Article 90-110

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The minimum height of dedicated equipment space for motor control centers installed indoors is ___ft above the enclosure, or to the structural ceiling, whichever is lower


Compliance with th eprovisions of the NEC will result in

an electrical system essentially free from hazard

The____has the responsibility for deciding on the approval of equipment and materials

authority having jurisdiction

The circuit conductors between the final overcurrent device protacting the circuit and the outlet(s) are known as___conductors

branch circuit

As applied to wiring methods, "on or attached to the surface, or behind access panels designed to allow access" is know as____


Installations shall comply with the material located in the NEC Annexes because they are part of the requirements of the code T/F


A neutral conductor is the conductor connected to the____ of a system, which is intended to carry current under conditions

neutral point

A "stand-alone system" supplies power independently of an electrical production and distribution network T/F


Where equpiment operating at 1,000 volts, nominal, or less to grounf and likely to require examination, adujustment, servicing, or maintence while energized is required by installtion instructions or function to be lcoated in a space with limited acess, and where equipmet is installed above a lay-in ceiling, there shall be an opening not small than____

22 in x 22 in

The minimum working space on a circuit for equipment operating at 120 volts-to-ground, with exposed live parts on one side and no live or grounded parts on the other side of the working space, is___ft


The required working space for access to love parts of equipment operating at 300 volts to ground, where there are exposed live parts on both sides of the works pace is ____ft


The dedicated equipment space for electrical equipment that is required for panel boards installed indoors is measured from the floor to a height of____ft above the equipment, or to the structural cancelling, whoever is lower


A class A GFCI protection device is designed to trip when the current to ground is____or higher

6 mA

The NEC does not apply to electric utility owned wiring and equipment

consisting of service drops or service laterals

The authority having jurisdiction shall not be allowed to enforce any requirments of Chapter 7 (Special Conditions) or Chapter 8 (Communications Systems) T/F


The code covers underground mine installtions and self-propelled mobile surface mining machinery and its attendant electrical trailing cable T/F


The NEC is____

for the practical safeguarding for persons and property

Chapter 1 through 4 of the NEC apply____

generally to all electrical installations

Factory-installed____wiring of listed equipment need not be inspected at the time of installation of the equipment, except to detect alterations or damage


When the code uses_____ it means the identifies actions are allowed but not required, and they may be options or alternative methods

shall be permitted

In the NEC the word ______ indicate a mandatory requirements

shall or shall not

The prospective symmetrical fault current at a nomial voltage to which an apparatus or systme is able to be connected without sustaining damage exceeding defined acceptance criteria is known as the"____"

short circuit current rating

Working space shall not be used for____


Equipment or materials to which has been attatched a___of an FEB indicating the equipments or materials were evaluated and found to comply with requirments as described in an accompany field evaltuation report known as " field labeled

symbol label other identifying mark

A "raceway" is an enclosed channel designed expressly for the holding of wires, cables, or bus bars, with additional functions as permitted in the code T/F


Soldered splices shall first be spliced or joined so as to be mechanically and electrically secure without solder ans then soldered T/F


Separately install pressure connectors shall be used with conductors at the____not exceeding the ampacity at the listed and identified temperature rating of the connector


Installations of communications equipment that are under the exclusive control of communications utilities, and locates outdoors or in building spaces used exclusively for such installations___covered by the NEC

are not

If the NEC requires new products that are not yet available at the time a new edition is adopted, the ____ may permit the use of products that comply with the most recent previous edition of the code adopted by that jurisdiction

authority having jurisdiction

Where a tightening torque is indicated as a numeric value on equipment or in installation instructions provided by the manufacturer, a ____torque tool shall be used to achieve the indicated torque value, unless the equipment manufacturer has provided installation instructions for an alternative method of achieving the required torque


Unused openings other than those intended for the operation of equipment, intended for mounting purposes, or permitted as part of the design for listed equipment shall be____

closed to afford protection substantially equivalent to the wall of the equipment

A device that provides a means to connect intersystem bonding conductor for___systems to the grounding electrode system is an intersystem bonding termination


Electric utilities may include entities that install, operate, and maintain____

communications systems ( telephone, CATV, internet, satellite, or data services) or electrical supply systems (generation, transmission, or distribution systems)

A separate portion of a raceway system that provides access through a removable cover(s) to the interior of the system defines the term "_____"

conduit body

A unit of an electrical system, other than a conductor, that carries or controls electrical energy as its principal function is an____


The code contains provisions considered necessary for safety, which will not necessarily result in____

efficient use, convince, good service or future expansion of electrical use

nonconductive optical fiber cable contains no metallic members and no other______materials

electricaly conductive

"Utilization equipment" is equipment that utilizes electricity for ____purposes

electromagnetically, heating, lighting

The NEC defines a "____" as all circuit conductors between the service equipment, the source of a desperately derived system, or other power supply source, and the final branch-circuit overcurrent device


