Art History 1 (ch20-31)

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20. ____ contributed to the decentralization of religious practice.

Books of Hours

21. The development of linear perspective is generally credited to ____.


30. Color field painting emphasized painting's basic properties. Color field painters poured diluted paint onto unprimed canvas. Which of the following artists was a color field painter?

Helen Frankenthaler

26. The artist whose work best spoke for the French Revolution was which of the following?

Jacques-Louis David

20. ____ created the first known Western portrait where the sitter looks directly at the viewer.

Jan van Eyck

28. Impressionist artists, including Degas, greatly admired the spatial organization and flat, unmodeled color areas of ____.

Japanese woodblock prints

25. Jacob van Ruisdael specialized in which of the following genres?


21. Author of the Commentaries, ____ is considered the first Renaissance art historian.

Lorenzo Ghiberti

28. ____ is sometimes described as the first modern architect.

Louis Henry Sullivan

23. Attributes of El Greco's style, such as elongated figures in an undefined space, are often characterized as ____.


26. Thomas Jefferson's redesign of Monticello was influenced by ____ and the Chiswick House?

Palladio's Villa Rotonda

26. The group of philosophers known as the ____ believed that the ills of humanity could be remedied by applying reason and common sense to problems.


27. The American artist Thomas Eakins may have modeled the The Gross Clinic on ____.

Rembrandt's Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Nicolaes Tulp

31. ____ is the gay artist whose show, The Perfect Moment, was cancelled for its openly gay character.

Robert Mapplethorpe

24. The aim of much Italian Baroque art was to restore the predominance of ____.

Roman Catholicism

27. Described as awe mixed with terror, the notion of the sublime influenced ____.


26. At the turn of the century, the French Academy was divided rather sharply between two doctrines. Which doctrine taught that color was the most important element?


29. Which of the following artists was strongly influenced by Freud's writings on psychoanalysis?

Salvador Dali

23. What anamorphic symbol appears in Holbein's The French Ambassadors?


28. Extreme subjectivity and the need to see through reality to a deeper reality were most typical of which of the following styles?


27. Who studied with Eakins before moving to Paris?


22. Which of the following terms refers to a painting technique in which pigments are mixed with water and applied on lime plaster?


29. The Modernist art movement that glorified the machine by stating that a "a speeding motorcar... is more beautiful than the "Nike of Samothrace" was


29. Which of the following terms refers to an art-making approach that an artist can use to transform subject matter by reducing the composition to basic lines, shapes, and colors or freedom from representational qualities in art?


30. The kind of Abstract Expressionism practiced by Jackson Pollock, in which the emphasis was on the creation process, the artist's gesture in making art by flicking or splattering paint was called ___.

Action painting

29. Cubist artists, including Picasso, greatly admired the beautiful design, and use of geometric forms of ____.

African Art

21. Which of the following architects wrote influential treatises on painting and architecture?


23. Who created Knight, Death, and the Devil?

Albrecht Dürer

25. Inigo Jones adopted the design principles of the Venetian architect ____ to his architecture.

Andrea Palladio

28. Which of the following architects conceived the building as a whole and molded it almost as a clay sculpture?

Antonio Gaudi

24. ____ was the most renowned female painter of the 17th century.

Artemisia Gentileschi

31. How does Faith Ringgold address issues of gender and racism in her work?

By using fabrics, traditionally associated with women and incisive narrative

23. The first known northern European self-portrait by a woman is purportedly by which of the following?

Caterina van Hemessen

30. Which of the following artists is best known for his large-scale portraits?

Chuck Close

25. Poussin was responsible for establishing ____ as a key component of 17th-century French art.

Classical painting

24. The Roman Catholic response to the Reformation was formulated at which of the following?

Council of Trent

27. The leading figure of the Realist movement was ____.


28. Which of the following artists explored the properties of light, plane, and color and their interrelationships?


20. ____ are portraits of individuals that accompany religious scenes and became very popular in the 15th century.

Donor portraits

20. The Hundred Years War primarily involved which two kingdoms?

England and France

21. Which Italian city played the most important role in the development of Renaissance ideas and art forms in the early 15th century?


21. Which of the following artists was the winner of the famous competition for the bronze doors of the Florence baptistery?


23. The Protestant concern about the role of religious imagery was in many cases outright hostile. Martin Luther spoke about destroying images. This destruction of religious imagery also occurred during the Byzantine period. Which of the following defines this act?


21. In Masaccio's Trinity he embodies two principal Renaissance interests. One is realism based on observation. Which of the following is the other?

