Art Chapter 3

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What distinguishes a form from a shape?

A form appears to be three-dimensional.

Why does the fish shape in The Rarely Glimpsed Junkfish function as negative space?

The artist left the space blank and used ink and charcoal on the background.

Daniel Chester French wanted spotlights installed above his sculpture of Abraham Lincoln in the Lincoln Memorial in order to

change the sculpture's expressive impact.

What color grouping produces the strongest contrasts when used side by side?


What detail of Jenny Holzer's Untitled emphasizes her use of implied motion?

controlled lighting on the extended helix of light boards

Which of the following is always a characteristic of line?

length always predominates over height or depth

What concept of time did Italian fifteenth-century narrative paintings demonstrate?


Chiaroscuro is a technique used to create

the illusion of rounded forms

What technique did Alê Abreu use to create texture in his digital work?

He incorporated hand and digital drawing.

How did van Gogh create texture in his paintings?

He used thick paint to show obvious brushstrokes.

Why is line a primary means of visual communication?

It is a basic means of recording and documenting ideas.

What makes Man Pointing an open form?

It is a thin, linear form with outstretched arms.

Which best describes the role of time in Christian Marclay's installation The Clock?

It presents multiple clips in real time.

What is one reason that contemporary artists use artificial light as a medium?

Light can radiate into the viewer's space.

Which of the following best expresses slow, rhythmic movement?

a gently curving line

What effect might best be achieved by a sculpture with closed form?

a sense of overwhelming power

Overlapping objects on a two-dimensional plane is one way to

achieve depth on a flat surface.

Viewers may have a strong response to Meret Oppenheim's Object because of its

actual texture.

Which color scheme did Jennifer Bartlett use in Path?


What is kinetic art?

art that moves

What technique is used in Asher Brown Durand's Kindred Spirits to create a sense of three-dimensional space?

atmospheric perspective

Keith Sonnier's use of light in works like Motordom forces an increased awareness of the

surrounding space.

When mixing pigments, white is added to produce a


What did Andrea di Leone use to organize his composition Tobit Burying the Dead?

triangular implied lines

When is a vanishing point necessary in a painting?

when using linear perspective

What distinguishes Paul Cézanne's treatment of space in his Still Life with Apples from Raphael's in The School of Athens?

Cézanne calls attention to the flatness of his canvas.

What is one way that ancient Egyptian artists clarified visual space in their paintings?

They portrayed objects from easily identifiable angles.

What is one way that traditional Chinese painters created atmospheric perspective?

They used light washes of ink and color on paper to suggest distant mountains.

Which creators rely most on light primary colors in their work?


Which of the following is a visual media where the impression of time can be compressed, expanded, run backward, and rewound?


In art terms, volume refers to

form enclosing space.

The most common man-made shapes are


What kind of line does Edward Hopper use in New York Movie to divide theatre space from lobby space?

hard line, soft line

Which of the following is characteristic of a highly saturated painting?

intense use of color

When experiencing the work You and I, Horizontal (III), viewers can

interrupt the lines and alter them at will.

In a painting, a simulated texture

looks like the real thing being represented.

What is one way that an artist can imply mass in a two-dimensional figure?

make it large enough to occupy most of the picture plane

The most vibrant color sensations in modern four-color printing come from

placing tiny drops of pure hues next to each other.

Most people are conditioned to see objects and figures as

positive space

One way that architects can increase the perception of space in a structure is by

raising the ceiling height.

What is a two-dimensional or implied two-dimensional area defined by line or changes in color called?


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