BCMA - Practice Test 1

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Interpreting the soil/water graphic above, if this soil is 100 percent clay with 3 in of water per foot, how much of that water will be available water? a. None. b. 25 percent. c. 50 percent. d. 75 percent.

a. None.

"Pathogens that cause vascular wilt diseases in trees are often spread by which types of insect vectors? a. Bark beetles and phloem-feeders. b. Carpenter ants and leaf-chewers. c. Caterpillars and leafminers. d. Weevils and leafminers."

a. Bark beetles and phloem-feeders

This dwarf Alberta spruce (Picea glauca 'Conica') is exhibiting browning of the needles. Given the visible symptoms from this perspective, the pattern of discoloration on the trees, and your knowledge of common conifer problems, one of the first things you should do for diagnosis is a. use a hand lens to look more closely for signs of spider mites. b. dig around the base to check for girdling of the stem. c. check whether only inner growth needles are affected. d. probe the soil near the base of the tree to check for waterlogged soil.

a. use a hand lens to look more closely for signs of spider mites.

25. Which of the following is the most likely primary cause of this root situation? a. Failure to remove wire basket at planting. b. Planting in a hole too small. c. Nursery production techniques. d. Planting too deeply.

c. Nursery production techniques.

The abnormal growth depicted here is an example of a. galls caused by eriophyid mites, which serve as vectors for vascular wilt diseases. b. fruiting bodies of a specific order of fungi that require alternate hosts to complete their life cycles. c. galls caused by hymenopteran larvae that do not seriously affect the health of the host plant. d. virus-infected tissues in which the virus mimics tree growth hormones, causing uncontrolled growth of cells.

c. galls caused by hymenopteran larvae that do not seriously affect the health of the host plant.

Some city trees of multiple species growing in aboveground planting containers in a cold climate declined severely within a year after doing well for five years. Irrigation and drainage seemed to be working well, the soil tested negative for chemicals or nutrient problems, and there was no sign of diseases or insect pests. The most likely cause, which is associated with some aboveground planters, is a. the root growth exceeded the soil volume's capacity to sustain growth. b. root growth reached the perimeters of the concrete containers where the pH was high. c. temperature extremes (especially cold) severely damaged the roots. d. roots grew too deep below the bottoms of the containers.

c. temperature extremes (especially cold) severelydamaged the roots.

This tree is severely girdled from the staking materials that were left on too long after planting. Which of the following statements represents the most likely prognosis for this tree? a.Sh oots will proliferate above the girdled area as a result of phloem sugar accumulation. b.La tent buds above the point of girdling will be triggered by the restricted flow of auxin. c.Be cause the tree is still living above the girdle, it will most likely outgrow the constriction eventually. d.Epicormic shoots will continue growth, and the top may fail at the point of girdling.

d.Epicormic shoots will continue growth, and the top may fail at the point of girdling.

"When carabiners are used as connecting links in climbing or rigging, it is important to reduce stress on the gate by a. using only self-closing, key-lock carabiners. b. ensuring they are loaded along their major axes. c. never using aluminum carabiners for tree care operations. d. avoiding ball-lock and notch-gate carabiners."

ensuring they are loaded along their major axes.

It is common for some trees in hot climates to wiltduring the afternoon. However, an early sign ofserious water stress is a. chlorosis starting at the leaf margin and spreadingtoward the veins. b. interveinal chiorosis that does not reach the leafmargins. c. leaf abscission before wilting develops.d. failure of the leaves to regain turgidity bymorning.

failure of the leaves to regain turgidity bymorning.

"You are writing the specifications for tree preservation on a development site. For the tree protection zone barriers, you specify a. 3 ft (1 m) high, metal rebar with hi-vis yellow caution tape and ""Do Not Cross"" lettering. b. 4 to 6 ft (1.2 to 1.8 m) high, sturdy metal fencing that is anchored to the ground. c. 3 ft (1 m) high, safety orange, plastic fencing for visibility and ease of moving. d. 6 ft (1.8 m) high, standard wooden privacy fencing that is not set into the ground."

"4 to 6 ft (1.2 to 1.8 m) high, sturdy metal fencing that is anchored to the ground."

"A deciduous tree located on a mountaintop site has grown predominantly in one direction. What would be the likely effects of pruning to balance the crown? a. The tree will immediately begin to drop foliage as a result of exposure. b. The tree will be unable to initiate new shoots after pruning. c. After pruning, the new growth will grow in alignment with the prevailing wind. d. Many of the newly pruned branches will fail because of wind forces."

"After pruning, the new growth will grow in alignment with the prevailing wind."

"Several small, ornamental trees in an irrigated planting with full sun and significant wind exposure are beginning to wilt and are exhibiting minimal twig extension growth. The planting bed had been mulched, but little mulch remains. What diagnostic step would you take first? a. Collect soil samples to send to the lab to test for high pH and aluminum toxicity. b. Probe the soil to check for moisture level and penetration resistance, and look for signs of water runoff. c. Collect leaf samples to test for high levels of herbicides that mimic drought symptoms. d. Take an increment core to determine whether the problem is chronic or acute."

"Probe the soil to check for moisture level and penetration resistance, and look for signs of water runoff."

