Art History Final Chapter 11

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Tree of Knowledge

the tree in the Garden of Eden bearing the forbidden fruit that Adam and Eve disobediently ate


A decorative metalwork technique employing cloisons; also, decorative brickwork in later Byzantine architecture.

Animal Interlace

A decorative technique using abstracted animal forms in an interwoven pattern .

Manuscript Illumination

A luxurious handmade book with painted illustrations and decorations.


A basic unit of which the dimensions of the major parts of a work are multiples. The principle is used in sculpture and other art forms, but it is most often employed in architecture, where the module may be the dimensions of an important part of a building, such as the diameter of a column.


A religious community under the direction of an abbot (for monks) or an abbess (for nuns).


Architecture. A usually semicircular or polygonal, often vaulted recess, especially the termination of the sanctuary end of a church.


German, "western entrance structure." The façade and towers at the western end of a medieval church, principally in Germany. In contemporary documents the westwork is called a castellum (Latin, castle or fortress) or turris (tower).

Carpet Page

In early medieval manuscripts, a decorative page resembling a textile.


One of the four authors (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John) of the New Testament Gospels.


The central area of an ancient Roman basilica or of a church, demarcated from aisles by piers or columns.


The four New Testament books that relate the life and teachings of Jesus.


The part of a church with an axis that crosses the nave at a right angle.


The portion of a basilica flanking the nave and separated from it by a row of columns or piers.

Nave Arcade

The series of arches supported by piers separating the nave from the sides aisles.


The space in a cruciform church formed by the intersection of the nave and the transept.


The writing studio of a monastery.

Animal Style

a medieval art form in which animals are depicted in a stylized and often complicated pattern, usually seen fighting with one another.

Ladder Fold Drapery

a stylized depiction of drapery where the folds simulate rungs on a ladder.

Cruciform Plan

a term describing anything that is cross-shaped, as in a plan of a church

Alternate-Support System

in church architecture, the use of alternating wall supports in the nave, usually piers and columns or compound piers of alternating form

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