Art Appreciation Final Chapter 1-13

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In mosaic, a small usually cubic piece of colored ceramic, stone, or glass used as the basic unit of composition

__________ perspective is the viewpoint from above and parallel lines do not converge in the distance


___________ can best be described as "the path traced by a moving point"



Makes pigment adhere to a surface

Visual Weight

The apparent "heaviness or lightness" of a shape or form

"Gilded" is the term used to indicate that a work has been covered with a thin layer of gold


A basic subject for sculpture is the human figure


A drawing usually only lines or dots can indicate shadows


An artist can create a focal pint by putting emphasis on a small, but defined area


Analogous color harminies are those in which the colors are close to one another on the color wheel


Annette Messager's Mes Voeux and Joseph COrnell's The Hotel Eden both demonstrate the use of conceptual unity


Because of industrial versions of printing proceses images are routinely printed on almost every imaginable surface around us


By the 1950's the new synthetic paint, also called acrylic, would challenge oils as the principal painting medium


By using the concept of an installation, artists have more control over our experience in a shaped, delimited space such as a room


Changing materials such as flowers, ice, and light can be used to create sculpture


Collage is a French term, is a broader term used for artworks "pasted" or "glued"


Composition usually refers to two-eimensional and thee-dimensional works of art


Crayon can mean anything from wax crayons used by children through the lithographic crayon meant for drawing on stone in printmaking


Foreshortening is the term for the effect produced by appling the logic of linear perspective to every form that recedes into the distance, including people and animals


Geometric shapes and masses look more natural than man-made


Gouache is not one of the four basic printmaking methods


Implied lines guide a viewers eyes around a work of art


In a two-dimensional work with asymmetrical balance, the appearance of balance is achieved by distributing visual wieght accordingly


In art, the design principle of balance functions to help communicate a work's moods and meanings, encourage our active participation in a work and lead our eyes around a work


In sculpture, the most common modeling material is leather


Leonardo da Vinci used drawings to explore ideas in art, mathematics, science, and engineering


Lines are sometimes used in art to indicate direction and movement


Monochromatic harmonies are composed of any three colors equidistant from each other on the color wheel


On the color wheel, yellow, red, and blue are known as primary colors


One of the advantages of oil painting is that it dries very slowly. This allows for the painting to be reworked indefinitely


Papyrus, cave walls, silk, ad fired clay are among the materials besides paper that have provided support for drawings.


Parchment is a drawing surface made from treated animal skins and was used throughout the Roman Empire and in the middle ages in Europe


Pen and ink was the favorite sketching medium of the great draftsmen Rembrandt


Realizing that categories such as "drawing" and "painting" are cultural and somewhat fluid can be freeing experience for both artists and viewers


Relief sculpture is not meant to be viewed in the round, not finished on all sides, and often used to decorate architecture


Subtractive processes start with a mass larger than that of the planned sculpture


Symmetrical balance describes a work in which forms on either side of a vertical axis are very similar


T/F - According to the author, the impulse to create art comes from basic human interests in creating order and structure, exploring aesthetic possibilities, and constructing images and forms that carry meaning.


T/F - Aesthetics is the branch of philosophy concerned with the feelings aroused is us by sensory experiences, such as sight, hearing, taste, touch and smell.


T/F - In a work of art, form includes all visual aspects of the work that can be isolated and described.


T/F - No society that we know of has lived without some form or art. The impulse to make and respond to art appears to be as deeply ingrained as the ability to learn language.


T/F - Our eyes and brains cannot receive and process all the information in our environment, but must be selective.


T/F - The natural of perception suggests the the most important key to looking at art is to become aware of the process of looking itself.


T/F - The word for extreme optical fidelity is trompe l'oeil


Texture can be either implied or actual


The architect Le Corbusier designed "The Modulor", a tool he used for calculating human proportions, based upon the golden section


The common issue facing those who work to conserve works of art is: the effect of light, the work of earlier restorers, changing levels of heat and humidity , and pollution


The difference in the color and consistency of different types of crayons and pastels is due to the use of different binders.


The key difference between the process of lost-wax casting as practiced in ancient times and that same process today, multiples can be created from the process


The nib of the pen conveys the ink to the drawing surface


The term intaglio means that the marks will be made by ink recessed into areas below the surface of the plate


Traditionally artist's drawings were relatively small in comparison with paintings and many were quickly executed


Traditionally, a numbered art print shows both the number of prints in the entire edition and the number relating the order in which each print is pulled


A high-quality ink-jet printer uses finer, pigment-based inks formulated to resist fading or altering in color over time


Pablo Picasso's Girl Before a Mirror is based in symmetrical balance, but the two sides are not identical mirror images. This composition allows him to explore the traditional theme of


_________________paintings mediate on the fleeting nature of earthly life and happiness



alignment of multiple printing surfaces to create colored prints.