"Why does defoliation stress evergreen conifers more than deciduous trees? a. Evergreen conifers have several years of foliage at stake and store more carbohydrates in the foliage than deciduous trees do. b. Deciduous trees immediately export all sugars produced through photosynthesis and do not have the capacity to store carbohydrates. c. Evergreen conifers can produce new foliage only in the spring, which makes them remain defoliated for a longer period of time. d. Deciduous trees are more resistant to defoliation because they have fine, almost microscopic, hairs on the undersides of the foliage."

"a. Evergreen conifers have several years of foliage at stake and store more carbohydrates in the foliage than deciduous trees do."

The pruning systems illustrated here are a. topiary and pleaching. b. topiary and pollarding. c. topiary and espalier. d. two forms of topiary.

d. two forms of topiary.

"A thin-barked tree that was severely topped two years ago now has canker development on the top side of many of the large, horizontal branches. What do you recommend in caring for the tree going forward? a. Maintain good growing conditions and avoid excessive thinning of the crown during restoration pruning. Evaluate removal of infected parts. b. Avoid any further pruning, and apply a topical fungicide to the cankers to prevent further spread. Fertilize immediately with a quick-release nitrogen product. c. Cut out all affected parts immediately. Perform restoration pruning, and apply a reflective paint to the branch top surfaces to avoid sun damage. d. Apply a systemic fungicide to treat the cankers and reduce the crown to increase light penetration. Fertilize after one growing season in late fall."

"a. Maintain good growing conditions and avoid excessive thinning of the crown during restoration pruning. Evaluate removal of infected parts."

"A client is committed to landscaping organically and using pest management strategies that have minimal detrimental impact on the ecosystem. When conservation of natural biological controls is insufficient, it may be an option to a. introduce or augment beneficial organisms to supplement existing populations. b. apply broad-spectrum pesticides as a preventive treatment to keep pest populations in check. c. use only soil-applied, systemic pesticides to avoid killing any nontarget organisms. d. use only pesticides that have a very low LID 50*"

"a. introduce or augment beneficial organisms to supplement existing populations."

"A new tree crew member asks you for guidance for safe chain saw operation for a left-handed worker. Your best response should instruct the worker to a. keep the left hand on the forward handle and the right hand on the rear (trigger) handle; operate the saw to the right side of the body. b. keep the left hand on the forward handle and the right hand on the rear (trigger) handle; operate the saw to the left side of the body. c. keep the right hand on the forward handle and the left hand on the rear (trigger) handle; operate the saw to the right side of the body. d. keep the right hand on the forward handle and the left hand on the rear (trigger) handle; operate the saw to the left side of the body"

"a. keep the left hand on the forward handle and the right hand on the rear (trigger) handle; operate the saw to the right side of the body."

"Although the physiological damage to a plant is minor, the population of spider mites has increased to a level that makes the plant unsightly, and the homeowner wants treatment immediately, indicating that the homeowner's a. aesthetic threshold is higher than the physiological threshold. b. aesthetic threshold is lower than the physiological threshold. c. population threshold is higher than the physiological threshold. d. population threshold is lower than the physiological threshold."

"aesthetic threshold is lower than the physiological threshold."

"In the tree appraisal process, after the assignment has been established, the scope of work defined, and the data collected, the next step is to a. calculate the appraised value using the trunk formula technique. b. analyze the data and apply the relevant valuation approach(es). c. determine the costs involved in repair and replacement, and calculate the amortized years of growth. d. compound the value based on the years it will take for the tree to reach maturity Ed Gilman"

"analyze the data and apply the relevant valuation approach(es)."

"You are consulting on a job to transplant a very large, mature tree the following year. A measure that you recommend be taken this year to help prepare the tree is a. root pruning just outside the point where the root ball will be dug for transplanting. b. root pruning just inside the point where the root ball will be dug for transplanting. c. thinning the crown to reduce the leaf area to be supported after transplanting. d. pruning the outside portions of the canopy to reduce the leaf area to be supported after transplanting."

"b. root pruning just inside the point where the root ball will be dug for transplanting."

"The reason structural pruning is preferentially done on young and semi-mature trees is that a.yo ung trees have a more decurrent growth habit, which facilitates training. b.most young trees can be developed to have a strong leader and scaffold branches. c.mature trees will not adapt to training after they've begun putting on secondary growth. d.mature trees have lost the apical control necessary for terminal buds to dominate."

"b.most young trees can be developed to have a strong leader and scaffold branches."

"A tree of a species that is known to be cold hardy in a given area—and has thrived in that area for many years—has experienced significant freeze damage to young branches and new leaves. What is a reasonable explanation for this damage? a. The tree failed to acclimate to its surroundings following a series of unusually warm winters. b. A lack of snowfall failed to insulate the roots, which are less cold-tolerant than the branches. c. A late-spring freeze occurred after budbreak, and new growth had started. d. Climate change has caused a significant shift to hardiness zones, lowering most zones by two numbers."

"c. A late-spring freeze occurred after budbreak, and new growth had started."

