Art collection Nov 3

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Raphael Pope Leo X (Medici) -Popes were real leaders, put on armor and what have you -This pope was responsible for bringing back neo-platonic -son of Medici -Raphael was responsible for working for this pope exclusively

(Given in class)

Popes were really bad and starting to become extremely evil. These guys were a sect of people tucked away in monasteries and trying to revive the original ideas of the bible. This guy was the leader of the group he wrote "Praise of Folly" and slammed everyone and said the entire world was crazy


Polyptych - an altarpiece or other work of art made up of more than three sections (15th Century Northern Renaissance)

How is this art displayed

Artist: Donatello "David" c. 1430. Bronze (15th Century Italian Renaissance) -This is the first life sized nude bronze since ancient Greece but of Kind David (a biblical figure) -wears a flowered hat s a Shepard would -Shows a physical weakness almost feminine -holding a huge sword that he used to cut the head of Goliath -"God's love" allowed him to achieve this -David became something of a symbol of Florence -People were shocked! -modeled after Polyclitus' spear-bearer


Dürer Adam and Eve 1504. Engraving (16th Century Northern Renaissance) -moment eve s offered fruit -Durer is the first Northerner to go to Italy and see Greek sculpture -his cat is in the engraving with a mouse in front of him b/c there is no evil or killing in the Garden of Eden


Matthias Grünewald, Isenheim Altarpiece (closed) 1510-1515 (16th Century Northern Renaissance) -made for a hospital and still there today -hospitals were run by the church -Saint Anthony's Fire caused from moldy wheat -Christ is shown very different here he has ergotism because the people looking at this would have shared this same disease. -reminds people suffering that they suffer as christ did


"King John the Good" Anonymous (14th Century*) Notes: -More individual portraits -Painted in the Roman profile -This is how people actually looked -Seen from side because this is how it was done since Rome


"Palazzo Foscari" Venice, c. 1450 (15th Century Italian Renaissance) -far East in Italy -Influenced by Islamic architecture


(16th Century Italian Renaissance) Da Vinci Last Supper c. 1485-1498. Fresco of oil, tempera, and varnish on plaster Monastery refectory of Santa Maria della Grazie, Milan -neoplatonic group ad was kicked out of Florence and painted in Milan where this painting is located -uses linear perspective to frame Christ


(16th Century Italian Renaissance) Da Vinci Mona Lisa c. 1503-1505 -hair plucked -not showing your teeth when you smiled is a big deal -the icon of beauty at the time -the use of shadows to define the entire image -Sfumato = smokey


(16th Century Italian Renaissance) Leonardo da Vinci, Embryo in the Womb (left) and topographical map of Vinci and Chiana Valley 1502 Black chalk, pen, ink, and color on paper -da Vinci made first picture of fetus as well as the very first topographical map


(16th Century Italian Renaissance) Michelangelo David 1501-1504 -David is a symbol of Florence -David is huge to symbolize the towering force of Florence -Donatello's David is tiny and fragile where Michelangelo's has massive and hulky


(16th Century Italian Renaissance) Michelangelo Pieta 1500, Marble -Became known as a sculptor -absurdly good, ever since the parthenon has no one been so good -He was a part of the Medici school of florence and best friends with pope leo X -His scene of emotion is more of serenity and silent mourning -


(16th Century Italian Renaissance) Raphael Portrait of strozzi -contours are outlined rather than showing sfumato


(16th Century Italian Renaissance) Raphael School of Athens 1509-11511 Fresco -part of the papal apartments -Shows proportion, balance, and symmetry to emphasize the idea that no trait is better than he other -scene has nothing to do with Christianity -Plato and Aristotle in center of the Fresco -Everyone else are thinkers, artists, painters, philosophers -"Who's philosophy is greater?" -Plato: work towards an ideal that is why he points up holding his famous work "Temius" -Aristotle: looked for the answers to questions based on what is found on earth and that we are all part of one another so his hand points down his hands holds "Ethics"


Albrecht Altdorfer Danube Landscape c. 1515 (16th Century Northern Renaissance) -art during this time had to have some reason to be depicted -no storyline -but this makes a represents a uniqueness in Germany and pride in the new 'Danube School of Art'


Albrecht Dürer Self-Portrait 1500 (16th Century Northern Renaissance) -leader of the transfer for print. -entrepreneur -looks like "God" because he has God given talent -owe copyright and citation. he filed a lawsuit against someone because they copied his work. -signs and dates his work


Anonymous Armada Portrait of Elizabeth I ca. 1533-1603 (16th Century Northern Renaissance) -


Arnolfo di Cambio and others "Florence Cathedral" c. 1296-1420 (15th Century Italian Renaissance) -Took about 500 years to build*


Artist: Ambrogio Lorenzetti "Effects of Good Government in the City and in the Country" 1338-1339, fresco (15th Century Italian Renaissance)


