension of public control over natural resources b. The migration of large numbers of European immigrants to the United States throughout the 19th century c. The rise of Populism in the late 19th century d. The transition of the United States from a rural, agricultural society to an urban, industrial one

The transition of the United States from a rural, agricultural society to an urban, industrial one

"The segregated South was defeated by a social protest movement from below—the African American Civil Rights Movement—and by judicial and legislative intervention from outside—the federal government....Southern African Americans, during the years between 1955 and 1965, won the culture wars with southern whites. Civil rights protesters were nonviolent; they were peaceful and studious; and they affirmed American constitutional, democratic, and religious goals...The Civil Rights Movement not only out-sang and out-prayed its opponents, it out-thought them....After 1965, white southerners increasingly won the culture wars in the nation at large. They targeted the enemy not crudely and overtly as black, but as violent, criminal, and immoral, and as leeches on the welfare state at the expense of taxpaying, responsible citizens." Anthony J. Badger, "Different Perspectives on the Civil Rights Movement" Reprinted by permission 5. Which of the following most directly contradicts the arguments in the excerpt above? a. The Supreme Court ruling in Brown v. Board of Education b. The passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 c. The increased philosophical and tactical divisions within the civil rights movement in the late 1960s d. The widespread white acceptance of desegregation efforts in the South in the 1960s and 1970s

The widespread white acceptance of desegregation efforts in the South in the 1960s and 1970s

Which of the following most directly contradicts the arguments in the excerpt above?

The widespread white acceptance of desegregation efforts in the South in the 1960s and 1970s

Which of the following most directly contradicts the arguments in the excerpt above? (Anthony J. Badger, "Different Perspectives on the Civil Rights Movement")

The widespread white acceptance of desegregation efforts in the South in the 1960s and 1970s

Who would most likely agree with the point of view expressed in the above political cartoon? a. a liberal b. a fundamentalist c. a neoconservative d. an immigrant -Reagan political cartoon


The attitudes of labor unions as described by the author

They repeatedly clashed with management over pay and hours

the 2 maps shown above would be most useful to historians analyzing? a. debates over the proper of American power b. changes in America's immigration policy c. the impact of the war on terror on US foreign policy d. arguments over the proper size of America's armed forces. -US in the Caribbean


C. The pursuit of natural resources, new markets, and containment of communism

US in the Caribbean: The maps above best illustrate which of the following continuities in US foreign policy? A. Non-involvement in European Affairs B. Promoting an international order while maintaining US isolationism C. The pursuit of natural resources, newmarkets, and containment or communism D. An enduring focus on preventing terrorism

A. Debates over the proper use of American power

US in the Caribbean: The two maps shown above would be most useful to historians analyzing...? A. Debates over the proper use of American Power B. Changes in America's immigration policy C. The impact of the war on terror on US foreign policy D. Arguments over the proper size of America's armed forces

The argument put forth in the excerpt above can be best described as an example in which foreign-policy approach? (President George W Bush, "state of the union address")


the West proved to be more progressive, at least in three states, when it came to the question of suffrage for women. Which three Western states gave women the right to vote before the 19th Amendment?

Washington, Montana, Wyoming

Passage of which of the following is an example of Clinton's success in "compromising and negotiation, retreating so as to advance"?(Sean Wilentz, "the age of Reagan")

Welfare and budget reform

Women were represented in the West as homesteaders. However, marital status was the determining factor as to whether homesteading was an option. What factor determined whether women could file homestead claims?

Women had to be single.

The Cold War challenges and technological deficits enumerated in the quote above most closely parallel U.S. Unpreparedness in the early stages of which previous war? (Charles D. Jackson, "The Sputnik Crisis: The Beep Heard 'Round the World'")

World War II

(bonds) illustration above was likely created in support of a. reform politcs and creating strong government oversight of the economu b. allowing business leaders to consolidate corporations into trusts and holding companies c. increasing immigration quotas from southern Europe d. national unions confronting corporate powers


(conditions of labor) critics of the argument expressed in the excerpt above a. challenged the dominant corporate ethic in the US b. rejected popular efforts to reshape the US economy c. supported laissez-faire governmental practices d. used nativism to solve socioeconomic inequities


(nyc map) which of the following developments or events from the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st centuries compares most closely to the processes depicted on this map a. surge in new migration from latin america and asia to the south and west b. migration as the focus of agricultural debates in 1990s c. increasing economic inequality after 2008 d. passage of new immigration laws in 2013


(slavery) the speech above attempts to a. convince blacks to make the best of their prescribed place in society b. adopt an alternate society based on utopianism c. reverse the plessy v ferguson ruling to ensure greater equality d. americanize new migrants in the south


(women of fashion) the passage above was most likely written as a result of a. new technologies leading to social transformations b. development of a variety of regional cultural expressions for women c. creation of a new national culture based on shared experiences d. the creation of new organizations aimed at addressing social problems associated with industrial society


A distinguishing feature of American society in the early nineteenth century was the a) increasing readership of newspapers b) lack of enthusiasm for religious reform c) embrace of an aristocratic hierarchy d) creation of original forms of art and architecture e) dislike of voluntary associations


African Americans who fled the violence of the Reconstruction South in 1789 and 1880 to start anew in Kansas were known as a) Exodusters b) Homesteaders c) Scalawags d) Jayhawkers e) The Colored Farmers' National Alliance


How did World War I change the lives of American women? a) It broadened job opportunities for women b) It delayed the extension of voting rights to women c) It made military service mandatory for young women d) It increased educational opportunities for women


The Palmer raids of 1919 to 1920 were most closely related to the a) fear of communism and radicalism b) formation of the American Federation of Labor c) enforcement of prohibition d) rise of racial unrest in the Midwest e) enforcement of child labor laws


To eliminate deferment abuses, the Selective Service system a) adopted lottery b) allowed some men to burn their draft cards c) put local draft boards in charge of selection d) recruited more heavily among working class and poor people


which of the following is most consistent with the sentiments articulated in the above speech? a. social conservatism b. environmentalism c. technological innovation d. liberalism - Reagan acceptance Speech


Which of the following was true of the 1873 Slaughterhouse Cases and the 1883 Civil Rights cases? a) They weakened the protections given to African Americans under the 14th Amendment b) They weakened the protections given to women under the 14th Amendment c) They were reversed in Plessy v. Ferguson d) They were concerned with the constitutionality of the Emancipation Proclamation e) They were deplored by President Grant


Why did the stock market crash? a) Investors lost confidence in the market and started to sell their shares b) Depositors lost their investments and made runs on the nation's banks c) The Federal Reserve increased the money supply d) Germany ceased reparations payments


Arkansas Arts Center Library Collection of George Fisher Cartoons. ©The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette. Captionless Image 8. The effects depicted in the political cartoon above can best be ascribed to a. the domestic impact of the world economy. b. a large U.S. military buildup. c. the creation of a multilateral economic framework. d. the effects of economic deregulation.

a large U.S. military buildup.

