ARCH 249 Exam 2 Connect Questions

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During Asoka's reign, which of the following were used to crown Buddhist stupas to mark their special association with the Buddha?

A chatra, or a three-tiered umbrella form A harmica, or a square railing

Identify the halls of the Lingaraja Temple at Bhubaneshwar.

A hall of offerings A hall of dance An assembly hall

Which of the following was a public facility located in the town of Pompeii?

A large exercise facility with a swimming pool

Identify a change that took place in Isfahan during the reign of Shah Abbas I.

A new market area was developed at some distance from the older settlement around the Friday mosque.

Identify the true statements about the Dome of the Rock.

At its center is a holy rock, under which lies a small cave with a single opening. The domed central portion of the shrine encloses the rock and a concentric aisle permits circumambulation.

The Roman basilica that had three great groin vaults over its central space and three barrel-vaulted bays to each side was the __________.

Basilica Nova

Which of the following was true of the layouts of the early Roman temples of the Capitolium and the Temple of Mars Ultor.

Both were raised on podiums and had a flight of steps leading up to the colonnaded portico of the cella space.

Buddhism took its name from the word _______, which means the Enlightened One.


The viharas at Sanchi were built for the _______.

Buddhist monks

Begun in c. 1120 as a temple to Vishnu, the vast temple of Angkor Wat in Cambodia is now a __________.

Buddhist temple

Work tied by patronage or tradition to Constantinople is termed _________.


Identify the features of the Alhambra's interiors.

Carved wooden screens that create changing patterns of shadow. Ineffable lightness and the ethereal quality of a dream world.

Community houses with a hall for worship, a baptistery, and rooms for the distribution of alms to the needy were established in many cities by ___________.


The Roman structure with the outside dimension of its oval measuring 510 by 615 feet, encompassing seats for an estimated 50,000 people in a continuously rising tier with an additional seating band above is the _________.


True or false: Archaeology reveals that Harappan settlements were laid out haphazardly and not oriented toward any particular direction.


True or false: In the Colosseum, stacked half-columns in the Tuscan order were combined with arches of the supporting barrel vaults to create its four stories.


True or false: The earliest Roman vaults were built for decorative purposes.


True or false: the church design of SS. Sergius and Bacchus is more sophisticated, with a higher drum and greater internal cohesiveness than at S. Vitale.


Which of the following materials are more frequently used in Islamic architecture for orientation?

Glazed brick or tile Glass or wood Gypsum stucco

The masterpiece of Byzantine architecture is _________.

Hagia Sophia

Identify the major religions that developed in India during the sixth century BCE.

Hinduism Jainism Buddhism

In Hadrian's Villa, the circular, enclosed colonnaded area surrounded by a moat that provided a retreat for meditation or intimate meetings was the ________.

Island Enclosure

A true statement about the haram at the Great Mosque at Damascus is that ______.

It extends alone the entire long south wall.

Which of the following is true of the House of the Surgeon in Rome?

It had a center doorway that defined the axis of symmetry for the house.

Identify the true statements about the Roman town of Pompeii.

It had a population of about 20,000 at the time of its destruction. It had a grid plan of about 160 acres within roughly oval town walls.

Which of the following features of a Roman basilica made it suitable for Christian rituals?

It had a processional space for worship services.

Identify a true statement about the House of Pansa at Pompeii.

It had an atrium, a peristyle court, and a large walled garden for light and air.

Identify a true statement about the Patio of Myrtle Trees in the fortress-palace of the Alhambra.

It has a central rectangular pool fed by gently overflowing fountain basins at opposite ends.

Identify a true statement about the Temple of the Sibyl in Tivoli.

It has a circular ground plan.

Identify a true statement about the great cave temple of Karli.

It has a hall that is 45 feet wide.

Identify a true statement about the Pont du Gard outside Nîmes in southern France.

It has a mortar-lined water channel to prevent leaks.

Which of the following is true of the Brihadeshvara Temple at Tanjore?

It has a two-hundred-foot tower over its garbhagriha.

