Art History Chapter 4-5

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Fully identify Alexander Mosaic from the House of Faun

Alexander Mosaic from the House of Faun (Battle of Issus), N.A., c 100 BCE, Late Classical Greek, Mosiac

What is the subject of the Lady of Auxerre? Material? Stylistic features? Function and significance?

Material/Medium: Limestone Subject: unsure if she is a mortal or deity, clothed but not wearing headdress, right hand across the chest symbolizes prayer, indicating that this is a kore Stylistic features: style usually referred to as Daedalic, after the legendary artist Daedalus, much more naturalistic, but still has geometric shapes (triangle flat topped head) Function & significance: Shows that naturalism is developing during this ancient Greek time period.

Discuss the material, stylistic features, and probable function for the Male harp player

Materials: Marble Stylistic features: Simplified, minimalist, man shown seated, playing lyre Probable function: funerary purposes, found in grave

Why is the geometric period named what it is?

styling of the art work produced in this time

What are some architectural features in the Stairwell in the residential quarter of the palace at Knossos?

the organization of the columns Provided illumination and ventilation

What is the megaron?

the prototype to temples later on; it was a reception and throne room for the king

What has happened to most of the entablature in the Temple of Hera I?

they have disappeared

Why is the Orientalizing time period called this?

they met w other cultures - met w Ancient Near East and a little bit of Egypt

What does the image of people diving into anything symbolize?

transition from life to death

What material technique was used in the Bull-leaping scene?

true fresco

What material technique was used in the Landscape with swallows (Spring Fresco)?

true fresco

What are similarities or repetitive qualities that we see during the Prehistoric Aegean area? How are these styles different or similar?

true fresco (wet fresco), sculptures, pottery, corbel vaulting; connected by civilization, fresco, human rendering

What makes the temple of Athena Nike Ionic?

volute capitals and frieze

What are some stylistic features of the Niobides Krater? Function and significance?

1. Stylistic features: the people are in natural poses not in composite view, ppl getting real, no ground line, Shows influence from Polygnotos, red figure painting, detail throughout, Sporadic placement of figures creates 3 dimensional space Function & significance: krater - vessel used to mix wine and water

What is the ratio for the temple of Hera II? Greek order?

1:2 + 2; Doric

What are the subjects represented/narrative told in Achilles and Ajax playing a dice game?

Achilles (left, fully armed) and Ajax (right, armed without helmet) playing a dice game, calm before the storm, during the Trojan War

Fully identify the Acropolis

Acropolis, Athens, Greece. Iktinos and Kallikrates, ca 447-410 BCE, Early/High Classical Greek, Marble

Fully identify Avavysos Kouros

Anavysos Kouros, N.A., ca 530 BCE, Archaic Greek, Marble with remnants of paint

Who was the supposed architect for the Temple of Athena Nike? Stylistic features of the Temple?

Architect: Kallikrates, supposedly Stylistic features: ionic order, Amphiprostyle - 4 columns found on west and east façade (no west or north)

What are the subjects being depicted in the Gigantomachy frieze at the Altar of Zeus? Stylistic features?

Athena battling Alkyoneos, pulling hair of that giant w goddess Gaia looking up in horror, and Nike trying to crown Athena; Allusion of space is resolved - overlapping, high relief, body twisting, expression

What subjects are involved in the Athena Parthenos? What was the original size of Athena Parthenos?

Athena holding Nike in her right hand; 38 feet tall - shows you how tall she is and how large Parthenon is

In the Temple of Aphaia, there are painted life sized statuaries placed in pediments. Who is the largest?

Athena is largest whereas mortal heroes are same sized

Fully identify the Agora

Athenian Agora. N.A., ca 600 BCE - 150 CE. Archaic through Hellenistic Greek. Plan

Discuss differences between black and red figure painting

Black figure - came first, begin with red background, paint with black, and then incise detail, scratching out negative space Red figure - scratching out positive space, begin with black background, and lighter figures

What type of columns were used in the Temple of Hera I? Discuss the number of them and why there was that number. What was the ratio used? Was the temple structurally sound?

Called cigar columns bc they have a bulge in the middle, odd number of columns, interrupts abilitiy to look in, Follows 1 to 2 ratios, Columns are bulky looking - gives heavy and squat looking feel, Columns are closer together, Not structurally sound

Significance of Corinthian Capital?

