Begin: Exam - Chapters 4 and 8

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People who experience a positive event, get excited, breathe harder, and have an increased heart rate, and subsequently interpret the symptoms as a heart attack, are experiencing what cognitive theorists call:

anxiety sensitivity

A person experiencing a panic disorder is MOST likely to also have a fear of:

leaving home

Your worries are only thoughts. Don't try to stop them! Recognize that they're thoughts, and don't let them upset you so much. These statements MOST likely would come from someone using which form of therapy for generalized anxiety disorder?

mindfulness-based cognitive therapy

A person is being treated for a social anxiety disorder. A therapist watches the person act out a social scene, points out what she did correctly and incorrectly, and praises her for what she did well. Which behavioral technique did the therapist NOT use?


Davon watched his father recoil from a snake in fear. Now he is afraid of snakes. This apparent acquisition of fear of snakes is an example of:


People with panic disorder experience body sensations:

more intensely than those people without panic disorder

A psychodynamic theorist finds that a client is experiencing a battle between anxiety-provoking id impulses and anxiety-reducing ego defense mechanisms. He thinks that in this case this usually unconscious conflict is being played out in an open and obvious manner. He is sure this underlying conflict explains his client's:

obsessive-compulsive disorder

When he was 5 years old, Sunil was almost struck by lightning while walking through a forest during a rainstorm. Today, he is extremely afraid of trees. A behaviorist would say that he has acquired this fear by:

classical conditioning

Although Gio has always taken good care of his health and well-being, over the past month he has been feeling a lot of pressure at work. He finds himself scrambling trying to meet a deadline that is fast approaching. Which change in his behavior may indirectly affect his immune system?


Cal tends to fall asleep at the drop of a hat—while watching television, eating, and even driving. He would most likely be diagnosed with:


Cindy has recently been diagnosed with cancer. Her quality of life is now poor because her coping style is one of helplessness, and she also has problems expressing her feelings. This is related to:


What is the main criticism of the cognitive-behavioral and psychodynamic explanations for the maintenance of hysterical disorders?


Which thought is consistent with the thinking of someone who has social anxiety disorder?


Isaac had finally had enough of his inability to walk. He went to therapy and eventually addressed a traumatic car crash from his past. Over time, he began to walk again. According to his psychodynamic therapist, why did these positive changes occur?

Isaac became conscious of and resolved his underlying fears, thereby eliminating the need to convert anxiety into physical symptoms

Which descriptor would be LEAST appropriate for someone experiencing obsessive-compulsive disorder, according to the cognitive perspective?

Let the good times roll. Don't worry about tomorrow

When Logan was 5 years old, he was playing with a stuffed bunny when a burglar broke into his home. Now, as an adult, Logan is terrified of rabbits. Why do cognitive-behavioral theorists believe Logan dreads rabbits, even though he should know they are harmless?

Logan never got close enough to rabbits to learn they are actually harmless

The healthcare provider is examining a woman in the emergency department who is complaining of having bloody diarrhea. The healthcare provider discovers that the woman is inducing her own condition by taking laxatives and anticoagulant medication. When asked why, the woman notes "I like being a patient here." What is the best explanation for the woman's behavior?

She has a factitious disorder

Sonia has a Type A personality style, while Liz has a Type B personality style. They are both running for class president. How would you expect their campaigns to differ?

Sonia will be more competitive, and Liz will be more relaxed.

Which statement BEST reflects our understanding of hysterical disorders?

The causes of hysterical disorders are poorly understood, with no theory predominant in aiding understanding.

A woman constantly avoids crowded streets and buildings, and she is very reluctant to leave home, even with a friend. Recently, she has started experiencing sudden, extreme fear every time she enters a crowded street. MOST likely, this woman would be diagnosed with:

agoraphobia and panic disorder

Researchers believe that panic disorder is biologically different from generalized anxiety disorder, based on differences in the:

brain circuitry involved in the two disorders.

When Marianela was a young child and watching TV with her mother, a mouse ran by. Her mother screamed, scaring her. Ever since then, Marianela has been afraid of mice. In this example, the mouse is the:

conditioned stimulus.

Josiah is a cellist preparing for his audition at Julliard, a world-renowned music school. The night before his audition, Josiah suffers an abrupt paralysis in his right arm. He has no known medical conditions that are associated with this symptom. This description MOST closely aligns with:

conversion disorder.

