Astronomy Test 1

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A constellation is a. A random collection of stars, planets and galaxies b. A region of the sky c. A group of stars that form a pattern in the sky


During the norther hemisphere summer, the Sun sets a. South of west b. North of east c. Due east d. South of east e. Due west f. North of west


An astronomical unit is a. Earth's average distance from the Sun b. Any large astronomical distance c. Any planet's average distance from the Sun


Ch 1, Q 26, pg 22 If we represent the solar system on a scale that allows us to walk from the Sun to Pluto in a few minutes then a. The planets are marble-size or smaller and the nearest stars are thousands of miles away b. The planets are the size of basketballs and the nearest stars are a few miles away c. The planets are microscopic and the stars are light-years away


Ch 1, Q 31, pg 22 The age of our solar system is about a. One-third of the age of the universe b. Three-fourths of the age of the universe c. Two billion years less than the age of the universe


Consider the following statement, and explain whether or not it is sensible. Although all the known stars appear to rise in the east and set in the west, we might someday discover a star that will appear to rise in the west and set in the east. a. No, this is not sensible, because stars appear to rise and set as a result of Earth spinning on its axis, so all stars have to rise in the eastern sky and set in the western sky. b. This is sensible because stars move around Earth, so some can move in one direction while others can move in the opposite direction.


If the Sun rises precisely due East, a. It must be the day of either the March of September equinox b. It must be the day of the June solstice c. You must be located at Earth's equator.


Our solar system consists of a. The Sun and all the material that orbits around it including planets, asteroids, comets b. The Sun and planets that orbit around it. c. The sun, the planets that orbit around it and their moons.


Our solar system is a. Much smaller than our Milky Way Galaxy. b. Much larger than our Milky Way Galaxy. c. Is the same as our Milky Way Galaxy.


The tilt of the Earth's axis deviates from 23.5 degrees over the time. If the axis tilt becomes 30 degrees (and you continue to live in Joliet) a. The hours of daylight will increase in the summer (i.e. summer days will be longer), while daylight hours decrease in winter (i.e. winter days will be shorter) b. There is no change in the length of daylight in summer or winter. c. The Earth day will become shorter. d. The hours of daylight will decrease in summer (i.e. summer days will become shorter), while daylight hours increase in winter (i.e. winter days will become longer.)


The total number of stars in the observable universe is roughly equivalent to a. The number of grains of sand on all beaches on Earth. b. The number of grains of sand on Miami Beach. c. Infinity


The word zenith refers to a. The point directly overhead at your location b. The circle that a star traces as it completes one rotation on the celestial sphere c. The imaginary half-circle that joins north, the overhead point and south at your location.


What is the shape of the Milky Way's halo? a. Round like a ball b. Flat like a disk c. Flat like a disk by with a hole in the center


What is the shape of the Milky Way's halo? a. Round like a ball. b. Flat like a disk. c. Flat like a disk but with a hole in the center


When it is summer in Australia, the season in the United States is a. Winter b. Summer c. Spring d. Fall


When the Sun rises, it a. Moves from below the horizon to above the horizon. b. Moves form above the horizon to below the horizon.


Which of the following best describes the spring equinox for the northern hemisphere? a. When the northern hemisphere goes from being tipped slightly away from the sun to being tipped slightly towards the Sun. b. When the northern hemisphere receives the most direct sunlight c. When the northern hemisphere goes from being towards the Sun to being tipped slightly away from the Sun. d. When the northern hemisphere receives its least direct sunlight.


Which of the following is correct? a. The Earth orbits (goes around) the Sun and the Sun orbits around the center of our Galaxy. b. The Earth orbits (goes around) the Sun and the Sun is not moving.


Which of the following is the smallest? a. The diameter of a typical planet. b. One astronomical unit c. One light-year d. The diameter of the Sun


Which of the following statements is correct? a. Distances in the Universe are so large that it takes light several years to travel from one object to another and as a result we see objects as they were in the past. b. The Universe is extremely large and we will one day discover its true size.


Which of the following statements is correct? a. The number of years humans have been in existence is very small compared to the age of the universe. b. The number of years humans have been in existence is around half the age of the universe.


Why do all stars, solar system planets and the Sun rise in the eastern sky and set in the western sky? a. Because the Earth spins on its rotation axis from west to east. b. Because Earth orbits around the Sun counter-clockwise (as seen from above) once a year c. Because the Earth spins on its rotation axis form east to west. d. Because the sky spins around the stationary Earth from east to west. e. Because the sky spins around a stationary Earth from west to east. f. Because the Earth orbits around the Sun clockwise (as seen from above) once a year


A television advertisement claiming that a product is light-years ahead of its time does not make sense because a. It does not specify the number of light-years. b. It uses "light-years" to talk about time, instead of distance. c. Light-years can only be used in connection with light. d. A light-year is an astronomically large unit, so a product could not possibly be so advanced.