"Each of the following would be a violation of the ISA Certified Arborist® Code of Ethics except for one. Which would NOT be a violation? a. Failure to recognize the limitations of your professional ability or qualifications. b. Failure to respect the intellectual property rights of others. c. Failure to refrain from offering an employee of a competitor a higher salary. d. Failure to refrain from offering gifts or benefits to secure contract work."

"c. Failure to refrain from offering an employee of a competitor a higher salary."

"When designing urban planting spaces for most nonfastigiate, deciduous trees, where growing conditions are not extreme, a guideline for the amount of root space is 1 to 2 ft' of soil per ft2 (0.3 to 0.6 m3 of soil per m2) of the a. final dimensions of the planting bed or island. b. projected height times the radius of the mature crown dimensions. c. crown projection area of the mature size of the tree. d. expected cross-sectional area of the mature trunk at breast height."

"c. crown projection area of the mature size of the tree."

"Trees and shrubs growing in a management-intense landscape are showing a variety of insect and disease problems. The turf/landscape management representative recommended fertilization to decrease plant stress. You tell the client that a. insect and disease infestations are unrelated to the level of fertilization. b. nitrogen fertilization generally increases tree resistance to most leaf-feeding insects. c. nitrogen fertilization can decrease tree resistance to many insects. d. growth is less sensitive to fertilization than photosynthesis, so fertilization should be beneficial."

"c. nitrogen fertilization can decrease tree resistance to many insects."

"Prolonged flooding can be very damaging to trees because the anaerobic conditions a. increase the relative percentage of clay in the soil texture. b. change the biological and chemical composition in the soil. c. cause the roots to grow deeper to escape the surface water. d. cause excessive percolation in the soil, destroying micropores."

"change the biological and chemical composition in the soil."

"You are writing a company training manual for safe operation of a brush chipper. Your instructions for feeding brush should include a. feed brush butt-end first; walk to the side of the feed table after feeding; no part of the body should cross the infeed plane; never reverse the feed wheels while brush is in the infeed chute. b. mix small twigs in with larger branches; always feed from the right side; do not release branches until they contact the feed wheels; never allow the engine to decrease its RPM. c. mix small twigs in with larger branches; always feed from directly behind the infeed chute; avoid feeding large wood that causes a decrease in engine RPM; no part of the body should cross the infeed plane. d. feed brush butt-end first, from the curb side of a street; walk to the side of the feed table after feeding; no part of the body should cross the infeed plane."

"d. feed brush butt-end first, from the curb side of a street; walk to the side of the feed table after feeding; no part of the body should cross the infeed plane."

"In a simple test of soil aggregate stability, you collect a large clod of soil and drop it into a container of water. The clod holds together, indicating a. a potential problem for good root penetration. b. good organic matter content and biological activity. c. a tendency for erosion from wind and water. d. very fast drainage and water movement in the soil."

"good organic matter content and biological activity."

"Environmental factors such as drought, nutrient deficiencies, and pH extremes can stress trees by a. limiting the trees' ability to acquire essential resources, thereby limiting photosynthesis or other physiological processes. b. physically blocking the anatomical structures in which photosynthesis and respiration take place. c. triggering the release of allelochemicals, which inhibit the anabolic pathways for respiration. d. causing lenticels to close, blocking the uptake of oxygen and limiting the photosynthetic reaction."

"limiting the trees' ability to acquire essential resources, thereby limiting photosynthesis or other physiological processes."

"The best procedure for sending foliage samples to a plant diagnostic lab for disease diagnosis is to a. collect only affected leaves from the most affected part of the canopy and send in a tightly sealed paper bag. b. collect a variety of affected leaves from throughout the canopy and send in a sealed paper bag. c. place both healthy and diseased leaves in separate, sealed plastic bags. d. place both healthy and diseased leaves in a sealed plastic bag wrapped in a wet paper towel."

"place both healthy and diseased leaves in separate, sealed plastic bags."

"You are a consultant to a municipality looking to contract line-clearance pruning. Previously, they had contracted with a local tree service to top the trees below the wires. Instead, you recommend directional pruning and explain the process of a. removing or reducing interfering branches back to lateral branches that are not growing in the direction of the clearance zone. b. removing or reducing all branches that grow in the direction of the clearance zone to a predetermined clearance distance. c. directing growth away from the clearance zone using only collar cuts back to the parent branches. d. subordinating all lateral branches that are growing toward the clearance zone and are greater than one-third the diameter of the parent branches."

"removing or reducing interfering branches back to lateral branches that are not growing in the direction of the clearance zone."

"When designing a prop for a large tree branch, a disadvantage to using a saddle or strap-type attachment is that a. it will not allow any movement of the branch, limiting taper growth. b. it does not develop response growth as well as using A-frame or pin-type prop designs. c. the tree will develop tension wood but no compression wood, making it unbalanced. d. the tree may eventually outgrow the attachment, causing partial girdling or ingrowth."

"the tree may eventually outgrow the attachment, causing partial girdling or ingrowth."

"While easy to measure and simple to calculate, cross-sectional strength formulas and threshold values have some significant limitations such as a. they overemphasize the amount of load on the outer shell of wood. b. a larger amount of wood is typically needed on large trees than the formulas indicate. c. the formulas assume that all cavities are open to the outside of the tree. d. they assume round stems with centrally located cavities/decay."

