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WHO ICF (world health organization international classification of function)

aims: to provide a scientific basis for consequences of health conditions to establish a common language to improve communications to permit comparison of data across countries, health care disciplines etc to provide a systematic coding scheme for health information systems * cultural applicability is main goal this assessment -covers body functions and structures, activities and participation and environment factors

GAF (global assessment of functioning)

an integral part of the standard multi-axial psychiatric diagnostic system the purpose of including it in DSM-IV as a tool for axis V assessment is to enable clinicians to obtain information about global functioning to supplement existing data about symptoms and diagnosis and to help predict the allocation and outcomes of mental health treatment Axis 5 clinicians judgement of the individuals overall level of functioning. this information is useful in planning treatment and measuring its impact, and in predicting outcome -considers psychological, social, and occupational functioning on a hypothetical continuum of mental health-illness. do not include impairment in functioning due to physical or environmental limitations most people treated in psychiatric hospital today are rated at a 20 or less on it the implications are that these people are seriously ill and a danger to themselves or others

LCM (leisure Competence Measure)

is a standardized assessment procedure (not a standardized assessment) designed to measure outcomes related to therapeutic recreation -based on rehabilitation theory and the international classification of impairment, and WHO -based on leisure philosophy and the leisure ability model -objectively measures client ability related to leisure functioning -objectively captures changes in client functioning over time -guides RT interventions -based on and consistent with the FIM provides a basis for program eval

ISEL (interpersonal support evaluation)

measures 3 areas: appraisal, belonging, tangible- short form of assessment

leisure and recreation involvement

measures client participation and barriers to participation 24 statements about 6 elements which describe an individuals leisure and recreation activities looks at emotional aspects of involvement


measures depression, pain, anxiety, and stress.

STILAP (state technical institutes leisure assessment process)

measures participation and scope of involvement -purpose: to help clients achieve a balanced leisure lifestyle assesses participation patterns -differs from other activities or leisure interest scales because it translates activity skills into leisure competencies.

social attributes checklist

purpose: to measure attributes of a child's social behavior related to developmentally appropriate social competence - it measures social attributes decided into 3 sub areas: individual attributes, social skills, and per relationship attributes 10 min to administer age: preschool or elementary age children

leisure step up

-measures both frequency and quality of participation -both a leisure assessment and a leisure education program -recommended for adults and adolescents -developed to relate leisure to the GAF -incorporated self functioning and leisure participation -questions: leisure, physical, cognitive, daily living, social, psychological functioning, Assess adults and adolescents in behavioral medicine programs, drug and alcohol treatment program, Assess adults and adolescents in behavioral medicine programs, drug and alcohol treatment program

SET (social empowerment and trust)

5-10 min to administer age: adolescents, adults with moderate to no cognitive impairments purpose: to measure changes in an individual's perception of his/her social attitudes and skills as a result of involvement in a treatment program or adventure class 5 subscores: bonding cohesion, empowerment, self-awareness, affirmations, and awareness of others- allow you to write specific treatment goals to needed areas of improvement

FIM (functional independence measure)

a 18 item, 7-level ordinal scale. it is the product of an effort to resolve the long-standing problem of lack of uniform measurement and data on disability and rehabilitation outcomes -measure the functional ability of the patient the degree of disability is an indicator of the burden of care, how much assistance will they need based on their functional level. used in rehab can be administered quickly can be administered to groups - can be used to track changes and analyze outcomes of rehab scores range from 18-126 indicating level of function 7 levels: top 2 represent no involvement of a human helper. the other 5 indicate levels of functioning in which progressive degrees of help are required -RTs focus on: comprehension, expression, social interaction

school social behavior scales

focus: competence and antisocial behavior of children and youth purpose: screening, assessment, identification, and intervention planning behavior rating scale age: children and adolescents k-12 age 5-18 5-10 min to administer practical and easy to use for teachers and other school personnel. provides comprehensive ratings of both social skills and antisocial problem behaviors of children and adolescents in school settings 2 co-normed scales 1 social competence scale: includes 32 items that measure adaptive, prosocial skills and includes three sub scales: peer relations, self management/compliance, and academic behavior 2. antisocial behavior: scale includes 32 items that measure socially-relevant problem behaviors and also includes 3 sub scales: hostile/irritable, anti social-aggressive, and defiant/disruptive

home and community social behavior scales

focus: social competence and antisocial behavior of children and adolescents purpose: screening, assessment, identification and intervention planning behavior rating scale completed my parents, group home supervisors, and other home raters age 5-18 5-10 min to administer


for Long-term care. The instrument specified by CMS that requires nursing facilities (both Medicare certified and/or Medicaid certified) to conduct a comprehensive, accurate, standardized reproducible assessment of each resident's functional capacity legislation: omnibus budget reconciliation act 1987 require comprehensive assessment for each nursing home resident. first implemented 1990, 2 in 1995 and 3 in 2010 -assessment based on uniform minimum data set -interdisciplinary assessment and care planning process used in long term care -standardized, computerized and compiled in a national data base true intent: to make sure providers are paid properly to make sure nursing home residents are receiving appropriate care to provide nursing home providers with tool to assess the status of their residents in order to appropriately develop plans of care to optimize quality of life Section O includes: cancer treatments, respiratory, speech therapy, physical therapy, occupational therapy, psychological therapy, recreational therapy, and restorative nursing. There are great opportunities and implications for more recreational therapy services - not just activities RT treatments must be prescribed by physician, have assessment, treatment plan and progress notes same as RAI

leisure scope

recommended group: adolescent and adult clients with little to no cognitive impairment purpose: to identify areas of high leisure interest, to identify the emotional motivation for participation and to identify individuals who need higher arousal experiences -measures the degree of interest that an individual has in ten areas of leisure, feelings that the individual reports concerning involvement in a variety of activities, and the degree to which the individual seeks out high arousal activities. -Leisurescope adult and Teenscope are useful assessments to place adolescent clients into which types of therapeutic recreation programs? Leisure skills good for individuals who can relate photos but may not be able to speak

leisure diagnostics battery

the overall content covered includes perceived freedom in leisure used as assessment and for research in a few institutions and community -1st comprehensive battery of instruments designed to assess an individuals leisure functioning. based on the attribution theory, the term leisure functioning describes how an individual feels about his/her leisure experiences. the ldb responds to growing assessment and accountability mandate in leisure services for all individuals. consists of 8 components, 5 scales summed to determine a perceived freedom in leisure score long form and short form takes and hour to administer

IRF-PAI (inpatient rehabilitation facility-patient assessment instrument)

used in conduction with FIM -mandated for use in rehabilitation facilities by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid services. -used to determine payment for each medicare Part A for service rehab patients based on FIM scores

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