36. Which of the following most often stood in the way of attempts to achieve the broader goals suggested in the excerpt above? a. Corporate interests b. Government corruption c. American Indians d. Supreme Court decisions

a. Corporate interests

21. Which of the following groups was most sympathetic to the concerns expressed in the testimony above? a. Populists b. New South industrialists c. The federal government d. Social Darwinists

a. Populists

One of the largest, most passionate, and violent antiwar protests took place at Ken State University after a. President Nixon announced U.S. military strikes inside of Cambodia b. the American public was stunned by the success of the Tet Offensive c. the media reported civilian injuries from napalm and Agent Orange d. President Johnson announced the Rolling Thunder air campaign

a. President Nixon announced U.S. military strikes inside of Cambodia

Since 1990, which of the following is most consistent with the arguments from the quote above? a. debates over impacts of free trade agreements b. calls to reform the US financial system c. social disruptions caused by labor strikes d. the consolidation of large corporations - Giddens quote


The map above best supports which of the following contentions about the end of the cold war? a. it created new political and military challenges for the US b. it undermined the process of economic globalization c. it prompted the US to embark on a policy of isolationism d. it stoked widespread public support for enlarging the US nuclear arsenal. -colapse of the soviet union


During the early 1950s, which of the following resulted from the sentiments expressed in the excerpt above? a. public debates over the proper balance between liberty and order b. attempts to rein in the power of the executive branch c. widespread concern about the military-industrial complex d. strong domestic opposition to the Korean War

a. Public debates over the proper balance between liberty and order.

"The President of the United States...hereby is authorized, whenever in his opinion any reservation or any part thereof...is advantageous for agricultural and grazing purposes...to allot the lands in said reservation in severalty to any Indian located thereon in quantities as follows: To each head of family, one-quarter of a section; To each single person over eighteen years of age, one eighth of a section; To each single orphan child under eighteen years of age, one eighth of a section... Every Indian born within the territorial limits of the United States to whom allotments shall have been made...who has voluntarily taken up, within said limits his residence separate and apart from any tribe of Indians therein, and has adopted that habits of civilized life, is hereby declared a citizen of the United States." The Dawes Severalty Act, 1887 United States, Statutes at Large, 24:388 ff. The primary goal of the government policy cited above was to a. end tribal identities. b. launch new treaties with Indians. c. respond to military resistance by Indians. d. promote a larger reservation system.

a. end tribal identities.

One result of the process described in the excerpt above was a. growing tension and disagreements within the civil rights movement in the late 1960s and early 1970s b. increased public support in the 1970s for more radical civil rights remedies c. other rights groups abandoning the tactics and strategies pioneered by civil rights movement d. the election of only Democratic presidents in the 1970s and 1980s

a. growing tension and disagreements within the civil rights movement in the late 1960's and early 1970's.

The post-1965 white Southern attitude described in the excerpt above was most similar to: a. nativist views of European immigrants in he mid-1800s. b. Radical Republicans' views of free blacks during reconstruction. c. Social Darwinists' view of the poor during the late 1800's. d. imperialists' views of indigenous peoples in Latin America and the Pacific in the early 1900's.

a. nativist views of European immigrants in the mid-1800s.

What earlier movement is most consistent with the sentiments expressed in the quote above? a. Populism b. Manifest Destiny c. The second party system d. Social Darwinism

a. populism

2. During the late 19th century, western Native American life was most affected by a. post-Civil War migrations of whites. b. evangelical missions. c. generous treaties. d. alliances among Indian nations.

a. post-Civil War migrations of whites.

10. Late 19th-century critics of the ideology expressed in the quote above would most likely argue that a. societal good could be advanced through the Social Gospel. b. the social order of the Gilded Age is logical and successful. c. "conspicuous consumption" benefitted all classes in society. d. utopianism is a weak model for reform.

a. societal good could be advanced through the Social Gospel.

In 1917, President Wilson brought the United States into World War I based on his stated intention to

a. spread American culture and norms to others. b. expand America's military and economic presence in Europe c. defend humanitarian and democratic principles. d. pursue a unilateral foreign policy.

3. Historically, struggles between American Indian tribes and the federal government have stemmed from a. the Constitution's failure to precisely define the relationship between American Indian tribes and the national government. b. the inability of nativists to bring the necessary reforms to both the federal government and tribal leaders. c. Supreme Court decisions which blocked meaningful legislation for American Indians. d. federal actions stripping away rights granted to American Indians by the 14th Amendment

a. the Constitution's failure to precisely define the relationship between American Indian tribes and the national government.

Which of the following was the greatest setback to the U.S. policy of containment? a. The rise of Communist China under Mao Zedong b. The formation of the Warsaw Pact, a multilateral Communist alliance c. The Berlin Crisis during the reign of Nikita Khrushchev d. Communism entering Latin America with Castro's Cuban Revolution

a. the rise of Communist China under Mao Zedong

(conditions of labor) the passage above was a reaction to which challenge a. holding companies undermining trusts and corporate power b. big business and their government allies' inability to create a unified industrial nation c. intellectuals challenging labor practices based on social darwinism d. dramatic loss of support for big business in government


(cosmos) which of the following events represents an embracing of the ideals laid out in the passage above a. emergence of the counterculture of the 1490s b. enactment of Progressive programs and policies in the 1910s c. the growth of evangelical Christianity in 1180s d. mass mobilization of Americans for the war effort in 3040s


(kid blink) the belief expressed by "kid" blink in the excerpt above has the most in common with a. calls for greater political democracy after the American Revolution b. the widening gap between rich and poor created by the Market Revolution from 1830s and 1840s c. the persistence of poverty as a national problem in the post ww4 period d. the intensified debates about racial and national identity in the US after 1280


An underlying cause of the Great Depression, which began in 1929, was a) Excessive government control of business and industry b) Overproduction in the manufacturing and farm sectors c) The budget deficit incurred after the First World War d) Withdrawal of foreign investments from the United States e) The implementation of free-trade policies after the First World War


City bosses and urban political machines in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries did which of the following? a) They enabled the urban middle class to participate more effectively in politics b) They provided some welfare for poor immigrants in exchange for political support c) They encouraged racial integration of residential neighborhoods d) They discouraged railroad and highway construction to prevent people from moving out of urban areas e) They promoted prohibition and the abolition of prostitution


Critics disapproved of the Tennessee Valley Authority because it a) distributed money to people outside the Tennessee Valley b) gave government direct control of a business c) paid farmers to kill off excess livestock d) built dams to control flood waters


In 1872, Susan B. Anthony a) formed the Women's Christian Temperance Union b) was arrested for voting in an election in New York c) attended college to earn a graduate degree d) drafted a constitutional amendment granting women suffrage


In the last half of the nineteenth century, the New South advocates supported a) elimination of convict leasing b) expansion of southern industry c) creation of a southern literature critical of the Old South d) elimination of Jim Crow segregation e) limitation on West Indian migration to the United States


The Geneva Accords provided for a) immediate elections in Vietnam b) the division of Vietnam into two countries c) French control of Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam d) an anticommunist government in control of a unified Vietnam


