B-29 / Supervision of Battery Systems

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Avoid activities that increase chances of ____ in the vicinity of batteries.


Which type of inspection should check for squeaking, belt slipping, loud noises and any alarms or alerts?


Battery systems installed in a separate equipment room should be accessible only to who?

Authorized personnel.

A certified individual has official, authorized training given by a company or entity. Certification ensures you are tested and qualified to do specialized work. You may or may not have the necessary experience, but you are ____ based on examination.


A trained individual has been taught or is knowledgeable in a specific area or field, and may have some experience, but may not be ____ to perform their specific trade or work.


Which structure is commonly made of steel with an acid-resistive component and is used to support a group of cells?

Battery rack.

In battery systems there are multiple ____ in order to provide enough voltage and energy for the entire load.


Keys to the battery room shall be readily available in the ____ or front desk of the building.

Control room.

UPS systems provide ____ to a load for a short period of time in the event of a power failure.


What is the flow of electricity within each battery cell?


How often is a visual inspection required?


What is the constant potential charge applied to a battery to maintain a fully charged condition while minimizing degradation or water consumption?

Float charge.

High voltage electricity can cause fires, explosions, electrical burns and ____ burns.

High temperature.

What does the negative electrode generate during overcharge in a lead-acid battery?

Hydrogen gas.

What is the positive electrode is made of in a lead-acid battery?

Lead oxide.

What does the negative electrode form on discharge in a lead-acid battery?

Lead sulfate.

Which storage battery generates electrical current via lithium-ions embedded in a graphite or nickel metal-oxide substrate placed in a thick carbonate mixture or gelled polymer electrolyte?


What do antimony-alloyed plates provide?

Longer life.

UPS systems are backups to the ____.

Main power grid.

A qualified ____ should be notified of any irregular situations observed by the COF holder.

Maintenance company.

Housekeeping, inspection and prevention of obstructions to ensure egress are examples of a COF holder's ____ duties.


Avoid wearing ____ objects when working on batteries.


Which non-recombinant, alkaline storage battery contains nickel oxide as the positive material, cadmium as the negative material and potassium hydroxide as the electrolyte?

Nickel cadmium (Ni-Cd).

Does a B-29 COF authorize the holder to conduct repairs on a battery system?


The battery system, central panel and hydrogen detectors should not emit ____.


In which storage battery is hydrogen and oxygen gas, created by electrolysis, vented into the air?


Prohibit smoking and ____ near batteries.

Open flames.

Record-keeping, signage posting, smoking prohibition and neutralization are examples of a COF holder's ____ duties.


What does the positive electrode generate during overcharge in a lead-acid battery?

Oxygen gas.

Lithium batteries are a greater potential danger because if ignited, the lithium reacts with oxygen to produce more ____. This essentially adds fuel to the fire.


Every battery has a metallic positive and negative ____.


When a rechargeable battery is being charged, the charges are reversed on the ____.


What is the capacity assigned to a cell by its manufacturer for a given discharge rate?

Rated capacity (lead-acid).

In which storage battery is hydrogen and oxygen gas, created by electrolysis, converted into water inside the battery?


Lead-acid, nickel-cadmium and other non-recombinant batteries shall be provided with ____.

Safety venting caps.

Use caution when working on batteries, as they represent a ____ hazard.


In case of an emergency, there should be a ____ switch/valve/control panel located outside of the battery room.


What is the ability to deliver power to the load for a specified amount of time, measured in volt-amps (VA)?

UPS system capacity.

What can provide alternating current power to a load for a period of time in the event of a power failure?

Uninterruptible power supply (UPS).

What is a UPS?

Uninterruptible power supply.

Which batteries contain liquid electrolyte that is immobilized in the cell in an absorptive glass mat by the addition of a gelling agent?

Valve-regulated lead-acid (VRLA).

Which batteries contain sealed cells furnished with valves that open when the internal pressure exceeds the ambient pressure?

Valve-regulated lead-acid (VRLA).

Which batteries contain cells with electrodes immersed in liquid electrolyte?

Vented (flooded) lead-acid.

Which batteries have a provision for the user to add water to the cell?

Vented (flooded) lead-acid.

