art final

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what culture held the bull leapers frescoe


Kerry James Marshall

Painter whose work is rooted in history. is always working with or against a set of conventions that have already been established. created a series based on the idea of home and how impenetrable places seem to those who are not inside.

what classical word means temple of all the gods?


Maya Lin

Sculptor and architect. designed the vietnam memorial in DC. sculptural work often inspired by naturally occurring phenomena, such as geology and astronomy. Designed a public ice rink and surrounding park.

Who created the Standard of Ur


Bruce Nauman

The artist is interested in finding the most efficient way to do something, often documents the process in video. Uses the stairway as a motif, says it is the artists intention that changes it from a stairway to a work of art.

What is an Archaic greek sculpture portraying a male nude called?

a kouros

which of the following are examples of a primary source of studying art

a letter written by the artist the artwork itself the title an interview with the artist

What is a Ka

a life source that lives on after the Pharaoh has died. their spirit

what is a fresco?

a painting created on a wall while the plaster is still wet


a principle, when there are two different elements

The bull-leapers fresco from Knossos is a scene of what?


feelings from strong diagonal lines

add intense feelings of movement

Abraham Cruzvillegas

assembles sculptures and installations from found objects and disparate materials. any materials work and he uses whatever is around. grew up in a neighborhood in mexico city where houses were built on inhospitable land in ad hoc improvisations according to personal needs and economic resources. aesthetic concept of autoconstruction and destruction refers to methods of building and eventual destruction that arise from poverty.

which culture had the grand entrance way covered in frescoes


In Japan why were ceramic tea bowls appreciated

because of their shape, subtle colors, and irregular surface

ancient greek sculpture transitioned from what types of sculptures over time?

becoming less strict and introducing more drama and movement to the figures.

What are some qualities of Minoans

built large, maze like complexes, wealthy, invaded by Mycenaeans

what does the Mona Lisa communicate a mood of

calm and introspection

stylistic analysis of art

characteristics can be individual or shared. used to categorize or identify work. futuristic or distinctive

biographical analysis

considers the artists personal experiences

what is contextual analysis

considers the religious, political, and social environment in which the artwork was made and viewed

what is a feminist analysis

considers the role of women in an artwork


defined by height width and dimension


derived from living organism, or random movements.

what culture held the image of a tall man in nature with his wife below him and shows him hunting. lots going on. in the water.


when conducting a formal analysis of a work of art, you would want to consider the artists

elements and principles, so color, texture, emphasis, and scale

negative space

everything else surrounding the object. it is the empty space

what culture had a more slouched male in his prime but not action shot? idealistic

greek classical

which artistic period was characterized by order, logic, restrained emotion, concern for realism and the ideal?

greek classical

Why is Jeff Koons sculpture rabbit considered his own work

he did not make the sculpture with his own hands but he designed it

what type of scale is common in the relief sculpture of ancient egypt where it is used to indicate social importance


what was shown in the earliest painting?

human figures, animals, hands, various figures. mostly animals and reproduction

iconographical analysis

interprets objects and figures in the artwork as symbols

the ancient egyptian artist painted the journey of the sun god Re on a coffin because of what?

it expresses beliefs in an afterlife

what is true of the interior of the panthenon

it has a coffered dome it has an oculus it has a good draining system


organization or individual who sponsers the creation

the jewish art example

outline made by words to create an implied line. called micrography

contour line

outline of outer edge suggest volume in space

al wei wei

outspoken human rights activist from China. arrested by authorities. multi media and uses sculptures in works. connects tradition with social contemporary concerns

The standard of Ur show scenes of what

peace and war

catherine opi

photographer who does portraits, landscapes, and studio photography. her work captures expression of individual identity. portrays the way things should look.

what was a feature of gothic churches

pointed arches. large windows. tall. stain glass windows.


predictable and mathematical art

what did emperor constantine use to build his triumphal arch

recycled sculpture from other monuments

what are examples of visual culture

roadside billboards, television commercials, comic books, oil paintings

what culture held the rounded arch?


The statue of a roman with busts of his ancestors shows what?

roman artists were able to make individualized portraits, family members treasured portaits of their ancestors, important ancestors reinforced a persons social status.

what was a feature of romanesque churches

rounded, triumphal arches.

horizontal lines

show calmness

vertical lines

show strength and enegy

a visitor to a gothic cathedral would be surrounded by what

soaring height and spiritual light.

what was used in gothic cathedrals to enhance the spiritual experience of worshippers?

stained glass windows


straight lines into shapes

Theaster Gates

strips dilapidated buildings of their components, transforming those elements into sculptures that act as bonds or investments, the proceeds of which are used to finance the rehabilitation of entire city blocks. creates sculptures out of clay, tar, and renovated buildings, transforming the raw material into new opportunity. many works evoke his african american identity and the broader struggle for civil rights, from sculpture incorporating fire hoses to choral performances by the experimental musical enesemble.