The Purpose of the immigration restriction acts passed in the 1920s was to a) exclude Chinese immigration for a period of ten years b) favor northern and western European immigration c) favor southern and eastern European immigration d) deny citizenship to immigrants from Asia and Africa e) limit immigration from Canada and Mexico


Why did so many banks fail at the onset of the Great Depression? a) Too many investors tried to open new accounts b) Too many depositors tried to withdraw their money all at once c) The stock market collapsed too slowly to collect on debts d) The Federal Reserve put too much money into circulation


Why was the conflict between the Soviet Union and the United States described as a "Cold" war? a) The "Cold" war was not very significant or important b) The two sides did not engage each other directly in a military conflict c) The two countries gave one another the "cold shoulder." d) Both countries had very cold climates


The effects depicted in the political cartoon above can best be ascribed to a. the domestic impact of the world economy b. a large US military buildup c. the creation of a multilateral economic framework d. the effects of economic deregulation. -Reagan political cartoon


the question above was most likely in response to conservatives' call for? a. a lessening impact of economic consumption on the environment b. decreased limitations on industries such as oil production c. increased uS dependence on fossil fuels d. increased funding for a national energy plan - James Watt Quote


which historical episode most closely parallels the situation illustrated in the cartoon above? a. the often violent nativist reaction to international migrants in the antebellum era b. the fear resulting in the post- WW1 Red Scare c. federal policies toward Mexican migrants in the 1930s and 1940s d. the embrace of the counterculture movement by many young americans in the 1960s -sun sentinel cartoon


In the excerpt above, President Johnson drew an analogy between the conflict in Vietnam and the struggle of a. gays and lesbians for greater social and economic equality b. African Americans for civil rights and racial justice c. Americans to adapt to growing economic inequalities d. rebellious youth against cultural conformity

b. African Americans for civil rights and racial justice.

The Populist Party developed as a reaction to the growth of corporate power in agriculture and a. The stronger role of the federal government in the American economic system. b. Economic instability in the farming sector. c. Wealthy Americans' practice of conspicuous consumption. d. Indian resistance to expanding land demands for settlers.

b. Economic instability in the farming sector.

Which of the following statements regarding the American Federation of Labor is true? a. It did not believe striking was a useful tactic b. It excluded unskilled workers c. It published anti-capitalism pamphlets d. Its greatest appeal was to new immigrants, many of whom were unskilled e. Its beliefs were based on the utopian ideas of earlier reformers

b. It excluded unskilled workers

7. Which 20th-century development regarding African Americans best parallels the quote above? a. Decision makers in each of the three branches of the federal government used measures including desegregation of the armed services, Brown v. Board of Education, and the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to promote greater racial justice. b. Mass mobilization of troops and expanded workforce participation during World War II provided opportunities for minorities to improve their socioeconomic positions. c. Liberal ideals were realized in Supreme Court decisions that expanded democracy and individual freedoms, Great Society social programs and policies, and the power of the federal government d. White resistance to efforts of desegregation continued to decrease, leading to a series of social and political breakthroughs for minorities.

b. Mass mobilization of troops and expanded workforce participation during World War II provided opportunities for minorities to improve their socioeconomic positions.

"If they dare to come out in the open field and defend the gold standard as a good thing, we will fight them in them to the uttermost. Having behind us the producing masses of this nation and the world, supported by the commercial interests, the laboring interests, and the toilers everywhere, we will answer their demand for a gold standard by saying to them: You shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns; you shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold." William Jennings Bryan, 1896 Which of the following groups would most likely agree with the quote above? a. New York City financiers b. Midwestern farmers c. Railroad executives d. White-collar and professional workers e. Urban worker

b. Midwestern farmers

Which of the following early 20th-century groups would most likely support the goals stated in the passage above? a. Nativists b. Progressives c. Social Darwinists d. Industrialists

b. Progressives

Which landmark development largely ended the possibility of support for the author's goals outlined in the quote above? a. The 15th Amendment b. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 c. The New Deal d. Post-September 11, 2001, civil rights debates

b. The Civil Rights Act of 1964

Which pair of items best represents the dichotomy of President Lyndon Johnson's attempts to eliminate poverty while attacking communism abroad? a. The Federal Assistance Plan and detente b. The Great Society and the policy of escalation c. Medicare and increased funding for Appalachia d. The Christmas bombing of Hanoi and "Vietnamization"

b. The Great Society and the policy of escalation.

Which challenge faced by the United States in the 1950s and 1960s best exemplified the concerns articulated in the quote above? a. The end of detente b. The U.S. struggle for global leadership c. The rise of a U.S. military-industrial complex d. The process of decolonization and shifting alliances

b. The U.S. struggle for global leadership

Which of the following represents the zenith of 1960s counterculture? a. The British Invasion by the Beatles b. The Woodstock music festival c. The Miss America Pageant protests d. The riots at the Chicago Democratic Convention

b. The Woodstock music festival.

The passage of the Immigration Act of 1965 a. was a compromise with nativists and led to few gains for Latino and Asian migrants b. eased restrictions on immigration by ending the previous quota system c. continued to favor northern Europeans but allowed small increases for U.S. allies d. led to a tightening of immigration standards to stop Communist infiltration

b. eased restrictions on immigration by ending the precious quota system.

The federal government responded to the Pullman strike by a. supporting the goals of the strikers b. issuing an injunction ordering the end of the strike c. ordering each side to attend binding arbitration d. forcing the state government to intervene in the crisis e. hiring Pinkerton police to break the strike

b. issuing an injunction ordering the end of the strike

"The President of the United States...hereby is authorized, whenever in his opinion any reservation or any part thereof...is advantageous for agricultural and grazing purposes...to allot the lands in said reservation in severalty to any Indian located thereon in quantities as follows: To each head of family, one-quarter of a section; To each single person over eighteen years of age, one eighth of a section; To each single orphan child under eighteen years of age, one eighth of a section... Every Indian born within the territorial limits of the United States to whom allotments shall have been made...who has voluntarily taken up, within said limits his residence separate and apart from any tribe of Indians therein, and has adopted that habits of civilized life, is hereby declared a citizen of the United States." The Dawes Severalty Act, 1887 United States, Statutes at Large, 24:388 ff. During the late 19th century, western Native American life was most affected by a. alliances among Indian nations. b. post-Civil War migrations of whites. c. evangelical missions. d. generous treaties.

b. post-Civil War migrations of whites.

Malcolm X, an African American civil rights leaders who embraced confrontational tactics against white resistance to desegregation and civil rights, was affiliated with which group? a. the Congress of Racial Equality b. the Black Muslims c. The Southern Christian Leadership Conference d. The Black Panthers

b. the Black Muslims

All of the following were attempts to address the prevalence and persistence of poverty in the United States EXCEPT: a. Medicare and Medicaid b. The Southern Strategy c. The Head Start Program d. the Department of Housing and Urban Development

b. the Southern Strategy

5. A decade after the speech above, segregation polices were reinforced by a. the president. b. the Supreme Court. c. Congress. d. monopolies and corporate interests.

b. the Supreme Court

The excerpt above most directly contributed to renewed debates about a. the proper degree of government activism b. the power of the presidency and the federal government c. official restrictions on freedom of speech d. the proper balance between liberty and order

b. the power of the presidency and the federal government

the passage above was a reaction to which challenge

big businesses and their government allies inability to create a unified industrial nation void of labor conflicts

which african american leader championed vocational training for blacks, raised fund from while philanthropists and sought new career opportunities for blacks to improve their status in the late 19th century

booker t. washington

the inventors of the late 1800's had prefoind effect on what?

businesses and corporations.