In fresco painting, a drawing called a . __________ is transferred to the prepared surface prior to applying the pigment


Wood and store are the principal materials for


Sculptors will often create a "sketch" out of ________ to test ideas before proceeding to their medium of choice



coloring material

During the middle ages the term "art" was used roughly in the same sense as ______________


Two ancient painting media that are still in use today are ________ and fresco


_________ painting medium, developed after chemists created strong, weatherproof, industrial paints, has challenged the supremacy of oil painting


The painting technique used in the first century in Egypt, Greece, and Rome that involves the use of wax is ________


In oil painting, linseed oil acts as a support


Mixing two primary colors produces a triad color


The "vanishing point" is the level at which paintings are hung on the wall


Watercolorists never allow the white surface of hte paper to be seen through their paint


What are two qualities often associated with drawing

familiarity and Integrity

When an artist uses directional lines, color, sizes, or shapes to draw the viewer's eye to a certain area of a work, that artist is using the emphasis or a ___________

focal point

_______ is a mixture of white pigment and glue that eals a support and can be sanded and rubbed to a smooth, ivory like finish


The use of pen and ink to make expressive thick and thinlines is referred to as calligraphic or ________ lines


The traditional metalpoint ______ recipe calls for a mixture of bone ash, glue, and white pigment in water.


______________- relates to the visual information surrounding a shape that we detach and focus on.


Encaustic painting requires the application of a _______ source close to the surface to fuse the colors on a completed painting


A work of art which bases scale on the relative importance fo the people depicted is using ___________ scale


Parallel lines receding into the distance, in linear prespective, seem to converge at a vanishing point which is located on the

horizon line

___________________ . Is the term that relates to a study of the symbols and story in a work of art


The technique of thickly applying layers of paint is know as


In printmaking, where multiple images are made from the same original design, each individual print is called an ____________


Another term for asymmetrical balance is _____________ balance



the changing of terrain to create shapes and designs in the ground


the combining of parts or elements to form a more whole. The structure, organization or total form of a whole art


the story behind something


the surface on which a work of two dimensional art is made

During the 20th century, _________ became a recognized element of art

time an dmotion


to bring sometthing together


total number of impressions made

Watercolors primary characteristic is its


Synthetic paints are often referred to a polymer or acrylic paints


A black and white photograph of a scene eliminates the hues and intensities of the scene's colors, but captures the ___________ of the colors


Artists will often add _____________ to provide interest and enliven the unity of a work of art


According to the author, the most important meaning of an artwork is what it means to the ______________


Artists can portray ____________ textures that are created to look like something other than a flat pointed surface


The term style is used to categorize a work of art by its _________characteristics


5 purposes of Architecture

1. Residential 2. Religion 3. Government/Public 4. Commercial/Private 5. Transportation


Creating the illusion of a 3D object or a 2D surface by using hilights or shadows

What ar two principles tha distinguish original artists prints from commercial reporductions

1. Art work was designed to be only a print Artist over sees the entire process of printing

Cateorgize four artist and audience relationships

1. Artist-artist creates - audience: public accepts 2. Master artist- audience - patrons 3. Court artist - audience nobility 4. Artist creates - audience - himself (artists self)

List two types of balance

1. Asymmetrical 2. Symmetrical

4 basic methods of a sculpture

1. Carvings 2. Castings 3. Assembling 4. Modeling

What are the 6 skeleton and skin systems of construction

1. Cast Iron 2. Steel Frame 3. Balloon frame 4. Reinforced Concrete 5. suspension 6. Geodesic domes

Basic differences between the greek column orders

1. Doric - oldest , no base, plain capital, slight taper to shaft - 6th cent 2. Iconic - has steeped base, straightened shaft, capital valutes, 7th cent 3. Corinthian - 4th cent , enlongated shaft, detailed base, acanthus leaf motif on capital

Three type of direction lines and what movement they sugges

1. Horizontal - No movement 2. Vertical - potential movement 3. Diagonal - movement

What are the two major ways of creating are in the third dimension

1. In the round 2. relief

Three types of perspective

1. Isometric 2. Asymetric 3. linear

List four color harmonies

1. Monomatic 2. analogous 3. complimentary 4. triadic

What are the 6 shell systems of construction

1. Post and lintel 2. Load Bearing 3. Round, arch, and vault 4. Pointed arch and vault 5. Domes 6. Corbelled arch and dome

List three major purposes for drawing

1. Preliminary - study and stretch 2. Illusion - communication tool 3. Self expression art work

Environmental Sculpture

Sculpture that are earth works in situations or site specific

List the seven visual elements

1. Time and motion 2. shape and mass 3. texture and pattern 4. light 5. color 6. line 7. Space

A hue darker than the hue's normal value is called a


Because she paonted it repeatedly and because she lived out her life there, Georgia O'Keefe is most closely associated with Montana


Egg tempra paints are customarily used in the technique of air -burshing


Engraving is the term used for correctly aligning sheets to e printed in several colors


Fired Clay is sometimes called pewter


Georgia O'Keefe scuplted in marble, primarily dealing with religious subjects


Impasto is watercolor that has been made opaque by adding inert white pigment to it


In a two-dimensional work of art that is balanced symmetrically, the implied center of gravity is along the horizon line.


