Arts (p2, 9)

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Sandro Botticelli (1445-1510) Tommaso di Ser Glovanni di Simone Masaccio (1401-1428) Donato di Niccolò di Betto Bardi (1386-1466)

Early Renaissance Artists

Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) Michelangelo Buonarroti(1475-1564) Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino(1483-1520)Donato Bramante(1444-1514)

High Renaissance Artists


In Latin, the equivalent word is?.... from rinascere which means "to be reborn"

Early Renaissance period (1420- 1500) High Renaissance period (1500-1527).

The Renaissance periods


The onset of this brought a novel shift in the predominance of religion over art. It was considered as a time of great artistic achievement and progress. the period of the renaissance stands for the birth and revival of the arts. began as an artistic movement within the city of Florence in Italy. were characterized by a gradual shift from religious representation toward a more accurate depiction of the world. Art during this gave high importance to nature, as well as for the highly detailed and realistic interpretation of the human form, as magnified through the exceptional masterpieces of the great artists of the period.

The Pieta

depicts the body of Jesus on the lap of his mother Mary after the Crucifixion.


The word renaissance is derived from the French word?... which directly translates as "to be born again."

baroque art.

This style of art features an aggrandized version of the subject, often taking the elements of the subject to a considerable extreme to make the subject more abstract and dramatic. The artworks from this period are characterized by an elaborate ornamentation and a passionate representation.


This technique gives importance on the careful selection of colors to be used for a particular painting. For instance, one color is replaced with another, as in the use of a dark color such as red or brown in place of the usual black, in order to maximize the combination of colors and to produce a deeper and more solid shadow effect. An example of this technique is the Virgin and Child with Saints by the Italian painter Fra Angelico.


This technique shares a resemblance with sfumato in that it emphasizes the smooth transition of colors without leaving a trace of hard lines. Saint Catherine of Alexandria by the Italian Renaissance painter Raphael best exemplifies this kind of painting technique.


a distinct sub-movement known as?... emerged and influenced a majority of artworks of the time

Peter Paul Rubens (1577-1640)

as a Flemish artist most commonly known as the chief baroque artist" in Flaunder, Northern Europe. painted a number of large altar pieces containing decorative compositions and mythological content. The subjects of his paintings were often depicted in full action and in clear and transparent colors, Among his most notable works are The Raising of the Cross, Christ and Saint John with Angels, and the Adoration of the Magi

Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio (1571-1610)

belonged to the most well-known group of baroque painters. was often considered as a painter of temperament precisely for the masterly manner with which he translates the power of human emotions into his canvas. He incorporated realistic figures into a dramatic constrast of light and shadows, producing both a lucid realistic effect and an emotional expression. his realistic naturalism first appeared in three scenes he created in the Martyrdom of Saint Matthew. Other famous works are the Bacchus, the Death of the Virgin, and the Seven Works of Charity.

Renaissance art

centers on the emphasis on symmetry proportion, geometry, and regularity of parts as they are demonstrated in the architecture of classical antiquity especially of ancient Roman architecture.

Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564)

excelled as an architect, engineer, painter, sculptor, and poet of the High Renaissance. He is best remembered as the greatest stone carver of the period. Two of the world's greatest statues, such as the enormous David and the emotional Pieta, are two of his master pieces. The sculpture David is a 17-foot marble statue representing the biblical hero David. The beauty of the sculpture lies in his artistic ability to combine both strength and fragility in his creation. Overtime, the sculpture became a lasting symbol of power. his interpretation of the Pieta perfectly portrays the balance of ideal beauty and naturalism which are two of the defining qualities of Renaissance art.

Baroque painting

features dramatic and exaggerated elements in its printed composition.


is a common feature of Renaissance architecture, as evident in the number of Renaissance cathedrals that include domes in their structure. The St. Peter's Basilica in Rome is a great example of this type of Renaissance architecture.


is a material made from an aggregate, a binder, and water. This is applied wet and hardens to a very dense solid. It is used as decorative coating for walls and ceilings and as a sculptural and artistic material in architecture.


is a painting technique which involves the passing of one tint or shade of color to another in order to produce both light and dark effect in painting. This technique is applied to the entire composition to create a sense of volume. Leonardo da Vinci's Benois Madonna represents a chiaroscuro painting.