Corinthian capitals resolves an issue w corner volute on capital - invented leaf type quality so you'll always see what's meant to be seen on whatever side

What is so genius about the interior of the Treasury of Atreus?

Courses, horizontal brick work, and boulders being pushed in as it was being built, no glue used; being able to hold up all blocks w their own weight and counterbalancing is genius architectural thinking

What order do the pillars in the stairwell in the residential quarter of the palace, Knossos follow and how do you know?

Doric; no flutes on the grooves (it's just smooth), wide on top, tapers become thin on the bottom, pillow style capital

Fully identify Doryphoros

Doryphoros, Polykleitos, Original 450-440 BCE. Early/High Classical Greek. Roman copy (marble) of a Greek original (Bronze)

What lead to the rise of the Mycenaean people?

Downfall of Minoan people

Explain the lost-wax method of bronze casting

First, the sculptor fashioned a full sized clay model of the intended statue. An assistant formed a clay master mold around the model and removed the mold in sections. When dry, various pieces of the master mold were reassembled for each separate body part. Next, the wax cooled, the sculptor removed the mold, revealing a hollow wax model in the shape of the original clay model. Artist could correct or refine details. Assistant then applied a final clay mold to the exterior of the wax model and poured liquid clay inside the model. Metal pins were hammered through the new mold to connect the investment with the clay core. Wax was melted out and molten bronze was poured in to take its place. The investment was removed after bronze hardened, and finally the pieces would be modeled together

Give a general description for the Treasury of Atreus. What are some structural features? What is its function?

General description: A tholos tomb for the wealthy Structural features: tholos tomb, looks like a mound; opening includes a relieving triangle (typical of Mycenaean), post and lintel below the relieving triangle, There was embellishment, an accent that was probably taken off around post and lintel Function & significance: acts as a tomb for the wealthy

What is the general subject of parthenon's ionic frieze? Specific representations?

General subject of frieze: Panthenonic procession that took place every 4 years Specific representations: Olympics, , inter-ionic frieze, important bc mortals are a part of this very religious structure, shows pride of Athenians

What is the battle between giants and gods called?


Fully identify the Grave stele of Hegeso

Grave stele of Hegeso, attributed to Kallimachos, ca 410 BCE. Early/High Classical Greek. Marble and paint

Fully identify Altar of Zeus

Great Altar of Zeus and Athena at Pergamon, N.A., . c. 175 B.C.E. , Marble

How was the Corbel-vaulted gallery in the circuit wall of the citadel of Tiryns created? How has it stayed intact?

How was this gallery created? - horizontal rows called courses, cement paste was used, sheer weight of each block underneath each one, some clay used to fill empty spaces How has this gallery stayed intact? - stayed together bc of weight of all the stone

In what Greek order do we see Caryatids?

Ionic ONLY

What is the function of the Warrior Vase?

It's a krater, a bowl for mixing wine and water

Who was the occupant at the palace of Knossos?

King Minos

Describe the layout of palace at Knossos

Labyrinth - mazelike plan, Things were grouped in specific areas - serving specific purpose

Discuss the material, stylistic features, and probable function for the figurine of a woman, from Syros

Materials: Marble Stylistic features: Simplified, minimalist; Triangle shape repeated throughout; woman placed on back, laying down Probable function: funerary purposes, found in grave

What is the medium/materials and technique of the Harvesters Vase? Who are the figures/what is the narration being represented?

Medium/materials and technique: Steatite, relief sculpture Figures/narrative represented: Singing harvesters (mouths open in different extents), energy shown via the overlapping, They are in different motions of sewing

What type of mosaic was used in Mosaic from the House of Faun? What narration is being depicted? What are some stylistic features of the piece?

Medium/materials: Tesserae mosaic - different shards of glass tiles Subject/narrative depicted: Battle of Alexander the Great and Darius III from Persia, battle of Issus Stylistic features: Mosaic shows artists ability to use tesserae to create space, roundness, and volume, Fallen man to right of horse - shows terrified face through reflection of the shield - very fancy, Alexander shown young and brave (stereotype) - head on left - he's so brave and warrior like he doesn't need to wear helmet, Darius (right) - wearing helmet and looking worried; underscores Darius as weak, Alexander as powerful; crowded composition = excitement of war

What is the material used in the Funerary mask, from Grave Circle A? How was it created? What are some stylistic features? Function?

Medium/materials: beaten gold How it was created: Repousse - hammering from the back and making metal malleable, pushing features out via the back Stylistic Features: this mask shows age through the facial hair/beard Function: death mask, funerary purposes

What acted as an influence for Greek temples?