Artist: Ambrogio Lorenzetti "Nursing Madonna (Madonna del Latte)" (14th century*) Notes: -A lot of pics of this scene -This is the most famous of them all -Shows an emotional bonding of breast feeding but also a representation as the spiritual idea of nourishment to mankind -not meant to be erotic the breast is shown to be detached from the body removing the idea of sexual excitement and more towards natural ideals


Artist: Andrea Mantegna "Camera degli Sposi (Honeymoon Suite)" Mantua 1474 (15th Century Italian Renaissance) -Room of the bride and groom -right above the big bed -supposed t be humourous


Artist: Andrea del Castagno "Last Supper, former convent of Sant'Apollonia" 1447, fresco (15th Century Italian Renaissance)


Artist: Andrea del Verrocchio "Lorenzo de' Medici" c. 1478. Terracotta (15th Century Italian Renaissance) Notes: -Family responsible for large works of art -They were professional bankers -A lot like the mafia


Artist: Antonio Pollaiuolo "Hercules and Antaeus" c. 1475. Bronze (15th Century Italian Renaissance) Notes: -Greek and Roman mythology is now making a reappearance -Church becoming more relaxed over this sensitive topic -Shows the battle where Hercules lifts Antaeus to make him lose his strength that he got from the earth -A firm understanding of anatomy, he also dissected humans


Artist: Benozzo Gozzoli Procession of the Magi, Medici Chapel of Medici Palace c. 1459, fresco (15th Century Italian Renaissance) -Leads to the office of the Medici -Medici thought of themselves as the Magi rich and also led by God -Each face in painting are unique and thought to be recognizable only 6 we know for sure.


Artist: Botticelli "La Primavera (Spring)" c. 1485 (15th Century Italian Renaissance) -was a wedding gift for one of the nephews -painting is about love -very complicated with layers of meaning -shows the creation of the goddess Flora virgins that floated around being young and attractive -Zephyr found Chloris as a Nymph and is raped but felt bad and became a goddess (flora) as penance -Cupid, Venus, Mercury stirring the heavens...stirring the emotions, the 3 Graces the nymphs (chastity, beauty, charity) -Venus splits the middle across from physical and mental (platonic love) -Botticelli was one of the first to discover and name the difference of flowers and begins to document it -The trees show oranges because the Medici were known for their orange orchards and they are also the fruit of Venus and another symbol of marriage


Artist: Brunelleschi "Pazzi Chapel, cloister of Santa Croce," Florence c. 1441-1460 (15th Century Italian Renaissance) -Built for the Pazzi family -What Brunelleschi does is use geometry and mathematical ratios which are defined by stone and divisions -They didn't want to worship with the bottom-feeders so this little chapel was connected to a larger church. -very modern interior for the Renaissance. -


Artist: Claus Sluter Well of Moses (14th Century*) Notes: -Individuality -Earliest renaissance works of art -In a garden of a a hospital for the mentally ill -now in a museum in Brussels -remnants of paint -resembles jamb sculpture -there are 6 prophets -The one shown in front of this picture is Moses -Supposed to look like humans and to appear very real to the viewer.


Artist: Cosimo Tura "Hall of Months, April" Palazzo Schifanoia, Ferrara, c. 1470 (15th Century Italian Renaissance) -Ruled by Taurus and also by Venus


Artist: Cosimo Tura "Hall of Months, May" Palazzo Schifanoia, Ferrara c. 1470 (15th Century Italian Renaissance)


Artist: Domenico Ghirlandaio "Portrait of Giovanna Tournabuoni" 1488, tempera on wood (15th Century Italian Renaissance)


Artist: Duccio Madonna Enthroned (Rucellai Madonna) (14th Century--painted a year before the other) tempera and gold on panel Notes: This is done in the Byzantine style -Nothing is proportional -She hovers over the chair


Artist: Filippo Brunellesci "Sacrifice of Isaac" 1401-1402 (15th Century Italian Renaissance) -Designed the dome -he was pissed that he lost and left Florence for 22 years -took 4 casts


Artist: Ghiberti "Solomon and Sheba on the east doors of Florence Baptistry" 1425-1442. Gilt bronze relief (15th Century Italian Renaissance) -uses linear perspective -optical tricks


Artist: Ghiberti "self-portrait on east doors of Florence Baptistry" 1425-1442 gilt bronze (15th Century Italian Renaissance) -his signature by putting his face in with kings


Artist: Ghiberti east doors of Florence Baptistry "Gates of Paradise," 1425-1442 (15th Century Italian Renaissance) -These doors were simply given to Gilberti


Artist: Giotto Francis Preaching to the Birds (14th Century*) fresco Notes: -one of the most important artist in history -First true and original painter -get rid of symbolism...make it as if it is real -captures emotion, there is no need for symbols to convey an idea -he uses chiaroscuro and foreshortening and he rediscovered it


Artist: Giotto Joachim dreams c. 1305. Fresco Scrovengi (Arena) Chapel, Padua (14th Century) Notes: -An angels flys down and says hey your wife is pregnant with the girl that will give birth to the child