"they assume round stems with centrally located cavities/decay. "

"A client has asked you what kind of compost tea is best for her trees and how to properly apply it. Your best response is that a. it is best to brew your own compost tea and use it immediately as a foliar spray or monthly as a root drench. b. while some compost teas have been shown to temporarily affect the microbial community in the soil, there is no conclusive evidence to support long-term efficacy c. the compost tea must be made with a system that applies aeration to the brew, and the ""tea"" must be diluted at a ratio of 1:10 with high-quality water before application. d. the best compost tea is brewed for at least two weeks until it begins to smell yeasty, then supplemented with fish emulsion and applied as a root drench just after trees emerge from dormancy."

"while some compost teas have been shown to temporarily affect the microbial community in the soil, there is no conclusive evidence to support long-term efficacy"

18. "Which of the following best describes the problem and recommended remediation treatment for the situation pictured? a. The crust is due to extreme drought but does not create further problems. Ensure adequate water availability through irrigation. b. Soil crusting is due to an excessive percentage of clay. Incorporating 10 to 20 percent sand, by volume, will alleviate the problem. c. Fine particles have formed a crust, which negatively affect infiltration. Mechanically break up the crust and apply an organic mulch. d. The crust formed as a result of overwatering. Adjust the irrigation programming to apply water no faster than the infiltration rate.

Fine particles have formed a crust, which negatively affect infiltration. Mechanically break up the crust and apply an organic mulch.

You are establishing a safe storage area for pesticides.The building should meet which of the followingsets of specifications? a. Metal construction, dry, well ventilated, well lit,with all PPE for applications, including respirators. b. Metal construction, dry, well ventilated, welllit, with separate areas for fertilizers, fungicides,and potable water. c. Locking mechanism, cool, dry; well ventilated,well lit, with posted warning signs, including"No Smoking."d. Locking mechanism, heated, dry, well ventilated,with all PPE for applications, including respirators.

Locking mechanism, cool, dry; well ventilated,well lit, with posted warning signs, including"No Smoking."

A row of woody deciduous shrubs experiences significantdieback following the cold season each year,but the shrubs always re-sprout from the larger,surviving stems. What measure can be taken tomaintain even growth and reduce the time spentpruning out deadwood?a. Cut the stems off at ground level at the end ofeach cold season to encourage well-distributednew growth.b. Avoid nitrogen fertilization to prevent damageto unhardened growth in the cold season.c. Water the shrubs weekly throughout the coldseason to prevent desiccation during the coldweather.d. Prune the stems back before the cold weatherand pile mulch around the lower stems.

Prune the stems back before the cold weather and pile mulch around the lower stems.

The symptoms on this tree are caused by an organism that inhabits the xylem tissues, but no streaking or discoloration is found in the twigs. It is spread by an insect vector. There is extensive crown dieback, and the disease is often fatal over several years. The host—pathogen relationship is well known. Which of the following is the most appropriate diagnosis? a. Bacterial leaf scorch. b. Bacterial fire blight. c. Oak yellows. d. Xylem mosaic virus.

a. Bacterial leaf scorch.

The city is replacing the road, including the base, and has recompacted the subbase and removed the curb for replacement. The homeowner asked for your assessment of the impact of the work on this tree. 'Which of the following statements presents the most likely prognosis for the tree? a. Because there was a road and curb there before, no major roots have been cut or compacted. Unless further cutting is done, effects on the tree should be minor. b. Owing to the close proximity of the cuts to the tree, there is a significantly increased likelihood of whole-tree failure, especially when the soil is saturated. C. Many small, absorbing roots have been cut and left exposed to the air and sun. The tree will suffer from extreme water deficiency and need frequent irrigation. d. Compaction of the base and subbase for the road will cause severe stress to the tree, and significant canopy dieback can be expected.

a. Because there was a road and curb there before, no major roots have been cut or compacted. Unless further cutting is done, effects on the tree should be minor.

This tree, located in a large park, was in good condition prior to being hit by a car. Your assignment is to perform an appraisal. Which of the following approaches to appraisal would be most appropriate for this situation? a. Cost approach. b. Income approach. c. Sales comparison approach. d. Trunk formula approach

a. Cost approach

After this tree was cut, the bricks surrounding it were removed. The roots have been painted white for illustrative purposes. 'Which of the following is the best explanation for the root growth pattern seen here? a. Roots were growing between the top of the soil and the bottom of the payers where moisture and oxygen levels were favorable. b. The planting pit restricted root growth of several years before roots were able to penetrate into the surrounding compacted soil. c. No roots were able to grow deeper than 4 in (10 cm) because of extreme soil compaction in the urban environment. d. Few roots grew in the original tree pit, likely from lack of water and infertility of the soil

a. Roots were growing between the top of the soil and the bottom of the payers where moisture and oxygen levels were favorable.