Identify the true statements about SS, Sergius and Bacchus in Constantinople. (Check all that apply).

It has eight piers supporting its dome. It has a sixteen-sided pumpkin vault dome.

Identify the notable features of the Selimiye Mosque in Edirne.

It has four minarets of exceptional height that are grooved to accentuate their verticality. Its dome is set directly on eight piers, six freestanding and two engaged in the qibla wall.

Identify a feature of a Friday mosque.

It has halls that are square or wide rectangle in shape.

Identify the true statements about S. Marco in Venice. (Check all that apply.)

It has hemispherical internal domes that cover each arm of its Greek-cross plan. It has gold-ground mosaic interiors.

Identify a true statement about St. John Lateran.

It has open wooden trusses spanning its nave and aisles.

Identify the true statements about Hagia Sophia in Constantinople. (Check all that apply).

It has thin vaults to minimize both thrust and weight. It has buttresses that stabilize the junction of its dome and pendentives. It has forty windows at the base of its dome.

Which of the following is true of the space beside Mohammed's house?

It included a square enclosure, with small chambers set in the southeast corner for his living quarters.

Which of the following is a feature of the Friday mosque in Isfaham?

It includes four iwans, one set in the center of each side of the sahn.

Identify a true statement about the cross-in-square or quincunx plan that was used in Byzantine churches.

It includes nine bays, the central one domed.

Identify the features of the Patio of Lions in the fortress-palace of Alhambra. (Check all that apply).

It is divided into four parts by shallow watercourses emanating from a fountain at the center. It has square pavilions on the short sides that have clustered columns supporting intricately carved arcades.

A true statement about a minbar is that _________.

It is used for giving Qur'anic readings, sermons, or official proclamations and addresses.

A true statement about an Idgab is that _________.

It is used for universal corporate worship.

Which of the following is true of the Temple of Fortuna Virilis?

It superficially resembles an Ionic Greek temple.

Identify a true statement about the Roman colonial town of Timgad.

It was founded by Emperor Trajan.

Identify a true statement about the Byzantine basilica Hagia Sophia.

Its 107-foot-diameter central dome, supported on pendentives, rises 180 feet above the floor.

Identify a true statement about Katholikon in Athens.

Its apse semidome has a mosaic depiction of Mary holding the infant Christ.

Identify a feature of the Bibi Khanum Mosque at Samarkand.

Its constituent element, the iwan, is walled on three sides and open on the other.

A feature of the Great Mosque at Damascus is that ________.

Its outline was determined by the shape of the Roman shrine.

Identify the features of the church of S. Apollinare.

Its overhead is a golden cross with the image of Christ in the center. It has figures of four early bishops of Ravenna installed between the windows.

The religion that was inspired by the life of Vardhamana, who found his vision of the path to salvation in the complete rejection of the complex formulations of the Brahmins, was _____.


Match the prominent Roman leaders (in the left column) with their respective forum constructions (in the right column).

Julius Caesar <--> He laid out a forum containing a temple and governmental chambers. Augustus <--> He constructed a forum to surround the Temple of Mars Ultor. Vespasian <--> He built a forum around a library.

Identify an Ottoman architect who has been compared with his Italian contemporary Michelangelo.

Koca Sinan

The Selimiye Mosque in Edirne was the final major work of ________.

Koca Sinan

Identify a feature of the Suleyman the Magnificent mosque.

Marked by four slender minarets, it dominates the ensemble of buildings.

Which of the following Islamic religious structures is built for the first level of worship?


Identify a region with which the Indus Valley settlements had trade relations.


Identify the sources of Etruscan economy.

Metal trade Agriculture

Identify the topics covered in Marcus Vitruvius Pollio's The Ten Books of Architecture

Military engineering Building design Design of machines

Of the Indus Valley settlements, the best-preserved and most extensive city, estimated to have had a population of 40,000, with tightly packed houses that had water supply through wells and drainage and sewer systems was ________.


The Indus Valley, which played a large role in the prehistory of India, is now part of the modern countries of _________ and __________.

