Art History UGA 2400 Test 2

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-back figure, refers to a figure seen from behind who serves as an intermediary between the viewer and the landscape

Barbizon School

The Barbizon school of painters were part of an art movement towards Realism in art, which arose in the context of the dominant Romantic Movement of the time. The Barbizon school was active roughly from 1830 through 1870.


of, relating to, or denoting the neoclassical style of Andrea Palladio, in particular with reference to the phase of English architecture from circa 1715, when there was a revival of interest in Palladio and his English follower, Inigo Jones, and a reaction against the baroque.


(in ancient Rome) a bundle of rods with a projecting ax blade, carried by a lictor as a symbol of a magistrate's power, and used as an emblem of authority in Fascist Italy.--seen in the statue of George Washington

Antoine Watteau Pilgrimage to Cythera Rococo 1717, Louvre -fete galante=french, meaning "amorous festival". -A type of Rococo painting depicting the outdoor amusements of French upper class society. -outdoor equivalent to what happens in a salon -haze of color, subtly modeled shapes, gliding motion, and air of suave gentility match rococo taste -was watteau's entry for admission to the French Royal Academy of Painting and Sculpture -Cythera is the island of eternal love and youth--Sacred to Aphrodite -loving couples take this pilgrimage to enjoy their time together -surrounded by cupids, slow movements Watteau blends elegance and sweetness


Antoine-Jean Gros, Napoleon at the plaque house at Jaffa, 1804 Neoclassicism/Romanticism -devastation as Napoleon sacks Jaffa -the Bubonic plaque has terrorized the town -the mosque has been converted into a hospital -napoleon has Christ like qualities -his body position reminds us of Apollo Belvedere from 120-140 -Napoleon is reaching his hand out to the sick, has pulled off his glove to show he is not afraid of touching the sick -the color and light are intentional-color is the colors of the french tri-part flag -this event never happened


Casapar David Friedrich, Wanderer above a sea of mist, 1817-18 -Human triumphing nature -in a more historical dress, shows passage of time -everything in nature circles the figure -horizon line bends around the figure--nature radiates out from the figure -Ruckenfigur-back figure, refers to a figure seen from behind who serves as an intermediary between the viewer and the landscape -like you are looking into the scene as well


Edouard Manet, Olympia, 1863 -realism -suggests the figure you see here is a goddess, but everything in the image suggests that she is not -prostitute=takes on name of a goddess -temporary setting, lots of outrage for a naked prostitute -not an ideal body -Manet is playing off of the academic art of the day -flattening out the body, said to look like a cadaver -cat-aroused, reference to female sexuality -flower=fertility -Manet has removed the deep space -draws our attention to the flat surface


Eugene Dealcroix, Liberty leading the People, 1830 French Revolution Romanticism -women is an allegory for liberty and freedom. the french call her mary-anne -liberty is striding over the barricade -the bougwaze are represented, expression of the french coming together to fight -figure in the foreground wearing white is wearing a nightgown. unprepared for battle. Reference to people who were dragged from their bed and killed for civil misconduct -points of color that contrast sharply from the rest of the painting. the colors that stand out are white, red, and blue -look to liberty for hope


Eugene Delacroix, Death of Sardanapalus, 1827 -Sardanapalus was a greedy man, spent lots of money on jewels, women (concubines) -there was a revolt against him, instead of being killed by those revolting, he wanted to kill himself, his women, slaves, and destroy all belongings -this is the moments before he set his palace on fire -the men are killing the women, while he watches -there is a black smoky background, which is foreshadowing how he will set the palace on fire -again he uses a muted color palette= red, golds, and black -Black body represents sexual-ism, decadence=placed in the foreground to reflect the allegory of the painting -although this is an image in syria, it has nothing to do with Syria, but everything to do with European values and views on the rest of the world


Francisco Goya, The sleep of Reason Produces Monsters from Los Caprichos, 1798 -romanticism -etching=aquatint, starts as an etching -self portrait


Francois Boucher rococo Portrait of Madame de Pompadour, 1758 -paintings of Louis XIV's mistress -she was a member of French Court -she is painted lavishly in her ruffling dress-the dress engulfs her -gives off the impression of a respectable women -shes painted in nature -she communicated through these portraits -was very influential in her role to the king


Frederic Edwin Church, Twilight in the Wilderness, 1860 -Hudson river School -would go out and sketch the river and then come back to paint -he loved the river so much, that he would build his estate on the bank of the river -non-specific landscape, but is so effective in expressing something that is historically specific -reminds you of the civil war=red white and blues -the landscape is being transformed by the light


Gustave Courbet, the Stone Breakers 1849 -realism -want to depict things in the most natural way possible -nothing is realistic, nothing can faithfully capture the realistic appearance of a subject matter -realism is more about the intention of painting a subject realistic -better to look at naturalism for realism -tints and earth tones to make the image more grimy -it is not meant to be beautiful, meant to be meaningful -nontraditional subject -lowest class doing a remedial task -age difference=could be son and father -difference in movement=one picking up rocks and the other breaking the rocks up/ gives us the idea that the younger man will be doing this for the rest of his life -Courbet was looking at photography to create a realistic image


