ARS 101 Ancient Greek Exam 2 Notes Lewis ASU

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Gorgon Medusa

-A severely ugly woman; reference to when Medusa was bragging and Athena cursed her -She has a large head with huge round eyes, a wide mouth with teeth, snaky hair, short kilt with a snake belt and a strange running pose -apotropaic device which means that it is being used to ward off evil.

Marshals and Young Women (frieze)

Detail of the Procession, from the Ionic frieze on the east side of the Parthenon. c. 447-432 bce. Marble, height 3′6′′ (1.08 m). Musée du Louvre, Paris.

Horsemen (frieze)

Detail of the Procession, from the Ionic frieze on the north side of the Parthenon. c. 447-432 bce. Marble, height 413⁄4′′ (106 cm). British Museum, London.

Athena Attacking the Giants

Detail of the frieze from the east front of the altar from Pergamon. c. 175-150 bce. Marble.

Warrior from Riace (also known as Warrior A)

WARRIOR Found in the sea off Riace, Italy. c. 460-450 bce. Bronze with bone and glass eyes, silver teeth, and copper lips and nipples; height 6′9′′ (2.05 m). National Archeological Museum, Reggio Calabria, Italy.

Schliemann discovered ruins at a site in Turkey that he believed to be the ancient city of Troy but what he found was actually _______. a more modern Turkish city earlier than Troy later than Troy a Minoan city

earlier than Troy

Linear A and Linear B are examples of what type of source? Epigraphic Material Textual Secondary


Greek statues show many changes and artistic evolutions similar to Egyptian statues. True False


Heinrich Schliemann worked as an archaeologist at Troy after being sent by his government to dig in Turkey with British scholars. True/false


In Bronze Age Greece there were no civilizations with large societies, no written records, or any forms of technology, and there was very limited trading. True False


The objects found in Turkey at the site of Ancient Troy are proof of the historicity of the stories in Homer's epic's The Iliad and The Odyssey. True False



female -Female statue is clothed, funeral offerings, more elborate clothes over time young

Schliemann found ancient objects like _______. Iron Age weapons and burials Minoan pottery and written tablets Weapons, jewelry, household items Household items, written tablets, silver

idk answer, not Minoan pottery and written tablets

Greek statues show the artists' efforts to _____. be dramatic follow Homer be inventive copy the Romans


The Minoan civilization was located_______. Mainland Greece Island of Crete



it was the site of the Oracle of Apollo, The Oracle was a female prophetess who lived in the sanctuary of Apollo. -Delphi was the site of the Pythian Games, which, like the Olympian Games, attracted participants from all over Greece.

he name Peloponnesus came from ______. Peloponnesian War King Pelops Battle of Pelops Peloponnis Games

king pelops

Used primarily by the Minoans and has never been deciphered or translated. Linear A Linear B

linear A

The Mycenaean civilization was located on _______. Mainland Greece Island of Crete



young male 600 BCE

The kore are statues of _______ and the kourosare statues of _______. men, women gods, men young women, young men gods, women

young women, young men

Processional Frieze

the top of the inner wall of the Parthenon was sculpted with the images of the Panathenaic procession

Greek art shows the influences of Egyptian art. True False


The nude male figure is central to Greek art. True False


The sea was more important in Greek culture than it was in Egypt. True False


Funerary krater from Dipylon




Reconstruction of the Palace complex at Knossos, Crete

Aegean Art Sanctuary of Apollo, Delphi. c. 530-525 bce.

Metropolitan Kouros

Archaic 600-590 BCE From the cemetery at Anavysos, near Athens. c. 530 bce. Marble with remnants of paint, height 6′4′′ (1.93 m). National Archaeological Museum, Athens


Master painter of the Black-on-Red vase painting. Noted works were Dionysius in a Boat, Achilles and Ajax Playing a Game, and the Suicide of Ajax.

Lapith fighting a Centaur (metope)

Metope relief from the Doric frieze on the south side of the Parthenon. c. 447-432 bce. Marble, height 56′′ (1.42 m). British Museum, London

The man who was not a professional scholar or linguistic expert (actually an architect) but was able to help decipher one of the Linear scripts. Evan Mountbatten Sir Arthur Evans Michael Ventris Sir Radcliff Emerson

Michael Ventris

Two important Bronze Age Greek civilizations were? Crete, Minoan Minoan, Mycenaean Mycenaean, Ionian Archaic, Minoan

Minoan, Mycenaean

One of the major Minoan sites he excavated was _______. Palace of Minos at Knossos Ramasseum Palace of Midas on Isle of Crete Aegean Palace

Palace of Minos at Knossos

Aphrodite of Knidos

Praxiteles. Roman marble copy after an original of ca. 350-340 BCE. Approx. 6' 8" high. Vatican Museums, Rome. First nude statue of a goddess. praxiteles turns marble into "flesh" late classical. Not meant to be erotic Considered ideal for the time.

