Artificial Intelligence
Machine learning
A subset of AI that includes statistical techniques that enable machines to improve at tasks with experience.
Sigmoid neuron
A type of artificial neuron.
A type of artificial neuron. Takes several binary inputs, produces a single binary output. Weights are applied to each input. A threshold or bias is applied to create the output.
Artificial intelligence
Any technique that enables computers to mimic human intelligence.
The subsets of AI in order are?
Artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, neural networks
what are the 7 steps for Machine Learning?
Gather data, data preparation, choose model, training, evaluation, hyperparameter tuning, prediction
Deep learning
The subset of machine learning composed of algorithms that permit software to train itself to perform tasks like speech and image recognition by exposing multilayered neural networks to vast amounts of data
Write the formula to describe perceptron logic where w1, w2, w3, ... wn is the vector of weights, x1, x2, ..., xn is the vector of inputs, and b is the bias.
output = 0 if w . x + b <= 0 output = 1 if w . x + b > 0 w . x = Summation from 1 to n of (wn*xn)