Pakistan and Afghanistan

The structure in which the immense structural load of its dome is distributed to concrete foundations fifteen feet thick and thirty-four feet wide through drum walls that are up to twenty feet deep is the Roman __________.


Identify the elements that became important features in Western architecture after the Moors were expelled from Spain.

Polychromy Domes with interlacing ribs The pointed arch

Early Christian church-building efforts were mostly based on the plan of the _______.

Roman basilica

Christian mausolea were often centrally planned following _________.

Roman practice

Match the Roman triumphal arches (in the left column) with their respective placements (in the right column).

The Arch of Septimus Severus <--> It stands in the Forum Romanum. The Arch of Constantine <--> It stands near the Colosseum

Which of the following structures is a domed octagonal volume surrounding an octagonal marble front?

The Baptistery of the Orthodox in Ravenna

Which of the following completes one side of Trajan's forum?

The Basilica Ulpia

Identify the temples at Mahabalipuram that are collectively called rathas.

The Dharmaraja temple The Bhima temple The Arjuna temple

Identify the Roman structure whose plan is depicted in the image.

The Palace of Domitian

Identify the Roman temples with circular ground plans.

The Temple of Vesta The Pantheon

Identify the features of the Friday mosque at Fatehpur Sikri.

The building reflects arched and domed forms familiar from examples in Iran. Behind the western iwan is the major dome of the haram, flanked by two smaller domes. Some of the detail borrows elements from the Hindu and Buddhist architecture of India.

Identify the features of the Masjid-i-Shah in Isfahan.

The circulation path leads first laterally to either side of the initial iwan, then toward the sahn. The decorative elements portrayed in the tiles include peacocks. The mosque's iwan, constructed in front of the qibla, is clearly visible from the entranceway.

Identify the forms included in the design of most Hindu temples.

The cosmic axis The sacred cave The holy mountain

Identify the elements that became the basis for the construction of early Roman structural systems.

The dome The vault The arch

Match the interior components of S. Vitale in Ravenna (in the left column) with their corresponding mosaic depictions (in the right column).

The donor panels on the sides of the apse <--> Justinian and his court across from the empress Theodora and her attendants The apse semidome <--> Christ flanked by angels, with St. Vitalis to Christ's right and Bishop Ecclesius to the left

Match the parts of the Roman Pantheon (in the left column) with the materials used in their construction (in the right column).

The foundation <--> Heavy basalt The oculus ring <--> Spongelike volcanic rock

It evoked the cave at the center of the cosmos.

The garbhagriha

Match the two stories of the Pantheon's cylindrical cella wall (in the left column) with their respective features (in the right column).

The ground story <--> It has Corinthian order of fluted columns and pilasters. The attic story <--> It has rectangular openings, resembling windows, set in a patterned marble wall.

Match the sections of the nave wall of the church of S. Apollinare Nuovo in Ravenna (in the left column) with their respective features (in the right column).

The lowest tier of the nave <--> It depicts stately processions of female saints and male martyrs advancing toward the altar. The highest tier of the nave <--> It has scenes representing the Passion story and the miracles of Christ.

Match the buildings of the forum in Pompeii (in the left column) with their respective placements in the forum (in the right column).

The macellum <--> east side of the Pompeii forum The Temple of Apollo <--> west of the Pompeii forum The city government office <--> south of the Pompeii forum

Identify a true statement about the Great Mosque in Córdoba.

The mosque evolved to have a much more complex columnar hall form than that at Samarra.

Which of the following is a true statement about the Süleyman the Magnificent mosque?

The octagonal mausoleum of Süleyman, placed in the center of the cemetery, has a plan inspired by the Dome of the Rock.

Match the design strategies implemented in Islamic architecture (in the left column) with their characteristics (in the right column).

The repetition of an architectural element like an arch <--> it appears most commonly as window or door openings. Any geometric manipulation <--> It allows almost endless creativity and includes the ribbing of vaults. Organic growth in the form of plantlike foliation <--> It can be highly stylized or approach naturalism. Calligraphy <--> It can be flowing, or cursive, as well as angular.