Which batteries have cells equipped with flame-arresting vents that allow gas to escape so that a spark outside the cell cannot ignite gas inside the cell?

Vented (flooded) lead-acid.

Operating temperatures that become too hot are likely to cause what five conditions?

(1) Accelerated corrosion of the positive electrode. (2) Self-discharge. (3) Increase in float current. (4) Increase in amount of oxygen recombined. (recombinant only) (5) Thermal runaway. (VRLA only)

What are three odor signs of battery system hazards?

(1) Acidic odor. (2) Burning odor. (3) Smoke odor.

What six things should be within required levels in battery systems?

(1) Ambient temperature. (2) Humidity. (3) Space between batteries. (4) Ventilation. (5) Battery rack support. (6) Gas levels.

What three actions should be performed after an electrolyte spill?

(1) Containment. (2) Absorption. (3) Neutralization.

What five things should you look for during a visual battery system inspection?

(1) Fire. (2) Explosion. (3) Acid/electrolyte spills. (4) Warning signs/alarms. (5) Abnormal venting of gas.

The onset of what two things are determined by charge and float voltage in batteries?

(1) Gassing. (2) Venting.

The emergency protocol should include information on which three things?

(1) Hazardous material liaison. (2) Fire command center. (3) Shut down procedures.

What are five hazards associated with battery systems?

(1) High voltage electricity. (2) Acid burns. (3) Explosion. (4) Gas release. (5) Hydrogen gas.

What four actions should the COF holder take immediately after a battery spill?

(1) Notify the FDNY. (2) Contain the spill with absorbent. (3) Guide FDNY to neutralizing agent. (4) Notify the service company.

What are the two life-limiting factors of batteries?

(1) Temperature. (2) Charge.

List two types of non-recombinant batteries.

(1) Vented (flooded) lead-acid. (2) Nickel cadmium (Ni-Cd).

What are the two types of lead-acid batteries?

(1) Vented (flooded) lead-acid. (2) Valve-regulated lead-acid (VRLA).

What three unusual signs should a COF holder look for when quick-checking the battery system?

(1) Visual. (2) Audible. (3) Auditory.

Cabinet ventilation shall be designed to limit the maximum concentration of hydrogen to ____% of the total volume of the cabinet.


One AA Battery has how many cells?


Ventilation systems shall be designed to limit the maximum concentration of hydrogen to ____% of the total volume of the room.


The cabinet and the room shall be continuously ventilated at a rate of not less than ____ per minute per square foot of floor area covered by the cabinet.

1 cubic foot.

Continuous ventilation shall be provided at a minimum rate of ____ per minute per square foot of floor area.

1 cubit foot.

How many flame arrestors can be cleaned in a bucket of water before the water needs to be changed?


Battery-charging areas must be equipped with a 4-A:20-B:C rated PFE within ____ feet of the battery charger.


Lead antimony batteries should not be stored longer than ____ without receiving a freshening charge.

3 months.

Record-keeping of battery system conditions should be maintained for ____.

3 years.

Recombinant battery safety methods must be capable of neutralizing a spill of ____.

3% of the capacity of the largest cell.

Portable fire extinguishers weighing more than 40 lbs must be installed so that the top of the extinguisher is not more than ____ above the floor.

3.5 feet

The clearance between the bottom of the fire extinguisher and the floor must not be less than ____.

4 inches.

A sufficient quantity of neutralizing or absorbing agents shall be provided wherever more than ____ gallons of corrosive liquids are stored, handled or used.

5 (19 L)

In terms of battery spills, safe pH levels are between ____.

5 - 9

Portable fire extinguishers weighing 40 lbs or less must be installed so that the top of the extinguisher is not more than ____ above the floor.

5 feet.

Typical battery lifetimes are ____ cycles.

500 - 1,200

NFPA 704 diamond signs are required in battery areas with ____ gallons or more of corrosive material.


Lead calcium batteries should not be stored longer than ____ without receiving a freshening charge.

6 months.

The ageing process usually abides by a constant rate, so a cell whose capacity has fallen to 80% after 1,000 cycles will probably have a capacity of ____% after 2,000 cycles.


The ideal ambient temperature for batteries is between ____.

72° - 78°F

Battery cycle life is defined as the number of complete charge-discharge cycles a battery can perform before its nominal capacity falls below ____% of its initial rated capacity.