Based on observations of the expansion of the universe, the age of the universe is a. 14 million years b. 14 billion years c. 14 trillion years d. 14,000 years


Ch 15, Q 27, pg 402 Where are most of the Milky Way's globular clusters found? a. In the disk b. In the halo c. In the bulge


Could we see a galaxy that is 50 billion light-years away? a. No, because a galaxy could not possibly be that far away. b. No, because it would be beyond the bounds of our observable universe. c. Yes, if we had a big enough telescope.


During the northern hemisphere summer, the Sun sets a. North of east b. North of west c. South of east d. South of west


How many constellations are there? a. 8 b. 88 c. 110 d. 30


If the Sun is just barely above the horizon and is due east, a. Its setting in the spring equinox b. Its rising in either the spring or fall equinox c. Its setting in the winter solstice d. Its rising in the summer solstice


If the Sun rises precisely due east a. You must be located at Earth's equator b. It must be the day of either the March or the September equinox c. It must be the day of the June solstice


Imagine a planet orbiting around a Sun, whose hours of daylight and darkness are equal all through its year. Which of the following conclusions could you reach about this planet? a. The planet experiences seasons over one orbital period. b. The planet's rotation axis is perpendicular to its orbital plane (tilt-0 degrees). c. The planet's rotation is aligned with its orbital plane (tilt=90 degrees).


The Sun is a Star. This means that a. It shines because light reflects off its surface. b. It shines because it gives off its own light.


The time period of one year corresponds to a. How long the Earth takes to spin once on its rotation axis. b. How long the Earth takes to travel once around the Sun. c. How long the sun takes to travel once around the center of our Milky Way Galaxy.


The total number of stars in the observable universe is roughly equivalent to a. The number of grains of sand on Miami Beach b. The number of grains of sand on all the beaches on Earth c. Infinity


What is meant by the horizon? a. It is the path that the Sun travels through the sky in one year. b. It is the boundary between Earth and sky. c. It is the imaginary half-circle that goes from due north through zenith through due south


When the Sun is highest in the sky at Joliet, IL, to see it you would have face a. North b. South c. East d. West


Where is our solar system located within the Milky Way Galaxy? a. Very near the center of the galaxy b. Roughly halfway between the center and the edge of the visible disk of the galaxy c. At the far edge of the galaxy's visible disk d. In the halo of the galaxy


Which of the following is the largest? a. The diameter of a solar system b. Diameter of the Milky Way Galaxy's disk c. The distance from Earth to Alpha Centuria (4.4 ly) d. The thickness of the Milky Way Galaxy's disk


Which of the following is the largest? a. the diameter of a solar system - approximately 400 AU b. diameter of the Milky Way galaxy's disk - 100,000 ly c. the distance from Earth to Alpha Centauri (4.4 ly) d. the thickness of the Milky Way galaxy's disk - 1000 ly


Your shadow at noon is longest on which of the following days? a. Fall equinox b. Winter solstice c. Spring equinox d. Summer solstice


Your shadow at noon is longest on which of the following days? a. Spring equinox b. Winter solstice c. Fall equinox d. Summer solstice


An astronomical unit is a. Any large astronomical distance b. Any planet's average distance from the Sun c. Earth's average distance from the Sun


Based on observations of the expansion of the universe, the age of the universe is a. 14 million years b. 14 trillion years c. 14 billion years d. 14,000 years


Ch 1, Q 23, pg 22 Which of the following correctly list our "cosmic address" form small to large? a. Earth, solar system, Local Group, Local Supercluster, Milky Way Galaxy, universe b. Earth, Milky Way Galaxy, solar system, Local Group, Local Supercluster, universe c. Earth, solar system, Milky Way Galaxy, Local Group, Local Supercluster, universe


During the northern hemisphere winter, the Sun rises a. Due west b. North of west c. South of east d. Due east e. North of east f. South of west


Each day the Sun travels from the eastern sky to the western sky. The Sun is highest in the sky at a. Sunset b. Sunrise c. Noon


In Joliet, IL we experience the maximum number of daylight hours on a. September 21 b. December 1 c. June 21 d. March 21


The star Betelgeuse is about 600 light years away. If it explodes tonight a. We'll know because it will be brighter than the full Moon in the sky b. We'll know because debris from the explosion will rain down on us from space c. We won't know about it until about 600 years from now.


