BCS 200 questions unit 3

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How many cells or colony-forming units are presumed to result in a single colony using the viable plate method?


Put the 3 basic steps of PCR in order

1) Denaturation 2) Priming 3) Extension

Which three events in protein synthesis occur post-translationally?

1) addition of cofactor 2)protein folding 3) removal of the formyl methionine

order of binary fission

1) cell wall, membrane, and overall volume are enlarged; chromosomes are duplicated 2) septum begins t form and chromosomes are pulled to opposite ends of the cell; components are randomly divided 3) septum is completely formed and the cell membrane begins to patch itself 4) daughter cells are divided

Place the following in order to indicate the naming process for restriction enzymes

1) first letter of bacterial genus 2) first 2 letters of bacterial species 3)the order discovered in the bacterium

Order for a normal bacterial growth curve

1) lag phase 2) exponential 3) stationary 4) death

Which two of the following statements regarding heterotrophs are true?

1) large organic molecules must be digested before absorption 2) Monosaccharides are generally good carbon sources for heterotrophs

Put these general steps in order for the recombinant DNA procedure

1) remove and isolate a selected gene from a donor organism 2) insert the gene of interest into a vector 3) use vector to deliver selected gene into cloning

An ___________ is an organism that prefers acidic (pH below 7)


Which of the following are methods of gene transfer in bacteria?

conjugation, transduction, and transformation

DNA repair enzymes have as their substrate

damaged DNA

Saprobes are decomposers of plant and animal matter, and cannot engulf these large food particles. As a consequence, they excrete enzymes that function to

degrade the food to smaller molecules that can be transported into the cell

Cationic detergents typically work by..

disrupting the cell membrane

Which DNA sequences encode functional protein?


__________ are DNA sequences which encode for functional proteins


The log phase of a normal growth curve is also referred to as the _______ growth phase


The final step of PCR is known as ________ and involves the synthesis of complete complementary strands of DNA


The ability of Neisseria Gonorrhoeae strains to produce attachment___________ is an example of phase variation


Formalin is an aqueous solution of ___________ gas that is used as a potent chemical fixative and microbicide


A __________ mutation results from an insertion or deletion of nucleotide, leading to a shift of the triplet sequence from the point of mutation downstream


Which type of mutation is generally most harmful to cells?


___________ the study of the inheritance of living things


A ___________ ____________ is a collection of DNA clones that represents the entrie genome of an organism

genomic library

The two aldehydes used most often in microbidal control are ________ and _______

glutaraldehyde and formaldehyde

A __________ curve is a graphical representation of the change in population size over time


What term is used to describe essential organic compounds such as a vitamin or amino acid that must be provided in the diet?

growth factors

You release a small drop of red dye into a beaker of water and watch diffusion of the red dye from regions of ______ concentration to regions of _______ concentration of dye

high; low

Viral mRNA is translated into viral protein on _______ ribosomes using ________ tRNA


Which two are transport functions of the cell membrane?

import nutrients and export waste materials

Several Pseudomonas species hae been genetically altered creating strains that have which of the following characteristics

inability to form ice crystals and ability to produce insecticide

The gene called "ori" in this cloning vector functions to

initiate plasmid replication

Several Pseudomonas species have been genetically altered creating strains that protect plants from pests by producing ______________


Which DNA sequence do not encode protein, but may have a regulatory function?


The lac operon E. Coli regulates the metabolizes of _________


_________ phase is when a bacterial cell is placed into a new environment and cell division results in slow gains in cell numbers


Which strand is replicated continuously without segments during DNA replicaiton?


In active transport, molecules are moving across the membrane from an area of ___________ concentration to an area of __________concentration

low; high

Which is the main event of translation initiation?

mRNA binds to the ribosome

During translation initiation, the ribosome binds to the _______ RNA transcript


__________ can silence gene expression, making these molecules valuable in the study of disease and the development for potential therapeutic treatments

micro RNA

Heaby metals are relaibly:


A small number of _______ are considered beneficial in that they provide the cell with a useful change in structure or physiology


A __________ is a microbe which prefers environments near or at a pH of 7.


What are the two molecules that require sulfur atoms?

Cysteine and Vitamin B1

How does RNA differ from DNA in bacteria and eukaryotes?

RNA is single stranded and in RNA uracil replaces thymine

The antibiotic rifamycin, used to treat tuberculosis, binds and inhibits the activity of

RNA polymerase

Which enzyme transcribes DNA into RNA?

