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A.R Ball

"Authority is the recognition of the rights to rule without limited power obtained by the leader."


"It refers to the leader's ability to gain loyalty."

According to Karl Marx

"Political power as an instrument for elite groups to maintain their influence and using power to rule other group of people."

According to Max Weber:

"Power as a tool for individual or a group of human to achieve their objectives even though their behaviors involves with violence or coercion."

David Bentham proposed that power could only be said to be legitimate if 3 conditions are fulfilled:

(a) Power must be exercised according to established rules (b) These rules must be justified in terms of the shared beliefs of the government and the governed (c) Legitimacy must be demonstrated by the expression of consent on the part of the governed.

traditional authority

Based on ancient customs or traditions or conventions. They closely tied up with hereditary systems of power and privilege.

Legal-rational Authority

Based upon acceptance of publicly articulated, society-wide rules and regulations issued by duly authorized public officials. Hold any position according to the legal procedures.

Force: The Coercive Power

Force is probably the most recognizable source of easily power. Extremely successful in making individuals do what one wants. The follower's belief that the leader has the power to compliance.

Popular Support: The Referent Power

Popular support minimizes the need to use coercive power or reward power to obtain compliance to the decision of the government. Known as referent power, it is based on the followers' identification with the leader.


a person or organization that is strong or influential within a particular context


authority is attached to these positions.


closely associated with power: this is formal or legal as distinguished from personal power.


the right of king or queen towards the kingship because it is based on the legitimate birth or legitimate child from legitimate birth.


the set of patterned expectations about behavior that the members of society attach to a position in an institution.

methods of achieving legitimacy

• A government may achieve legitimacy by existing a long time • A government may also gain legitimacy by governing justly, fairly and well taking into consideration the welfare of all citizens • The structure of government can also contribute to its legitimacy • A government can gain legitimacy by the manipulation of national symbols such as the national flag, historic monuments, national day parades and emotional speeches.

French and Raven (1959) identify five sources power that give rise to five types of power:

1. Force: The Coercive Power 2. Wealth: The Reward Power 3. Expertise: The Expert Power 4. Position: The Legitimate Power 5. Popular Support: The Referent Power

There are 6 factors why the power is very important

1. Power is an instrument for individual to achieve objectives or aims. 2.Power is the tool for the leader to gain support from the people as to implement certain policy. 3. Power can be considered as a guarantee for the leader to convince people. 4. Power symbolizes strength and influence. Only those individual with freedom of power able to do whatever they want. 5. Power ensures the government administration run smoothly. 6. Power ensures there is peace and surveillance in the country.

According from Max Weber, there are three types or sources of authority:

1. Traditional Authority 2.Charismatic Authority Legal-rational Authority

Rogow & Lasswell (1963)

Authority can be defined as the legitimate (conforming to establish rules and procedures) exercise of power. It is power assigned to a position by the popularly accepted ground rules for the operation of the political system.

how a leader gains authority

Authority comes with the office or position one holds • An official structure provides authority to a leader • Authority is derived from ancient customs or traditions or conventions • Authority is gained through the laws of the land • Knowledge or expertise in a particular field


Influence is related with power, authority and legitimacy

2 types that is involved in the concept of authority:

Position and roles

Position: The Legitimate Power

Position in organization is one of the surest avenues to power. Known as legitimate power, it is based on the follower's belief that the power-holder has a right to influence him and he has an obligation to follow.

Charismatic Authority

Refers to people's following a leader because they believe that he or she has extraordinary personal qualities that command their obedience.

What do you think will happen if the leaders in our government doesn't have power?

Without power, it would be impossible for the government to maintain law and order to pursue policies for social, economic and political development of the country.


known as rightfulness


the capacity or ability to direct or influence the behavior of others or the course of events

Wealth: The Reward Power

• Wealth is well recognized as an effective source of power and influence for those who possess it. • Political sociology - 'patron-clientelism'. This is known as reward power and it is based on the follower's belief that the leader has resources - benefits that will help the follower in reaching his goals and meet his goals.

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