Discuss the historical significance/myth involved in the palace at Knossos

Myth of the palace: the hero Theseus hunted the bull-man Minotaur in his labyrinth. After defeating the monster, Theseus found his way out of the mazelike complex only with the aid of the king's daughter Ariadne. She had given him a spindle of thread to mark his path through the labyrinth and safely find his way out again

Fully identify the Niobides Krater

Niobides Krater. Anonymous vase painter during Classical Greece known as Niobid Painter. ca 460-450 BCE. Clay, red figure technique (white highlights)

Context of the Athenian Agora

People of this time period could participate in democracy. Few positions were voted on because they were skill based. Example - generals (Pericles was voted for this many times). Had to be Athenian citizen and your parents, women could not participate and slaves couldn't participate. Had to have good moral ethics and banished you if you were corrupt. During Classical Period, this became area for governmental buildings

Fully identify Peplos Kore

Peplos Kore, N.A., ca 530 BCE, Archaic Greek, Marble, painted details

What is the subject represented in Zeus (or Poseidon?), from the sea off Cape Artemision?

Portrait of athlete throwing javelin, not sure if its Zeus or Poseidon bc it lacks symbol that would distinguish them, using material well

Story behind the Niobides Krater?

Shows the children of Niobid - a lot of kids - she bragged that her kids were better and better looking and had more kids than Leto's two kids (hubris), Leto sends her children to slay all of Niobid's children

What are the structual features of the Temple of Aphaia? How are the columns in the Temple of Aphaias different from those in the Temple of Hera I?

Structural features: Doric Greek order (pillow top capitals, metopes, triglyph) How are the columns in the Temple of Aphaias different from those in the Temple of Hera I? - columns lighter than the Temple of Hera I, the cigar columns diverted from seeing into the cella, but the columns here are more spread out

What are some stylistic characteristics of the Harvesters vase? Function and significance?

Stylistic characteristics: One man is shown in full profile was others shown in front, attention to skeletal structure as ribs are shown Function & significance: First time in history showing interest in skeletal structure

What are stylistic features of the Warrior statue? What is his function/significance?

Stylistic features: More drastic tilt in the hip, Contrapposto is very evident, head moved to right more, doesn't stay frontal Function and significance: Most likely models for these are athletes or warrior

What are some stylistic features of the Kore in Ionian dress? How is she significant?

Stylistic features: folds of garment are shown in a more natural flowing, hair is resting on shoulders more naturally, creepy Archaic smile, 3 types of specific garments, texture being shown with clothes and hair Function & significance: reflects on a more realistic rendering of female form

What is the subject/narrative represented in the Warrior Vase? Stylistic features?

Stylistic features: schematic treatment, Warriors are repeated in stance, very static and equally placed out, lack of overlapping, results in a non-moving quality, painted Subject/narrative represented: woman waving off a series of repeated warriors in stance, no indication of setting, same ground line

What is the subject being represented in Aphrodite of Knidos? Stylistic features? Significance?

Subject represented: Aphrodite in the nude, about to bathe 1. Stylistic features: Marble copy - you know bc of the buttress, and bc Greek statues were in metal, welcoming look, slight smile, Function & significance: first nude goddess; Women who were depicted nude were typically slave girls, never goddesses

What is the subject being represented in Nike adjusting her sandal? Where is its location on the Temple of Athena Nike? Stylistic features?

Subject represented: Athena Nike taking off/adjusting her sandal (possibly taking off to walk on sacred ground); doing it in a very graceful manor thanks to help of folds Location on Temple: at bastion's edge Stylistic features: wet drapery, high relief (subject matter away from the base), realistic proportions, good understanding of human form

What is the subject being represented in the Grave stele of Hegeso? Stylistic features? Function and significance?

Subject represented: Hegeso, the deceased, and her servant. An ordinary day in her life, domestic scene, looking at jewelry that servant presents to her Stylistic features: wet drapery shows human form, space created through overlapping of people and over the structure; Female subject matter - interesting bc they had very little power in society Function & significance: grave marker; private commissions comes back

What is the subject represented in the Kamares Ware jar? Stylistic characteristics? Function and significance?