In buon fresco, or true fresco, pigment is mixed with water and applied to dry plaster


Inert white pigment is used in gouache to make the colors transparent


Isometric perspective is only used by architects


Leonardo da Vinci advised artists in his Treatise on Painting never to sketch from life or nature


Metalpoint is the most common of all drawing materials


No material other than metal can be used in a casting process


The ____________ are credited with the invention of paper around 105 CE


List three ways the development of photography has changed art and artists.

1. a new art form 2. abstract to non representational developed 3. Portrait photography become more popular than portrait paintings

What are the six roles of the artist

1. create place for human purpose 2. Give tangible form to the unknown 3. record and commemorate 4. provide new ways to view the works 5. create extraordinary out of the ordinary 6. tangible form to feelings

What are the six basic methods of intaglio printmaking

1. etchings 2. engravings 3. mezzotint 4. aquatint 5. dry point 6. photogravure

List two ways to create depth without using a form of perspective

1. over lapping 2. position

What are the six basic types of printmaking?

1. relief 2. Intaglo 3. seriography 4. digital inkjet 5. lithography 6. monotype

List the 5 purposes of human form in sculptures

1. religious beliefs 2. in the existence 3. express human experience 4. Memorial 5. worthy subject

2 factors that must be considered in any structural system

1. weight 2. Tensile strength

What are two ways to define scale in a work of art

1. within the work of art 2. Of the work itself

Three basic methods or relief printmaking

1. wood cutting 2. wood engraving 3. lino cutting


1960's and 1970's toward simple primary forms

in 1515 _______ was appointed court painter to the Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I

Albert Durer

Open Palette

All colors are useable nothing is restricted

The close association between writing and painting is evident in ______ cultures where the brush as long been the preferred drawing tool as well as writing instrument


Symmetrical balance

Balance in a work of art that is the same on both sides

_______ remains after wood is burned


In painting and drawing, artists often use the technique of ________ to describe the way shadows and light define the mass of forms


Serpent Mound and Spiral Jetty are known as

Earth Work

A rainbow is the result of reflection of light from a still surface


A rubber stamp produces a print in much the same way that an engraver does


A vehicle is the pigment in paint


Acrylic is an example of nonaqueous medium


After building a canvas and before painting it, a pointer generally applies a coat of linseed oil.


An edition in printmaking is the person who corrects the spelling and punctuation on the master before the printing process begins


An example of a liquid medium in drawing is silverpooint


Andy Goldsworthy is a sculptor who only uses the lost wax casting method.


Atmospheric perspective is never used in CHinese paintings and drawings


Raphael used a wash, ink diluted with water and applied witha brush to give solidity to some objects in his ink drawings of the farmhouses and landscapes around Amsterdam


Rembrandt was a master of serigraphy


Secondary colors cannot be mixed from primaries


Serigraphy is a major technique for creating lines in intaglio printmaking


T/F - An artist can never change his style.


T/F - Most artists who paint in an abstract or nonrepresentational style do so because they cannot draw well.


T/F - Non-Objective art closely resembles identifiable objects in the real world.


T/F - When discussing the size, shape, material, color, and composition of a work of art, we are discussing its theme.


T/F- A representation of a god, such as the Hindu god Shiva, fulfills the artistic function of recording and commemorating.


The Thirteen-Diety Jnandakini Mandala uses proportion to suggest that there is a hidden order to the universe


The ancient Egyptians developed a standard set of proportions used to create images of the "correct" or "perfect" humans, as have many cultures both ancient and modern. This set of proportions was created using the goledn section


The canvas, paper, wood, wall, or other surfaces on which artists apply paint is known as a vehicle


The coloring material in virtually all drawing media is known as binder


The facade of Sant'Andrea, Mantua uses hierarchial scale


The predecessor of the graphite pencil, especially popular during the Renaissance, is crayon


The printing surface is always flat in every printing method


The subtractive process involves welding


The term "atmospgheric perspective can best be applied to marble sculptures


To prevent poorly impressed prints, Rembrandt always destroyed his etched plates after making an edition


Traditionally, tempra was used on a glass panel support prepared with gesso


Watercolor's primary characteristic is its ease of revision


The artist _________ is often associated with conte crayon drawings

Georges Steart

_______________ began an association with the photographer Alfred Stieglitz in 1917 that lasted until his death in 1946

Georgia O'Keefe

What is difference between romanesque and gothic cathedral

Gothic: has pointed arches, ribbed vault, flying buttress and piers Romanesque - has rounded arch and vault, has barrel vault, has groin vault and buttress

