Art History 155- Exam 2

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Herat School

rigid, structured, emotionally stable, considered *classical* because its *idealized* not overrun by emotions -vertical style -organic -(ex: Baysunghur Shahnameh, Herat School, Timurid, 1426-30) -*her*: shes structured, emotionally stable, and classical

Red Fort, Dehli, Mughal, 17th century

-Ritualistic space to meet emperor -Scalloped archways typical of Mughal Architecture (draws from Persian style) -Naturalistic elements in the columns -red sand stone -chhatri

How does the Shah Mosque reflect earlier Persian Mosque Styles ?

- Shah Mosque, Isfahan, Safavid, 1611-1659 -Reflects earlier Persian Mosques bc of: blue tiles, multiple minarets, Iwan, big open central courtyard, domes with pointed tips

Demotte, "Shahnameh", Ilkhanid,1 1330's

-Demotte: the guy who bought it -Shahnameh: story of kings and stories about morality, at the heart of Iranian/Persian identity -flat patterns and action

What are the common stylistic characteristics of Miniature painting under the Mughal Emperors? How are they similar/different to the Persian tradition? What other influences are found in Mughal Painting?

-Heirarchal structured, glorified the position of the ruler, included individual portraits -Less detailed, bright colors, synthesis of Persian/European/Hindu styles -(ex: Shahnama illustration, Jain Style, Malwa, 1425-50) -(ex: Gopis Pleading to Krishna, North India (Rajput Style) 1560)

How were Safavid carpets made? Why were they so valuable, and what were the typical design elements found in Persian carpets during this time period?

-Intricately woven in workshops -Valuable because they were luxury items patroned by the royal & reflected the status of the owner, central to the economy -Typical design elements included central medallions, floral elements, symmetry non/figurative depiction, calligraphy, shahmas?

Abu'l Hasan

-Mughal Painter -(ex: Jahangir Destroying Poverty, Mughal India, 1620)


-Mughal Painter -open to individual portrait style -hi symbolism to represent the ruling class -included *darbar* scenes -was often included in the paintings ... reflection of relationship with the ruler -(ex: Balchand, "Jahangir receives Prince Khurram", Mughal India, 1635)

Farrukh Beg

-Mughal Painter -worked under Akbar -Conservative and Persian style influenced -(ex: Self Portrait of Farrukh Beg, Mughal India, 1615)

Ustad Mansur

-Mughal Painter -worked under Jahangir -art showed animals & plants -(ex: Diving Dipper, Mughal ,India, 1610)


-Mughal Painter -Balchand's brother -he made a single unified light source w/ his paintings that drew from European/Persian/Chinese influence -(ex: Official Portrait of Shah Jahan) gold halo around, cuts out distractions to focus on him

Describe the design of Naqsh-e-Jahan and the political, economic, religious and cultural functions

-Naqsh-e-Jahan Sqaure, Isfahan, Safavid, 1598-1692 -is a giant open square built for political reasons to build legittamcy for the newly founded Safavid Dynasty and the Shiite ruling class -Also built to centralize the gov. -Pointed arches, Ihwan, Minarets, Mukarnas, -Dome over Sanctuary all typical of Persian Style

Discuss the Layout of Topkapi Palace and the strict hierarchical nature of the Ottoman court life. How is this reflected in the format of the palace structure?

-Place where the Ottomans lived (Byzantine settlement) -Imperial gateway,1st courtyard -(ex: Topkapi Palace, Istanbul, Ottoman, 15th century)

How is the Taj Mahal typical of the Mughal Style? And where does it depart?

-Placed near a river which is typical of Mughal style -Has a holo dome which is typical of Persian style -Has minarets @ a tomb not a religious setting; departs from mughal style - (ex: Taj Mahal, Agra, Mughal, 17th century)

What are the major characteristics of Mughal Architecture? How does it blend Persian, Timurid and Rajasthani elements?

-Reflection Pool; associated with the idea of paradise and draws from Arabic significance put into water in an arid area -4 Quadrant Garden; associated with paradise -Scalloped Archways; bowwows from Persian style - Red stand stone is a hallmark of Mughal style -Chhatri; dome shaped pavilions, borrows from Indian/Rajasthani elements & Hindu funerary architecture -(ex: Tomb of Humayun, Delhi, Mughal India, 16th century) exterior focused w/ 4 quadrant garden & reflection pool, chhatri as a marker of his status, tomb is symmetrical w/ the "light of mecca" shining on it, senataf in middle to represent the dead


-Safavid/ Persian Poet -Author of the Shahnameh

Rashid al-Din

-Safavid/Persian -Persian Jew -responsible for "Collection Chronicles" & to write history of Safavid Empire -Gazakan (pol. ruler) comissioned him ^, later distributed to other countries -(ex: "Shakyamuni offers fruit to the devil", from Jami' al-tawarikh of *Rashid al-Din* (*Collection of Chronicles*), 1314


-Safavid/Persian -Author of the Khamsa like "The 5 Romances"


-Safavid/Persian Artist -responsible for synthesizing of the tabriz & herat school -clear space set for organized structure, and sublime feature of the organic/naturalistic elements on the borders -(ex: Bihzad, "Advice of the Ascetic" ,Late Timurid/Early Safavid, 1550s)