Las Meninas

is a portrait of Infanta Margarita, the daughter of King Philip IV, and his second wife Mariana of Austria. The most defining characteristic of the painting lies in the artist's brilliant use of perspective and the creative interplay of light and shadow.


is an Italian word meaning "smoky." As a painting technique, it utilizes color gradience by blending one shade into another in order to blur clear hard lines to create perceptions of depth, form, and volume, and finally, to deliver a smooth ethereal image. The Mona Lisa by the Italian painter Leonardo da Vinci is a good example of a painting done using the sfumato technique.

Baroque sculpture

is characterized by a tremendous feeling for action and movement. This is mostly exemplified through the careful association of mass and space, as well as the use of materials such as stucco and plaster. also applied as garlands of flowers, leaves, shells, and scrolls. Symmetry is not evident but there is conceivable type of ornamentation such as saints, angels, cherubs, and animals, as well unity of spatial effects that is both creative and visually stimulating

Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)

is one of the greatest artists to be produced by the Renaissance. Aside from being a master painter, he was also an architect, an engineer, an inventor, a scientist, and a mathematician. His artworks, such as the Last Supper and the Mona Lisa, are considered as some of the most well-known works of art in the world. Other famous works include the Adoration of the Magi and the Virgin and Child with St. Anne.


is the Italian word for "counterpose" and describes the realistic distribution of weight in a particular sculpture, most especially in a human sculpture.In this mode of sculpture, the subject's leg holds the full weight while the other leg is in a more relaxed position. An example of this sculpture can be seen in the sculpture David by Michelangelo.

Donato di Niccolò di Betto Bardi (1386-1466)

more popularly known as Donatello, is an Italian sculptor who incorporated the principles of perspectives in most of his artworks. portrayed human body in realistic and dramatic detail by bringing to life the humanistic aspects of his subject . This technique was exemplified in his masterly sculpture of the biblical hero David. His bronze sculpture of David is about 1.5 meters tall, making it the first large free-standing sculpture created in western art since classical antiquity. Other fine works of Donatello are sculpture of St. John the Baptist, Judith and Holofernes, and St. Mary Magdalene.

Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino (1483-1520)

more popularly known as Raphael, was an Italian painter greatly admired for his works which incorporate clarity of form and ease of composition. Raphael painted Madonnas or portraits of the Virgin Mary for most of his life However, his greatest work is the fresco painting of the School of Athens featuring some of the well-known Greek philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle. The painting exposes Raphael's loyal subscription and admiration for the classical antiquity.

The Birth of Venus by the Italian sculptor Sandro Botticelli

represents a fine example of early Renaissance art. The painting features certain subjects derived from Greek and Roman mythology such as the Roman goddess, Venus and the wind god Zephyr. It has also been said that the painting may have been based on Venus de Medici, the Greek marble sculpture of the goddess Aphrodite.

The Supper at Emmaus

shows Jesus appearing to, and later, having a meal with two of his disciples after his resurrection

The Creation of Adam by the Italian painter Michelangelo

stands as one of the most well-known examples of High Renaissance art. It is a fresco painting-a painting done on fresh, wet plaster walls-which belongs to the series of panel paintings on the ceilings of the Sistine Chapel painted between 1508-1512. The painting illustrates the biblical narrative of creation based on the Book of Genesis.

Johannes Gutenberg

the introduction of the movable type printing press by the German publisher?....., facilitated the era of mass communication which played an essential part in the permanent dissolution of monopoly of knowledge and in the creation of alternative ways of thinking.

Sandro Botticelli

was a Florentine painter who studied under the supervision of the renowned painter during the time named Fra Filippo Lippi. earliest known commissioned work was a two-panel painting from a set of the Seven Virtues of the court. The Madonna of the Magnificat painted in 1480s was his best known altar piece. He also did a series of mythological paintings for the Medici family, one of the most influential families during the time. The most famous of these paintings are the Primavera and The Birth of Venus.