Subject represented: a great leaping fish and perhaps a fishnet surrounded by a host of curvilinear abstract patterns, including waves and spirals Stylistic characteristics: Artist really using circular form, creating patterns around vessel, echoing circular idea w fish and net in a circle, No jagged lines Function & significance: reflects the early style of painting with vases - starting w dark color then painted w red and white pigment

What is the subject being represented in Apoxyomenos (Scraper)? Stylistic features? Function?

Subject represented: an athlete, scraping off grease Stylistic features: nervous energy, contrapposto, new canon, in the nude Function & significance: new canon being used: 1:8 instead of 1:7

What is the subject represented in Marine Style octopus flask? Significance and function?

Subject represented: octopus with its tentacles stretched over, still round Function & significance: Showed how they started using white ground first, then painting over w dark

What is the subject depicted in Dying Gaul? Stylistic features? Function and significance?

Subject/narrative depicted: He fell on his trumpet, looking at blood oozing out, self-absorbed in his death Stylistic features: use of negative space, sculpture in the round Function & significance: Defeat of gauls underscores power of Hellenes, shows evolution in that of dying statues and their power (ex: this one causes pathos, the statue of dying warrior from archaic is almost comical)

What is the subject of the Bull-leaping scene? Stylistic features? Where is movement created?

Subject: Shows the Minoan ceremony of bull leaping Stylistic features: looser style of painting bc of the true fresco; women have lighter skin than the men; small waist (typical of the time period), curving lines Where is movement created in the Bull-leaping scene? - Shows powerful charge of bull by elongating his body - very stylized - creates idea of movement; Body is shown to have more movement bc of angular quality

What is the subject of Landscape with swallows (Spring Fresco)? Stylistic characteristics? Function and significance?

Subject: fertility of the land Stylistic characteristics: It isn't an actual place - just getting essence, Not realistic in land rendering, yet birds and flowers are realistic Function and significance: represents the polar opposite of the first efforts at mural painting in the caves of Paleolithic Europe

What is the subject of Mantiklos Apollo? Stylistic features?

Subject: oddly proportioned man Stylistic features: very odd proportions: legs are short, torso is very long, neck is as long as torso; precious jewels taken (his eyes), unknown if he's a god or not bc he's missing the tool that would distinguish him

What is the subject of Anavysos Kouros? What are some stylistic features? What is his function?

Subject: statue of a warrior - not a specific person Stylistic features: Left foot forward advancing and rigid frontal form and fists on the side - Egyptian style; proportions are off - head too small. More naturalistic human, once painted, hair is still stiff, human form is more naturalistic manor Function & significance: Made for Kroisos, a fallen warrior, his family erected this statue. Stood over the grave of Kroisos

What is the subject of Kouros? Stylistic features? Function and significance?

Subject: young boy, youthful male; a generic portrait, nude Stylistic features: follows Egyptian canon of humans in statue: Left leg forward, fist clenched, thumbs forward and close to the body. Openings = not afraid of negative space. Skeletal issues bc hips aren't moving as he is, can't actually walk like that. Rigidly frontal, not realistic curling of hair; slim waist and v-shape range for hip Function & significance: grave marker

What is the subject of Peplos Kore? Stylistic features? Function/significance?

Subject: youthful woman Stylistic features: thought to originally be wearing Peplos, is instead wearing 4 different garemnts; Archaic smile to show life, firsts forward, curly hair, drapery in the front, rounded cheeks, indication of breasts Function & significance: votive statue of a goddess, shows that realistic proportions are developing

What subjects are represented in the West West pediment, Temple of Artemis? Because of all the figures standing in this pediment, what is it hard to do? Also discuss stylistic features

Subjects represented: Gorgon Medusa and two panthers at the center, served as temple guardians. To either side, and much smaller, scenes from the Trojan War and the battle of gods and giants are seen Because all of the figures are standing, what is it hard to do? - keep proportions the same Stylistic features: Medusa and the panthers are giant compared to the other figures in the piece

What are the subjects represented in the Geometric Krater? Stylistic features? Function and significance?

Subjects represented: tells the story of someone's funeral; those present are the man, his wife, people at his processional Stylistic features: Registers - used for nice clean layout and design, most of the action is taking place on the belly of the krater, pinched waists on the people, triangle torso, profile legs, there is a meander (geometric wrapping at rim), odd perspective: we're seeing him straight on, but is entire body facing us Function & significance: funerary, marked grave of a man; Hole at the bottom of vessel - allow visitors to pour libations in honor of dead, Pouring libations for dead

What does Athena's victory in the gigantomachy frieze at Altar of Zeus allude to?