Artist: Giotto Joachim is turned away c. 1305. Fresco Scrovengi (Arena) Chapel, Padua (14th Century*) Notes: -The story...God gave them no child and that was the great sorry -Joachim must go to temple to sacrifice a lamb but is barred bc he cant have kids -Being pushed out to nothing -there is someone in the temple being blessed -story of sorrow and bad luck


Artist: Giotto Joachim meets the shepherds c. 1305. Fresco Scrovengi (Arena) Chapel, Padua (14th Century*) Notes: -Goes back to Shepard friends and is still depressed -The guys look sideways -His favorite dog doesn't cheer him up either


Artist: Giotto Madonna Enthroned Tempera on panel (14h Century*) Notes: -From the Oreagna tabernacle, Or San Michele in florence -Panels must have the huge architectural frame -The angels are proportional and show depth -She sits in the chair by using shadows _her chin is coverd in shadow more prominently


Artist: Giotto Meeting with Anna at the Golden Gate c. 1305. Fresco Scrovengi (Arena) Chapel, Padua (14th Century) Notes: -This kiss, pretty intense -people are watching and reacting


Artist: Jan van Eyck "Ghent Altarpiece" opened Oil on panel 1432 (15th Century Northern Renaissance) Notes:


Artist: Leonardo da Vinci "Embryo in the Womb" c. 1510. Pen and brown ink (15th Century Italian Renaissance) Notes: -very big for the Italian Renaissance is the marriage of art and science. -artists were educated in every subject -Leonardo made discoveries on his own in the field of anatomy -he was first person to see embryo in the womb -found a body of a pregnant woman and dissected it but it was sacrilegious.


Artist: Lorenzo Ghiberti "Sacrifice of Isaac" 1401-1402 (15th Century Italian Renaissance) -He was a goldsmith -taken straight from a greek sculpture -won the contest! -he can cast twice


Artist: Masaccio "Adam and Eve" Brancacci Chapel, Santa Maria del Carmine c. 1425, fresco (15th Century Italian Renaissance) -leaves were added -shows raw human emotion, in model of Giotto's work -uses chioriscurro -Light comes from front and Adam block eve in shadow


Artist: Masaccio "Tribute Money" Brancacci Chapel, Santa Maria del Carmine c. 1425. Fresco (15th Century Italian Renaissance) -Tells story of when the 12 Apostles were speaking w/ Christ and say why do we have to pay taxes? He replies give Caesar what's Caesar keep what is yours. -Money in fish's stomach Peter pulled out fish and gives it to Roman tax-collector -orthogonals point straight to Jesus and off to Peter -Also uses Atmospheric Perspective -Masaccio was new, daring, and a rebel in this work


Artist: Masaccio "Trinity, Santa Maria Novella" c. 1426-1427. Fresco (15th Century Italian Renaissance) -Holds "The Trinity" a painting by Masaccio -Behind this painting is a tomb, just discovered


Artist: Masaccio Brancacci Family Chapel, Santa Maria del Carmine (15th Century Italian Renaissance) -Very young guy (died at the age of 24) -No front was built -


Artist: Sandro Botticelli "Birth of Venus" c. 1485. Tempera on canvas (15th Century Italian Renaissance) -He was supported by the Medici family -part of a small circle and thinkers who specialized in reading and talking about Plato -Nothing about Christianity in this painting -Born from Cronos on top a scallop shell as a full woman as the goddess of love. -Taken from the Medici Venus sculpture -Flora (goddess of flowers) = Florence = city of flowers -This work is about line -Zephyr on the right is the god of wind


Bosch Garden of Earthly Delights c. 1500. Oil on panel (16th Century Northern Renaissance) -This is the embodiment of artists of scientists -and the beginnings of creating science and these artists were the creators of this science -this painting depicts the science of alchemy (arabic: about chemi) -this was an elite science which was basically turning a base form into gold. -and the effort to make the 5th element from the 4 basic elements the elixir of life -this depicts the making of the 5th element parallels the making of the earth and returning to the garden of eden -The left panel shows the conjunction of 4 elements equal to the conjunction of Adam and eve -the center f the left panel is the fountain of life -the top left shows a metaphor of the birds ad mountains as smoke and flasks -the center panel is believed to show the children of adam and eve but there is no sin or unhappiness -the white and lack characters represent the action of opposites coming together -top center holds the marriage flask because everything comes together and gives birth to children from copulation -the tiny red balls is the symbol of the starting of the creation of the elixir of life -the far right panel depicts the death or putrefaction of everything else that my die in order to make the elixir -the closed doors show the 4th phase of alchemy which is called the flood or Noah's Flood


Bosch Ship of Fools c. 1490 (16th Century Northern Renaissance) -boat with a bunch of idiots and they are playing a game -the ship has no captain and no sails -the metaphor of an unplanned life that is just drifting around -from another bestselling book "Ship of Fools" by Sebastian Brant 1494 (Das Nerenchef)