RNA polymerase

________ ________ is the enzyme that transcribes DNA into RNA

RNA polymerase

What is the main event of transcription elongation?

RNA polymerase joins nucleotides

What are methods of gene transfer in bacteria?

Transformation, Conjugation, and Transduction

What is the main even of transcription termination?

RNA polymerase reaches a terminator region

The human genome contains approximately _________ base pairs

3.1 billion

Which is the main event of translation termination?

A nonsense codon is reached and the peptide is released from the ribosome

Which two of the following statements regarding eukaryotic transcription are correct?

A series of adenosines is added o the mRNA and splicing to remove introns occurs in the nucleus

During transcription elogation, RNA polymerase synthesizes a strand of _______ from template _______


What amino acid sequence is encoded by the DNA template sequence 3' TACCGCGCTCTACCG-5'


What word is used to describe organisms which can use oxygen in their cellular respiration pathways?


An ______ is an organism that loves alkaline


Which two of the following satements are correct regarding DNA replication elongation?

DNA polymerase I removes the RNA primers used to initiate DNA synthesis and replication proceeds at a rate of 750 bases per second

Which three of the following infections are caused by biofilms?

Ear infections, cystic fibrosis, and dental plaque

T/F: A RNA template is a strand of RNA made from DNA


T/F: Okazaki fragments are formed during DNA replication of the leading strand


T/F: Plasmids are insertion sequences that can lead to changes in genotype within a cell or between cells


T/F: Viral genomes may be composed only of single or double stranded DNA


Transfer of DNA from a source other than the parent organisms

Horizontal Gene Transfer

Which element plays a key in maintaining the pH of cells?


_______ ______ typically kills microbes by producing toxic free radicals

Hydrogen Peroxide

Identify all of the general macronutrients found in a cell

Hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen

Gene probes are commonly used for:

Identifying bacteria or viruses in an unknown culture and diagnosing causative agents of infection

______ is the acquisition of chemical substances by organisms for use as an energy sources or as building blocks of cellular structures


Cloning hosts commonly used in recombinant DNA technology include

Several bacterial species, live animals/plants, animal cell cultures, and yeasts

An insertion sequence consists of only two genetic elements:

Tandem repeats and DNA encoding enzymes for transposition

Which two of the following statements regarding eukaryotic transcription are correct?

The exon-intron junction is recognized by a spliceosome and transription occurs before splicing

What is the practical value of gene probes?

They can detect specific nucleotide sequences in unknown samples

Micronutrients ( zinc & manganese) that are required by cells in small amounts are considered ________ elements.


T/F: A bacterial cell described as a competent can accept soluble DNA from the surrounding environment


T/F: A phage is a bacterial virus


T/F: Cell numbers increase exponentially during the log phase and decrease exponentially during the death phase of microbial growth


T/F: DNA polymerase is involved in the synthesis of new DNA strands during DNA replication


T/F: During protein synthesis, many copies of a specific protein can be synthesized from a single mRNA transcript


T/F: Heavy metals inactivate proteins of microbes


T/F: Quats are rated for only low-level disinfection in the clinical setting


T/F: Reverse transcriptase is the enzyme that can convert RNA into DNA


T/F: The 3 steps of PCR are repeated over and over to generate copies of the DNA


T/F: The anticodon for the codon AUG is UAC


T/F: The rate of growth in a bacterial culture can be measured in hours, days, or weeks depending upon the species


T/F: There are thousands of different restriction enzymes that each cut DNA at a different sequence


What term is used to describe the cloudiness of a broth culture?


transfer of DNA from parent organisms during reproduction

Vertical Gene Transfer

The lactose repressor protein is _______, meaning that it has two binding sites, one for the operator DNA sequence and another for lactose


The __________ test is a method of detecting mutagenic and potentially carcinogenic agents based upon the genetic alteration of nutritionally defective bacteria


Cellular growth can be visualized by:

an increase in cellular components, an increase in cell size, and an increase in cell number

Tetanus and gangrene are deep tissue infections mainly associated with which type of bacteria?