_____________ constitutes the marking material of a common pencil


Except in the case of ______, identical multiple impressions are printed to create editions in printmaking


_______ paint dries so slowly that the finished painting may not completely dry for months


In a two-dimenstional art form the actual flat surface on which the work is extcuted is called the

Picture Plane

Pen and ink was the favorite sketching medium of ________ , one of the greatest draftsmen of the 17th century


List the five design principles

Rhythm, unity and variety, balance, proportion and scale, emphasis and subordination

Artist who use tiny dots in varying concentrations to indicate light and shadow are using the _____________ drawing technique



Story within a work of art

The objects or events that a work depicts are known as _________________

Subject Matter


a post that suggests the potential for movement and thus life in a standing human figure


a preliminary layer of paint


a print being destroyed so no more prints can be made


a technique of applying thick layers of paint


a thin translucent layer or color generally applied over another color


a woven surface that is used to paint


an art form in which an entire room or similar space is treated as a work of art to be entered and experienced.


an image you see after moving away from the actual image


an individual print

An artist who is directly engaged in creating an edition of prints from an original master usually makes a limited number of prints __________ and signs them


Representational Art

art that has a purpose and represents something

Kinetic art

art that incorporates real or movement


artistic composition of materials pasted over a surface; an assemblage of diverse elements

Our modern ideas about art carry with them ideas about the ___________ and the __________________

artists and audience

___________ is a sculptural process of bringing together individual pieces, segments, or objects to form a sculpture


Ina two-dimensional work with ________________ balance, the appearance of balance is achieved by distributing visual weight accordingly


The term ______ may be used to refer to the depth of the forms in a coin


One of the main differences between the intaglio and the relief printing processes is that with intaglio the ink lays ____________ the surface of the printing plate


If a work has been created by replacing a wax model with a molten metal, then the material used for the completed work probably was ______


The earliest surviving woodcut image, dated 868 CE has a representation of the ________ preaching


Artists look for new direction in thought processes related to artworks created a new art form, called _______________ in chich a space is presented as a work of art that can be entered, expolred and experienced


The concept _____ conceives of a space and everything in it as a work of art


Ink is an example of a _______ medium in drawing


The printing technique invented by a German playwright in search of an inexpensive means of publishing music is _________


The ________ process dates back to the 3rd millenium BCE


The printing technique of ________ is especially capable of producing subtle shades of gray


In the 17th century, an amateur artist from the Netherlands boasted to his king that he had created a method for printing shadings of gray without using lines. The printing technique was _______ which is part of the intaglio family of processes.

mezzo tint

_________ do not believe in trying to influence people rough images; they favored industrial and construction materials; and they attempted to offer a pure experience by letting the materials speak for themselves



minimizes or tones down other compositional elements in order to bring attention to the focal point

The additie process of sculpture includes both _______ and assembling


The two main differences between prints and most other forms of art are: prints are made using an indirect process and this process results in ________ of the same image


A _________ paint is on e that dissolves in something other than water


Selective perception

only seeing specific parts of something

In art, shapes that suggest forms found in nature are called _______ shapes


The term _________ refers to the board on which artists mix colors or the artist's range of color


The media of ________ is the most forgiving of mistakes and changes of decisions


The substance which provides the color in paint is known as _______


The Banjo Lesson creates emphasis through size and . _____________ of the figures


All of these methods: animal fats and pigments mixed together, the use of reed brushes and powedered pigments blown through hollow reeds used by __________________ painters


The idea that a print is made from a matrix has been altered by te use of an artist quality ________ to make prints


__________refers to size repationships between parts of a whole


____________ describes the process of sunlight being broken up into a spectrum or rainbow band


A rubber stamp creates ____________ type print


Through repetition, any of the visual elements can take on a __________ within a work of art


__________ . relates to the size of objects in a work in relation to their actual size


Serigraphy means literally __________

silk writings


something that repeats and creates texture

The ancient Roman architect Vitruvius associated the perfect male form with the perfect geometry of the circle and the _______


When the author uses the term _____________ he identifies it as constant, recurring, and coherent


Iconography involves identifying, describing, and interpreting the ___________________ in a work of art

subject matter

The carving method is more aggressive than modeling, more direct than casting, and is a ______________ process



surface in which an artist paints

Rather than depend solely on visual unity, an artist will sometimes create __________ unity by unifying the ideas in a work of art


Textures we experience through the sense of touch are called actual texture or ____________

tactile textures

In buon fresco, or true fresco, pigment is mixed with water and applied to ____ plaster


Historically, in silverpont, lines were drawn with a silver _____ onto a surface coated with bone dust


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