Aquatics Unit 5

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Just like on earth, they are determined by the distance and orbit around the sun. ✓ Just like on earth, they are determined by the composition of its atmosphere. ✓ Just like on earth, they are determined by the rotation of the planet, the tilt of the planet on its axis.

How are weather and climate on our planet similar to other planets?

The rising of the warmer, less dense air creates an area near the earth's surface that is lower in pressure than the surrounding areas. The warm, less dense air then rises. When this happens, cool air rushes to move underneath the warm air that just rose. As the gas molecules near the surface of the earth heat up from the land and ocean, they move farther apart, becoming less dense.

How do low-pressure areas form?

The air over the land becomes warm and then rises. Moist air from the ocean rushes in towards the land to replace it. The water in the air from the maritime winds condenses into clouds, where the water falls as rain.

How do summer monsoon winds form?

Our oceans absorb the carbon dioxide.

How do the oceans keep global temperatures from raising too fast

The warm air rises over the ocean instead of the land, and the cooler air from the land blows in towards the ocean.

How do the winds work at night?

differences in pressure create winds.

How does pressure gradient force cause wind?.

The North Atlantic Current transports warm tropical water. This warm water creates warm winds that blow over Europe, making Europe's winter season less extreme.

How does the North Atlantic Current impact weather and climate conditions in Europe?

Hot water vapor rises, cools, and condenses., Water falls in different forms of precipitation. ✓ Water and air are heated causing water evaporation.

How is convection involved in the water cycle?


In normal, non-El Niño weather patterns, trade winds blow westward across the tropical Pacific. This piles up the warm, surface water in the __________ Pacific.


In tropical and subtropical areas of the world, the three meters of ocean water __________ to the surface holds as much heat as the entire atmosphere


India experiences both a dry and wet season.




North America has a monsoon season, but it is weak compared to those that occur in Southeast Asia.

a back-and-forth pattern of reversing air pressure between the eastern and western tropical Pacific.

Southern Oscillation


The Coriolis effect causes winds to rotate________ in the Northern Hemisphere

Earth's gravity ✓ the heat capacity of the oceans ✓ the sun,the water cycle,the atmosphere ✓ the shape, tilt, and rotation of the earth

What are some factors of weather?

exhaling ✓ burning fossil fuels ✓ volcanic activity.

What causes carbon dioxide to enter in the atmosphere?

the shape of the earth

What causes the uneven heating of the earth?

atmospheric pressure

What does the earth's gravity cause?

pertaining to the sea.

What does the word maritime mean?

The tilt of the earth is responsible for the seasons. Winter occurs on the hemisphere tilted away form the sun. Summer occurs on the hemisphere tilted towards the sun.

What effect does the tilt of the earth have?

the trade winds that pile up the warm water in the western Pacific weaken. the upwelling weakens. the thermocline level lowers in the eastern Pacific, while at the same time it rises in the western Pacific

What happens to cause an El Niño?

it slows down ✓ it can change directions.

What happens when winds encounter obstacles?

the rise of cold water to replace the surface water that blew away. provides nutrients to the bottom of the marine ecosystem so that food chains and food webs are not disturbed

What is an upwelling and why is it so important?

the rise of warm air over a very specific or local area, such as a city or an airport runway.

What is localized convective lifting?

the tilt of the earth

What is responsible for the seasons on earth?

the transfer of heat due to unequal heating and cooling ✓ movement of air created through convection.

What is wind and how is it created.

the increase of carbon dioxide emissions may lead to global warming.

What would happen if the ocean's ability to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere weakens?.

Warm currents keep winters from being more extreme that what they already are.

Why are ocean currents important to global climate?

he water in coastal areas and the heat capacity of that water, these locations contain a much higher humidity, therefore more water heat capacity.

Why do coastal areas have more moderate temperatures than inland areas?

because cyanobacteria and phytoplankton need it for photosynthesis ✓ because plants need it for photosynthesis.

Why do oceans need carbon dioxide?

As the glaciers and ice caps melt, a large amount of freshwater will enter the oceans. ✓ A disruption in the North Atlantic current would lead to a lack of heat for the continent. Freshwater on top of the saltwater is likely to disrupt the ocean currents.

Why do scientists think global warming might lead to an ice age.

Dead and decaying plants and animals actually release carbon dioxide. Phytoplankton and cyanobacteria use up the carbon dioxide near surface areas where the light can penetrate the water.

Why does deep water have more dissolved carbon dioxide than shallow water?.

latent heat of condensation

the heat given off when water vapor condenses into clouds


the state of the atmosphere on any given day

the force of two objects in contact with each other


occurs when a cold air mass makes a wedge underneath a warm air mass as it rises upwards, forming rain clouds.

frontal wedging




Atmospheric pressure occurs because the atmosphere is subject to the earth's ____.