A relationship where mircoorganisms compete for survival in a common environment is known as________________


CRISPR is a system for genetic engineering that has been found in

archaea and bacteria

Craig Venter created a self-replicating ___________ cell from four bottles of chemicals


Some microbes generate unique gel-like formation which are fairly resistant to antibiotics. These formations are called __________ and often grow on surfaces such as catheters


Phase variation occurs when streptococcus pnemonia produces a


A microbe's nutrional type is deteremined by its source of ________ and _______

carbon and energy

A ___________ is a continuous culture system that provides nutrients and removes waste to stabilize cell cultures


What name is given to a device which provides a continuous culture system and removes wastes?


What is the role of restriction endonucleases in the biotechnology lab?

cleaving selected pieces of DNA

The organism that receives and replicates a foreign piece of DNA inserted during a genetic engineering experiment is referred to as the __________ _________

cloning host

which of the following is defined as a relationship between organisms where one organism benefits and the other is unharmed?


What is the function of rRNA?

composes ribosomal subunits



The word "__________" is often used on conjunction with the word "parasite" to describe the parasite's absolute need of a host cell or some other condition


The property of having antimicrobial effects in exceedingly small amounts is call a ______ action


Transposable elements are capable of moving from _______ to _______

one site in the chromosomes to another site in the chromosome; the chromosome to a plasmid; a plasmid to the chromosome

A relationship between organisms where one organism benefits at the expense of another is called ________


_________ is a relationship between 2 organisms where the host is harmed and the colonizer benefits


During the endocytic process of ______ the cell actively engulfs large particles into vesicles


Animals such as sheep and goats can be engineered to produce useful proteins taht are secreted in their milk or semen in a process referred to as "____________"


Phase variation is a type of ___________ variation


Which process repairs DNA that has been damaged by ultraviolet radiation using visible light?


A ________ is an organism which uses the sun's fight in directly power to metabolic pathways


Any microbe that uses photosynthesis to feed is specifically referred to as a(n) __________


Microbes that use photosynthesis to derive their energy are classified as _______, while microbes that gain their carbon in an organic form are classified as ________

photoautotrophs; heterotrophs

Galactose permease is an enzyme that facilitates the movement of galactose across the gram negative cell envelope. It is encoded by a 1400 bp gene. The best choice of cloning vector to clone the bene is a


__________ and bacteriophage make good cloning vectors


"Finishing touches" on proteins are termed __________ modification


The ________ of the lac operon is a region of DNA that is recognized by RNA polymerase


Which process in bacteria do the antibiotics tetracycline, chloramphenicol and erythromycin specifically inhibit?

protein synthesis

The ability of some bacteria to detect the numbers of often similar species of bacteria within a given area is called __________ sensing


Which type of RNA composes ribosomal subunits?


What type of RNA composes ribosomal subunits together with protein?

rRNA (ribosomal RNA)

The primary intent of ____________ DNA technology to combine the genetic material from two organisms


The __________ of the genetic code results in several codons encoding the same amino aid


The _________ is a particle composed of two subunits of rRNA that is the site of protein synthesis


During _________ DNA replication, the newly made double helices are composed of one strand from the parent template and one newly synthesized strand


A mutation that changes base but does not change the amino acid sequence of the encoded protein is termed a __________ mutation


______ is an alkaline compound made by combining the fatty acids in oils with sodium or potassium salts


Which of the following statements about soaps are correct?

soaps help to mechanically remove surface debris, soaps are only weakly microbicidal, and some bacteria can grow on soap as a nutrient source

During which phase of growth does the number of new cells balance the number of declining cells?


Staggered cuts through the two strands of DNA by an endonuclease leave tails known as ________ ends


The field that involves engineering organisms with new capabilities is known as ___________ biology


The 3' end of a eukaryotic chromosome that cannot be copied is called the ______


The antibiotic rifamycin can be used to treat tuberculosis because

the drug is more active against bacterial RNA polymerase than the human enzyme

DNA polymerase purifed form ________ organisms are used in PCR because they remain active at the high temperatures needed to denature DNA


RNA polymerase binds the DNA promoter to initate ___________


During what process is mRNA converted into a


The process of shifting the ribosome down the mRNA to read new codons is termed _______


T/F:Aldehydes are organic substances taht contain a -CHO functional group on a terminal carbon


Cells made rigid due to internal water pressure are called _______


The nitrogenous base thymine is only found in DNA, while _______ is only found in RNA


A genetic element such as a plasmid or a bacteriophage that is used to introduce genetic material into a cloning host during recombinant DNA experiments is called a(n)______________


The most common vector in gene therapy is a:


In basic science, we study phenomena of the natural world

with no direct application or product



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