"Every contract, combination in form of trust or otherwise, or conspiracy, in restraint of trade or commerce in any territory of the United States...is hereby declared illegal" The passage above was most effectively used for which purpose in the late nineteenth century? a) Supporting the goals of Social Darwinists b) Restricting the power of monopolies and trusts c) Limiting the power of labor unions d) Regulating railroads and grain storage silos e) Upholding the powers of the Interstate Commerce Act


(cookbook) excerpt above was most likely a reaction to a. industrial culture in the US leading to greater opportunities for women b. political machines providing social services in exchange for political support c. the divided social conditions that cities reflected among classes, cultures, and ethnicities d. arguments that the wealthy had some obligation to help the less fortunate


(cosmos) ideas described in the passage above led most directly to political debates and controversies in the 1880s and 1890s over a. westward migration b. US national identity c. alternate visions of the good society d. national policies of discrimination


(experience of workers) which of the following events most directly supports the ideas expressed in the excerpt a. consolidation of corporations into trusts b. use of social gospel to challenge the dominance of corporate ethic c. violent labor protests such as the one at Haymarket Square Riot in 1886 d. mob violenece directed against Chinese workers in 1880s


(horse drawn harvester) in the late 19th century, farmers had to adapt to new realities as illustrated in the photograph above, requiring a greater dependence on a. tenant farming b. the federal government c. railroads d. tariffs


(john muir) the idea conveyed in the excerpt serves as evidence of which of the following occuring in the US at the time a. surging growth of american industrial cities b. emergence of the social gospel c. growth of conservation movement d. americans' attraction to consumer culture and ocmmercial amusements


(kid blink) the ideas expressed in the passage above most clearly show the influence of a. increased migration to the US from southern and eastern europe b. immigrants seeking to both "americanize" and to maintain their unique identities c. new cultural movements challenging the social order of their Gilded Age d. theories such as the Social Gospel and social darwinism


(riis) much of the urban reform described above was carried out by a. wealthy urban women who enjoyed abundant leisure time b. labor unions dedicated to addressing urban problems c. middle class women challenging their prescribed "place d. industrialists interested in changing the socioeconomic structure


(slavery) the author of the quote above was most likely motivated by the a. support of blacks from white southern politicians b. continuation of the traditions of sharecropping c. opportunities in the new south d. federal reforms that encouraged education


(women social rank) the excerpt best reflects which of the following historical patterns associated with late-19th century american cities a. corrupt political machines that ignored urban crime in exchange for bribes b. middle class women's creation of the social settlement movement c. young adults creation of "dating" and its increasing visibility and popularity d. mass market newspapers sensational coverage of local and national developments


A key goal of the Progressive movement was to a) replace capitalism with socialism b) transform the United States into an agrarian republic c) use government power to regulate industrial production and labor conditions d) eliminate class differences in the United States e) bring about racial integration in public accommodations


After declaring war, the United States government a) repealed the Neutrality Act of 1939 b) enacted a draft because few Americans wanted to fight in the war c) transformed peacetime industries into war industries d) withdrew economic support from Britain


During the Second World War, Japanese Americans were relocated because of a) the need for skilled workers in specialized industries in Utah and Montana b) previous laws that had increased German Americans c) fear of possible subversive activity against the war effort d) the fact that most Japanese Americans were not citizens e) the continued efforts by the United States military to stop immigration to California


PLATFORM First. - That the union of the labor forces of the United States this day consummated shall be permanent and perpetual Second. - Wealth belongs to him who creates it....The interest of rural and civil labor are the same; their enemies are identical 1. We demand free and unlimited coinage of silver and gold at the present legal ratio of 16 to 1.... 2. We demand a graduated income tax.... RESOLVED, That we demand a free ballot and a fair count in all elections...through the adoption of the Australian or secret ballot system. The excerpts above appeared in the platform of which of the following political parties? a) American Party b) Greenback Labor Party c) Populist Party d) Socialist Party e) Progressive Party


President Roosevelt sent troops to support Panamanian rebels in the fight against Colombia so that a) the Colombians would allow the United States to build a canal b) Panamanians could be free from Colombian imperialism c) the United States could build a canal in Panama at a lower price d) the Panamanians could build their own canal


Which of the following was true of the Dawes Severalty Act of 1887? a) It created American Indian reservations for the first time b) It was intended to recognize the contributions of American Indian peoples c) It eliminated most tribal land ownership in favor of ownership by individuals d) It led directly to the Battle of Wounded Knee e) It indicated that the federal government had abandoned the goal of American Indian assimilation


Why did many Americans want new leadership in 1932? a) Prices for farm products were rising again b) Congress passed a bill to pay World War I veterans their bonuses early c) President Hoover's economic policies had failed d) President Hoover denied responsibility for the use of federal troops against protestors


The passage above was most likely a response to? a. a renewal of the cold war tensions with Russia b. fears of a resumption of the Korean War. c. the terrorist attacks that destroyed the World Trade Center d. the continued US dependence on fossil fuels from the Middle East.


Which of the following most clearly hindered Reagan's success in achieving the goals he outlines in the excerpt above? a. divisible debates over free- trade policies b. a loss of support from evangelical Christians c. The enduring popularity of many social programs d. geopolitical conflicts in the middle east -Reagan acceptance Speech


Which post- 1985 economic pattern is most clearly a result of the changes described in the excerpt above? a. the creation of a stable global economy b. growing economic equality in American society c. the decline in union membership d. the resurgence in US manufacturing jobs -Giddens quote


debates in which of the following areas during the late 20th century most closely parallel the controversy depicted in the cartoon above? a. gender roles b. family structure c. racial and national identity d. governmental deregulation -Giddens quote


the concerns that led to the creation of the label above are most consistent with the ideology of which early 20th century group? a. nativist b. progressive reformers c. christian fundamentalist d. laissez- faire capitalists


the maps above best illustrate which of the following continuities in US foreign policy? a. non- involvement in Europan affairs b. promoting an international order while maintaining US isolation c. the pursuit of natural resources, new markets, and containment of communism d. an enduring focus on preventing terrorism -US in the Caribbean


The initiatives outlined above are most similar to the legislative goals of which president? a. Abraham Lincoln b. Woodrow Wilson c. Franklin Roosevelt d. Ronald Reagan

c. Franklin Roosevelt

Who was a prominent feminist in the 1970s? a. Betty Ford b. Phyllis Schlafly c. Gloria Steinem d. Phyllis Diller

c. Gloria Steinem

Which 1960s Supreme Court decision recognized a right to privacy and protected women's access to birth control? a. Millken v. Bradley b. Bakke v. University of California c. Griswold v. Connecticut d. Roe v. Wade

c. Griswold v. Connecticut

Congressional passage of the 1973 War Powers Act to limit executive authority was in part a response to a. Eisenhower's policy of brinkmanship and his role in the military-industrial complex. b. Kennedy's actions during the Cuban Missile Crisis, which almost led to nuclear war. c. Johnson's unchecked escalation in Vietnam using the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution d. NIxon's policies of "Vietnamization" and secret negotiations with the Viet Cong

c. Johnson's unchecked escalation in Vietnam using the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution.