Sultan Muhammad

-Safavid/Persian Painter -commissioned by Shah Tahmasp 1 -synthesized Herat & Tabriz Schools -(ex:Sultan Muhammad, "Rustam Sleeping from Shahnameh", Tabriz, 1515-22)

Reza Abbasi

-Safavid/Persian Painter -popular painter for producing individual album miniatures -(ex: Riza Abbasi, "Lovers", Safavid, early 17th century) -less saturated colors bc theres no rich people commissioning these individual albums anymore, simplified image, cheaper good

Badshahi Mosque, Lahore, Mughal, 17th century

-The int is similar to the audience hall in red fort -repetition of architectural niches -mihrab is central focus -4 minarets as a sign of Islam's influence -symmetry -huge gateway typical of local architecture -red sandstone -mini chhatri aligned at the top w scalloped archways -onion shaped domes

What is a Miniature Painting?

-They are paintings illustrating books -luxury goods -they are made on *wasli* (handmade) paper -use *gouache painting* (opaque water color made w/ mineral pigments -made in workshops run by the royal class for political purposes

What does the typical Ottoman Mosque look like? What accounts for this major stylistic change?

-White stone walls, domed buttresses, arched windows, slender minarets -Byzantine architectural influence mixed with Mediterranean and middle east influences -Church of Hagia Sophia served as a model for Ottoman Mosque style -vaults, domes, semi domes and columns -central dome over top;borrows from Rome -huge internal space -(ex: Mimar Sinan, Suleymaniye Mosque, Istanbul, Ottoman, 1550-8) -When Mehmem 2 converted the Church of Hagia Sophia into a congregational mosque it took account for this stylistic change

Shakyamuni offers fruit to the devil, from Jami' al-tawarikh, of Rashid al-Din (Collection of Chronicles), 1314

-document from the collection chronicles, is a mix of cultural practices -chinese influence in the subdued colors -persian element in 3 quarter turned profile

Safavid School

-synthesis of Herat (structured,classical, emotionally stable) and Tabriz (expressive, natural, and emotional) -has a clear middle space where theres rigid and organized structure but organic and flowy elements included on the sidelines -When Sultan Muhammad was commissioned by Shah Tahmasp he maintained a sense of both styles from the Herat and Tabriz Schools. -(ex: picture like that except diff w the outpouring of nature on the sidelines, chinese influenced rocks etc).

How was the Ali Qapu Palace typical of Safavid palace architecture?

Ali Qapu Palace, Isfafan, Safavid, 16th Century -It is typical of Safavid Palace artichtecture bc of the: -cut out muqarnas element -the interior is covered with naturalistic wall paintings done by Reza Abbasi -the entrance way symbolizes the status of the Safavid rulers -the columns are organized/alligned in a way to give the middle a clear open space (for the safavid rulers) | | | | | |

Understand and recognize the mix of Persian and Chinese influence on Miniature Paintings

At the time, China stood as the principle of high/fine arts The influence of China's platform in the high arts was from Asia-Mid East Chinese paintings influenced Persian style to shift towards having black calligraphy outlining figures and shapes (ex:Bestiary, Ilkhanind, 1290's)

Why was the Shrine of Ardabil particularly significant to Safavid Rulers?

Because Ardabil was the Suffi Master that the Safavid Dynasty claimed lineage/power from. -And because it was the center for silk & carpet trade -(ex: Ardabil Carpet, Safavid, 1530's)

What is a Tughra? Where is it found?

It is a calligraphic signature of a (Ottoman) Sultan -Found on official documents

How does the Lutfallah Mosque differ in both design and function?

Lutfallah Mosque, Isfahan, Safavid, 1619 -The function of the Lutfallah Mosque was to serve as a private mosque for the royal as opposed to Shah Mosque which was a public site for prayer -Lutfallah Mosque is intricately designed all throughout w/ special persian tile work -opens into the Bazzaar -asymmetrical and unaligned so that the mosque is still able to be viewed from the Square and not be blocked by the Square's wall


Mughal Miniature Painter -Recruited by Akbar -used portrait style -influenced by Western style -(ex: "Muslim Pilgrim Learn a Lesson in Piety", )

Understand Patronage of Illustrated Books and where they were mostly created?

Patronage of Illustrated Books were designated for the royal and elite classes because they were luxury goods. They were mainly created in royally run workshops for political purposes

What was the Safavid Dynasty's claim to power? & How did this impact the long term identity of Iranian Culture?

The Safavid Dynasty claimed their power from "Ardabil" so its roots were in Suffi'ism and they established themselves through a shiite ruling class -SD played a big role in developing Iranian Identity because to establish a Shiite ruling class they had to build Naqsh-e-Jahan to legitimatize themselves

Where did the Safavid Dynasty originate?

They claimed descendant from "Ardabil" a Suffi saint -Shah Abbas was generations down from Tehmasp

How are Miniature Paintings made?

a. made on *wasli* paper b. calligraphy/design is added to the paper c. the design is washed out w/ a white wash d. design is filled w/ paint e. details added

miniature painting

any painting in a handwritten illuminated book, can be very big

Tabriz School

expressive and emotional, imaginative and natural -focus on landscape -vegetative -(ex: Sultan Muhammad, Rustam Sleeping from Shahnameh, Tabriz, 1515-22)

Which building types were mostly commissioned by Mugal Emperors?

mausoleums and city buildings

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