Bruegel the Elder Hunters in the Snow 1565. Oil on panel (16th Century Northern Renaissance) -during this time people are just starting to develop the idea of meteorology -dutch invented ice skating they had a mini ice age -just a simple depiction of human life and interation


Bruegel the Elder The Wedding Dance 1566 (16th Century Northern Renaissance) -Holland is a Protestant nation -Peasant is shown as a class -peasants are shown just having a good time


Cranach Martin Luther ca. 1533 (16th Century Northern Renaissance) -The culminations of the religious reformation -Wrote the 95-thesis -Knew the church and was very critical of the Catholic church -up until now there was only one version of Christianity...Catholicism -wrote first non Latin bible (German) -priests can marry and have children -get rid of saints


Dürer Four Holy Men 1526. Oil on panel (16th Century Northern Renaissance) -dyptic -depicts the 4 temperaments -Left to right John (sanguine), Peter (Phlegmatic), Mark (melancholic), Paul (choleric)


Dürer Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse c. 1496, woodcut (16th Century Northern Renaissance) -Part of a series for the bible and of Revelations -Guy makes these from a hunch and it pays off because people buy tons of these books making him rich and famous. -millinealism


Dürer Knight, Death, and the Devil 1513. Engraving (16th Century Northern Renaissance) -People could by these because they are cheaper than original paintings -Erasmus' books. he says we're all like soldiers in this life arm yourself and go with faith. The Christian Knight of god


Dürer Melancholia I 1510 engraving (16th Century Renaissance) -This is a statement as an artist as a genius -The artist is alone and without many equals -the idea that the body and the mind is linked and leads to disorder -one of 4 physical and mental types of human beings (4 temperaments) -quirky, forgetting to bathe, unsocial -became a sign of genius -symbols in engraving stand for saturn


Filippo Brunelleschi "Dome of Florence Cathedral" c. 1420 (15th Century Italian Renaissance) -He figured out how to make this dome -gap is about 500 feet -saw the Pantheon and was inspired to make a dome -so he combined gothic with roman architecture -8-sided gothic vault -this made him famous


Francesco Traini, "Triumph of Death" (14th Century*) Fresco inside the Campostano, Pisa Notes: -The Reminded of Death -You can't take it with you. -related to Boccoccios stories -has the story of "The three living and the three dead" the dead say to the 3 young men: "As you are we once were and as we are you will become" -Is a memento mori


Ghiberti "north doors of Florence Baptistry" (15th Century Italian Renaissance) -This door was a competition -Winner made for life -Rules: Make one panel (inside a quatrefoil) and the scene was the sacrifice of Isaac had to have a ram...two shepherds etc.


Hans Baldung Witches Sabbath 1510 (16th Century Northern Renaissance) -student of Dürer -inspired by "hammer of witches" book that describes how to tell if someone is a witch. -


Hans Holbein Portrait of Henry VIII 1540 (16th Century Northern Renaissance) -started own church, "Anglicism"


Hieronymus Bosch Death and the Miser c. 1490 (16th Century Renaissance) -Netherlands -died after saving up all his money in his chest -this was bad, you had to spend your money -The miser was an evil person -taken from the book Ars Moriendi (the art of dying) how to die well and with dignity -


Hugo van der Goes "Portinari Altarpiece" opened tempera and oil on wood 1476 (15th Century Northern Renaissance) Notes: -Goes worked in Ghent for wealthy patrons -The patron was Thomaso Portinari, the Italian head of the Medici Bank in Northern Europe -Male and female members of the family in the wings -Shows the Nativity -Symbolism of still-life -Eucharist=wheat and wine jar -Trinity=3 Irises (also the royal flower of Florence) -Passion of Christ=Red Lily -wounds of Christ=3 carnations -sorrows of the virgin=7 columbines -humility=15 violets -massive amount of iconagraphy -Patron was from Florence and is now located there -Shows the children of the patrons along with their Saints which are larger because they are more important -painting is all about Humility he was a part of the group that lived like monks and nuns they shunned wealth and considered it a sin. -


Jan Van Eyck "Arnolfini Double Portrait" Tempura and oil on panel 1434 (15th Century Northern Renaissance) Notes: -First Marriage portrait -Dual symbolism of marriage and faith (clothing, gesture, dog, mirror)


Jan Van Eyck "Man in Red Turban" Oil on panel 1433 (15th Century Northern Renaissance) Notes:


Jan van Eyck "Ghent Altarpiece" closed Oil on panel 1432 (15th C. Northern Renaissance) Notes:


Jan van Eyck "Madonna with Chancellor Nicolas Rolin" Oil on Panel 1435 (15th Century Northern Renaissance) Notes:


Jean Pucelle, Annunciation from the Book of Hours of Jeanne d'Evreux, Queen of France (14th Century*) Notes: -Prayer book -Very tiny -you could take these books anywhere to recite your prayers for certain hours -makes it personal