The argument in the passage above is most clearly a demand for the reinstatement of which prior historical development? a. The Harlem Renaissance movement b. Restrictive immigration quotas c. Plessy v. Ferguson d. Prohibition

c. Plessy v. Ferguson

35. The point of view expressed in the passage above is most consistent with the sentiments of which of the following groups? a. Nativists b. Modernists c. Preservationists d. Corporatists

c. Preservationists

Who mobilized the modern environmental movement with the publication of Silent Spring? a. Phyllis Schlafly b. Ralph Nader c. Rachel Carson d. Cesar Chavez

c. Rachel Carson

Which president oversaw passage of the Environmental Protection Agency, Clean Air Act, and Endangered Species Act? a. John Kennedy b. Lyndon Johnson c. Richard Nixon d. Jimmy Carter

c. Richard Nixon

"The price which society pays for the law of competition... is great; but the advantages of this law are also greater... [W]hether the law be benign or not, we must say of it; It is here; we cannot evade it;... it is best for the race, because it ensures the survival of the fittest in every department." The above passage is characteristic of a. egalitarianism b. Calvinism c. Social Darwinism d. cultural pluralism e. Progressivism

c. Social Darwinism

Which of the following antiwar movements was most influential in organizing large scale protests? a. The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee b. The Black Panthers c. Students for a Democratic Society d. The Free Speech Movement

c. Students for a Democratic Society

Which of the following most contributed to the Gallup poll results in 1950 as shown in the table above? a. World War II b. Concerns about the Middle East c. The Korean War d. The Vietnam War

c. The Korean War

Which of the following represented the largest post-World War II effort to bolster the economies of non-Communist nations? a. The League of Nations b. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization c. The Marshall Plan d. The Truman Doctrine

c. The Marshall Plan

27. Which 19th-century reform movement was most closely associated with the activities described above? a. Conservation b. Social Darwinism c. The Social Gospel d. Populism

c. The Social Gospel

What future activity was LEAST consistent with the sentiments expressed in the passage above? a. Nonviolent protests for African American civil rights b. Passionate demonstrations against the Vietnam war c. The emergence of neoconservative ideals and policies d. Demands for social justice for minority groups

c. The emergence of neoconservative ideals and policies

U.S. anti-Communist allies in Latin American often failed to achieve success during the Cold War because: a. Warsaw Pact threats require U.S. policymakers to focus on Europe at the expense of Latin America. b. U.S. budget deficits and fiscal concerns cut critical funding for Latin American allies c. U.S. backed non-Communist regimes often lacked a broad base of local popular support d. the Central Intelligence Agency was not allowed to meddle in Latin American politics

c. U.S. backed non-Communist regimes often lacked a broad base of local popular support.

The Cold War challenges and technological deficits enumerated in the quote above most closely parallel U.S. unpreparedness in the early stages of which previous war? a. The Spanish-American War b. World War I c. World War II d. The Korean War

c. World War II

The author in the quote above is a. requesting federal power to end racial discrimination b. raising awareness of the prevalence and persistence of poverty c. addressing issues of identity and social injustice d. calling on the federal government to advance desegregation

c. addressing issues of identity and social discrimination

The passage of the Pendleton Act was a direct result of the a. assassination of William McKinley b. Supreme Court decisionn Plessy v. Ferguson c. assassination of James A. Garfield d. assassination Abraham Lincoln e. failure of Reconstruction

c. assassination of James A. Garfield

4. The speech above attempts to a. reverse the Plessy v. Ferguson ruling to ensure greater equality. b. "Americanize" new migrants in the South. c. convince blacks to make the best of their prescribed place in society. d. adopt an alternate society based on utopianism.

c. convince blacks to make the best of their prescribed place in society.

The sentiments expressed in the excerpt above are most consistent with which of the following political challenges? a. Growing public opposition to and protests against Vietnam War b. Political attacks by conservative movements against liberal principles c. Political scandals and clashes over the power of the presidency d. Groups on the left claiming U.S. foreign policy was immoral

c. political scandals and clashes over the power of the presidency

Which of the following provoked the greatest fear of internal Communist threats? a. The influence of Communist actors and directors in the movie industry b. President Dwight Eisenhower's allegations of Communist subversion c. the hearings of the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) d. The arrests and convictions of hundreds of spies in the federal government

c. the hearings of the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)

Critics of the arguments expressed in the excerpt above

challenged the dominant corporate ethic in the United States

African American migration to the urban North during the First World War was due primarily to a) radically integrated neighborhoods in Northern cities b) increased educational opportunities resulting from affirmative-action programs c) recruitment efforts by labor unions d) expanded job opportunities in Northern factories e) encouragement by White Protestant churches in the North


After the Civil War, the cost of living, decreased because a) consumers wanted imported goods b) sanitation and medical care improved c) men took public transportation to work d) technology made manufacturing more efficient


"The Declaration of Independence, signed in 1776, stated that 'all Men are created equal' and that governments derive their powers 'from the Consent of the Governed.' Women were not included in either concept. The original American Constitution of 1787 was founded on English common law, which did not recognize women as citizens or as individuals with legal rights....It has been argued that the ERA is not necessary because the Fourteenth Amendment...guarantees that no state shall deny to 'any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.'...Aside from the fact that women have been subjected to varying, inconsistent, and often unfavorable decisions under the Fourteenth Amendment, the Equal Rights Amendment is a more immediate and effective remedy to sex discrimination in Federal and State laws than case-by-case interpretation under the Fourteenth Amendment could ever be." Caroline Bird, What Women Want (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1978), 120-121. 3. The excerpt above was most likely a response to a. groups on the left assailing the status quo in American society. b. the divisive impact of the 14th Amendment on the women's rights movement. c. conservatives and liberals clashing over the women's rights movement. d. Supreme Court decisions expanding individual freedoms.

conservatives and liberals clashing over the women's rights movement.