'Which of the following statements best describes the situation illustrated here? a. The graft from propagation showing at the base is an indication that the tree was not planted too deeply. b. The difference in size near the root flare is an indication of graft incompatibility and potential future tree failure. c. The large flare at the base is response growth in the buttress roots, which will increase tree stability over time. d. The response growth at the base is an indication of decay in the root collar, which will likely result in future trunk failure.

a. The graft from propagation showing at the base is an indication that the tree was not planted too deeply.

What type of cut is illustrated here, and how would the tree be expected to respond? a. This is a reduction cut, which will suppress growth of the remaining portion of the branch. b. This is a reduction cut, which will encourage new shoot development at the point of the cut. c. This is a branch-removal cut, which will likely result in decay progressing from the cut through the remaining branch. d. This is a branch-removal cut, which will suppress epicormic shoot development from the remaining branch.

a. This is a reduction cut, which will suppress growth of the remaining portion of the branch.

Which of the following best describes the purpose of this type of root barrier? a. To redirect root growth along and away from whatever the barrier is placed to protect. b. To kill roots on contact, thereby encouraging the tree to put out roots in other directions. c. To cause roots to reverse direction, growing instead in the opposite direction. d. To cause root division or branching, ensuring that only the smallest-diameter roots breach the barrier.

a. To redirect root growth along and away from whatever the barrier is placed to protect.

Your client's tree, a member of the rose family, is exhibiting wilting in the crown, with the tips of the twigs bending over. Examining more closely, you see areas of discoloration on the stem. You collect samples to send to the lab to confirm your preliminary diagnosis of a. a bacterial infection (fire blight). b. nematodes spread by bark beetles. c. a type of rust fungus. d. phytoplasma leaf blight.

a. a bacterial infection (fire blight).

"You are responsible for managing Plant Health Care in a highly sensitive environment. You choose to use horticultural oils, insecticidal soaps, and microbial extracts to manage pest populations. These products are collectively known as a. biorational products. b. synthetic pesticides. c. systemic pesticides. d. pathogenic control products."

a. biorational products.

This tree is obviously affected by stem-girdling roots, which constrict the trunk from the outside. A common symptom that you might notice, even from a distance is a. fall color presenting earlier in the season. b. chlorotic foliage, especially in and near the leaf veins. c. large branch dieback, predominantly low on the tree. d. witch's broom growth on the tips of the twigs

a. fall color presenting earlier in the season

16. You performed a risk assessment on this oak tree (Quercus sp.) in an arboretum. Arboretum management has evaluated the risk to be above their tolerance because the area below is used for outdoor education. Your first recommended risk mitigation option should be a. move the seating area and restrict access to the target zone. b. remove the tree; the risk to children is too high. c. prune to remove all dead wood and to reduce the height. d. prune, cable, and install a lightning protection system.

a. move the seating area and restrict access to the target zone.

Failures such as this are commonly associated with this cultivar's growth habit of development of poor branch structure, but the failure could also be attributed to a. pruning practices in the nursery that encourage dense branching. b. failure to prune at least 25 percent of the crown at the time of planting. c. the need to install multiple cables and/or braces in the tree. d. internal decay resulting from poorly executed pruning cuts.

a. pruning practices in the nursery that encourage dense branching.

You arrive on site where one of your workers has been performing a root collar excavation on a tree that showed no root flare and exhibited minor dieback ten years after a construction project. 'What is the best explanation for this discovery that the arborist is pointing to? a. This is a buttress root formed before the grade was increased. b. An adventitious root has formed in response to the fill soil above the old grade. c. This is an epicormic root originating from a latent apical bud. d. This is an adventitious branch response generated as a result of auxin disruption.

b. An adventitious root has formed in response to the fill soil above the old grade.

'What rigging scenario is illustrated in the drawing above? a. A rescue pulley is attached with a timber hitch to establish a rigging point. A balance line is attached to the limb by butt-tying and tip-tying and is attached to the rigging line with a Prusik. A tagline is added for control. b. An arborist block is attached with a cow hitch to establish a rigging point. A balance line is attached to the limb using two running bowlines and attached to the rigging line with a Prusik. A tagline is tip-tied for added control. c. An arborist block is attached with a timber hitch to establish a rigging point. A balance line is attached to the limb using two clove hitches and is attached to the rigging line with a whoopie sling. A tagline is tip-tied for added control. d. A rescue pulley is attached with a cow hitch to establish a rigging point. A balance line is attached to the limb using two clove hitches and is attached to the rigging line with a Prusik. A tagline is added for control.

b. An arborist block is attached with a cow hitch to establish a rigging point. A balance line is attached to the limb using two running bowlines and attached to the rigging line with a Prusik. A tagline is tip-tied for added control

54. This oak tree ( Quercus sp.) has a wide, sticky band placed around the trunk Which of the following best describes a limitation of this Plant Health Care strategy? a. The banding can girdle a mature tree if left in place as little as 60 days. b. It will be significantly less effective if there are many other unbanded, susceptible trees nearby. c. Even when the band is installed correctly, insects easily crawl beneath it to reach the canopy of the tree. d. The adult insects simply fly from iree to tree and lay their eggs in parts of the tree above the band.

b. It will be significantly less effective if there are many other unbanded, susceptible trees nearby.