A patient consistently complains of an assortment of physiological ailments. After physical evaluation and close monitoring, the healthcare provider determines that she is intentionally producing the physical symptoms in order to appear sick to fill some psychological need. This would be classified as a:

factitious disorder

Both psychodynamic theorists and cognitive-behavioral theorists believe that in conversion disorder, the symptoms that appear:

help the person avoid unpleasant situations

A woman who is particularly threatened by any display of her own anger becomes unable to speak when she is most angry with her husband, thereby keeping the anger out of her awareness. According to psychodynamic theorists, she is achieving _____ from her illness.

primary gain

Relaxation training differs from mediation in that:

relaxation focuses on the body, whereas meditation focuses on turning one's concentration inward.

A man received kindness and sympathy from his wife when he was mute. What kind of gains is he receiving from his behavior?


Gabe appeared at the clinic complaining of pain in his knee, shoulder, and abdomen; nausea and vomiting; blurred vision; and exhaustion. The patient history revealed that he had been going to clinics for years trying to get treatment for these complaints as well as for a host of other physical symptoms. The diagnostic consensus was that

somatic symptom disorder

A patient with a heart condition complains of adhesions from his postoperative scar, leg cramps, and joint stiffness. He seems to be hurting all over, but no medical reason can be found to explain the symptoms. The BEST diagnosis for this disorder is:

somatic symptom disorder (predominant pain pattern)

A person says, "I've been diagnosed with social anxiety disorder, and my therapist wants me to use drug therapy, not psychological therapy. I don't know which to choose." Based on current research, the BEST answer would be:

some therapists think psychological therapy should always be used, even with drug therapy; there's less chance of relapse.

The first time the patient reported vague chest pains to a 911 operator, local EMTs responded with obvious attention and concern. Over the next several months, the patient called 911 more and more often, receiving the same concerned care for the same symptoms. This pattern of patient response is MOST easily explained by which theoretical perspective?

the cognitive-behavioral perspective

One limitation of the sociocultural approach to understanding generalized anxiety disorders is that it cannot explain:

why everyone who experiences danger doesn't experience generalized anxiety.

An example of a meta-worry is demonstrated by someone who:

worries about worrying

Unlike factitious disorders, psychophysiological disorders:


Which statement is TRUE about drug and cognitive treatments for panic disord

Cognitive treatments have proved to be at least as effective as medications, if not more so.

What is one important way obsessions and compulsions are related?

Compulsions help people control their obsessions.

Which statement is NOT usually true of those persons with body dysmorphic disorder?

Most disorder-specific behaviors would be considered normal for a teenager.

Charley brings her young daughter into the emergency room with internal bleeding. The attending physician later concludes that Charley caused the symptoms in her daughter intentionally, wanting to gain attention and praise for her devoted care of her sick child. If this assessment is correct, the appropriate diagnosis is:

Munchausen syndrome by proxy

What is the biggest difference between those individuals with body dysmorphic disorder and those individuals who are unhappy with their appearance?

People with body dysmorphic disorder may severely limit their contact with other people.

Which behavioral assumption has the LEAST amount of research to support it?

Phobias are primarily acquired through classical conditioning in humans

Which statement MOST accurately reflects current research findings regarding phobias?

Phobias may be a result of classical conditioning.

Which statement concerning psychological treatments for physical disorders is MOST accurate?

Psychological interventions are often most helpful when they are combined.

Adrian recently graduated from college and has started a new job in his field of study. He has very long work hours and gets little sleep. He quit exercising and is not eating a balanced diet. If he develops a psychophysiological disorder, it will be because of:

behavioral changes

Margo feels a lot of stress from things at home and has started drinking more than usual. If she develops a psychophysiological disorder it will be because of:

behavioral changes

Taylor has started smoking to help ease her stress from work. If she develops a psychophysiological disorder, it will be a result of:

behavioral changes

Which is an example of a specific social anxiety?

fear of public speaking

If a therapist gave a client homework that required the client to challenge faulty assumptions and replace them with healthier ones, the therapist would be using:

rational-emotive therapy

Juanita often feels lonely and does not have many close friends. She also has poor immune functioning and tends to get sick often. This may be due to the factor of:

social support

Will recently recovered from having ulcers. He had care from family and friends and, as a result, recovered faster than expected. This may be due to:

social support

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