The word meridian refers to a. The circle that a star traces as it completes one rotation on the celestial sphere b. The point directly overhead at your location c. The imaginary half-circle that joins north, the overhead point and south at your location


When is the Sun highest in the sky at noon? a. March 21 b. December 21 c. June 21 d. September 21


Which of the following is the smallest? a. One astronomical unit b. One light year c. The diameter of a typical planet d. The diameter of the sun


Why do all stars, solar system planets and the Sun rise in the eastern sky and set in the western sky? a. Because the Earth orbits around the Sun counter-clockwise (as seen from above) once a year b. Because the sky spins around a stationary Earth from east to west c. Because the Earth spins on it rotation axis from west to east. d. Because the sky spins around the stationary Earth from west to east e. Because the Earth spins on its rotation axis from east to west. f. Because the Earth orbits around the Sun clockwise (as seen from above) once a year


Your shadow is shortest at a. Sunrise of the autumnal equinox b. Sunset on the summer solstice c. Noon on the summer solstice d. Noon on the winter solstice e. Sunrise on the winter solstice f. Sunset on the vernal equinox g. Noon on the equinoxes


How many constellations are there? a. 110 b. 30 c. 8 d. 88


Suppose we imagine the Sun to be about the size of a grapefruit in a scale model of the solar system. How far away is Alpha Centauri from the Sun in this model? a. 25,000 miles b. 2.5 miles c. 250 miles d. 2500 miles e. The length of a football field


Suppose we imagine the Sun to be about the size of a grapefruit in a scale model of the solar system. Which of the following best describes the size and distance of Earth on the same scale? a. Earth is the size of a golf ball about 1 meter away from the Sun. b. Earth is the size of a golf ball about 15 meters away from the Sun. c. Earth is the size of a marble about 25 miles away from the Sun. d. Earth is the size of a pinhead about 15 meters away from the Sun. e. Earth is the size of a pinhead about 1 meter away from the Sun.


Supposed we imagine the Sun to be about the size of a grapefruit in a scale model of the solar system. How far away is Alpha Centauri from the Sun in this model? a. 250 miles b. 25,000 miles c. 2.5 miles d. 2500 miles e. The length of a football field


What is meant by the ecliptic? a. It is the group of constellations Earth's Moon appears to travel through over the course of one year. b. It is the apparent path of Earth's moon in the sky over the course of one year. c. It is the group of constellations the Sun appears to travel through over the course of one year. d. It is the apparent path of the Sun in the sky over the course of one year.


What is the zodiac? a. It is the apparent path of Earth's moon in the sky over the course of one year. b. It is the apparent path of the Sun in the sky over the course of one year. c. It is the group of constellations Earth's Moon appears to travel through over the course of one year d. It is the group of constellations the Sun appears to travel through over the course of one year.


When the Earth is farthest from the Sun, what season is it in the southern hemisphere and northern hemisphere? a. Fall and spring b. Winter and summer c. Spring and fall d. Summer and winter


When the Earth is farthest from the Sun, what season is it in the southern hemisphere and northern hemisphere? a. Spring and fall b. Summer and winter c. Fall and spring d. Winter and summer


When the Sun is highest in the sky at Joliet, IL to see it you would have to face a. Directly overhead b. East c. North d. South e. West


Suppose we imagine the Sun to be about the size of a grapefruit in a scale model of the solar system. Which of the following best describes the size and distance of Earth on the same scale? a. Earth is the size of a golf ball about 15 meters away from the Sun. b. Earth is the size of a golf ball about 1 meter away from the Sun. c. Earth is the size of a marble about 25 miles away from the Sun. d. Earth is the size of a pinhead about 1 meter away from the Sun. e. Earth is the size of a pinhead about 15 meters away from the Sun.


If the Sun is in the east, it is a. Setting on either the spring or fall equinox b. Setting t the spring equinox c. Rising in the summer d. Setting in the summer e. Rising at the fall equinox f. Rising on either the spring or fall equinox g. Rising in the winter h. Rising at the spring equinox i. Setting at the fall equinox j. Setting in the winter


In the norther hemisphere, March 21 marks the day a. When the sun is lowest in the sky at noon for the entire year b. Of the autumnal equinox c. When the sun is highest in the sky at noon for the entire year d. Of winter solstice e. Of summer solstice f. Of the spring equinox


If the Sun is in the south-west, it is a. Rising at the spring equinox b. Setting at the spring equinox c. Rising in summer d. Rising in winter e. Setting at the fall equinox f. Rising at the fall equinox g. Setting in winter


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