Which of the following is an attribute of the Shezade mosque complex?

The sahn has a central fountain and a surrounded by domed bays behind arcades.

Which of the following is true of the Lakshmana Temple at Khajuraho?

The temple had many animated images of loving couples, generally interpreted as a literal representation of Tantric practices.

It represented the sacred mountain.

The tower

The Roman structure with a semicircle of 11,000 seats that rose in three tiers and focused on a rectangle stage building that formed the backdrop for the drama was the ________.

Theater of Marcellus

Identify a true statement about Iwan mosques.

They consist of a rectangular court flanked by large, often vaulted spaces.

Identify a true statement about the Vedas.

They contain hymns and prescribe rituals for the worship of gods.

Identify the true statements about the Baths of Diocletian.

They had interiors finished with marble veneers and mosaics. They had statues placed both inside and out.

Identify the true statements about the Roman insulae.

They had shops located on the ground-floor street frontages. They were designed around central courtyards.

Identify the true statements about Trajan's markets.

They were set in a multi-story semicircle with adjoining, tiered buildings. They contained a groin-vaulted market hall. They contained over 150 shops and offices.

Identify a true statement about the Asoka columns.

They were tall columns inscribed with Buddhist teachings.

Among the constructions adjacent to the original Forum Romanum, the structure that was flanked by two library buildings, one for Greek and one for Latin texts, is ____________.

Trajan's Column

True or false: the Byzantines saw the dome as symbolic of the heavenly sphere, complementary to the earthly realm of floor and walls below.


True or false: the distinction in skin color between conqueror and conquered became the earliest basis for the caste system that still operates in Indian society today.


The greatly simplified architectural order that had the basic characteristics of the doric but no fluting on the column shafts or sculpture on the frieze, used in the early Etruscan temple architecture, was the ___________.


The site of the Great Mosque at Damascus is an ancient one on which had stood _________.

a Roman temple dedicated to Jupiter and a fourth-century Christian church dedicated to St. John the Baptist.

During church rituals in Hagia Sophia, ordinary people were relegated to its ______.

aisles and galleries

In the context of Islamic architecture, the term sahn means _________ in a mosque.

an open arcaded court

In Rome, the water channels followed the contour of the land wherever possible, but where it had to cross the valleys, the Romans erected ________, in order to preserve the constant slope of the supply line.

arched and elevated aqueducts

The oldest known Roman basilica is the _________.

basilica at the forum in Pompeii

Under Asoka's patronage, to provide for greater permanence, the stupas were faced with _______.


The Shezade mosque complex has a _______, accommodation and markets for foreign merchants who sold at wholesale prices.


If suitable land for a graveyard was not available, the Christian community developed underground cemeteries, generally begun in abandoned quarries, known as __________.


The basilica that was built adjacent to the Lateran Palace in Rome stands today as St. John Lateran and is still the _______.

cathedral of Rome

The entrance portico of the Roman Pantheon is rather awkwardly joined to its ________.

circular cella

In Rome, the early concrete walls were composed of rough stones surrounding a _________.

concrete core

The Theotokos church in Greece was designed on a _______ plan.


The rathas at Mahabalipuram contain images of _____________.


Articulation in the Roman Pantheon's dome is accomplished by _________.

five tiers of diminishing square coffers

The Indus Valley cities featured a walled, terrace citadel on high ground, provided with ceremonial buildings, large public storehouses for grain, and mills that could be used in times of peril to shelter and feed the population in case of __________.


The Lakshmana Temple at Khajuraho is raised on a rectangular platform and is anchored by ________.

four small shrines at its corners

At Temple 17 in Sanchi, the sacred image or element that represents the god's presence is contained in the _________.

garbhagriha, or womb chamber

The walls of most of the streets of Pompeii were covered with _________.


The Romans discovered that when pozzolana was mixed with lime, rubble, and water, the mixture reacts chemically and ________.

hardens to a stonelike consistency

The architecture of the Great Mosque of al-Mutawakkil at Samarra, Iraq, is an example of a(n) ________.

hypostyle mosque

A true statement about Külliye is that ________.

it is a vast complex of buildings around a mosque.