Which of the following statements best describes the primary planned function of structure around the tree in these photos? a. Provide temporary supplemental support for the tree while it regenerates the roots lost during median construction. b. Preserve the tree for its community value while mitigating the risk of a whole-tree or stem failure. c. Prevent collision or damage from vehicles, especially large trucks, that travel close to the tree. d. Provide a complex system of structural support and props for a tree that has already failed completely and been uprighted.

b. Preserve the tree for its community value while mitigating the risk of a whole-tree or stem failure

15. A client has requested pruning recommendations for the tree illustrated here, and time is not a concern. Which of the following is the most appropriate response? a. Significant branch removal should be done at this time to establish a single, central leader, but the tree will recover quickly with well-attached scaffold shoots. b. Pruning to reduce and/or remove poorly attached branches and competing leaders should be conducted over several years. c. Pruning should be kept to a minimum to avoid disrupting the shape of the tree, and cables should be installed to strengthen branch attachments. d. This tree could never be pruned enough to solve these problems and should be removed and replaced. The risk to people is unacceptable.

b. Pruning to reduce and/or remove poorly attached branches and competing leaders should be conducted over several years.

When managing tree risk on a site such as this, which of the following is an important guiding principle? a. When it comes to public safety, no amount of tree risk is acceptable. b. Public safety must be balanced with the benefits that trees provide to the community. c. If the consequences of failure are high, the level of risk is high. d. Likelihood of impact is the primary factor in determining tree risk in urban environments.

b. Public safety must be balanced with the benefits that trees provide to the community.

What is the arrow on the left pointing to and what does it signify? a. The arrow points to the branch collar, which should not be removed or damaged when making a pruning cut to remove this branch. b. The arrow points to a seam, which is an indicator of included bark in the branch union and a weak branch attachment. c. The arrow points to the branch protection zone, which serves to prevent the spread of decay into the parent branch or stem. d. The arrow points to a rib, which indicates a strong branch union, despite the tight angle of attachment.

b. The arrow points to a seam, which is an indicator of included bark in the branch union and a weak branch attachment.

This photo shows a 14-year-old planting using structural soils and porous paving. Which of the following statements about growing trees in structural soils has not been demonstrated with controlled research studies? a. Structural soils can be compacted sufficiently to support urban pavement, as well as supporting successful tree growth and survival. b. Trees planted in structural soils will outgrow trees planted in uncompacted open planting pits. c. Compared with those planted in open tree pits, trees planted in structural soils may be more stable. d. Root growth is limited by net soil volume rather than the total volume of the stone—soil mix.

b. Trees planted in structural soils will outgrow trees planted in uncompacted open planting pits.

Augers are sometimes used to plant trees. Which of the following instructions will you give to your planting crews that are planting trees in holes dug like this? a. Remove all the natural soil and replace it with a mix of peat moss and sand for organic matter and improved drainage. b. Use a spade to dig down the sides to break up the interface and enlarge the top part of the hole. c. Fill the bottom of the hole with pulverized, amended, rich soil to encourage new root development in the planting hole. d. Fill the bottom of the hole with a layer of course gravel to improve drainage and ensure healthy root development.

b. Use a spade to dig down the sides to break up the interface and enlarge the top part of the hole.

53. To be effective at preserving trees when the grade must be raised, tree wells such as this should be designed with a. a radial aeration field put in place before the fill soil. b. a drainage system to prevent water accumulation in the well. c. an irrigation system installed beyond the drip line of the tree. d. brick or stone blocks that allow the exchange of air and gases.

b. a drainage system to prevent water accumulation in the well.

Your client has a disease problem on her ornamental trees that you know has no chemical spray to treat. You recommend good cultural practices meaning a. using only organic material treatments. b. creating favorable plant development conditions. c. encouraging natural predators and parasites. d. removal and replacement with a resistant variety.

b. creating favorable plant developmentconditions.

You were called out to diagnose the disorder of the pine (Pinus) in this photo. The important diagnostic factor that you recognize immediately is that a. there is one completely dead twig attached at the base, touching the ground. b. the brown needles are inner needles from previous seasons' growth. c. there is a significant gap between growth whorls on the main trunk. d. the needles on the growth of the upper branches appear to point upward.

b. the brown needles are inner needles from previous seasons' growth.

"If water and nutrients are in adequate supply, the main factor that controls total photosynthesis is the a. concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. b. total leaf area available to drive photosynthesis. c. percentage of chlorophyll in the chloroplasts. d. ability of the tree to take up adequate water and nitrogen."

b. total leaf area available to drive photosynthesis.

This excavation revealed that a. rocky soils make it difficult for tree roots to expand and to get sufficient water and minerals to support tree growth. b. tree roots can grow through structured soil gravel mixes following surface compaction. c. fine roots generally grow best in soil that is more than 6 in (15 cm) deep. d. even if a tree is planted too deeply, it will not form girdling roots.

b. tree roots can grow through structured soil gravel mixes following surface compaction.

42. 'Which of the following statements best describes the growth pattern of these two urban plane trees (Platanus spp.)? a. The trees are beginning to lean from the urban wind-tunnel effect. b. The naturally decurrent species has been modified to develop a more excurrent form, conducive to the urban setting. c. A combination of phototropism and directional pruning has caused them to grow away from the buildings. d. Both trees began as grafts at about 10 ft (3 m), and they grew photosynthetically toward the light.

c. A combination of phototropism and directional pruning has caused them to grow away from the buildings.