Henry Fuseli, The Nightmare, 1781 Romanticism -depictions of the mind, rather than details of the body -placing emotion and intuition before reason -a new interest in dreams, hallucinations, spiritualism, mysticism -human experience cannot be attributed to or explained by the rational mind -this is an early, transitional work for the romanticism period -incubus lies on top of her, folk lore= terrorizing women or even raping them -the incubus also represents the pressure you feel in your chest and the shortness of breathe you have when you wake up from a nightmare -theatrical -horse is -night and -mare


Honore Daumier, Rue Transnonain, July 1834 -realism -one of the first artists to reproduce images in journals -first printing method that doesn't require a metal, wood, chemical etching -he used a lithograph -the etching and image are on the same plane -critique of the monarchy -shows a dead family in their apartment=workers uprising -a guard is killed by a sniper, guards don't know who did it, so they go in and massacre everyone living in the workers housing -there is no hero like gerricho, no redemption like goya because everyone is already dead


J.M.W. Turner, The slave Ship, 1840 -pure landscape=first time these paintings come into their own and there is respect for this genre -historical scene of the transatlantic slave trade -slaves being transported to North and South america -expressive painting for Turner to show his abolition of slaves -captains are only reimbursed if the slaves die from going over board of a ship -the more you look the worst the objects in the sea appear -red, oranges, golds, that stand out against the dull sea -the silver sliver represents how cold it was in the sea -the red represents blood of the slaves that die -struggle against nature


Jacques-Louis David Napoleon Crossing the Alps (Napoleon Crossing St-Bernard) 1800-01 Neoclassicism -Napoleon wants to assemble artwork by the greats -boyish physique because his 15 year old son modeled for napoleon while he was away -napoleon is depicted crossing some of the most treacherous land -in the painting is the signatures of the only three military men to ever pass through this terrain


Jacques-Louis David, Oath of the Horatii, 1784 Neoclassicism -conflict between love and patriotism -The three Horatii brothers would have to face the Curatius brothers--Roman's had decided to end their war by having representatives resolve the conflict with a series of encounters -Camilla from the Horatii family was the bride to be of one of the Curatius brothers and the wife of the youngest Horatii son was the sister to the Curatius brothers -The painting is a depiction of the Horatii brothers swearing to their father on their swords to win (defeat the Curatius) or to die for Rome -hence the distraught, sorrowful faces of the women -Paragon of a Neoclassicism piece--narrative of patriotism, sacrifice excerpted from Roman history -shallow space like a stage -statuesque figures -reminiscent of a relief sculpture


Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres, grand odalisque, 1814 Neoclassicism/romanticism -never been to a Turkish Harlem, he is just imagining what it would be like -the women is a depiction of a concubine -taste of exotic -it wasn't acceptable to paint just any nude women, this is justified because this women is not European, but Turkish -the exotic theme is repeated in the opium pipe -her back is weirdly long, goes back to mannerism and the distortion of the body -her position is not natural, but helps to show that this painting is not real and more of a fantasy


Jean-Francois Millet, The Gleaners, 1857 -realism -three figures in the foreground, back breaking work -go out after the harvest to pick up the scrapes of crops -those cleaning up the land could take the left over of crops back to their families for free -tradition in south france -more painterly, adopting a new position on the view of realism -back breaking labor, but looks softer to the stone breakers -different approach- Courbet symbolizes harshness, Millet's figures appear to be apart of this world -three different stages of the work= 1st figure is reaching down, 2nd figure is grabbing the wheat from the ground, 3rd figure is putting the wheat in her satchel=defines the repetition of the job -people in the background are the paid harvesters=nice contrast to the job of the Gleaners


Jean-Honore Fragonard The Swing Rococo 1766 Wallce Collection, London -bishop in the back, taking the reigns of the swing -female=being pushed and pulled by the bishop, she is floating through the air, lost a shoe= doesn't have a care, bold move -Cupid--statue of love, women kicks her show off to cupid - front man= hidden from the bishop, can see the women, can the women see him, has a scandalous view up the women's skirt.


Joseph Wright of Derby An experiment on a bird in the Air-Pump enlightenment 1768 -the two little girls look terrified as they watch the bird in the air pump -the bird is being suffocated in the tube and that is what is upsetting the girls -the father is comforting them and serving as the science educator. gives on the idea that science is good even if its scary -assistant with the clock in his hand to time the experiment -moon is revealed to give reference to the lunar society -inside the vessel could be lungs (to teach about the bird) or a skull (a reminder of death) -light source isn't distinct. could see the outline on the left side oft he vessel