Diego Rodríguez de Silva y Velázquez (1599-1660)

was a Spanish painter and was one of the leading artists in the court of King Philip IV where he was tasked to paint portraits of the members of the royal court and to document important historical events. His excellent skill centers on his creative ability to merge colors, to make use of light, and to incorporate the rhythm of lines and space in his paintings. His most well-known works include the portraits of Infante Baltasar Carlos on Horseback, Infantas Margarita, and Maria Theresa, as well as full-length portraits of Philip IV and the young queen Mariana of Austria. Many of his portraits and other works have somber, brooding quality to them which are exemplified through the use of dark colors. Velázquez's most complex and best known work is the Las Meninas.

Baroque Architecture

was a highly influential form of art during the early seventeenth century. This form of art quickly spread across Italy and throughout the rest of Europe. was characterized by the clever incorporation of classical themes such as balance and harmony, and at the same time, depicts elements of power, triumph, and victory. This was primarily because Baroque architecture—in fact, the entire Baroque movement itself-derived from the internal movement within the Catholic Church. This movement was known as the Counter-Reformation. It was founded as a response to the religious protest of the Protestant Reformation. A good example of Baroque architecture is the San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane in Rome.

Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn (1606-1669)

was a prolific painter from the Netherlands. Throughout his life, he was able to create around 500 to 600 paintings which delve on various subjects and themes. Most of his works were paintings of biblical and mythological subjects, as well as portraits and landscapes reflecting realism and subtle spirituality. His style of painting was mostly evident in his work The Supper at Emmaus. The Supper at Emmaus by Rembrandt

Gian Lorenzo Bernini

was an Italian architect and sculptor, and was credited for having created the Baroque style of sculpture. He was also well-known for The Ecstasy of St. Theresa which was created for the Cornaro Chapel in Saint Maria della Vittoria in Rome.I In this complex work, he brings together architecture, sculpture, and painting into a unifying whole, and at the same time, effectively conveys the saint's intensely dramatic and beatific vision in a typical baroque composition.

Donato Bramante (1444-1514)

was an Italian architect who introduced the Early Renaissance Milan and the High Renaissance style to Rome. His Tempietto, located in San Pietro in Montorio, Italy, marked the beginning of the High Renaissance in Rome, and was often described as a perfect architectural gem of the period. It is considered as one of the most renowned works of Renaissance architecture and remains one of the largest churches in the world. Other major works in architecture include Santa Maria delle Grazie Church in Milan which was included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites, the Santa Maria Presso San Satiro Church in Milan and the Palazzo Caprini in Rome.

The Middle Ages

was characterized by a certain kind of silence. It was during this dark period in history that art was restricted and limited to the interest of religion. Art was not permitted to speak of creative endeavors, unless these endeavors could contribute to the greater glory of religion. Art was primarily an apparatus of the Church and was considered as only secondary to spiritual pursuits. The role of art during this was primarily set on spreading religious doctrines and teaching biblical tales to illiterate people. Art during this period mostly conceived as an instrument for religion and was permeated with different of strengthening religious symbolisms, all of which were utilized for the sole the authority and domination of the Church.

Early Renaissance

was characterized by different artworks which centered on the revival of ancient forms and content. Christian theology, which was once the main subject of art during the medieval ages, was replaced by the growing interest and rediscovery of Greek and Roman literatures.

High Renaissance

was considered as the period where artistic achievement reached its greatest heights. The artists of this period began fuse and incorporate humanistic and naturalistic themes on their artworks. Their primary concern was the assimilation of achieved ideals of harmony and balance, and at the same time, the natural and realistic representation of the physical world.

Tommaso di Ser Giovanni di Simone Masaccio (1401-1428)

was one of the leading artists of the Renaissance period. He revolutionized Italian painting and developed a new style in painting which employs the use of perspectives in a way that creates an illusion of space and depth. His finest work was a series of frescoes found in the Brancacci Chapel in Santa Maria del Carmine in Florence. The frescoes depict biblical scenes in a realistic and emotional manner.

Filippo Brunelleschi (1377-1446)

was the first Renaissance architect to revive the Roman style of architecture and to incorporate the classical orders of Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian, in most of his artworks. first major architectural commission was the enormous brick dome which covers the central space of Florence's Cathedral.

baroque period

which was characterized by exaggerated motion and clear-cut details exemplified in various forms of art such as painting, sculpture, architecture, literature, dance, theater, and music. This style of art was part of the attempt of the Church to communicate and express religious themes with direct emotional involvement in an effort to extend its influence to the people and to stimulate the public's faith in the Church.

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