Leon Battista Alberti "Santa Maria Novella", Florence completed 1470, green and gray marble (15th Century Italian Renaissance) -Influenced by Greek and Roman mathematical ideals and principles -Math of building had a direct influence of people's minds inside the building -Alberti designed the idea of linear perspective -bilaterally proportional


Limbourg Brothers, February, plate 3 from the Très Riches Heures (Very Rich Hours),of the Duc du Berry Illumination (14th Century*) -the real book is hidden from the public and underground Notes: -Cellphone for the 14th century, calendar, masses for the dead, etc -one of a kind books made by commission for the rich buyer -This is one of the greatest -The first representation of landscapes in the west -The peasants warming themselves by the fire


Limbourg Brothers, January, plate 3 from the Très Riches Heures (Very Rich Hours), of the Duc du Berry (14th Century*) Illumination Notes: -also illustrates the rich -this is the Duke of Berry -the tiny dogs are very popular and they grow from puppies into dogs


Matthias Grünewald Isenheim Altarpiece (opened) center shrine carved by Nikolaus Hagenauer. 1490. Painted and gilt limewood (16th Century Northern Renaissance) -once opened it is happy and shows christ as a healthy ball of light -he also uses the blending of colors as a symbol of brilliance -Saint Anthony is in the center


Michelozzo "Medici Palace" 1444-1460, exterior (15th Century Italian Renaissance) -Takes up a whole city block...communicates the presence of the Medici family -Bottom floor was on the first floor and the other 2 floors were for living and parties -


Piero della Francesca Federico da Montefeltro, Duke of Urbino after 1475. Oil and tempera on panel (15th Century Italian Renaissance) Notes: -Individuality is increased in importance -professional soldier...had one eye knocked out from battle -You can see moles and pimples and a broken nose -in remembrance of the roman coin


Pieter Bruegel the Elder Mad Meg c.1555 (16th Century Northern Renaissance) -this guy was inspired by Bosch -it's about politics -allegory of insanity, folly, and caused by women run amuck -Meg is another name for bitch in the Netherlands -shows women "tying a devil to a pillow"


Robert Campin "Mérode Altarpiece" Oil on panel c. 1425-1428 (15th Century Northern Renaissance) Notes: -shows the Annunciation with patrons (on right) and Joseph at work (left) -Iconography of the Virgin of Humility (Mary sitting on the ground b/c chair is too good for her.) -Campin worked for middle class wealthy people in the city of [Tournai] -This is in the Cloisters Museum in NYC -It is a triptyc -Not meant to be shown in a church or publicly but as a private piece that commemorated a marriage -Mérode was the last that owned this piece...only reason why its called that -The windows shows their family crests so we know the donors name -Mary was impregnated as light penetrates glass...unbroken -The vase has Hebrew writing with 3 lilies and Hebrew prayer shawl so this symbolizes the birth of Christianity. so the flowers are the trinity coming from Hebrew says "Hark, He will come." -Josephs panel shows the city behind him as he's making a medieval mousetrap because mice were symbol of sin/sex


Rogier van der Weyden "Deposition" Oil on panel 1435 (15th Century Northern Renaissance) Notes: -Worked for the Burgundian ducal court in Brussels -Virgin shown as co-redeemer-she has same power to forgive sin as Christ -first tears in western art -was the painter for the Dukes in the 1460's after van Eyke -This painting is in Spain -putting models in total sorrow -the center of the painting is the two hands of Jesus and Mary that are hanging together. They are equal (co-redeemer) -Virgin of Sorrow


Röttgen Pieta Anonymous (14th century*) Germany Notes: -Mary is seen in total sorrow -Holding Christ as she held him when he was a baby -supposed to elicit extreme emotion


Scrovengi (patron) Chapel (Arena Chapel) Padua (14th Century*) Notes: -The greatest work of art ever, ever -small private church -built on the ruins of a Roman arena -Top to bottom painted by Giotto -Scrovengi was a banker, people called this "usery" he said i don't care I'm going to charge interest and so he was committing sin so he decided to build this chapel to get into heaven -Shows in 3 registers the scenes from the parents of Mary, Mary, and Christ, virtues and sins.


Chiaroscuro woodcut— woodcut prints using two or more blocks printed in different colors (16th Century Northern Renaissance)

Identify the technique

Art produced under the patronage of the Dukes of Burgundy. Members of the French royal family, and wealthy merchants who served them. -Burgundy = modern Belgium and Netherlands -The Dukes did not take part in 100 years was making them immeasurably wealthy (15th Century Northern Renaissance)

Importance of Burgundy

Francis of Assisi— (1182-1226)was an Italian Catholic friar and preacher. He founded the men's Franciscan Order. (14th Century) Notes: -art reflects individuality and emotion more than before because of the plague -This was painted by Giotto -he began life as a rich man and saw a vision from God to preach a new life of humility, simplicity, and charity -He wanted people to realize what religion should do for us. To be positive and kind for everyone -we as humans we are no better than any other creature (pantheism from hinduism?) -He is shown preaching to the birds while his friend is shocked because he is wasting his time preaching to dumb birds but he says the birds understand God's message just like anyone else. -Didn't have any property, they wore simple robes and no shoes. -They begged for food etc.