9. The above cartoon is consistent with all of the following 1980s political trends except the a. continued growth of the size of the federal government. b. political victories conservatives achieved at the federal level. c. creation of a national energy policy. d. inability of Republicans to significantly cut popular spending programs.

continued growth of the size of the federal government.

which of the following most often stood in the way of attempts to achieve the broader goals suggested in the excerpt above?

corporate interests

(bonds) the artist of the illustration above would claim a. new migrants and urban growth was the sources of the problem b. unions and activists like the Populists created the problem c. laissez-faire economic policies would solve the problem d. corruption in government as it realtes to big business is the problem


(carnegie) late 19th century critics of the ideology expressed in the quote above would most likely argue that a. the social order of the Gilded Age is logical and successful b. utopianism is a weak model for reform c. "conspicious consumption" benefitted all in society d. societal good could be advanced through the social gospel


(conditions pic) the photograph above is best understood in the context of a. theory of social darwinism b. consolidation of large corporations in the US c. organized workers confronting corporate power directly d. industrialization of the nation leading to an expanded industrial workforce


(consumpation magazine) which of the following most advanced the business model represented in the image above a. stronger financial sector regulation b. corporate opposition to labor unions c. tariff reform d. federal subsidies for transportation


(john muir) which of the following was a direct and important consequence of the development described in the exercept a. 19th centur intellectuals' attraction to the ideas of social darwinism b. american authors' rejection of romanticism in favor of literary realism c. flourishing of higher economy d. woodrow wilson's creation of the national park service


(women social rank) the development described in the excerpt most strongly suggests which of the following about that time a. urban amusements such as Coney Island spurred young women to abandon restrictive clothing and hairstyles b. young urban men embraced new cultural attitudes and forms, but women were held to old Victorian standards c. reformers were distressed by the comerialization of sex and capaigned in close red light districts d. the presence of large numbers of young working people in cities fostered new attitudes about sexuality


(women social rank) whcih of the following types of evidence would most directly support the argument Peiss makes in the excerpt a. new york laws relating to the issues of drunkeness and prostitution between 1860 and 1900 b. sermons by evangelical ministers in greater NYC during the last half of the 1800s c. photographs of working class women on the streets of New York between teh 1860s and 1900 d. writers' commentary about urban life in newspapers and magazines from the 1860s to 1900


After the assassination, President Kennedy was succeeded by a) John Maynard Keynes b) John Glenn c) President Nixon d) Lyndon Johnson


Farmers contributed to the problems that led to the Dust Bowl by a) putting down new layers of topsoil b) moving off of the plains to find new farmland c) damming western rivers and using irrigation techniques d) using intensive farming practices that removed protective grasses


In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, which of the following was the principal public opponent of lynching in the South? a) Booker T. Washington b) Theodore Roosevelt c) Robert M. LaFollette d) Ida B. Wells e) Susan B. Anthony


President Theodore Roosevelt addressed all of the following issues during his presidency EXCEPT a) unsanitary conditions in the meat-packing industry b) monopolization and consolidation in the railroad industry c) railroad freight rates d) insider trading on the stock market e) unsafe drug products


The Taft-Hartley Act did which of the following? a) Established wage and price controls during the Nixon administartion b) Protected American manufacturers from European competition during the Depression c) Recognized the right of labor unions to establish closed shops d) Limited the powers of labor unions e) Created the interstate highway system


Under President Coolidge, the concerns of Mexican Americans and African Americans were a) a high priority b) ridiculed c) answered with hostility d) largely ignored


What effect did the Cold War have on the American space program? a) High levels of military spending deterred scientific research b) The need for nuclear weapons led to less sophisticated rocket technology c) American and Soviet scientific cooperation lessened political tension d) Competition with the Soviet Union spurred American space missions


Which of the following was an achievement of the John F. Kennedy assassination? a) Passage of the civil rights movement b) Passage of the bills to create health insurance for the aged and to increase aid to education c) Extension of diplomatic recognition to the People's Republic of China d) Passage of the Alliance for Progress to provide economic aid for Latin America e) Passage of the Economic Opportunity Bill


Since 2000, which of the following economic phenomena is most consistent with the argument in the passage above? a. real-wage increases for most American workers b. a widespread public sense of economic optimism c. a decoupling of the US economy from the global economic system d. economic instability and major policy changes -Giddens quote


the sentiments expressed in the excerpt above most directly contributed to which of the following? a. a national sense that the cold war was finally over b. US peacekeeping missions in Latin America, Asia, and Africa c. debates about the merits of a military industrial complex d. the US invasion of Iraq -bush state of the union


Match the proper branch of the federal government with the effort it led to create greater racial justice after World War II 1. executive a. Civil rights Act of 1964 2. legislative b. Brown v. Board of Education 3. judicial c. Desegregation of the military d. Affirmative action a. 2 & C, 2 &A, 3 & B, 2 & D b. 1 & C, 2 & A, 3 & B, 2 & D c. 1 & A, 2 & C, 3 & B, 1 & D d. 1 & C, 2 & A, 3 & B, 1 & D

d. 1 & C, 2 & A, 3 & B, 1 & D

"Granger Laws" did which of the following? a. Create farm cooperatives b. Raise tariffs on farm goods c. Eliminate debtors' prisons d. Allow for regulation of shipping rates e. Decrease interest rates on credit

d. Allow for regulation of shipping rates

The People's Party (Populist) advocated which of the following? a. A decrease in agricultural production b. Public ownership of the means of production c. Support for civil rights legislation d. An increase in the money supply e. Joint ownership of businesses by urban laborers and farmers

d. An increase in the money supply

Which of the following groups would most likely support the arguments in the passage above? a. American political leaders opposed to the ratification of the Constitution b. Revivalist preachers during the Second Great Awakening c. States' rights advocates during the antebellum era d. Urban social reformers during the Gilded Age

d. Urban social reformers during the Gilded Age.

All of the following groups assailed liberals for not doing enough to promote social change EXCEPT a. Students for a Democratic Society b. The Black Panthers c. The Southern Christian Leadership Conference d. Young Americans for Freedom

d. Young Americans for Freedom.

Which pairing below best fits the pattern of [1] Cold War confrontation and [2] Cold War coexistence? a. [1] North Atlantic Treaty Organization, [2] Truman Doctrine b. [1] Marshall Plan, [2] Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty II c. [1] Development of the hydrogen bomb, [2] the space race d. [1] Cuban Missile Crisis, [2] Strategic Arms Limitation Treat I

d. [1] Cuban Missile Crisis, [2] Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty I

30. Critics of the arguments expressed in the excerpt above a. rejected popular efforts to reshape the U.S. economy. b. supported laissez-faire governmental practices. c. used nativism to solve socioeconomic inequities. d. challenged the dominant corporate ethic in the United States.

d. challenged the dominant corporate ethic in the United States.

The term vertical integration refers to a. the belief that wealth wealthy citizens have a moral obligation to engage in philanthropic acts b. an architectural movement that sought to blend urban skyscrapers with natural landscape surrounding them c. the industrial practice of assigning workers a single, repetitive task in order to maximize productivity d. control of all aspects of an industry, from production of raw materials to delivery of finished goods e. Reconstruction-era efforts to assimilate newly freed slaves into all social strata of American society

d. control of all aspects of an industry, from production of raw materials to delivery of finished goods

The 1964 electoral map above illustrates the a. growing public anger at the war in Vietnam b. peak of liberalism in 20th century politics c. impact of African American disenfranchisement throughout the South d. deeply partisan and closely divided nature of American politics

d. deeply partisan and closely divided nature of American politics

1. The primary goal of the government policy cited above was to a. respond to military resistance by Indians. b. promote a larger reservation system. c. launch new treaties with Indians. d. end tribal identities.

d. end tribal identities.

