ArtH Quizzes 14-18

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Quiz 15 Pop Art ____. A) draws inspiration from popular culture B) is typically large scale C) requires the viewer to have some literary knowledge to fully appreciate it D) was promoted by art critics like Clement Greenberg


Quiz 15 Which of these is NOT a characteristic of the shift to Postmodernism? A) a critique of mass culture B) acceptance of a variety of artistic styles C) use of parody and irony D) an embrace of diversity


Quiz 16 Allan Kaprow said that, after Pollock, artists could _____. A) make paintings like his, or stop painting B) go back to painting the figure C) stop experimenting with color and paint in monochrome D) use video art, r stop painting


Quiz 16 In his performances, Joseph Beuys saw himself as a kind of _____. A) Shaman B) Conductor C) director D) curator


Quiz 17 Some critisicms of early feminist art included _____. A) All of these were critiques B) the minimization of lesser known female collaborators on well known feminist artists' work C) its narrow perspective, which mostly reflected the lives of white, suburban, middle class women D) its reference to female sexual organs to subvert the sexualization of women


Quiz 17 Which of these was not a project of feminist artists of the 1970s? A) to replace male museum directors with female ones B) to put traditional crafts on an equal footing with fine art C) these were all projects they embraced D) to recover the stories of women from history


Quiz 17 Womanhouse is an example of how feminist artists _____. A) used installation art in new ways B) pioneered video art C) were the first to think about gender and identity D) combined spoken word with sculptural pieces


Quiz 18 Institutional critique refers to _____. A) a stance against the way museums, galleries, and universities can gatekeep elite culture B) few museums have kept up with what is important in popular culture C) museums, galleries, and universities are critical of what passes fr culture in the media D) the idea that most art school actually hold artists back


Quiz 16 Happenings/Performance art was inspired and influenced by ____. (choose all that apply) A) Pop art's inclusion of the everyday or mundane in artowkr B) the idea that Jackson Pollock's work included his actions or performance of the painting, too C) John Cage's idea that music could be the ambient noise in the room D) the idea of the readymade

All of these

Quiz 14 What philosophy can be associated with post-war Expressionism in Europe? A) Libertarianism B) Existentialism C) Positivism D) Postmodernism


Quiz 15 Pop artists like to use images from advertising and pop culture because ______. A) it was fundamental to their critique of capitalism B) that was what was familiar to them and their audiences C) it allowed them to pay homage to their sponsors D) it helped them to make work that was more purely formal


Quiz 16 John Cage was inspired by ____. A) Romanticism B) sounds in the environment C) Georgian choral music D) German Expressionism


Quiz 16 Performance art challenges the tradition of ____. A) narrative painting B) the art object C) technical mastery D) the hierarchy of genres


Quiz 17 The "male gaze" ____. A) is the way an image of a woman can be seen as a subject, not an object B) comes from film and refers to a way women are objectified C) describes the best way to look at an image of a woman D) comes from political theory and refers to how the work of women artists looks different


Quiz 18 A) B) Abstract Expressionism focused on the object as a place for formal experimentation, and Conceptual artists didn't care about objects C) D)


Quiz 14 Abstract Expressionism is also called "action painting" or the New York School because of ______. A) how quickly the artists had to create their work in fresco, and how many of their collectors were located in New York B) how many artists were political activists from NYC C) the way the artists worked and their location D) the dramatic subject matter which nearly always concerns events in New York City


Quiz 14 Greenbergian formalism says that artist should focus on _____. A) making sure their work could be understood by a wide audience, regardless of education B) using new media, like acrylic paint or video art, instead of older ones C) non-figurative, pure expressions of the materials D) honing their technical skills in just one medium


Quiz 14 Like the Surrealists, some Abstract Expressionists were interested in ____. A) creating work that frustrated gallery owner and museum curators B) the art of children and the insane C) direct expressions of the subconscious, unmediated by rationality D) the art of other cultures


Quiz 15 Which of these was NOT a reason some artists rejected Abstract Expressionism? A) It was an elite, or high brow, art style that catered to the art world establishment B) With Abstract Expressionism, there was no further experimentation in modernism for artists to make C) Very few galleries would show artwork in the Abstract Expressionism D) For artists still wanting to work with the figure, Action Painting left few options


Quiz 18 Conceptual art is the most radical post-war movement because ____. A) it brings back the idea of skill and technique B) it allows artists to criticize both museums and galleries C) it doesn't even require an object to be created D) it uses the readymade


Quiz 18 Environmental art emerged in response to ____. A) an effort to turn away from more politiczied work B) the desire to create work like landscapes, which are reliably popular C) a new interests in ecology and conservation D) an international interst in hiking and outdoors activities


Quiz 14 The center of the art world shifted to ______after the war. A) Berlin B) London C) Paris D) New York


Quiz 15 Unlike modernism, Postmodernism _____. A) embraces a return to humanism B) values the original C) supports a single, dominant culture D) is less interested in aesthetics


Quiz 17 Three Weeks in May subverts the typical uses of artwork by ____. A) asking viewers to help make the art B) disintegrating almost as soon as it was made C) taking place outdoors D) encouraging viewers to learn more about a current issue and take an active role


Quiz 18 Spiral Jetty or Andy Goldsworthy's work are responses to the commodification of culture because _____. A) each artist creates many, cheaper copies so that the public can afford to have them too B) they are so rare and priceless C) both had so many bidders at auction that they are now worth millions D) they exist in nature and can't really be owned


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