Name the figure in the painting? Who was he?

Christine de Pisan— (1363 - c. 1430) was a Venetian-born late medieval author who challenged misogyny and stereotypes prevalent in the late medieval culture. (14th Century) Notes: -shown lecturing men in Bible says that is bad -She is the first Feminist in the West -She was a scholar and a supporter of women to be educated

Name the figure in the painting? Who was she?

Linear perspective— a formula for projecting an illusion of the three-dimensional world onto a two-dimensional surface; uses parallel lines or lines of projection which seem to converge on one, two, or three points located with reference to the eye level of the viewer (the horizon line of the picture), know as vanishing points, and associated objects are rendered smaller the farther from the viewer they are intended to seem (15th Century Italian Renaissance) Notes: -rediscovered from Euclid -How to make a flat surface look like you can walk into it -

Name the principle

Hatching— in drawing or graphics, shaded areas made with intersecting sets of parrellel lines (16th Century Northern Renaissance)

Name the technique

Bosch Allegory of Intemperance, Yale university Lower half of Ship of Fools

No Image

St. Anthony, Grünewald, Isenheaim Altar (16th Century Northern Renaissance) -Shows Anthony's struggles and lived a long time suffering and saw God who showed him that he's not alone

No Image

a machine for printing text or pictures from type or plates West finally reinvented Paper and was able to make book off this printing press

Printing press

Still-life - a painting or drawing of an arrangement of objects, typically including fruit and flowers and objects contrasting with these in texture, such as bowls and glassware. (15th Century Northern Renaissance)

This is a type of arrangement called.

Martin Luther's ninety-five critiques of the Catholic Church, which primary focus on the selling of indulgences and other abuses of the clergy; a catalyst of the Protestant Reformation

What are the Ninety-Five Theses

A group of text for Hindu writing

What are the Vedas?

Predella— a step or platform on which an altarpiece is placed; typically forms an appendage to the altarpiece

What are these called and what are their function

Four temperaments— choleric, sanguine, melancholic, phlegmatic; an ancient medical interpretation of the humors, which suggests that four bodily fluids (yellow bile, blood, black bile, phlegm) determine one's behavior and bodily make-up (16th Century Northern Renaissance)

What belief is depicted here

(Italian) "Reminder of Death" (14th Century)

What does Memento mori mean?

To make the foot look like a lotus petal. High status. women were considered to be sexy!

What is Chinese foot binding?

Mercantile economy and epicenter of Renaissance in Italy (15th Century Italian Renaissance) Notes: The center for all art like NYC is today for contemporary art

What is Florence?

Dominant religion of India at this time

What is Hinduism?

Place in Japan. Houses oldens wooden building

What is Nara?

The reexamination art and philosophies of ancient Greece and Rome (15th Century Italian Renaissance)

What is Neo-Platonism?

A mode or melodic form in Hindu music; a specific combination of notes associated with a particular mood or atmosphere. They start slow then grow faster and more animated over time. Use formal postures though the dance that never change.

What is Raga?

The rebirth of a soul in another body

What is Reincarnation?

a set of rhythmic formula in Hindu music.

What is Tala?

A work by Boccaccio, written between 1348 and 1358, containing a hundred tales supposedly told in ten days by a party of ten young people who had fled from the Black Death in Florence. The work was influential on later writers such as Chaucer and Shakespeare. (14th Century)

What is The Decarmeron?

Sanskrit, "Knowledge"

What is Veda?

All pervading infinite cosmic force

What is a Brahman?

The poem "The way of the Warrior" the code of honor written that the samurai lived by.

What is a Bushido?

Ranking of status based off skin color

What is a Caste?

The chief magistrate of Venice or Genoa (15th Century Italian Renaissance)

What is a Doge?

Feudal warriors of old Japan. They began with the Kamakura. They were the vassals of the Shogun. Means "those who serve" Lived by a strict code of honor. They we not just tough guys. They were experts in flower arranging--writing poetry.

What is a Samurai?

(15th Century Italian Renaissance) -part of the florence chapel it is 8-sided and you get baptized there -

What is baptistery?

Ergotism— poisoning produced by eating food affected by ergot, typically resulting in headache, vomiting, diarrhea, and gangrene of the fingers and toes (16th Century Northern Renaissance)

What is being depicted here

Annunciation - in Christianity, the announcement of the Incarnation by the angel Gabriel to Mary (Luke 1:26-38) (15th Century Northern Renaissance)

What is going on in this scene?

Nativity - in Christianity, the occasion of the birth of Jesus Christ (15th Century Northern Renaissance)

What is going on in this scene?

The Brancacci Chapel, Santa Maria del Carmine. (15th Century Italian Renaissance)

What is in Brancacci?