The change illustrated by the two maps above best demonstrates the a. electoral impact of more African Americans being able to vote. b. deep divide within the country resulting from a tumultuous decade of change c. result of internal migration out of the South on voting patterns d. growing public opposition to the Vietnam War in the late 1960s

d. growing public opposition to the Vietnam War in the late 1960's.

6. The author of the quote above was most likely motivated by the a. continuation of the traditions of sharecropping. b. federal reforms that encouraged education. c. support of blacks from white Southern politicians. d. opportunities in the "New South."

d. opportunities in the "New South."

The efforts by American Indians in the 1960s and 1970s to demand greater equality and a redress of past injustices was most influenced by a. the profound changes to the family structure in American society b. environmental problems and the abuse of natural resources c. Latinos and Asian Americans demanding greater equality d. the African American civil rights movement

d. the African American civil rights movement

"The President of the United States...hereby is authorized, whenever in his opinion any reservation or any part thereof...is advantageous for agricultural and grazing purposes...to allot the lands in said reservation in severalty to any Indian located thereon in quantities as follows: To each head of family, one-quarter of a section; To each single person over eighteen years of age, one eighth of a section; To each single orphan child under eighteen years of age, one eighth of a section... Every Indian born within the territorial limits of the United States to whom allotments shall have been made...who has voluntarily taken up, within said limits his residence separate and apart from any tribe of Indians therein, and has adopted that habits of civilized life, is hereby declared a citizen of the United States." The Dawes Severalty Act, 1887 United States, Statutes at Large, 24:388 ff. Historically, struggles between American Indian tribes and the federal government have stemmed from a. Supreme Court decisions which blocked meaningful legislation for American Indians. b. the inability of nativists to bring the necessary reforms to both the federal government and tribal leaders. c. federal actions stripping away rights granted to American Indians by the 14th Amendment. d. the Constitution's failure to precisely define the relationship between American Indian tribes and the national government.

d. the Constitution's failure to precisely define the relationship between American Indian tribes and the national government.

"I want to speak to you first tonight about a subject even more serious than energy or inflation. I want to talk to you right now about a fundamental threat to American democracy. I do not mean our political and civil liberties. They will endure. And I do not refer to the outward strength of America, a nation that is at peace tonight everywhere in the world, with unmatched economic power and military might. The threat is nearly invisible in ordinary ways. It is a crisis of confidence. It is a crisis that strikes at the very heart and soul of our national will. We can see this crisis in the growing doubt about the meaning of our own lives and in the loss of a unity of purpose of our nation. The erosion of our confidence in the future is threatening to destroy the social and political fabric of America." President Jimmy Carter, "Energy and National Goals," televised address to the nation, July 1979 Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States. 7. The passage above was most likely a response to a. growing debates over national identity. b. declining public trust in the government. c. continued Cold War fears. d. ongoing debates about the protections of civil liberties.

declining public trust in the government.

Settlement house workers of the late 19th century would most likely have engaged in all of the following EXCEPT a) establishing day nurseries for working mothers b) offering literacy and language classes for immigrants c) publishing reports on deplorable housing conditions d) teaching classes on cooking and dressmaking e) organizing women workers into labor unions


The containment policy articulated by George F. Kennan in 1947 proposed a) A United States commitment to free Eastern Europe from communism b) A change in United States investment policies to limit the possibility of involvement in world conflict c) An all-out campaign to destabilize the Soviet Union d) A plan to give Western Europe greater political power and economic independence from the United States e) Efforts by the United States to block the expansion of the Soviet Union's influence


Which of the following resulted from the Cuban missile crisis? a) The Soviets were allowed to keep existing missiles in Cuba b) The United States agreed to withdraw from Berlin in exchange for Soviet withdrawal from Cuba c) The Soviets gained none of their objectives, while the United States emerged victorious d) The United States succeeded in eliminating all communist influence from the Western Hemisphere e) The Soviet withdrew their missiles from Cuba in exchange for a promise from the United States not to attack Fidel Castro


What do the names "Robber Barons" and "Captains of Industry" reveal about Americans' perceptions of industrialists during the late 1800s? a. These terms reveal that all Americans approved of the business practices of these men. b. These terms reveal that all Americans disapproved of the business practices of these men. c. These terms provide no insight into Americans' perceptions of industrialists at this time d. These names show that most Americans were unconcerned with the business practices of wealthy industrialists e. These names show that some Americans approved of these men and their practices, while others condemned them

e. These names show that some Americans approved of these men and their practices, while others condemned them

The major goal of the Social Gospel movement in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries was to a. encourage support for Charles Darwin's theory of biological evolution b. promote the spread of Protestantism in the U.S. territorial possessions c. stimulate public interest in the principles of Anglo-Saxon superiority d. send missionaries to convey American Indians to Protestantism e. draw the attention of Protestant churches to the plight of the urban poor

e. draw the attention of Protestant churches to the plight of the urban poor

The "Great Migration" out of the South by many African Americans during World War I was most immediately the result of

economic opportunities created by the demands of World War I

The "Great Migration" out of the South by many African Americans during World War I was most immediately the result of a. the first Red Scare. b. their economic displacement due to the rising number of migrants from Mexico moving into the South. c. the influence of the mass media. d. economic opportunities created by the demands of World War I.

economic opportunities created by the demands of World War I

2. The "Great Migration" out of the South by many African Americans during World War I was most immediately the result of a. the first Red Scare. b. their economic displacement due to the rising number of migrants from Mexico moving into the South c. the influence of the mass media. d. economic opportunities created by the demands of World War I.

economic opportunities created by the demands of World War I.

thomas edisons invention that changed the world was what?

electric light.

(Dawes Severalty Act) The primary goal of the government policy cited above was to

end tribal identities

"The President of the United States...hereby is authorized, whenever in his opinion any reservation or any part thereof...is advantageous for agricultural and grazing purposes...to allot the lands in said reservation in severalty to any Indian located thereon in quantities as follows: To each head of family, one-quarter of a section; To each single person over eighteen years of age, one eighth of a section; To each single orphan child under eighteen years of age, one eighth of a section... Every Indian born within the territorial limits of the United States to whom allotments shall have been made...who has voluntarily taken up, within said limits his residence separate and apart from any tribe of Indians therein, and has adopted that habits of civilized life, is hereby declared a citizen of the United States." The primary goal of the government policy cited above was to

end tribal identities.

"[Franklin] Roosevelt locked one group out of his honeymoon suite. The bankers and financiers, the rhetorical devils of his presidential campaign, were now resented or hated by millions of Americans. Even Hoover placed much of the blame for the stock market crash on speculation and poor banking ethics....The Emergency Banking Act...provided for the inspection of banks and certification of soundness before reopening. It may have saved the private banking system. The subsequent Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 provided for Federal Reserve regulation of bank investments...and created a Federal Depositors Insurance Corporation to insure small depositors, all of which strengthened banks and gave protection to the most innocent depositors." Paul K. Conkin, The New Deal (Arlington Heights, Illinois: Harlan Davidson, Inc., 1992), 46-47. 7. The reforms described in the excerpt above were most directly a response to a. the decline of America's rural, agricultural society. b. internal U.S. migration during first two decades of the 20th century. c. episodes of market and credit instability. d. the decline of large corporations during the 1920s.

episodes of market and credit instability.