Biochar (the dark patch in the photo above) is increasingly being used for soil modification. Which of the following statements is supported by current research? a. Biochar provides a natural source of essential tree elements to increase growth of trees in the landscape. b. Biochar improves soil texture, which increases water percolation and drainage in the landscape. c. Biochar is persistent in the landscape and, when mixed with compost, can increase the availability of water and organic matter in the soil. d. When soil is amended to a rate of at least 20 percent, biochar increases tree growth and vigor by 30 percent.

c. Biochar is persistent in the landscape and, when mixed with compost, can increase the availability of water and organic matter in the soil.

What is the problem associated with leaving a stub like the one in this photo? a. Leaving a stub renders the branch protection zone ineffective. b. The tree will never be able to close and compartmentalize the wound. c. It will slow the rate of wound closure and provide an avenue for pests to enter the tree. d. Although it poses no health problems to the tree, it appears unsightly and unprofessional.

c. It will slow the rate of wound closure and provide an avenue for pests to enter the tree

26. For which of the following levels of assessment might use of an unmanned aerial vehicle be appropriate? a. Level 2 basic assessment only. b. Level 3 advanced assessment only. c. Level 1 limited visual assessment or Level 3 advanced assessment. d. Level 2 basic assessment or Level 3 advanced assessment.

c. Level 1 limited visual assessment or Level 3 advanced assessment.

Based on the clues in the photo, which of the following is the most likely cause of the brown leaves on these trees? a. Sun scorch from the reflected light off the pavement has burned the foliage. b. Bacterial leaf scorch is spreading from tree to tree on the stressed sides of the trees. c. Paving equipment exhaust caused a scorching of the foliage of the trees. d. This is water deficit on the street side of the trees where the irrigation system does not reach.

c. Paving equipment exhaust caused a scorching of the foliage of the trees

What is the recommended management practice for the common disorder shown in this photo? a. Apply a systemic fungicide spring and fall until the tree closes over the affected parts. b. Spray an approved fungicide, thoroughly soaking the affected parts, every ten days to two weeks, starting at budbreak. c. Prune out the infected parts, taking care to make the cuts clearly below the zone of infection. d. Sterilize the wounds with a 10 percent solution of bleach, timed to coincide with sporulation.

c. Prune out the infected parts, taking care to make the cuts clearly below the zone of infection.

The chart above is commonly used to illustrate water infiltration and percolation rates in two different types of soils. How does the soil on the left compare to the soil on the right? a. The soil on the left has a higher percentage of clay than the soil on the right. b. The soil on the left has a higher bulk density than the soil on the right. c. The soil on the left has a higher percentage of sand than the soil on the right. d. The soil on the left has deeper soil horizons than the soil on the right.

c. The soil on the left has a higher percentage of sand than the soil on the right.

Symptoms such as chlorosis are nonspecific, but the pattern of chlorosis provides additional information. Being familiar with host plants, their common problems, and specific signs and symptoms would lead you to suspect a. potassium deficiency associated with poor drainage. b. phosphorus toxicity associated with poor-quality irrigation water. c. a micronutrient deficiency associated with alkaline soil. d. a micronutrient toxicity associated with excessively acidic soil.

c. a micronutrient deficiency associated with alkaline soil.

While strolling through your favorite arboretum, you come across this situation, and the supervisor tells you that they are transplanting this tree. You quickly snap a photo because it is a good example of a. attempting to move a tree when the soil is exceedingly dry. b. attempting to transplant a tree that is way too large to be moved bare root. c. using an air excavation device to carefully remove soil from the roots. d. failure to root-prune prior to bare-root transplanting a tree.

c. using an air excavation device to carefully remove soil from the roots.

Which of the following is the best explanation for the growth pattern of the root system shown in this photo? a. Roots have grown above ground level to obtain sufficient water because no water can reach below ground. b. Roots have grown above ground level to obtain sufficient oxygen because roots cannot grow below the pavement. c. Roots are beginning to girdle the trunk because of the very limited soil volume below ground. d. Because of a limited rooting area, woody roots have grown larger in response to movement to increase stability.

d. Because of a limited rooting area, woody roots have grown larger in response to movement to increase stability.

As a new city arborist, you are developing a comprehensive tree management plan. A portion of the plan will include the pruning cycle for the 100,000 street trees in your care. Which of the following are the primary considerations in determining the pruning cycle? a. Growth rate of the trees, public sentiment toward pruning, budget, climate. b. Growth rate of the trees, climate, budget, number of personnel. c. Budget, public sentiment toward pruning, length of the pruning season, species diversity. d. Budget, time to complete a cycle, condition of the trees, competing priorities.

d. Budget, time to complete a cycle, condition ofthe trees, competing priorities.

