art appreciation test one
a color that is lighter than its basic hue is known as a tint. a color that is darker that its basic hue is called a ______
an implied line
a line that gives viewers the impression that they are seeing a line where there is not a continuous mark is ________
a sculpture that can be viewed from more than one side and that occupies space in the same way as other real-life objects is called a ____ sculpture
a shape made of perfectly straight lines would probably be classified as a ____ shape
complementary colors
colors that are on opposite sides of the color wheel are radically different in wavelength and are called ______
green, orange, violet
secondary colors are _____
the chiaroscuro method uses five defined values: cast shadow, reflected light, core shadow, light, and _____
the elements of art form the basic _____ of art
stroboscopic motion
the kind of motion that is created by showing a series of static images in quick succession is called ______
the lightness or darkness of a surface is the element of art called_____
the opposite of emphasis is ____
the principles of design are a kind of _____ that artists apply to the elements of art
the process of using a series of parallel lines set close to one another to differentiate planes of value in a work of art is called _____
the relationships between the sizes of different parts of a work make up its_____
red, yellow, blue
the traditional primary colors are ____
these four visual elements of art—form, volume, mass, and texture—are present in ________ works of art
this is a kind of visual diversity that can bring many different ideas, media, or elements together in one composition
actual motion
this kind of motion is occurring when we see movement in real life ______
this type of shape is composed of unpredictable, irregular lines
true or false: an artist would probably use distorted scale if he or she wanted to create a lifelike scene that the viewer could relate to
true or false: contour line defines the outer edge or profile of an object, and can be used to suggest a volume in space
true or false: if an artist were to depict five people each running toward a different tree, from different starting points, the artist would have to use multi-point perspective
what element describes the imposition of order and harmony on a design?
hierarchical scale
when an artist uses scale to indicate the relative importance of elements in a composition, he or she is employing this kind of scale