BA 370 Chapter 19 Questions

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The ________ is the primary enforcement agency for mass media advertising.


The primary federal agencies that regulate advertising activities in the United States are the Fed, FEMA, and the FCC.


When businesses support cultural or sporting events, such as the St. Jude Walk/Run to End Childhood Cancer, this is known as cause-related marketing.


________ refers to the process of evaluating and selecting the ________.

Media planning; media mix

________ is a particularly good advertising medium for groceries and fast food.


A television ad showing a crowd holding candles and singing "I'd like to teach the world to sing," followed by the words "Happy Holidays from your Coca-Cola bottler," is an example of reminder advertising.


An advertisement stating "Buy now: no money down" is a persuasive-type ad.


One problem facing advertisers is that consumers screen out messages that are not relevant to them.


Public service advertising typically focuses on social marketing objectives.


Puffery is not always illegal in the United States under state and federal law.


The target audience for advertisers is not always the same as current users of the product.


Which of the following is the best example of a mass media advertising channel?

USA Today

Often, advertisers will employ a variety of media to deliver their message. When using different media, advertisers need to deliver

a consistent and compelling message

Public service advertising (PSA) represents

a form of sales promotion

The difference between advertising and publicity is that advertising is

a paid form of marketing communication

Which of the following is the least likely common emotional appeal for advertisers?


Jeremy has worked for many years reviewing and approving print ads for his firm. He has memorized a checklist of key points to review. Which of the following would be on her checklist?

body copy

The major text portion of a print advertisement that should arouse a desire for the product and move the consumer to action is contained in the

body copy

Garland is recognized by his friends as an activist on many fronts. He prefers to buy products from firms that will donate part of the total purchase price to organizations he supports. Marketers recognize that this approach can be an important competitive tool; it is called

cause-related marketing

Maruska has identified the target audience for her line of Russian jewelry. For optimum success, she is creating an advertising plan that will

clarify the specific goals that the advertising is designed to accomplish

Which of the following is a public relations tool?

donating a portion of profits to a charitable cause

A ________ advertising schedule uses heavy advertising during some periods followed by periods of no advertising.


The advertising message "People are not looking for quarter-inch drill bits; they are looking for quarter-inch holes" suggests that advertising messages need to

focus on solving problems

Marta is working on an advertisement to promote consumer awareness of the danger of solar radiation causing skin cancer. Marta's first concern will be to

get consumers' attention

The ________ stage of the advertising campaign planning process can be described by the question, "To whom are we trying to talk?"

identifying target audience

Jerome knows that his spring break travel packages are the best deal on campus. He also knows his competitor is sloppy, often waiting until the last minute to provide the needed tickets and documents to students buying his island packages. Jerome wants to develop an advertising message that emphasizes the key benefits he provides. He will develop a(n) ________ appeal.


"Now available—the latest fall fashions" is an example of a(n) ________ advertising message.


The additional sales that can be attributed to an advertising campaign are known as


Anthony is working on an advertising campaign to promote downtown businesses. He knows the increasing number of advertising communication channels available and changes in consumers' media usage

makes his job more difficult

Because advertising is the most visible form of marketing,

many people think of marketing and advertising as synonymous

The execution style of an advertising message must

match the medium and the objectives

Rory was nervous about making the ________. He knew it was likely to be the largest expense in the advertising budget.

media buy

P&G's Tide laundry detergent has been around since 1948 and is still a market leader. P&G has used ________ advertising to reposition Tide several times over the product's life, trying to motivate new consumer segments to use the product.


Campbell's Soup Company ran a series of radio ads tied to local weather forecasts. Before an impending storm the ads said, "Time to stock up on Campbell's Soup." During the storm the ads said, "Stay home and stay warm with Campbell's Soup." The first ad was ________ advertising, while the second ad was ________ advertising.

persuasive; reminder

Actor Sissy Spacek once objected to a series of movie scenes that included her smoking a certain brand of cigarettes. She was probably objecting to a ________ arrangement the film company had made with an advertiser.

product placement

In the United States, the regulation of advertising involves a complex mix of laws and informal restrictions designed to

protect consumers from deceptive practices

An advertisement featuring a cartoon Smokey the Bear saying "Only you can prevent wildfires" is an example of a successful

public service announcement

Achmed's Pita Bread Chips offers free POP (point-of-purchase) displays to retailers ordering its product. Achmed's is using a ________ strategy.


Each year in December, Anheuser-Busch runs television ads featuring the Clydesdale horses pulling a stagecoach with an Anheuser-Busch logo. The message is low-key, wishing everyone well during the holiday season. This is an example of ________ advertising.


Traditionally, marketers have seen the role of ________ as generating short-term results, whereas the goal of ________ was to lead to long-term results.

sales promotion; advertising

Starbucks provides tastes of new products to customers. This is called


Chrissy just bought a gourmet bagel store. She is working with a freelance graphic artist who is designing her logo and print advertisements. Chrissy is spending days looking over the various designs and color options. She needs to remember that the creative aspect of advertising design

should not overshadow the message

The head of the marketing area told Alisha to find the most stringent federal regulations on advertising to create the toughest standards. "If we can pass those, we should be able to get by all regulations." One real problem is

state regulations are not always consistent with federal standards

Sarita goes through the newspaper looking for coupons to help reduce her living expenses. Her roommate Pilar doesn't read newspapers, let alone look through them for coupons. But Pilar filled out a form from inside a cereal box entering her in a drawing for free exercise equipment. What kind of sales promotion reached Pilar?


Generally, which of the following media outlets relies on a mix of visual and auditory techniques and is typically very expensive?


Which of the following is considered a major consideration in determining an advertising budget?

the role of advertising in overall promotional objectives

Neville is trying to create an advertising message that tells consumers how his company's cable and Internet services differ from other alternatives in the market. Neville is trying to create a(n)

unique selling proposition

An iPad mini advertisement appearing in the New York Times is an example of using a niche media channel.


Consumer goods firms such as Lancôme often use reminder advertising to convince consumers to take action—switch brands, try a new product, or even continue to buy the advertised product.


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