Art Appreciation Final

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The word renaissance means


The Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian styles of columns were developed by the Greeks in the ________ centuries B.C.E., respectively.

7th, 6th, and 4th

Gianlorenzo Bernini was

All these answers are correct.

The artworks of Christo and Jeanne-Claude are intended

All these answers are correct.

The chances that a work of art from ancient times will be found or preserved are greatly increased if

All these answers are correct.

Which of the following is an American artist?

All these answers are correct.

Under the reign of ________, a new, more naturalistic style of Egyptian art developed.

Amenhotep IV

________ rotated 360 degrees on its axis is called a dome.

An arch

________ is a sculptural process of bringing together individual pieces, segments, or objects to form a sculpture.


St. Teresa in Ecstasy is an excellent example of

Baroque sculpture.

Romans could watch gladiators fight to the death, along with other sporting events, at the


Which graphic design team developed the familiar set of symbols used today to communicate information across language barriers to international travelers?

Cook and Shanosky

Paul Cézanne's emphasis on structure in painting was a direct influence in the development of


Three majors cultures that preceded the Greeks in and around the Aegean Sea were the ________ cultures.

Cycladic, Minoan, and Mycenaean

The mummy of Artemidoros, from Fayum, shows the influence of the ________ culture(s).

Egyptian, Greek, and Roman

Built for the World's Fair in 1889, the ________ was an early experiment in iron construction.

Eiffel Tower

Fallingwater (the Kaufmann House in Bear Run, Pennsylvania) is a prime example of the "organic" architecture of

Frank Lloyd Wright.

The Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian styles are known as the

Greek orders.

King Tutankhamun's tomb was discovered in 1922 by

Howard Carter.

The recent manufacture of oil paint in tubes made it possible for 19th-century European artists to make painting a portable activity. The spontaneity and directness of painting outdoors is evident in works by ________ artists.


________ is a pattern or patterns formed by intricately interwoven ribbons or bands.


The German artist Hans Holbein was court painter to

King Henry VIII of England.

Robert Smithson's Spiral Jetty is an example of

Land art.

An archaeologist asked ________ to reconstruct an entire pot from a broken piece he had found, thus launching her career and the revival of Pueblo pottery.

Mar'a Mart'nez

The Langston Hughes Library was designed by

Maya Lin.

A true arch was developed by ________ architects long before the Romans came up with the idea.


The theme of the Sistine Chapel ceiling frescoes comes from

None of these answers is correct.

A good example of a Surrealist poetic object is

Object (Luncheon in Fur) by Meret Oppenheim.

Built almost 2000 years ago, the ________ is an enduring testament to the Roman use of the arch.

Pont du Gard at Nîmes

________ is most famous for his design of the geodesic dome.

R. Buckminster Fuller

A Neo-Dada artist who made art from "found" materials and images and named his new art form "combine paintings" is

Robert Rauschenberg.

The art and architecture of the high Middle Ages is generally divided into two periods, the ________ and the ________.

Romanesque; Gothic

Eugène Delacroix was a leading practitioner of the

Romantic style.

The most notable example of Neolithic architecture in Europe is

Stonehenge in England.

Which art movement was directly influenced by Sigmund Freud's theories of the unconscious?


Which work of art tells the story of a man who was murdered in his bath?

The Death of Marat

A work of art that uses a tragic Roman tale to arouse feelings of patriotism, self-sacrifice, and civic virtues in its viewers is

The Oath of the Horatii.

________ is closely associated with Alfred Stieglitz's assertion that for photography to be an art, it should be true to its own nature.

The Steerage

________ helped shape the Neoclassical style.

The excavations of ancient Pompeii and Herculaneum

What separates the art object from the craft object?

There is no definite line.

________ organization, as seen in Masaccio's Trinity with the Virgin, St. John the Evangelist, and Donors, was a popular device among Renaissance artists of Italy.


In neo-Platonic thought, the Biblical character of Eve was identified with


Which artists intentionally used their work to shape the public's view of prominent figures?

Vigée-Lebrun and David

Using a steel framework with masonry sheathing, the ________, designed by Louis Sullivan, is thought by many to be the first genuinely modern building.

Wainwright Building

The Dada movement was formed as a reaction to

World War I.

Unlike their Greek and Roman predecessors, Byzantine artists preferred

a flattened, abstracted style of art.