It is the application of the new science of perspective.

30. The New York artist whose paintings became compositionally simple and focused on color was ____.

Mark Rothko

21. Often synonymous with the Renaissance, the ____ were great art patrons.

Medici family

23. Which artist that did a series of six paintings showing seasonal changes?

Pieter Bruegel

20. Which art form grew in popularity partially because of its ability to memorialize the sitter?


31. The common denominator of ____ in architecture is the breaking down of national boundaries.


22. The Sistine ceiling represents which of the following themes?

The chronology of Christianity

26. The American leader ____ embraced Neoclassicism because of its associations with important virtues such as morality, idealism, and patriotism.

Thomas Jefferson

31. Barbara Kruger's work takes on the slick design of contemporary advertising. Which of the following is her principal aim?

To expose the deceptiveness of media messages

26. A leading advocate of the Enlightenment in France was which of the following?


30. Critics referrred to Graves's Portland Building as ____.

an enlarged jukebox

25. Art historians believe that Vermeer used tools, such as the ____, to aid in his virtuoso depiction of light.

camera obscura

29. Picasso began to complete compositions made by combining on a flat surface various materials, such as newspaper, wallpaper, printed text and illustrations, photographs, and cloth called _____.


22. Paul III convened the Council of Trent in 1545. It was part of which of the following?

d. The Counter-Reformation

23. Saints Anthony and Sebastian appear in Grünewald's Isenheim Altarpiece because of their association with ____.

disease and miraculous cures

30. When did the center of the Western art world shift from Europe to the United States?

during the 1950s

30. Artists of the New York School of Abstract Expressionism produced paintings that are abstract but ____.

express the artist's state of mind

29. Matisse deviated from traditional representations of domestic interiors by ____ and simplifying them.

flattening forms

26. Antoine Watteau's depiction of the amusements and entertainments of the upper classes is called a ____.

fête galante

29. A nonobjective work refers to work that ________.

has no reference to the external appearance of the physical world

25. Rembrandt used a technique of applying paint that can be described as "painterly", it indicates that the artist has used paint

in a loose, gestural way in terms of color and tone with brush strokes showing

24. Bernini's statue of David differed from his predecessors by showing David ____.

in the moment of combat

25. Rembrandt's mature works, such as the Return of the Prodigal Son, differ from the religious art of Italy and Flanders in their ______________.

inward-turning contemplation

31. The earth art of Christo and Jean-Claude did not alter the land, but rather ____.

modified it with cloth

22. Titian's painting method involved ________.

multiple glazes of oil paint colors

27. The Thankful Poor by Tanner reflects the typical Realist subject matter of ____.

ordinary people

28. The Impressionist method of working, creating outdoor painted scenes in a short period of time, is made possible by new advances both by the ___.

packaging of colors in portable collapsible tubes and because of the new range of colors available

24. To create the illusion of Heaven opening up in the Glorification of Saint Ignatius, Fra Andrea Pozzo ____.

painted the church's actual architecture into the vault so the roof seems to be lifting off.

20. A great achievement of the Les Très Riches Heures was that it made manuscripts more closely resemble ____.

panel paintings

22. The major center for artistic development in the High Renaissance was ____.


25. In Jan Steen's The Feast of Saint Nicolas, he alluded to ____ by using children's activities to comment on adult behavior.


22. Leonardo's Mona Lisa is a prime example of the artist's famous smoky painting technique of blurring precise planes to produce a misty haziness called __.


27. In light of the 1848 revolution, Salon jurors considered Courbet's depiction of the rural poor in The Stone Breakers as ____.


24. Painting using "night effects," which shows violent contrasts of light and dark, as in the work of Caravaggio is called _____.


24. The orb and the cross surmounting Bernini's Baldacchino symbolize ____.

the Church's triumph

31. Chris Ofili represented ____ in a manner that departed radically from conventional representations.

the Virgin Mary

31. In Willie Bester's Homage to Steve Biko, the numbers refer to ____.

the dehumanized life of blacks under apartheid

20. Jan van Eyck's Giovanni Arnolfini and His Wife contains many symbols. Which of the following is an allusion to fidelity?

the dog

22. Michelangelo deviated from earlier representations of David in his rendition by portraying ____.

the encounter before the battle

28. In contrast to artists of the French Academy, the Impressionists attempted to capture ____.

the fleeting aspects of reality

27. Timothy O'Sullivan's photography aimed to impress on people ____.

the high cost of war

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