The Pazzi Chapel by Brunelleschi. Shows revival of antique forms (columns, capitals, dome) (15th Century Italian Renaissance)

What is in Pazzi?

Putrefaction--The process of decay or rotting in a body or other organic matter

What is seen here in this painting

Houses the Scrovegni Chapel (also known as the Arena Chapel) a. Rich with Fresco b. Enrico Scrovegni commissioned the private chapel to expiate the sin of usury, committed in the profession of banking. c. Illustrates the stories of the Virgin Mary, her parents Joachim and Anna, and the life of Jesus. d. Use of compositional elements to direct the viewer's eye and advance the narrative (14th Century)

What is significant about Pauda?

(14th Century)

What is tapestry?

The great epidemic of a disease thought to be bubonic plague, which killed a large proportion of the population of Europe in the middle of the fourteenth century. It originated in central Asia and China and spread through Europe, carried by the fleas of black rats. It reached England in 1348, killing between one third and one half of the population in a matter of months. Notes: -2 or 3 different kinds of disease but at the time there is no clue of microscopic antibodies. They think it's an act of God. -in China, these diseases were endemic, they had an immunity. -But when ships dock at Venice the bacteria spreads. -Pneumatic infection -believe half of western Europe (14th Century)

What is the Black Death?

Part of a sub-continent close to northern modern India

What is the Gupta dynasty?

The image of the Virgin Mary breastfeeding Christ (14th Century)

What is the Madonna del latte?

Fresco— painting on lime plaster, either dry (fresco secco) or wet (true or buon fresco). In the latter method, the pigments are mixed with water and become chemically bound to the freshly laid lime plaster. (14th Century)

What is the medium? How is it made?

Tempera painting on panel— a technique of painting on panel. Tempera is a mixture of pigment and egg yolk, or casein (14th Century)

What is the medium? What is it made of?

Atmospheric perspective— a formula for projecting an illusion of the three-dimensional world onto a two-dimensional surface; creates the illusion of distance by the greater diminution of color intensity, the shift in color toward an almost neutral blue, and the blurring of contours as the intended distance between eye and object increases (15th Century Italian Renaissance)

What is the technique?

Multiplication— the process of multiplying; to increase greatly in number or quantity

What is the term for what is being reflected in this painting

Fan (album leaf) - in Asian art, an album leaf is usually part of a book combining paintings and poems in sequence; often used as a fan

What is the term?

Hand-Scroll - in Asian art, a horizontal painted scroll that is unrolled to the left and often used to present illustrated religious texts of landscapes

What is the term?

Hanging Scroll - in Asian art, a vertical painted scroll that is unrolled from the bottom and often used to present illustrated religious texts of landscapes

What is the term?

Luohan - (Chinese, "Worthy One") a term for enlightened being, portrayed as a sage or mystic.

What is the term?

Porcelain - a hard, translucent ceramic ware made from clay fired a high heat

What is the term?

Book of Hours— was a devotional book popular in the later Middle Ages. It is the most common type of surviving medieval illuminated manuscript. Like every manuscript, each manuscript book of hours is unique in one way or another, but most contain a similar collection of texts, prayers and psalms, often with appropriate decorations, for Christian devotion. (14th Century)

What is this book called? What was it used for?

Duomo—(Italian) dome (15th Century Italian Renaissance)

What is this called?

Horizon line— the imaginary or actual line at eye level used as a construction line upon which to place vanishing points (15th Century Italian Renaissance)

What is this line?

Orthogonal —a line imagined to be behind and perpendicular to the picture plane; the orthogonals in a painting appear to recede toward a vanishing point on the horizon (15th Century Italian Renaissance)

What is this line?

Oil on wood panel - a technique of painting with on panel. Oil paint is a paste made with ground pigment and a drying oil such as linseed oil. (15th Century Northern Renaissance)

What is this medium? describe it.

Vanishing point— the point at which receding parallel lines viewed in perspective appear to converge (15th Century Italian Renaissance)

What is this point?

Grisailles— (French,"gray-toned") the use of exclusively gray tones in painting or drawing. (14th Century)

What is this style called? What is it?

Mithuna - The Hindu representation of a male and a female locked in passionate embrace

What is this term?

Ars Moriendi— texts offering advice on how to die well, according to the Christian faith in the middle age

What term reflects the depiction or belief seen in this painting

Conjunction— the action or an instance of two or more events or things occurring at the same point in time or space

What term reflects what is seen in the painting

Das Narrenschiff (Ship of Fools)— a satirical text and popular motif in art criticizing the vices of the clergy

What term reflects what is seen in the painting

The papacy moved from Rome to Avignon in 1309, weakening the prestige and power of the Church. Eventually three different men claimed to be the rightful pope, a situation that persisted until 1417 Notes: -So who do people look to? "Church is authority for guidance" -Makes people start thinking "maybe we should worship our own way..." (14th Century)

What was the Great Schism?