The Isenheim Altarpiece, with its gruesome details of Christ's flesh wounds, originally hung in

a hospital for patients with skin disease.

Edouard Manet considered the annual Salon of Paris to be an artist's only true "field of battle." What was the Salon of Paris?

a juried exhibition sponsored by the French government

A designer's blueprint for books and magazines and other works in print is called

a layout.

Photorealism refers to

a movement in painting that explores the way a camera "sees."

Minimalism, a trend that coexisted with Pop, emphasized a continuation of the exploration of nonrepresentation and the idea that a painting or sculpture is primarily

a physical object.

Wood is not very durable because

all of these are the case: cold and heat distort it; water rots it; and insects can eat it away.

Dada collage artist Hannah Höch used "found" photographs to express

all of these: artistic composition; the overwhelming experience of the mechanized city; and disgust with a civilization that allowed the slaughter of World War I.

The International style emphasizes

all of these: clean lines, geometric form, and avoidance of superficial decoration.

Relief sculpture is

all of these: not meant to be viewed in the round, not finished on all sides, and often used to decorate architecture.

Unlike Baroque art from Catholic countries, Dutch Baroque art focused upon

all of these: the community, business life, and the family and home.

Architects of Romanesque churches began installing ________ around the apse, which allowed the overflow of pilgrims to circulate freely around the interior of the church.


An image created to accompany words is called

an illustration.

Casting is known as ________ method.

an indirect

Contrapposto (meaning counter poise or counterbalance) was developed by ________ as a pose for sculptures of the human figure.

ancient Greeks

Who were the Limbourgs?

artist brothers

Early Conceptualists reacted to the burgeoning art market by

attempting to eliminate the art object.

Artist Jean-Michel Basquiat

began as a graffiti artist.

The mosaic Christ as the Sun exemplifies early Christian artists' appropriation of ________ iconography.

both Greek and Roman

The additive process of sculpture includes

both assembling and modeling.

Builders of Gothic cathedrals reinforced the walls of their architecture from the outside with

both piers and flying buttresses.

The Guerrilla Girls use posters and on-site appearances to

bring attention to gender inequalities in the art world.

The technology of painting with oils was developed

by northern Europeans.

One of the ideas behind Postmodernism is pluralism, which proposes that art

can take many directions at the same time, all of them equally valid.

A ________ is a horizontal form supported at only one end.


The subtractive process involves


The supervision by one individual or group over the artistic expression of another individual or group is known as


In sculpture, what is the most popular modeling material?


Sculptors will often create a "sketch" out of ________ to test ideas before proceeding to their medium of choice.


Although the chemical composition of ________ changes when exposed to extreme heat, ________ doesn't change chemically when its pliability is altered by heat.

clay; glass

The walled, upward extension of the nave that is pierced with windows is called the


A daguerreotype was an early photographic method created using a

copper plate covered with silver iodine.

Romantic art stresses

drama, unbridled emotions, and complex compositions.

In Baroque architecture, wall surfaces often protrude into the viewer's space. In Baroque painting, this same effect is created through the use of

dramatic lighting.

Serpent Mound and Spiral Jetty are known as


To compensate for the natural visual distortion in which tall columns appear to bend inward, the Greeks gave them a slight bulge, which is known as


In 1878, Eadweard Muybridge photographed a galloping horse, and discovered that

galloping horses occasionally have all four hooves off the ground.

Paintings depicting scenes of everyday life are known as ________ paintings.


In Egyptian art, the convention of representing social importance by size - for example, where the pharaoh is shown much larger than his subjects - is known as

hierarchical scale.

The Indian sculpture Durga Fighting the Buffalo Demon is an example of

high-relief sculpture.

When a large hall is built using post-and-lintel construction methods, the resulting "virtual forest of columns" is called a

hypostyle hall.

Which of the following concepts conceives of a space and everything in it as a work of art?

installation art

The Lumière brothers

invented the first workable film projector.

Andy Warhol's film Empire

is a film about watching time pass.

Andy Warhol's Campbell's Soup Cans

is a portrait of graphic design.

The carving method

is all of these: a subtractive process, more aggressive than modeling, and more direct than casting.

In comparison to Baroque art, the style of Rococo

is more playful and lighthearted.

Wood is a popular craft material because

it is abundant and relatively easy to work.

The ancient Olmecs of Mesoamerica prized ________ for its translucence, which they associated with rainwater.