Once a battery reaches the end of its cycle life, it will not recharge to more than ____% of its initial rated capacity.


What do calcium-alloyed plates provide?

8x less water consumption.

Battery ventilation systems will emit noise, but there should be no ____ noise from the ducts or fans.


Electrolyte overcharge, battery shorts and excess dirt and debris are all possible causes of what?

An explosion.

What may occur if safety vents fail due to accumulation of dirt and debris?

An explosion.

How often should maintenance by a qualified service company be conducted on battery systems?


Practical cells are not made with pure lead. What do they have alloyed in the plate material?

Antimony or calcium.

A high rate charge for 60 hours is an example of ____.

Boost charge.

____ is an overcharge of arbitrary length .

Boost charge.

Battery location, areas serviced, shut-down switch location, etc. can be found under the hazardous materials section of the ____.

Building information cards (BIC).

Is antimony or calcium-alloyed plates preferred in practical cells?

Calcium-alloyed plates.

In case of a fire emergency or serious safety condition, you are to do what?

Call 911 (FDNY).

What is a controlled constant current or constant power discharge of a battery to a specified terminal voltage?

Capacity test.

____ tests should be completed for new or replacement valve-regulated lead-acid (VRLA) batteries.


What is a single connection between the plates and electrolyte which produces a specific voltage?


Battery location should be selected to keep water, oil and dirt away from ____.


Clean, cool and dry describes the environment required for what?


Mechanical ventilation systems shall be supervised by an approved ____, or they must initiate an audible and visual signal at a constantly attended on-site location.

Central station.

What is the facility that receives alarm signals and reports such signals to the FDNY?

Central station.

UPS system batteries are rechargeable and cycle between ____.

Charging and discharging.

High temperature conditions for batteries may require more frequent ____.


What is the special key which operates elevator emergency recall and emergency in-service operation switches?

Citywide standard key (2642 key).

Charge and float voltage maintain capacity and minimize electrode ____.


The premises should be inspected ____ for signs of battery failure, hazards and safety risks.


The recommended method for containment of battery spills is ____ with absorbent materials.


Hazard signage, safety precautions, instructions, shut-off switch locations, etc. is recommended to be posted on ____.

Doors and cabinets.

A log book on the battery systems should be kept daily and during ____.

Each shift.

Portable fire extinguishers should only be used when there is an available means of ____ that is clear of fire.


Signs and diagrams of the system must be posted at conspicuous locations indicating hazards, safety protection systems and ____.


Verify unobstructed ____ to and from battery areas.


Using electricity to start a chemical reaction is called ____.


What is the chemical medium that allows the flow of electrical charge between the cathode (electrodes) and anode (plates)?


Buildings with UPS systems are better prepared than buildings with ____ only.

Emergency generators.

Which charge ensures complete restoration of the active materials in all the plates of the cells, as found after discharge?

Equalize charge.

____ is an extended charge to a measured end point.

Equalize charge.

The difference between "trained" and "certified" is the legitimacy and documentation of an individual's ____.


What secondary contact should be posted near phones in case of an emergency?

FDNY Borough Communication Office.

The older the battery, the faster it ____, which includes faster release of its flammable gases.


Flame arrestors are equipped with ____ by which water can be added.

Filling funnels.

What is the main location where alarm detection status, communications and control systems is displayed?

Fire command center.

Every premises where battery systems are installed and operated must have a ____ and evacuation plan.

Fire safety.

Valve-regulated lead-acid (VRLA) and other recombinant batteries shall be equipped with self-resealing, ____ safety vents.


For which batteries can electrolyte spills occur at any time during their life?


Spill control and neutralization methods are required for batteries containing ____.

Free-flowing liquid electrolyte.

Which charge is sometimes referred to as initial charge since it includes initial charging of dry charged (wet) cells?

Freshening charge.

____ is a charge given to a battery following non-use, storage or installation.

Freshening charge.

Batteries should be maintained in a ____ state in order to optimize battery performance and life expectancy.

Fully charged.

Stationary storage battery systems with an electrolyte capacity of more than 50 gallons or 1,000 pounds, depending on battery type, must be under the ____ supervision of a B-29 COF holder.