The god's victory alludes to alexander the great's victory over Persia

Give a general description on the two statues of dying warriors from the Temple of Aphaia

Two dying warriors from the Temple of Aphaia; west - slowly dying, not dead yet, still has Archaic smile. The west warrior was done in transitional period before the east. East - more realistic, more worried about himself, not interacting with viewer like the west one; they were placed in the corners so they'd fit - working with what space was available

Give a general description of the Parthenon: purpose, who built it, which Greek order its in, under whose rule was it built

Under the rule of Pericles this was built; following numerical ratios for harmony; Doric order, 8 columns on short side; Purpose of the Parthenon - house statue of Athena

What are some architectual features of the west front of Altar of Zeus?

West front - altar is elevated on a platform, framed by an ionic stoa like colonnade w wings on either side

What was the purpose/function of the Athenian agora? Where is it located?

Where citizens discussed politics. This was a public space. Was a market place but then became political arena; Located at the base of the Acropolis

Why doesn't the white ground work in the piece, Warrior taking leave of his wife?

White ground doesn't work bc it couldn't be fired at a high temperature, if you wet them things would disappear

What are Caryatids? What is their purpose? Example of where a caryatid was seen?

a female figure which functions as a column, decorative and structural; Siphnian Treasury

What were ancient Greeks very interested in when it came to art?

architecture and human form; beauty, beauty of proportion, canon, realism

What are some stylistic features in Achilles and Ajax playing a dice game?

artist was a master of black figure painting, detail shows skillfulness, Semi circular form echoes the belly and roundness of amphora, shields are semi-circular, hunched over backs echoes roundness as well

Why do you have to work very quickly with true fresco? Why is it better than fresco secco?

bc you have to use a wet plaster and it dries quickly, you have to work very fast

What marks the classical period?


What are some major structures of the palace at Knossos and their significance?

courtyard (5) (everything structured around it), hallways that separated official and ceremonial rooms from store rooms (3) # = location on plan

What is the compositional arrangement of the Parthenon's east pediment sculpture?

east pediment shows birth of Athena, at west was the contest between Athena and Poseidon to determine which one would become the city's patron deity; Athenians are the judges of the relative merits of the two gods, spectators witnessing her birth. This sculpture is what remains of spectators. Left shows Helios (the son) and his chariot horses rising from the pediment floor, towards the right are Hestia, Dione, and Aphrodite, and either Selene (Moon) or Nyx (Night); symbolizes the idea of day and night, sun rising and setting

What is the significance of Kritios Boy?

first example of contrapposto (one leg is stiff while other has relaxed quality); he slightly tilts his head to the right

What is the significance in Doryphoros?

following the new canon of 1:7; Polykelitos wrote about the canon for the perfect man 1 body - 7 heads, so that's how long this body is; supposed to be the perfect man/athlete, interested in the harmony of opposite (for each stiff limb, there is a relaxed one; opposite limbs - one was stiff, other relaxed)

Use adjectives to describe the Prehistoric Aegean Art

free flowing, not angular (in comparison to Egypt), advancement in architecture

What transition will be seen in the Archaic period?

how artists are showing realism in human form

What is unique about the Erechtheion?

irregular on all 4 sides, Caryatids seen

How tall is the Kritios Boy?

less than 3 feet tall

Why is the Treasury of Atreus called what it is?

originally believed to be a repository - storage house for treasury, as there was a great deal of gold merchandise found

How do you know that this is a Roman copy of a Greek original (Diskobolos (Discus Thrower)?

originals done in metal or bronze, buttress holding them up

What did Exekias act as for the piece, Achilles and Ajax playing a dice game?

painter and potter

What are the three most common features of Doric Greek order?

pillow top capitals, metopes, triglyph

What type of art were the Minoans known for?

pottery and fresco; lively, happy art

What is the significance of the lost wax process that is used in the Warrior statue?

saves material

What design aspect is stereotypical of Archaic time period?

slim waist and v-shape range for hip, Archaic smile, facial features attached to the front

Give a brief description of the Stairwell in the residential quarter of the palace at Knossos

stairwell in residential quarter, contains red painted columns stand within the stairwell, red columns and red shafts w black bulbous pillow tops; Very unique to the area of the palace of Knossos

What are stylistic features found in the Parthenon's east pediment sculpture?

wet drapery on the women, significant to show body shape, Instead of putting full horse artist can have him from floor

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