implied lines

suggested but are not continuous. aligned into a regular line but not connected

positive space

the actual object in works


the amount of space a form occupies

what is contrapposto

the characteristic way figurative sculpture stands in the greek classical period and increases naturalism in a work

what is context?

the circumstances revolving around the artwork such as historical context or religious context

how did the city of LA react to simon rodias watts towers?

the city disapproved of the towers saying it looked like clutter

artwork: church in florence using lines

the lines help to make the church look 3D on a flat surface


the material artists use

what was the parthenon built to house a stature of?

the parthenon in athens was built to house a large gold and ivory statue of athena

is rarity and value related?

the rarity of an artwork and its value are often closely related

what is used to decode hieroglyphics?

the rosetta stone

is louise nevelsons work in white vertical water realistic?

this is not a realistic depiction of fish in a river, it is abstract and how she sees it

what was the purpose of emperor constantines triumphal arch

this proclaimed his place in history

organic shapes

unpredictable, irregular lines

atmospheric perspective

use shades of color and clarity to create illusion of depth

directional lines

using lines to lead the viewers eyes

Joan Jonas

works in video, installation, sculpture, and drawing. Often collaborates with musicians and dancers to realize improvisational works that are equally at home in the museum gallery and on the theatrical stage. drawing on mythic stories from various cultures, this artist combines texts from the past with politics of the present. Interested in combining ideas about nature/landscape with painting, drawing, and performance.

Wolfgang Laib

works with perishable organic materials as well as durable ones including granite and marble. inspired by Taoism. influenced by early life experiences with family in Germany and India. creates sculptures that connect past and present, the ephemeral and eternal.

which culture had a piece missing out of the eye and a beard


What cultures are apart of Mesopotamia

Akkadians, Assyrians, Babylonians, and Sumerians.

what culture held the sculpture of a male lion hybrid walking on all fours?


Louise Bourgeois

Created stone sculptures of hands that were installed in an outdoor setting surrounded by nature. The dominant theme of this artists work is her childhood. has famously stated "my childhood has never lost its magic, it has never lost its mystery, and it has never lost its drama"

which culture had the sculpture of a man being attacked by a serpent?

Greek classical

which artistic period was characterized by interest in realism, drama, and emotion?

Greek hellenistic

Omer Fast

Creates video installations that blur the boundaries between documentary, dramatization, and fantasy, frequently generating viewers confusion. the artist is not interested in distinguishing reality from fiction. Creates videos that are rich with characters- drone pilot, worker in adult film, wife talking to husband. express multiple identities. Often anchors the work with a conversation between two people recounting stories or actors playing roles.

what are the architectural orders developed by the greeks?

Doric, Ionic, Corinthian

Nick Cave

creates soundsuits-surrealy majestic objects blending fashion and sculpture-that originated as a metaphorical suits of armor in response to the rodney king beatings and have evolved into vehicles for empowerment. Dazzling in their movement, his sculptures are crafted in collaboration with artisans from a dizzying array of materials that include beads, raffia, buttons, sequins, twigs, fur, and fabric


curved lines into shapes

Tania Bruguera

expands the definition and range of performance art, sometimes performing solo but more often staging participatory events and interactions. a politically motivated performance artist exploring the relationship between art, activism, and social change. creates art that isnt traditionally seen as art, based on own observations, experiences, and interpretations of the politics of repression and control. wants art to be in the streets where people live and to show positive aspects.

regular lines

express control and planning

the artwork Nighthawk of a cafe in the street indicates that the painter was

expressing lonliness


fire-hardened clay, often painted and sealed with coating

what allowed the weight of the ceiling to be transferred away from the wall so that larger windows could be built

flying buttresses

many roman houses in pompeii had what covering their walls?


el anatsui

from ghana, many sculptures were mutable in form. conceived to be flexible and free and shaped and altered. works with wood, clay, metal, and liquor caps. forms of fixed shapes while regerencing history of abstraction in african and eurpoean art. colorful. african

Chris Ware

known for New Yorker magazine covers, this artist is bailed as a master of the comic art form. creates complex graphic novels, which tell stories about people in suburban midwestern neighborhoods, poignantly reflect on the role of memory in constructing identity. "building stories" is a box set of 14 printed works in a variety of formats that can be read in any order.

what are hieroglyphics

language of the ancient egyptians


lightness or darkness

implied shape

like the line, it is not continuous but there are boundaries

spider artwork

lines made by gravel that define the outline of shape. it directs the viewers eye and conveys movement and energy

Barbara Kasten

makes photographs in the studio of elaborate compositions that evoke an experience of movement through modernist architecture. video projections of rotating objects and planes of drifting color, cast onto building exteriors and interiors.

geometric shapes

mathematically regular and precise

do egyptian statues show a lot of movement?

no. they are very strict. archaic.

Kathatina Grosse

often works with engineers to create work. often employs electrifying sprayed acrylic colors to create large-scale sculptures

Where were the earliest paintings found?

on cave walls

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