BA 317 Chapter 10

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a systematic means of collecting information from people that generally uses a questionnaire

qualitative research

informal research methods, including observation, following social media sites, in-depth interviews, focus groups, and projective techniques

panel data

information collected from a group of consumers


a group of customers who represent the customers of interest in a research study

Focus Groups Interviews

a research technique in which a small group of people come together for an intensive discussion about a particular topic, with the conversation guided by a trained moderator using an unstructured method of inquiry

Marketing Research

a set of techniques and principles for systematically collecting, recording, analyzing, and interpreting data that can aid decision makers involved in marketing goods, services, or ideas

sentiment mining

data gathered by evaluating customer comments posted through social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter

big data

data sets too large and complex to work with typical database management tools

Types of quantitative research

experiments, survey, scanner, panel

Primary data include external as well as internal data sources. true false


Unstructured questions are closed-ended questions for which a discrete set of response alternatives, or specific answers, is provided for respondents to evaluate. true false


___________ is a research technique in which a small group of persons come together for an intensive discussion about a particular topic, with the conversation guided by a trained moderator using an unstructured method of inquiry. sentiment mining syndicated data focus group interview survey

focus group interview

Inexpensive External Secondary Data

-Some sources of external data can be quickly accessed at a relatively low cost. -Often, however, inexpensive data sources are not adequate to meet researchers' needs. Because the data initially were acquired for some purpose other than the research question at hand, they may not be completely relevant or timely. -The U.S. Census is a great source of demographic data about a particular market area, and it can be easily accessed at a low cost. However, the data are collected only at the beginning of every decade, so they quickly become outdated. -Researchers must also pay close attention to how other sources of inexpensive secondary data were collected. Despite the great deal of data available on the Internet, easy access does not ensure that the data are trustworthy.

the marketing research process

1. Define the objectives and research needs 2. Design the research 3. Data collection process 4. Analyzing data and developing insights 5. Action plan and implementation

focus group interview

A research technique in which a small group of persons (usually 8 to 12) comes together for an intensive discussion about a particular topic, with the conversation guided by a trained moderator using an unstructured method of inquiry.

experimental research

A type of conclusive and quantitative research that systematically manipulates one or more variables to determine which variables have a causal effect on another variable.

experimental research (experiment)

A type of conclusive and quantitative research that systematically manipulates one or more variables to determine which variables have a causal effect on another variable.

what are the advantages and disadvantages of secondary research?

Advantages- ease of access - low cost - time saving - larger sample size - easily accessible disadvantages- not specific to your needs - lack of control of data quality - bias - not timely

what are the advantages and disadvantages of primary research?

Advantages- resolves specific research issues - better accuracy - higher level of control - info is up to date - you are the owner of the info disadvantages- expensive - time consuming - can have a lot of limitations - not always possible

what challenges do technological advances pose for the ethics of marketing research?

As technology continues to advance to advance though, the potential threats to consumers' personal information grow in number and intensity.

syndicated data

Data available for a fee from commercial research firms such as Information Resources Inc. (IRI), National Purchase Diary Panel, and ACNielsen.

what is the difference between data and information?

Data is raw, unorganized facts that need to be processed while information is organized, analyzed, interpreted data that offer value to marketers

what is the difference between internal and external secondary research?

Internal secondary data is found inside your organization, while external secondary data is information collected and stored by some person or organization outside of your organization

Under what circumstances is it ethical to use consumer information in marketing research?

Many customer demand increasing control over the information that has been collected about them. Companies must disclose their privacy practices to customers before using information.


a form that features a set of questions designed to gather information from respondents and thereby accomplish the researchers' objectives; questions can be either unstructured or structured


a form that features a set of questions designed to gather information from respondents and thereby accomplish the researchers' objectives; questions can be either unstructured or structured

scanner data

a type of syndicated external secondary data used in quantitative research that is obtained from scanner readings of UPC codes at check-out counters


an exploratory research method that entails examining purchase and consumption behaviors through personal or video camera scrutiny


an exploratory research method that entails examining purchase and consumption behaviors through personal or video camera scrutiny

in-depth interview

an exploratory research technique in which trained researchers ask questions, listen to and record the answers, and then pose additional questions to clarify or expand on a particular issue

structured questions

closed-ended questions for which a discrete set of response alternatives, or specific answers, is provided for respondents to evaluate

primary data

data collected to address specific research needs

data warehouse

large computer files that store millions and even billions of pieces of individual data

__________ is an exploratory research method that entails examining purchase and consumption behavior through personal or video camera scrunity. observation data warehouse big data scanner data


Types of Qualitative Research

observation, in-depth interviews, focus groups, social media

what are types of qualitative research?

observation, in-depth interviews, focus groups, social media

virtual community

online networks of people who communicate about specific topics

unstructured interview

open-ended questions are asked and respondents are allowed to answer freely, in their own words

unstructured questions

open-ended questions that allow respondents to answer in their own words


organized, analyzed, interpreted data that offer value to marketers

secondary data

pieces of information that have already been collected from other sources and usually are readily available

The purpose of ___________ is to statistically test and confirm insights and hypotheses. all of the above qualitative quantitative none of the above



raw numbers or facts

__________ is/are pieces of information that have already been collected from other sources and usually are readily available. churn sample primary data secondary data

secondary data

facial recognition technology

software that can automatically identify or verify individuals from video or digital images

Quantitative Research

structured responses that can be statistically tested to confirm insights and hypotheses generated via qualitative research or secondary data


the number of consumers who stop using a product or service, divided by the average number of consumers of that product or service


the process of examining consumers' brain patterns to determine their responses to marketing communications, products, or services for the purpose of developing marketing tactics or strategies

data mining

the use of a variety of statistical analysis tools to uncover previously unknown patterns in the data stored in databases or relationships among variables

qualitative research uses broad open ended questions to understand the phenomenon of interest true false


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