Fought over the English claim to the French throne. Weakened the old feudal and chivalric systems as the nobility were challenged and the groundwork of constitutional monarchy was laid. Notes: -1337-1453 -French won temporarily population is diminished -Threatens Catholic Church and falls into decline (14th Century)

What was the Hundred Years War? What did it broadly cause?

revolutionized optics by using linear perspective (15th Century Italian Renaissance)

Who is Alberti?

Painter of Madonna del latte 1. Emotional bond between mother and child. 2. Presentation of Mary as the Church, providing both spiritual and physical nourishment (14th Century)

Who is Ambrogio Lorenzetti?

He was famous for documenting and telling the horrors of the Black Death "The Decarmeron" Notes: -Whole families would be dead in a day -could die in a day -some people lived though the plague -Describes people that either live crazy because they will die or people that live to get into heaven (14th Century)

Who is Boccaccio?

He was a painter and a member of the Neo-Platonic inner circle (15th Century Italian Renaissance)

Who is Bottecelli?

He designed the dome in the Florence Cathedral Ingenious and original merging of Gothic principals of vaulting with antique dome shape. (15th Century Italian Renaissance)

Who is Brunelleschi?

She painted the Last Supper -Patronage for nuns (15th Century Italian Renaissance)

Who is Castagno?

Made the first life sized nude bronze since antiquity. It was a metaphor for the victorious Florence. (15th Century Italian Renaissance)

Who is Donatello?

Painter of "Madonna Enthroned" (14th Century)

Who is Duccio?

Brother to the king of France and owner of "The Very Rich Hours" (14th Century)

Who is Duke of Berry?

(15th Century Italian Renaissance)

Who is Ferrara?

2. The teachings of (Francis) are popularized. Francis preached humility, charity, simplicity, and the equality of all living creatures under God (14th Century)

Who is Francis of Assisi?

Conventions the venture of the female portraiture (15th Century Italian Renaissance)

Who is Ghirlandaio?

1. Florentine painter and one of the first original geniuses in western art. 2. Influenced by Franciscan teachings. 3. Natural and emotional style, eliminating complex Christian iconography. (14th Century)

Who is Giotto?

Painted "Journey of the Magi" Three generations of Medici bakers depicted as the magi (15th Century Italian Renaissance)

Who is Gozzoli?

Painted Camera degli Sposi (Honeymoon Suite) -Use of perspective in secular context; the Gonzaga court (15th Century Italian Renaissance)

Who is Mantegna?

Jean Pucelle (14th Century)

Who is Pucelle?

God of destruction as well as creation

Who is Shiva?

Claus Sluter was the artist for the "Well of Moses" (14th Century)

Who is Sluter?

Painted the Portrait of Lorenzo de' Medici (15th Century Italian Renaissance)

Who is Verrocchio?

God of preservation

Who is Vishnu?

-He perfected medium of oil painting on wood -first to sign his works with his motto "Als ich kan" (The best I can do) -Photographic realism -Miniature detail -Complex iconography -Painted in Bruges -Main patron was Duke Phillip the Good (15th Century Northern Renaissance)

Who was Jan van Eyck

a military dictatorship in Japan head by shoguns, lasting from 1185-1333

Who were the Kamakura Shogunate

The Limbourgs were three brothers who worked as book illuminators for the brother of the king of France (14th Century)

Who were the Limburg Brothers?

(14th Century)

Who/What/Where is Traini?

Painter who continued the work of Giotto with the use of emotion in paining (15th Century Italian Renaissance)

Who/what is Masaccio?

Family bankers were major patrons and collectors of art. Began the Neo-Platonic movement, which reexamined art and philosophies of ancient Greece and Rome. (15th Century Italian Renaissance)

Who/what is Medici?

Built Palazzo Medici (15th Century Italian Renaissance)

Who/what is Michelozzo?

The return of the portrait. He painted "Federico da Montefeltro, Duke of Urbino" (15th Century Italian Renaissance)

Who/what is Piero della Francesca?

Sculpted "Hercules and Antaeus" Inspired to bring back the Greek nude (15th Century Italian Renaissance)

Who/what is Pollaiuolo?

Botticelli destroyed many of his sensual paintings under the influence of this charismatic preacher. (15th Century Italian Renaissance) Botticelli was heavily influenced by this guy. so this guy said the world was going to end in 1500 he held bonfires. He got the Medici kicked out of Florence. This guy was really powerful at this time

Who/what is Savanarola?

(14th Century)

Who/what is Scrovegni?

Painted Hall of the Months (April and May) -Labors of the months, astrology, court culture (15th Century Italian Renaissance)

Who/what is Tura?

(15th Century Italian Renaissance)

Who/what is Venice?

similar to woodcut but you cut lines into a metal plate and place it on piece of paper and the raised lines will not transfer ink. More detailed and can also creating hatching. more expensive and they wear down faster than woodcut.


(14th Century) A representation of Mary mourning dead Christ. Death of a is terrible and unnatural for a parent to see a child die before them

what is pieta?

Used for the printing press and mass reproduction


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