BA 3300 Midterm

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Which of the following does Not contribute to the culture of a profession or organization?

Dress standards, Interpersonal relationships, and Communication practices, all of these contribute to the culture of a profession

If you want to assess various aspects of aa company, you would use:

Dun & Bradstreets Million Dollar Directory Standard and Poor's Reegister of Corporations

Which of the following goals is NOT considered by applicants when deciding to accept or decline a position ?


Which of the following would Not be considered a factor in professional socialization?

Enrolling in formal continuing education at least once a year

T/F Networking opportunities rarely present themselves in unexpected places.


T/F Planning and preparing for a career does not really need to begin until just after graduation.


T/F Accepting or declining a job offer affects only your professional development and goals .

False, Family and personal goals are also affected

Formal communication mechanisms, such as protocols for conflict resolution, are usually defined in departmental policy.

False, Formal communication mechanisms are usually organizational policy.

T/F Effective networking can be accomplished using n informal approach.

False, More than informal approach is necessary as careful planning and organization ass to the effectiveness of networking efforts

T/F If an employer makes a verbal job offer, the applicant should accept the offer immediately.

False, it is always good to ask for some time to consider all details of the job offer.

T/F It is best not to negotiate a start date for a position. Instead, raise any issues with the start date after the job has been accepted.

False, negotiating a start date is important, depending on the applicants situation

T/F Professional networking should be limited to professional events.

False, networking for professional reasons can be done anywhere

T/F The strong interest inventory measures aptitude in each interest area.

False, the strong measures interest only

T/F Interest inventory results have little (if any) relationship to career choice.

False, they measure interests as they pertain to career.

T/F Students should not be a part of internship selection and assignment.

False, they should be part to ensure their needs are met as much as possible.

Which of the following statements is true regarding references?

Get permission from individuals before using them as references

An axisting network

Includes individuals from established organizations and businesses

A portfolio that is organized functionally

Is organized by skill area

Which of the following statements is true about building a professional online reputation?

It is important to choose your colleagues wisely

If you are on a cell phone during a telephone interview and have difficulty hearing the employer, the MOST appropriate action to take speak louder.

Let the employer know you are having trouble hearing and asking if he or she can hear you

Which of the following is a disadvantage of using a hard copy portfolio?

May be seen as outdated in highly technical fields

Which of the following statements is true regarding cover letters?

Mention of a referral should be made in the opening paragraph

Which of the following guidelines a job candidate can utilize to demonstrate good manners is true?

Never renege on an agreement you make with a company

What is a traditional interview?

One on one with HR or hiring manager. "Skills based" Generally broad and open ended

Willingness to learn, professionalism, and loyalty are examples of:

Personal Values

Your supervisor, experts in your field, and your professional organization are examples of::

Professional authority

Which of the following statements is NOT a recommended perspective on rejection during the job search?

Put the experience behind you and don't think about it.

The learning or developmental portfolio would be MOST likely to include

Reflections on learning

If a prospective employer asks an applicant what salary he or she expects, the MOST effective response an applicant can make is to:

Request. salary range rather than indicate a desired amount

Conflict between personal and professional values must be resolved by

Rreffering to you professions values and its code of ethics

If during the self assessment process you realize that you are best suited to another profession, the MOST helpful action would be to

Seek the assistance of someone trained in career counceling

What is a Situational interview?

Seek to see how you would respond in behavioral situations

Which of the following is a guideline to facilitate electronic processing of a resume?

Use one of the standard serif or sans serif typefaces

A successful strategy to use during a team interview is to:

make a connection with each interviewer

Which of the following is an advantage of job fairs?

Accès to several companies in one central location

Which of the following statements BEST describes the etiquette for sending an interview thank you note via email?

An email interview thank you is acceptable if followed by a written thank you note


Are required in some fields and optional in others


Are required in some fields and serve as additional credentials that enhance marketability in others

The items included in a portfolio are called ?


T/F A common standard is to dress one step up from the typical daily attire at the organization


T/F An individual can be. overdressed for an interview for certain jobs


T/F Being denied a position can be an opportunity to develop your skills and expand your opportunities.


T/F It is acceptable to contact the Human Resources office to ask what attire is acceptable for an interview.


T/F It is important to prepare well-written resumes, cover letters, and thank you letters as a part of your internships


T/F Personality assessments such as the Myers-Briggs Type indicator, Keirsey Temperament Sorter, and Type Focus can provide information on how you communicate, other information, and make decisions.


What is a behavioral interview?

"Competency based" Character and personality interview asking questions about former behavior.

Which of the following contribute to goals achievements in your career?

- A mentor who can help guide and promote you and your professional pursuits. - Taking leadership role in school - Taking a leadership role outside of school

Explain the difference between technical and transferrable skills.

- Technical - Skills that are necessary to perform specific job tasks - Transferrable- abilities that can be easily transferred to a variety of work settings. Ex: communications, research and planning, human relations, organization, management, leadership, work survival

T/F Professional values may differ from your values.


T/F Some professions require experience in the fields before the first job.


T/F Spouse reemployment expenses can sometimes be part of a relocation benefits package.


T/F Your professional interests can- and should- change over time.


T/F Being declined for a percentage of positions or not being called for an interview is inevitable.


Which of the following is an appropriate source for locating an internship?

Career services office Major/Minor department Networking sources Company websites

Appropriate sources for researching a company include:

Company Website Company's annual report Outside views

According to your text, which of the following is core item to include in your professional portfolio?

Cover letter

Conservative and traditional attire is most commonly recomended for interviews.


Which of the following is not recommended during a phone interview?

Speaking to fill periods of silence

Which of the following may be an industry requirement?

Specifications, Certifications, Continuing education units, all of these (and other depending on the field) can be requirements.

Which of the following is a use for portfolio?

Supporting requests for salary increases Supporting request for promotions Qualifying for bonuses

Which federal department provides information related to hiring trends, projections for demand in various fields, and salary information?

The bear eau of labor statistics (BLS)

Who is ultimately responsible for ensuring required tasks and forms have been completed and for making the internship a beneficial experience?

The student

If you are seeking current technical information specific to your field, your BEST source would be

Your fields professional organization

In order to communicate effectively, you should:

ask engaging, and open-ended questions

When declining a job offer,

decline the offer verbally and send professional letter declining the offer

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