Attributes of God Quiz 9

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Humans: Humans are fallen, spiritually dead, and are and of themselves

Are not righteous

What are the 3 ways that God shows His goodness to His creation and His children

1.) He gives them wonderful things that they do not deserve (grace) 2.) He withholds horrible things that they do deserve (mercy) 3.) He delays in bringing His anger and swift judgement against them (patience)

Application to believers: 1. We are to .... (righteous) only through Christ alone and growing in Him daily 2. We are to ... in our actions, developing good works and a Christ like life, through showing love, grace, mercy, and patience to others (both the lost and the saved) 3. Goodness is a ..... (will grow in you over time spent maturing in Christ appropriately)

Be good Be good Fruit of the Spirit

Goodness ..... righteousness


Application to humans: God gives His creation ...... this is the grace of God by which He gives people innumerable good gifts that are not part of salvation. The word common here means something this is common to all people and is not restricted to believers only. In essence, God continues to give blessings to sinners who deserve only death (the term blessings, here, does not directly correlate to God blessing someone in return for good deeds, its simply being used as a synonym for good gifts)

Common grace

Common grace vs Saving grace

Common grace: people that are unbelievers get this grace and live in the world, NOT A BLESSING Saving grace: the grace that saves Christians from sin (we don't deserve heaven)

Application to humans: 1. God shows .... mercy to ALL by not exacting swift punishment for humanity's sinful state 2. God shows ... mercy ONLY to those who repent and follow Him through receiving Christ

Daily Final

What is grace

Getting what we don't deserve (heaven)

Application to humans: 1. According to Romans 3:10, humans are not "..." (as in righteous or "worthy of approval") without Christ 2. Humans are to treat other within the bounds of ...., with governmentally condoned, law abiding behavior 3. Goodness is a ...(fully growing only in those WITH the Spirit)

Good Human decency Fruit of the Spirit

What attribute is this definition God is the final standard of good, and all that God is and does is worthy of approval


What attribute is this key verse Psalm 34:8 "O taste and see that the LORD is good!"


What attribute is this key verse Romans 3:23-24 "Since all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, they are justified by His grace as a gift, through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus."


What definition is this attribute The ... of God is God's goodness towards those who deserve only punishment. In essence, ... is unmerited favor freely given by God to those who do not deserve this favor but rather judgement


Goodness leads to what other 3 attributes

Grace, mercy, and patience

The righteousness of God has to do with

His holy character

Goodness ... grace, mercy, and patience


What attribute is this definition The ... of God is God's goodness towards those in the misery and distress of their fallen, sinful state. God's ... is what withholds these horrible things we deserve: death and hell.


What attribute is this key verse 2 Corinthians 1:3 "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort."


Believers: 1.) Christians are Christ and are made ... by Christ's blood 2.) Christians grow to be more holy/right in their conduct as they grow in Christ (what process is this?) ....but that will not ever replace the fact that we are righteous only because of what

New creations Righteous Sanctification Christ's blood

What is mercy

Not getting what we do deserve (hell)

The righteousness of man has to do with being in .... with God, counted righteous only in ... , and then growing in holiness thereafter

Right standing Jesus' blood

What attribute is the key verse Romans 3:26 "{Christ's sacrifice for us} was to show God's righteousness, because in His divine forbearance He has passed over former sins. It was to show His righteousness at the present time, so that He might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus."


What attribute is this definition God always acts in accordance with what is right and is Himself the final standard of what is right


Goodness comes from another attribute...

Righteousness, in that God is always good, approved, and right

Application to Believers: 1. We receive mercy from God at ... (sparing us from the sinful condition) 2. We receive mercy from God in this abundant life we live in ... (sparing us from the snares of lost, sinful patterns of life and their consequences) 3. We receive mercy from God in ... (sparing us from the wrath of hell) 4. We are to show mercy to others as well

Salvation Christ Death

Application to believers: 1. the grace of God by which He brings people salvation. This comes at the cost of Christ's death on the cross and blood to pay for sins. It is made known to men through the work of the Holy Spirit in men's hearts (regeneration), involving the conviction of sin, the opening of our eyes to the truths of Scripture, and the realization of a personal need for Christ. 2. Believers are then to ...... to others (by speech, forgiveness, kindness, being tender hearted)

Saving grace Show grace

What is the illustration of worth

Travelers insurance (and the "red umbrella") Red umbrellas are covered by Christ's blood and righteousness

Grace is ....


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