Schliemann's findings are often referred to as______. Priam's Treasure The Trojan Gold A and B none of the above

Priam's Treasure The Trojan Gold

Schliemann has been criticized for______. Removing the objects he found without dividing it as required The Russians now having control of the objects Removing the objects at the end of WWII from Berlin All of the above

Removing the objects he found without dividing it as required


after Khufu; built the third and smallest pyramid at Giza


an asymmetrical arrangement of the human figure in which the line of the arms and shoulders contrasts with while balancing those of the hips and legs. (set against) -Tilt of hips


ancient Greek epic poet who is believed to have written the Iliad and the Odyssey (circa 850 BC)

Alexander the Great Confronts Darius

replicates a Greek painting of about 310 bce. GREAT CONFRONTS DARIUS III AT THE BATTLE OF ISSOS Floor mosaic, Pompeii, Italy. 1st-century bce Roman copy of a Greek wall painting of c. 310 bce, perhaps by Philoxenos of Eretria or Helen of Egypt. Entire panel 8′10′′ × 17′ (2.7 × 5.2 m). Museo Archeologico Nazionale, Naple

The objects that Schliemann found were believed to have been lost or stolen or destroyed and it remained a mystery following WWII. We now know the treasures are in Turkey Germany Greece Russia



sculptor of Zeus, Athena, Parthenon

Who was the British scholar/excavator who identified and named the Minoan civilization? Evan Mountbatten Sir Arthur Evans Michael Ventris Sir Radcliff Emerson

sir arthur evans


323-32/30 BCE

Late Classical Period

400-323 BCE

Parthenon, Athens

447-432 BC Akropolis sense of harmony and bal-ance is an attention to proportions

Doryphoros (Spear Bearer)

450 BC Artist: polykleitos The Roman marble copy of the SPEAR BEARER (FIG. 5-43) shows a male athlete perfectly balanced with the whole weight of the upper body supported over the tense and straight ("engaged") right leg

Kritios Boy

480 BCE, 2'10", marble, from Acropolis in Athens -knee is bent -Sense of movement

Hermes and the Infant Dionysos

4th century BCEPRAXITELES, shallow S-shaped curve, subtle modeling, soft shadows on body surface, reach for grapes, dreamy expression, CLASSICAL Discovered in the rubble of the ruined Temple of Hera at Olympia in 1875

Death of Sarpedon

515 BCE by Euphronios archaic Red-figure decoration on a calyx krater. Ceramic, -hermes -Hypnos (Sleep) and Thanatos (Death)

Achilles and Ajax

540-530 BCE -epic cycle of the Trojan War.


600 BC 25th dynasty priest of the god amun in thebes (2000 years from menkaure)

New York Kuoros

600 BC greek art changes over time Differences from eygpt is that greek want their figure nude. Male nude is idealized. -Lines indicating muscles

Archaic Period

600-480 BCE

Siphnian Treasury, Delphi

Archaic 530 B.C.E. Would contain offerings to the gods. Ionic, has Caryatids -Siphnian Treasury is called the Battle of the Gods and the Giants -Siphnians who lived on one of the Cycladic Islands, were flooded in 525 BC and then the island was overrun by the Samians. So this building cannot have been erected any later than that. -TREASURY OF THE SIPHNIANS Sanctuaries also included treasuries built by the citizens of Greek city-states to house their offerings. The small but luxurious TREA-SURY OF THE SIPHNIANS (FIG. 5-7) was built in the sanc-tuary of Apollo at Delphi by the residents of the island of Siphnos in the Cyclades, between about 530 and 525 bce.

Battle Between the Gods and the Giants

Archaic 530-525 BCE battle between good and evil, chaos and order and often Greek and Barbarian Fragments of the north frieze of the Treasury of the Siphnians, Sanctuary of Apollo, Delphi. c. 530-525 bce. Marble, height 26′′ (66 cm). Archaeological Museum, Delphi.

Peplos Kore

Archaic Greek From the Akropolis, Athens. c. 530 bce. Marble, height

Anavysos Kouros

Archaic Greek. c. 530 B.C.E. Marble with remnants of paint. -Stiff stance, long patterned hair -more life-like -archaic

black figure and red figure

Athenian pottery can be divided into two types:


Athens originated as a Neolithic akropolis, or "city on top of a hill" (akro means "high" and polis means "city"), that later served as a fortress and sanctuary. As the city grew, the Akropolis became the religious and ceremonial cen-ter devoted primarily to the goddess Athena, the city's patron and protector.

Used primarily by the Mycenaeans and was deciphered in the 1950's. Linear A Linear B


What the three greek orders?

Doric, ionic, corinthian


Greek, "athlete scraping oil from his body" —a nude, male athlete. But instead of a figure actively engaged in his sport, striding, or standing at ease, Lysippos depicted a young man after his workout, methodically removing oil and dirt from his body with a scraping tool called a strigil.

old woman


Laocöon and His Sons

Hellenistic Original of 1st century bce or a Roman copy, adaptation, or original of the 1st century bce. Marble, height 8′ (2.44 m). Musei Vaticani, Museo Pio Clementino, Cortile Ottagono, Rome

Victory of the Samothrace (Nike)

Hellenistic his winged figure of Victory (FIG. 5-66) is even more theat-rical than the Laocoön. In its original setting—in a hillside niche high above the theater in the Sanctuary of the Great Gods at Samothrace


High Classical Sculptor; devised mathematical formula for representing the perfect male body; famous work=Doryphoros (bronze statue of young man holding spear)

red-figure painting

In later Greek pottery, the silhouetting of red figures against a black background, with painted linear details; the reverse of black-figure painting.


a broad horizontal band of sculpted or painted decoration, especially on a wall near the ceiling.


a square space between triglyphs in a Doric frieze

black figure

a style in Greek pottery decoration composed of black figures against a red background

Schliemann's discoveries at Troy can be seen______. In a Berlin museum In a photograph of his wife In the British Museum In the records of the Turkish government


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