Theodore Gericault, Raft of the Medusa, 1818-19 French Revolution Romanticism -size of a history painting -at the very top of the hierarchy of genres -the medusa was a merchant ship owned by the government that crashed and hundreds of people died -this painting is a critique of the monarchy -when the ship was going down, a group of people decided to craft a raft -150 people boarded the ship, were at sea on the raft for 12 days, and by the time the people were found, only 15 people were living -Gericault was obsessed with accuracy -he had the carpenter of the raft come into his studio to recreate a replica of the raft -he went to morgues to study drowning victims -he uses diagonals, taken from the baroque period -dead are in the foreground, but they are moving against nature -eternal struggle between man and nature, drama, resistance to death -he chooses a color palette of earth towns, bodies are white, and then he has pops of colors from clothing and the sunrise


Thomas Cole, View from Mount Holyoke, Northampton, Massachusetts, after a Thunderstorm (the Oxbow) 1836 -romanticism -civilization=sublime versus nature -civilization has control, manicured, the nature does not -Thomas Cole is in the painting as a little figure with a hat on and has his palette=claiming this territory as his own artistic territory -this would strike the Hudson River school=artists that would adopt Thomas Cole's practices


Thomas Jefferson, Monticello, Charlottesville, Virginia* -1769-84; 1769-1809 -Neoclassicism -Classical America, Neoclassicism -This was Jefferson's home near Charlottesville -made from local wood and brick -took inspiration from Roman government buildings, columns, rotunda


William Hogarth Marriage a la Mode (6 in total), 1743-45 Wedding Contract enlightenment engravings -depicts disastrous arranged marriage -merchants are much more wealthy than the aristocracy, but the merchants didn't have the title -Lord Squanderfield has his foot up (gout?), counting the dowry and pointing to the family tree -the husband has a sore of syphilis and is gazing at himself in the mirror (represents his selfishness) -the young wife is already miserable and weeping -the merchant is looking over the contract of marriage -the architect is gazing at his work out of the window as his new building goes up -medusa's portrait is in the background to serve as a warning that his selfishness and vanity will result in his demise -


Industrial revolution 1760-1850

-Reason and Equality were the two major themes of this time -Abraham Darby III and Thomas Pritchard, Iron Bridge, Coalbrookedale, England


Aquatint is an intaglio printmaking technique, a variant of etching. In intaglio printmaking, the artist makes marks on the plate (in the case of aquatint, a copper or zinc plate) that are capable of holding ink.

History Painting

History painting is a genre in painting defined by its subject matter rather than artistic style. History paintings usually depict a moment in a narrative story, rather than a specific and static subject, as in a portrait.


In art idealism is the tendency to represent things as aesthetic sensibility would have them rather than as they are. In ethics it implies a view of life in which the predominant forces are spiritual and the aim is perfection.


Lithography originally used an image drawn with oil, fat, or wax onto the surface of a smooth, level lithographic limestone plate. The stone was treated with a mixture of acid and gum arabic, etching the portions of the stone that were not protected by the grease-based image. When the stone was subsequently moistened, these etched areas retained water; an oil-based ink could then be applied and would be repelled by the water, sticking only to the original drawing. The ink would finally be transferred to a blank paper sheet, producing a printed page. This traditional technique is still used in some fine art printmaking applications.


Napoleon crowns himself emperor of the First French empire, series of military successes bring most of the continental Europe under his control


Napoleon defeated in Battle of Waterloo; monarchy reestablished with the Bourbon restoration

Hudson River School

The Hudson River School was a mid-19th century American art movement embodied by a group of landscape painters whose aesthetic vision was influenced by romanticism.

Sublime-Edmund Burke

a concept, thing, or states of exceptional and awe-inspiring beauty and moral or intellectual expression Burke characterized the sublime as an artistic effect productive of the strongest emotion the mind is capable of feeling--terror

Ecole des Beaux-Arts atelier Prix de Rome

started by Louis fourteenth

Fete Galante

french, meaning "amorous festival" variations on the theme of the fête champêtre which featured figures in ball dress or masquerade costumes disporting themselves amorously in parkland settings --seen in Antoine Watteau's Pilgrimage to Cythera

hierarchy of genres

history (religious, classical, mythological, significant) portraiture


in art refers to the depiction of realistic objects in a natural setting. The Realist movement of the 19th century advocated naturalism in reaction to the stylized and idealized depictions of subjects in Romanticism, but many painters have used a similar approach over the centuries.

salon ex. Germain Boffrand Salon de la Princesse Rococo Hotel de Soubise, Paris, France 1737-40 sinuous curves, gilded moldings, mirrors, small sculptures, and paintings, floral ornamentation, became the center of Parisian social and intellectual life

intimate and fashionable gathering for intellectual conversation and entertainment

Manifest Destiny

is a term for the attitude prevalent during the 19th century period of American expansion that the United States not only could, but was destined to, stretch from coast to coast. This attitude helped fuel western settlement, Native American removal and war with Mexico.


is a term used by art historians, literary, geographers, and cultural studies scholars for the imitation or depiction of aspects in Middle Eastern, South Asian, African and East Asian cultures (Eastern cultures). These depictions are usually done by writers, designers, and artists from the West.


the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues.

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