You are explaining to a client how to perform a soil percolation test, and you had the client fill this hole with water the night before. What instructions do you give the client next? a. Measure the water level now, refill the hole with water, determine the time it takes to return to this level, then divide the hole depth by that time. b. Measure the depth of the hole, refill the hole with water, determine the time it takes to drain completely, subtract the initial amount of water, then divide the hole depth by the drainage time. c. Refill the hole to the top with water, determine the time it takes to return to this level, then divide the time by the total hole depth. d. Refill the hole to within a couple of inches from the top, drain for one hour, then measure the drop in water level each hour after that to determine the average drop per hour.

d. Refill the hole to within a couple of inches from the top, drain for one hour, then measure the drop in water level each hour after that to determine the average drop per hour.

Following your root collar excavation of this tree, you performed a risk assessment and determined a low likelihood of failure. Which of the following is your best recommendation to the client? a. Replace the removed soil with a loose, well-drained amendment mix that contains slow-release fertilizer and mycorrhizal inoculants. b. Construct a tree well around the excavated area and fill the well with composted wood chips. c. Plan for the removal and replacement of the tree because it will continue its spiral of decline until it becomes an unacceptable risk. d. Taper the excavation to meet the preexisting grade, drain the well to a lower area, move the irrigation line.

d. Taper the excavation to meet the preexisting grade, drain the well to a lower area, move the irrigation line.

Which of the following statements best describes the principle of stratification of an area such as the community in this photograph prior to risk assessment? a. Risk assessments are prioritized based primarily on likelihood of failure, with the most defective trees receiving the highest frequency of assessment. b. Risk assessments are prioritized based primarily on likelihood of impact; consequences of failure are not a consideration at this stage. c. The areas to be assessed are prioritized based on the sizes of trees, with the largest trees receiving the highest level of priority. d. The area is divided based on target importance, occupancy, or target value to help the risk manager prioritize assessment levels and frequency

d. The area is divided based on target importance, occupancy, or target value to help the risk manager prioritize assessment levels and frequency

You have been hired to perform a Level 2 basic tree risk assessment on the trees in this municipal plaza. It is heavily used almost every day. You assess the occupancy rate as frequent and the likelihood of impact to be high. With these ratings, what can you say about the risk rating? a. The risk rating will be high because both the likelihood of impact and the consequences of failure are high. b. The risk rating will be high or extreme because both the likelihood of impact and the consequences of failure are high. c. The lowest the risk rating can be is moderate because of the likelihood of impact and the consequences of failure. d. The risk may still be low if the likelihood of failure is low.

d. The risk may still be low if the likelihood of failure is low.

Which of the following is the fundamental urban forest management problem illustrated in this photo? a. The young trees will exhibit phototropism effects as they grow toward sunlight. b. The tree support systems do not conform to best management practices. c. The trees must be pruned to allow sufficient clearance for pedestrians and cars. d. The urban forest management plan should not have specified these planting sites.

d. The urban forest management plan should not have specified these planting sites.

What would you recommend as a treatment for the disorder illustrated here? a. Multiple applications of a broad-based fungicide should be made starting at budbreak and continuing through the spring months. b. A single, targeted application of an antibacterial spray is needed once the foliage has reached full expansion. c. The plant should be covered or otherwise protected if freezing temperatures are expected while the plant is in foliage. d. There is generally no treatment required, although the causal factor may be a vector of another problem.

d. There is generally no treatment required, although the causal factor may be a vector of another problem.

The needles of this conifer began turning this yellowbrown color in the autumn. Which of the following is the most likely cause of the situation? a. Browning of needles while still attached is typical of acute toxicity resulting from soil contamination. b. The yellow-brown foliage is the result of excess water in the root zone. c. This discoloration is due to a common vascular wilt disease spread by a bark beetle. d. This is normal fall color and leaf senescence because this is a deciduous conifer species.

d. This is normal fall color and leaf senescence because this is a deciduous conifer species.

During a routine risk assessment, you encounter the situation in this photo. What is the common name for this defect, and how serious is it? a. The branch has a transverse crack that is typically considered at imminent likelihood of further branch failure. b. The branch has a circumferential crack and could possibly fail again, but the tree has already compensated for it. c. This is a neutral plane failure that is an indication that further failure is imminent and likely already taking place. d. This shear plane crack, which occurred several years ago, is showing response growth and is unlikely to lead to branch failure.

d. This shear plane crack, which occurred several years ago, is showing response growth and is unlikely to lead to branch failure.

These trees are growing along a busy thoroughfare in a northern temperate climate. 'Which of the following is the best explanation for the symptoms exhibited by these trees? a. This epicormic shoot development is the result of shearing the trees to keep them small along the roadside. b. This epicormic growth pattern is due to a vascular disease that begins in shoot tips and spreads downward in the tree. c. This is witch's brooming, which is the result of certain pests that feed on the terminal buds of young trees. d. This witch's broom growth pattern is typical for damage from deicing salts.

d. This witch's broom growth pattern is typical for damage from deicing salts.

28. This tree is located in a park The condition illustrated here has been getting worse over the course of two years. Based on the limited information available and what you can see in the photo, you would suspect a. the initial wound came from sunscald injury. b. this tree had been struck by lightning at some point. c. the primary cause is Armiliaria. d. repeated injury from lawn maintenance equipment.

d. repeated injury from lawn maintenance equipment.

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