Which of the following is made from the sap of a tree?


Giorgione's painting The Tempest paved the way for future

landscape paintings.

Stacking and piling is another term for

load-bearing construction.

Cassidy Curtis's Graffiti Archaeology is organized by ________ to effectively display its subject.

location and time

A ________ is often the first and key element in creating a complete corporate identity.


The ________ process dates back to the 3rd millennium B.C.E.


Vasili Kandinsky became convinced that art should be free of representational subject matter when he

mistook an upside-down painting of his for an unfamiliar work of spectacular beauty.

Four basic methods for making a sculpture are

modeling, casting, carving, and assembling.

The technique of sfumato involves the use of

multiple layers of glazes.

The bronze head of an Akkadian ruler is a rare example of ________ in ancient art.


The Farm Security Administration of the U.S. Department of Agriculture

paid photographers to document the Great Depression.

The creation of a photographic body of work around an event, place, or culture is known as


The Byodo-in Temple in Kyoto, Japan, is an elegant example of

post-and-lintel architecture.

The ________ first made it possible to devise a notice that could be reproduced in large numbers and distributed widely.

printing press

Artists primarily used the camera obscura to

produce naturalistic drawings of the world.

Marcel Duchamp created a new art form in which the artist makes nothing, but merely labels an object as art. He called this art form


One of Michelangelo's major achievements was

redesigning St. Peter's Cathedral.

The principal ingredient of glass is


In their paintings, the Impressionists often focused on

scenes of leisure involving the middle class.

Henri Matisse was told by Gustave Moreau, his teacher at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, "You were born to ________."

simplify painting

One of the effects of the Renaissance was to change the status of artists in Europe from

skilled crafts workers to intellectuals.

Because they lacked stone, the ancient Sumerians built their cities of

sun-dried brick.

The sculpture Akhenaten and His Family is an example of the ________ technique.

sunken relief

The ability of a material to span horizontal distances with a minimum of support is called

tensile strength.

Fired clay is sometimes called

terra cotta.

The Baroque painting Judith and Maidservant with the Head of Holofernes depicts a story from

the Bible.

A major influence upon European culture of the 19th century, one that gave rise to an expanding middle class, was

the Industrial Revolution.

The use by artists of the camera obscura (literally dark room) began in

the Italian Renaissance.

The first national art museum opened in 1793. This museum, still in operation today, is

the Louvre in Paris.

Michelangelo, Raphael, and Botticelli were all commissioned to make art for

the Medici family.

One of the most celebrated 19th-century artists, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, created posters for the famous dance hall called

the Moulin Rouge.

The earliest-known writing system from which a recorded language developed was the invention of

the Sumerians.

A major difference between the work of a "pure" or "straight" photographer, such as Alfred Stieglitz, and the work of a documentary photographer, such as Dorothea Lange, is

the different intentions of each photographer.

What destroyed the Roman colonies of Pompeii and Herculaneum in 79 C.E.?

the eruption of a volcano

Early examples of art photography often imitated

the narrative form of painting.

According to the author, graphic design as we know it today has its roots in two developments. They are

the printing press and the Industrial Revolution.

The two basic families of structural systems in architecture are

the shell and the skeleton-and-skin.

In weaving, the set of fibers that is held taut on a loom or frame is called

the warp.

Gothic cathedrals are known especially for

their stained glass windows.

Although symbols convey information and embody ideas,

they have no meaning in themselves; their meaning is invented by cultural use; and the ideas they embody may change radically with time.

Although bronze was the favored material for freestanding sculpture in Greece, most bronze statues have not survived, because

they were melted down to make weapons and other objects.

In Joseph Kosuth's One and Three Chairs, the viewer is presented with

three ways of documenting an idea.

The term action painting refers to the fact that this new type of painting

traced the actions of the painter.

The cross-shaped floor plan of a church is formed by the combined shapes of the nave and the


The era known as the High Renaissance encompasses a time period of about ________ years.


The video about the Audi TT sedan by designers Matt Pyke at Universal Everything and Karsten Schmidt at PostSpectacular

used a programming language called Processing; never actually showed the car; and did not require production work after it was originally shot.

The major axis of a central-plan church, such as the church of San Vitale in Ravenna, is


The term New York School refers to a postwar art movement that

was a convenient way to lump together the Abstract Expressionists.

Two factors that decide the success of any structural system are

weight and tensile strength.

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