Stationary storage battery systems require proper ventilation to prevent the accumulation of ____ in the battery room, particularly at the ceiling.

Hydrogen and other gas.

If flow rate for ventilation is less than 1 cubic foot per minute per square foot of floor area, ____ will accumulate to hazardous levels.


Which portable detector should be used when inspecting the battery room if there is not a permanent one installed?


A battery fire is practically ____ to extinguish.


Batteries shall not be stored ____ except during installation of the system.


Unlike generators, UPS battery systems activate ____ so there is no lapse in power.


What does antimony or calcium-alloyed plate material do for practical cells?

It adds strength and simplifies manufacture.

What does a lower temperature do to a battery?

It decreases capacity, but may not affect life expectancy.

Why is it tough to detect hydrogen gas?

It has no odor.

What does a higher temperature do to a battery?

It increases capacity, but decreases life expectancy.

What does over/undercharging do to a battery?

It increases corrosion and decreases life expectancy.

What is a container that houses a cell or group of cells?


The FDNY may require that keys be kept in a ____ installed in an approved location.

Key box.

What is the secure device with a lock operable only by a citywide standard key or other approved key?

Key box.

Batteries capture energy produced at one time for use at a ____.

Later time.

What does the positive electrode form on discharge in a lead-acid battery?

Lead sulfate.

Which storage battery generates electrical current via the interaction between lithiated positive material electrically separated from metallic lithium or lithiated negative material, and non-aqueous liquid or polymerized electrolytes?

Lithium metal polymer.

____ is a measure of the amount of load being withdrawn from the battery.

Load testing.

Which charge is performed only if reasonable mixing or diffusion is not expected?

Mixing charge.

____ is a charge given after adding an appreciable amount of water.

Mixing charge.

Lithium-ion and lithium metal polymer batteries shall not require ____.


Exercise care when cleaning heavy corrosion as to not remove the ____ on the connectors, terminal or lugs, thereby exposing copper.


What do battery currents flow between?

Positive and negative electrodes.

Buildings with a UPS system but no emergency generator will lack ____ if the UPS system fully discharges.


Battery systems may be installed in the same room as the equipment to which they ____.

Provide power.

What is the negative electrode made of in a lead-acid battery?

Pure sponge lead.

What do braced battery systems protect against?

Seismic events.

Which procedure tests a battery's capability, in an "as-found" condition, to satisfy the battery duty cycle?

Service test.

All rooms containing stationary battery systems require ____ detectors.


Adequate ____ for each cell is highly recommended for accessibility.


What is the density of one liquid compared to the density of water?

Specific gravity (SG).

Batteries with immobilized electrolyte do not require ____.

Spill control.

Battery pallets should never be ____.


Which battery can be restored to a fully charged condition by reversing the flow of the electric current after discharge?

Stationary storage battery.

Excessive storage times may result in plate ____, which may adversely affect electrical performance and expected life.


A maintenance ____ should be kept for battery systems.

Summary sheet.

Batteries being stored before use should be in a clean, cool and dry location away from ____.


What are the electrical contacts used to connect a load to a single cell or multiple-cell battery?


The final decision regarding a battery system shutdown during an emergency will be made by ____.


Who must know the location of UPS battery systems in their building and who is responsible for each?

The building manager.

Valve-regulated lead-acid (VRLA) and lithium metal polymer battery systems shall be provided with the means to detect and control ____.

Thermal runaway.

What occurs when a battery's temperature increases as a result of heat being generated more quickly than it is released?

Thermal runaway.

Non-recombinant battery safety methods must be capable of neutralizing a spill of the ____.

Total capacity from the largest cell.

Never ____ the batteries.


Which battery casing allows for visual, internal inspection?


____ is a charge given to a battery with no external load connected to it in order to maintain the battery in a fully charged condition.

Trickle charge.

True or False? Cleaning and neutralizing agents should not be used when cleaning flame arrestors in water.


True or False? The B-29 COF does not qualify the holder to contain, absorb, or neutralize hazardous materials.


Floor anchoring and its design are the responsibility of the ____.


List one type of recombinant battery.

Valve-regulated lead-acid (VRLA).

Detection systems for battery monitoring should not be used as a substitute for which type of inspection?


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