Gilbert Walker

proposed that monsoons are part of a larger system called the Southern Oscillation.

the transfer of heat through empty space




dry season ✓ wet season

Areas with pronounced monsoons usually have different seasons, which are they? Select all that apply.

It prevents some of the heat energy from the sun from leaving the atmosphere.

Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas. What does this mean?

curl of hair; high


less dense

Hot air is ______ than cold air.


Convection is responsible for transferring heat, as well as for creating __

the deflection of the direction of the wind caused by the earth's rotation

Coriolis Effect




Deeper water has ______ dissolved carbon dioxide than shallow water.

Yes, all objects above the temperature of absolute zero give off some radiation.

Do you give off radiation? Why?

a weather pattern characterized by unusually warm ocean temperatures in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean

El Niño

Southern Oscillation

El Niño normally happens at the same time as _

a weather pattern characterized by unusually cool ocean temperatures in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean

La Niña

faster than

Land and rocks heat up __________ water


Our __________ make up the largest carbon sink on earth.


Our oceans are able to absorb at least _______ of the carbon dioxide we release into the atmosphere.

higher pressure and warmer temperature.

The atmosphere closest to the earth has ____.

The composition and layers of the atmosphere converge with the water cycle, or hydrosphere, to create weather. As the sun heats up the ocean, the ocean heats up the air. This process creates global wind patterns.

The atmosphere:

They are both nitrogen ritch.

The atmospheres of Earth and Titan are similar in that they both contain a(n) _______ atmosphere.

5.5 quadrillion tons

The gravity of the earth causes the atmosphere to weigh about ________.

retain heat.

The greater the heat capacity a substance has, the better it can

Overall Climate.

The ocean has a moderating effect on the climate of coastal areas, as well as earth's ___________

The spherical shape of the earth creates differences in how sunlight hits it. This creates an uneven heating of the earth, which drives weather. The tilt of the earth is responsible for the seasons and the rotation of the earth on its axis creates global wind patterns and differences in heating between night and day.

The shape, tilt, and rotation of the earth:


There were record breaking temperatures this week.

good weather

Typically, areas of high pressure will experience

may be described as rainy, snowy, dry, hot, or humid is the sum of all the events that happen on any given day in terms of temperature, precipitation, and humidity. People watch the news, read the newspaper, or check their phones to see what weather meteorologists forecast for the day or week.


tropical storm

a low-pressure system that produces winds from 39-73 miles per hour

tropical depression

a low-pressure system that produces winds of 38 miles per hour or less

large areas of air that have similar temperature and moisture levels.

air masses


and the more _______ is required to increase that substance's temperature.

the pressure exerted by the weight of the earth's atmosphere; barometric pressure

atmospheric pressure

an area that has the ability to absorb a large amount of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, absorbing more carbon dioxide than it releases.

carbon sink

. The east coast of the United States has cold, snowy winters and hot summers. Hawaii has a moist subtropical climate, while much of Northern Africa is desert


winds that originate over land

continental winds

the transfer of heat due to unequal heating and cooling


occurs when two air masses of similar temperature collide and move upwards together, often forming rain clouds in the process.



describes how much water vapor is in the air

all the different types of radiation and their wavelengths, or all the different types of waves from a specific type of radiation

electromagnetic spectrum

a low-pressure system that produces winds of 74 miles per hour or more



in the Southern Hemisphere.

Heat capacity

is the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of a substance by 1 °C.

lines drawn around a global map that connect locations with the same atmospheric pressure


high-altitude, fast winds.

jet streams

locations where the atmospheric pressure is lower than the rest of the surrounding area

low-pressure areas

winds that originate over the ocean.

maritime winds

wind systems that change direction from one season to another season.


They predicted that liquid water exists underneath Titan's icy surface and that this water is salted with ammonia, this is because of the large quantities of methane in the atmosphere and tidal bulges.

n 2012, what did NASA predict about Titan and why?

occurs when an air mass and its clouds encounter a mountain, forcing the air mass to move from a low elevation to a high elevation.

orographic lifting

the resulting force of a high- to low-pressure change, measured across a certain distance.

pressure gradient force

Jacob Bjerknes

proposed that Southern Oscillation is part of a bigger pattern of circulation of wind and rain in the Pacific, termed the Walker Circulation.

a rise of cold water to replace the surface water that blew away.


Edmond Halley

was the first person to propose that monsoon winds were caused by differences in heating between the land and ocean.


weather over a long period of time


while areas of low pressure will experience

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