Dominating the center of the court of Trajan's forum was a __________.

large equestrian statue of Trajan

The general design of the minarets in the Great Mosque at Damascus may have been based on _________.


The porch of the great cave temple of Karli was marked by paired freestanding columns supporting _______.

lion sculptures

The domed prayer hall of the Masjid-i-Shah in Isfaham is complemented by two religious schools known as _______.


Geometry derived from a subdivided square called _______ is given importance in the construction and design of Hindu temples.


Buildings erected as memorials to commemorate saints or sites of special importance to the Christian faith were the ________.


The Roman structure whose basilican cross-section was rotated about the center axis to create a circular building, rather than being extended longitudinally to form a basilica, with lower aisle spaces flanking the higher nave and lit by clerestory windows is the __________.

mausoleum of Constantia

The entire site of Angkor Wat is encircled by a two-and-a-half mile ___________, symbolizing the oceans out of which the mountain rises.


The building type most closely associated with Islam and the primary place of worship is the _________.


Even in its somewhat ruined state, the profile of the brick Vishnu temple at Bhitargaon shows an unmistakable allusion to __________.

mountain forms

The Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem had a(n) _________ at the head of its nave.


Since Jesus was said to have risen from the dead on the eighth day after his entry into Jerusalem, baptistry plans were frequently _________, to symbolize regeneration or the Resurrection.


The origin of the South Indian temple architectural style can be traced to the seventh-century rock-cut temples that generally features a(n) _________ as a prelude to a sanctuary set deep in the interior.

pillared hall

The religious practices of the Etruscans, which had much in common with those of Egyptians, placed great emphasis on ________.

providing worldly goods for the afterlife

In Islamic architecture, the prayer wall is known as a _________.


For the vast amounts of water required for the cultivation of rice during the Khmer civilization, engineers of that period shaped an enormous artificial landscape in the area around Angkor Wat, of which the largest features were ____________.


Tripartite cella in Tuscan temples was oriented in only one direction, generally to the ___________.


In a mosque, a maqsura is a(n) ________.

special processional area

The vast temple of Angkor Wat in Cambodia is built entirely in __________.


The primary materials used in the construction of the houses at Pompeii were ________.

stone and brick

The cremated remains of the Buddha were divided by his followers and were placed in locations and were marked by a simple mound of rubble and earth known as a ________.


A study of the ancient architecture in India and Southeast Asia is to a very large extent an examination of the development of _______ architecture.


The entrance of the Villa of the Mysteries led into the peristyle, followed by the atrium and finally the tablinum, while its three non-entrance sides were surrounded by extensive __________.

terraced gardens

The final transitional experience to the circular Corinthian temple of the Sanctuary of Fortuna Primigenia, which houses the statue of Fortuna Primigenia, is the __________.

theater surrounded by a semicircular stoa

Much of what is known about early Etruscan residential designs has been deduced from _____________.

tomb architecture and funerary urns made in the shape of miniature dwellings

In the Basilica of St. Peter in Rome, placed at the junction of transept and apse was the __________.

tomb of St. Peter

The elaborate stone entrance gates of the stupa at Sanchi, with carved figures representing Buddhist legends, are known as _______.


The exterior walls of the Colosseum were clad in a cream-colored marble known as _________.


In the monumental gateway at Perugia, short fluted pilasters with volutes at the top form the __________.


Voussoirs set in a curved shape, often a semicircle, are used to construct a _________.

true arch

The nave of S. Irene in Constantinople is covered by _________.

two domes

In the standard Roman plan for colonial cities, the cardo and the decumanus were the _________.

two main roads crossing at right angles in the center of the town

If an arch is continued along its longitudinal axis, it produces a _________.


The weight of the masonry in vaulted construction pushes not only downward but also outward on the supports on which it rests, and this outward thrust must be countered by dead weight. This is why vaulted construction requires ___________.

walls or piers that are much thicker than those used in post-and-lintel buildings

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