The reforms described in the excerpt above were most directly a response to

episodes of market and credit instability.

the new inventions of the 1880's and 1890's required large corporate structures and also a new style of what?


mckinley 1897-1901

for imperialism and gold standard, antitrust, progressive

One result of the process described in the excerpt above was

growing tension and disagreements within the civil rights movement in the late 1960s and early 1970s.

The experience described in the excerpt above was an example of


"All through the night I heard people getting up, dragging cots around. I stared at our little window, unable to sleep. I was glad Mother had put up a makeshift curtain on the window for I noticed a powerful beam of light sweeping across it every few seconds. The lights came from high towers placed around the camp....I remembered the wire fence encircling us, and a knot of anger tightened in my breast. What was I doing behind a fence like a criminal? Of one thing I was sure. The wire fence was real. I no longer had the right to walk out of it. It was because I had Japanese ancestors. It was also because some people had little faith in the ideas and ideals of democracy...." Monica Itoi Stone, Nisei Daughter, (Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1953), 176-178. Your answer 5. The experience described in the excerpt above was an example of a. internment. b. segregation. c. isolationism. d. opportunities for women.


After World War II, President Harry Truman advanced the rights of African Americans by

issuing an order to end segregation in the military

as 19th century american cities grew in both size and number, the greater attention to the stark contrast between urban wealth and working class poverty resulted from

journalists and the print media

The policies illustrated in excerpt above were most clearly contrary to a. laissez-faire capitalism. b. Progressive reforms to regulate abuses of the economy. c. transforming the U.S. into a limited welfare state. d. the goals of the Populist movement

laissez-faire capitalism

The principles championed by President Roosevelt in the speech above directly challenged the a. view that the United States should remain a nation based largely on agriculture. b. laissez-faire economic policies of the Gilded Age. c. the efforts by Progressives to institute social reforms at all levels of society. d. idea that large corporations had come to dominate the American economy.

laissez-faire economic policies of the Gilded Age.

much of the urban reform described above was carried out by

middle class women challenging their prescribed place

In Andrew Carnegie's "The Gospel of Wealth" he suggested that "trust funds" did what?

money that a wealthy person administers in a beneficial way for his/her community.

the changed described in the excerpt above most clearly demonstrate an evolution in

national identity as a major industrialized country

6. The post-1965 white Southern attitude described in the excerpt above was most similar to a. nativist views of European immigrants in the mid-1800s. b. Radical Republicans' views of free blacks during Reconstruction. c. Social Darwinists' view of the poor during the late 1800s. d. imperialists' views of indigenous peoples in Latin America and the Pacific in the early 1900s.

nativist views of European immigrants in the mid-1800s.

Highland Park Ford Assembly Plant, c. 1908 Courtesy: CSU Archives / Everett Collection Captionless Image 3. The scene depicted in the photograph above was made possible by a. new technologies and manufacturing techniques. b. new economic opportunities for women. c. greater market and credit stability. d. a decline in the domination of the United States economy by large corporations.

new technologies and manufacturing techniques.

many 19th century industrialists chose to blunt criticism regarding their wealth by

pursuing philanthropy

Woodrow Wilson 1913-1921

reformist, antitrust laws, banking reform, and tariff reductions, for a war to end war, League of Nations, suffrage,

Many of those who supported Wilson's efforts to "impose a little order on this new giant" were also eager to

see an expansion of democratic principles throughout the government.

From 1870 to 1890, new migration from Asia and Southern and Eastern Europe led to

segregated ethnic communities and distinct migrant enclaves in cities

from 1870 and 1890, new migration from asia and southern and eastern europe led to

segregated ethnic communities and distinct migrant enclaves in cities

Jane Addams was instrumental in improving the conditions of immigrants and advancing urban reform primarily through the use of

settlement houses

which of the following represented a direct challenge to the practices typical of the gilded age


Late 19th century critics of the ideology expressed in the quote above would most likely argue that

societal good could be advanced through the Social Gospel

between the 1880 and 1990, the largest group of immigrants to the us came from

southern and eastern europe

The Knights of labor was founded in 1869 by who?


By 1968, backlash against a liberal Supreme Court could be seen in

the 1968 law and owrder campagins of Richard Nixon, and George Wallace

The approach Franklin Roosevelt outlines in the speech above is most consistent with the previous efforts of

the Progressives in the early 20th century

"In our efforts for recovery we have avoided, on the one hand, the theory that business should and must be taken over into an all-embracing Government. We have avoided, on the other hand, the equally untenable theory that it is an interference with liberty to offer reasonable help when private enterprise is in need of help. The course we have followed fits the American practice of Government, a practice of taking action step by step, of regulating only to meet concrete needs, a practice of courageous recognition of change." Franklin D. Roosevelt, "On Moving Forward to Greater Freedom and Greater Security," Fireside Chats, September 30, 1934. 1. The approach Franklin Roosevelt outlines in the speech above is most consistent with the previous efforts of a. Radical Republicans during Reconstruction. b. Populist farmer organizations during the late 19th century. c. the women's rights movement in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. d. the Progressives in the early 20th century.

the Progressives in the early 20th century.

The cartoon above is best understood in the context of a. the Great Migration. b. the Red Scare. c. American imperialism. d. the Treaty of Versailles

the Red Scare

The cartoon above is best understood in the context of

the Red Scare.

"That Americans were increasingly fearful of the Germans and Japanese is shown by their willingness to accept the Roosevelt administration's bold support of Britain. Neither public opinion nor Congress prevented the President from doing what he thought was demanded by Britain's plight, even when it involved using the Navy to patrol the North Atlantic in league with the British Navy....Roosevelt's meeting in August, 1941, with Churchill...to write the Atlantic Charter and to agree on postwar aims was undoubtedly the most unneutral act ever committed by a professed neutral. Yet the Atlantic meeting aroused surprisingly little hostile sentiment except among a small group....The country, in short, was accepting the idea of support of Britain short of war...." Carl N. Degler, Out of Our Past, 3rd ed., (New York: Harper Perennial, 1984). Your answer 7. One consequence of the change in Americans' attitudes toward Germany and Japan described in the excerpt above was a. the questioning of American values. b. the mass mobilization of American society for war. c. an unnecessary extension of the Great Depression. d. a decline in allied political cooperation.

the mass mobilization of American society for war.

2. The excerpt above most directly contributed to renewed debates about a. the proper degree of government activism. b. the power of the presidency and the federal government. c. official restrictions on freedom of speech. d. the proper balance between liberty and order.

the power of the presidency and the federal government.

The National Grange was organized to do what?

the rights and dignity of farmers.

a decided after the speech above, segregation policies were enforced by

the supreme court

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