ART 111 exam

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In his Adam and Eve engraving, the Northern Renaissance master Albrecht Dürer emphasizes the _______.

classically inspired beauty of the human body

In Jean-Honoré Fragonard's Happy Accidents of the Swing, all of the following are characteristics of the Rococo and depicted in the painting except ______.

classically inspired facial features

One major source of inspiration for Jean-Michel Basquiat's art works was _______.


Piero della Francesca's Resurrection fresco was based on ________.

mathematical and geometric order

The Doric frieze was divided vertically into compartments. The triglyphs contained vertical grooves and the ______ were filled with sculpted figures.


In the Victory Stele of Naram Sin, the king and his men are represented in a conceptual manner, probably meant to indicate ________.

respect and victory

In his Syndics of the Draper's Guild, Rembrandt captures the men just as _______.

someone outside the canvas enters the room

Alice Neel is best known for her _______ portraits, a collection of souls handpicked from all strata of society.

stark, unflinchingly realistic

The Great Pyramids at Giza were built with massive blocks and ___________.

surfaced with white limestone

In the 198os, a group of anonymous women artists banded together to fight injustice against women in the art market. They were known as ______.

the Guerrilla Girls

The young artist Raphael painted numerous canvases of the Madonna and Child, but some of his most impressive compositions, like The School of Athens, were executed for _________.

the papal apartments in the Vatican

Mark Rothko is renowned for his _______.

large, hazy-edged color field rectangles

_______ is characterized by spontaneous execution, large gestural brushstrokes, abstract or abstracted imagery, and intense color fields, all produced on large, monumental canvases.

Abstract Expressionism

The American photographer ______ first supported the development of abstract art in America by exhibiting modern European works alongside American art in his ______.

Alfred Stieglitz; 291 Gallery

The famous Neoclassical painter ________ painted herself into her allegorical work entitled The Artist in the Character of Design Listening the Inspiration of Poetry.

Angelica Kauffman

The stylized faces of the man and wife represented on the Etruscan Sarcophagus from Cerveteri were most likely influenced by ______ sculpture.


Peter Paul Ruben's The Rape of the Daughters of Leucippus depicts a scene from Greek mythology in which two mortal women are seized by _______, the twin sons of Zeus.

Castor and Pollux

In the apse of St. Peter's, Bernini combined architecture, sculpture, and stained glass to produce the brilliant golden display known as the _______.

Cathedra Petri

Along with their interest in psychoanalysis, the Surrealists also incorporated some of the attitudes and techniques of the ______ movements.

Dada and Fantastic art

In Umberto Boccioni's Dynamism of a Soccer Player, we see the ______ obsession with illustrating images in perpetual motion.


As depicted in Le Déjeuner sur l'Herbe, Édouard Manet utilized all but one of the following "modern" painting techniques:

He modeled his figures using chiaroscuro.

Considered a true Renaissance man, ________ excelled in engineering, the natural sciences, anatomy, music, and technological prototypes, not to mention creating some of the world's best loved paintings.

Leonardo da Vinci

The title of Jennifer Bartlett's composition Spiral: An Ordinary Evening in New Haven is an integral part of the work. This interplay between the verbal and the visual is a hallmark of _____.

New Image painting

The contrast of textures and fluidity and spontaneity of movement found in the Parthenon's pediment grouping called The Three Goddesses is typical of the _______ style.


"All painting is composed of line and color. Line and color are the essence of painting. Hence they must be freed from their bondage to the imitation of nature and allowed to exist for themselves." An example of a painting this artist is referring to is _____.

Piet Mondrian's Composition with Red, Blue, and Yellow

Because Cimabue and Giotto's paintings combine Late Gothic and Early Renaissance styles, they are classified as ______.


Praxiteles' Hermes and Dionysos, from the Late Classical period, depicts a graceful and naturalistic body stance, called the _______, and an increased emphasis on _________.

S-curve; emotional expression

Francesco Borromini's _____ is an organic building that incorporates the Baroque elements of motion, space, and light.

San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane

The Stele of Hammurabi depicts the Babylonian ruler Hammurabi gaining inspiration for his codified laws from the god(dess) ______.


In his ______, Vincent van Gogh's vibrant colors, characteristic long, thin strokes and feverish application of paint creates an emotionalism that turns a sleepy town into a cosmic display.

Starry Night

Which of the following was not a Baroque addition to St. Peter's?

The Sistine Chapel

Which of the following statements does not set the Fauves apart from their 19th-century predecessors?

Their subject matter centered on traditional nudes, still-lifes, and landscapes.

Netherlandish painter Pieter Bruegel the Elder's The Peasant Wedding is an excellent example of _________.

a genre painting

The Colosseum in Rome consists of two back-to-back ______ and a combination of ________ columns that produce a sense of lightness proceeding from bottom to top tier.

amphitheaters; Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian

Michelangelo was only 27 when he carved the 13 foot statue of David out of ________.

an almost unworkable solid block of marble.

In his Creation of Adam scene from the Sistine Chapel ceiling, Michelangelo created the most _______ in the history of art as God reached out to spark life into Adam.

dramatic negative space

For his Twittering Machine, Paul Klee was influenced in part by _____.

ethnographic and children's art

In his eroticized Two Women, Willem de Kooning combines biomorphic, organic shapes with harsh, jagged lines; however, we also see that he is one of the few Abstract Expressionists who never completely surrendered _______ painting.


King Louis XIV's Palace at Versailles was originally the site of his ______.

hunting lodge

The forms and composition of Titian's Venus of Urbino were evolved primarily from ________.

interactions of colors and contrasts of textures

Large-scale tomb sculptures that were intended to house the spirit deceased if mummification failed were known as ______.

ka figures

The Neo-Expressionists of the 198os revived and embraced the gestural and experimentational methods of the Abstract Expressionists but they added the dimension of ______ to their work.

narrative and content

For the Paleolithic Hall of Bulls cave painting, artists used all of the following techniques except _______.

painting with a bronze knife blade

Linear A, a form of writing based on ______, was developed during the Middle Minoan period on the island of ______.

pictographs; Crete

Henri Matisse consolidated all of the following influences into his Fauvist canvases except ______.

the stark realism of Courbet

In an effort to produce an integrated look to the Parthenon, all of the following construction variations are found except that the _______.

top step of the platform is perfectly straight

For works such as White Iris, Georgia O'Keeffe captured the essence of her subject utilizing all of the following techniques except ________.

using a dark and psychologically distressing color palette

Alexander Archipenko's Walking Woman displays an important innovation in Cubist sculpture: the use of _______.

void space as solid form

The modern Realist painters of the 19th century, including Honoré Daumier and Édouard Manet, were bound by all of the following except they ________.

were preoccupied with the science of optics

The _______ was a multilevel temple designed by the religion-oriented Sumerians but built by the later Babylonians and Assyrians.


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