As used in the NEC, equipment includeds

fittings, appliances, machinery

When protecting equipment against damage from the weather during construction, minimum_______ provisions provided in NFPA 5000 Building construction an safety code, the international building code IBC and the international residential code for one and two family dwelling IRC can be references for additional information


Nonmandatory informaive annexes contained in the back of the code book are____

for information only or not enforceable as requirement of the code

The voltage of a circuit is defined by the code as the ____root mean square difference of potential between any two conductors of the circuit concerned


"NONautomatic" is defined as requiring____to perform a function

human intervention

According to the code "automatic" is performing a function without the necessity of _____

human intervention

"Underground service conductors" are the underground conductors between the service point and the first point of connection to the service-entrance conductors in a terminal box, meter, or other encloser,_____ the building wall

inside and outside

The NEC requires that electrical equipment be

installed in a neat and workman like

All switchboards, switch gear, panel boards, and motor control centers shall be located in dedicated spaces and protected from damage, and outdoor installations shall be_____

installed in identified enclosures protected from accidental contact by unauthorized personal or by vehicular protected from accidental spillage or leakage from piping systems

Equipment or materials to which a label, symbol , or other identifying mark of a product evaluation organization that is acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction has been attached is known as"____"


The authority having jurisdiction has the responsibility for_____

making interpretations of rules deciding upon the approval of equipment and materials waiving specific requirements in the code and permitting the alternate methods

A circuit breaker is a device designed to____the circuit automatically on a predetermine over-current without damage to itself when properly applied within its rating


The NEC applies to the installations of______

optical fiber and raceways, outside conductors and equipment on the premises, electrical and equipment within or on public and private buildings

This code covers the installation of___for public and private premises, including building, structures, mobile homes, recreational vehicles, and floating buildings

optical fiber cables electrical equipment raceways

Any current in excess of the rated current of equipment or the amapcity of a conductor is called_____


Hazards often occur because of_____

overloading of wiring systems by methods or usage not in conformity with the NEC and initial wiring not providing for increases

A_____ is the total components and subsystem that, in combination, coverts solar energy into electric energy for connection to a utilization load

photovoltaic system

The NEC defines as ____as one who has skills and knowledge related to the construction and operation of the electrical equipment and installations and has received safety training to recognized and avoid hazards involved

qualified person

"Overhead system service-entrance conductors" are the service conductors between the terminals of the ____and a point where they are joined by tap or splice to the service drop or overhead service

service equipment

"Underground system serive-entrance conductors are the service conductors between the terminals of the ____and the point of connection to the service lateral or underground service conductors

service equipment

Overhead service conductors are the conductors between the____and the first point of connection to the service entrance conductors at the building or other structure

service point

which of the following systems shall be installed and removed in accordance with the NEC requirements

signaling conductors, equipment, raceways communications conductor electrical conductors

Conductive optical fiber cables contain noncurrent-carrying conductive members such as metallic___

strength members, armor or sheath , vapor barriers

An effective ground fault current path is an internationally constructed, low impedance electrically conductive path designed and intended to carry current during a ground fault condition from the point of a ground fault on a wiring system____

the electrical supply source

A"signalling circuit" is any electrical circuit that energizes signaling equipment T/F


By special permission, the authority having jurisdiction may waive specific requirements in this code where it is assured that equivalent objectives can be achieved by establishing and maintaining effective safety T/F


Chapters 5,6,7 apply to special occupancies, special equipment, or other special conditions and may supplement or modify the requirements in Chapters 1 through 7 T/F


Communications wiring such as telephone, antenna, and CATV wiring within a building shall not be required to comply with the installation requirements of Chapter 1 through 7, except where specially refrenced in Chapter 8 T/F


Compliance with either the SI or the inch pound unit of measurement system shall be permitted T/F


Explanatory material, such as references to other standards, references to related sections of the NEC, or information related to a code rule, are included in the form of informational notes T/F


For indoor installations, piping, ducts, leak protection apparatus, or other equipment foreign to the electrical installation shall not be installed in the dedicates space above a panel board or switchboard T/F


NFPA 70E, Standard for Electrical Safety in the workplace, provides guidance for working space about electrical equipment, such as determining severity of poetnial exposure, planning safe work practices, arc-flash labeling, and selecting personal protective equipment T/F


Service conductors orginate at the service point and terminate at the service disconnection means T/F


The NEC does not cover electrical installations in ships, watercraft, railway rolling stock, aircraft, or automotive vehicles T/F


The NEC requires tested series-rated installations of circuit breakers or fuses to be legibly marked in the field to indicate the equipment has been applied with a series combination rating T/F


The code isn't intended as a design specifications standard or instructions manual for untrained persons T/F


Utilities may be subject to compliance with codes and standards covering their regulated activities as adopted under governmental law or regulation T/F


Utilities may include entities that are designated or recognized by governmental law or regulation by public service/ utility commissions T/F


Access and _____shall be provided and maintained about all electrical equipment to permit ready and safe operation and maintenance of such equipment

working space

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