BI 105-21 Test 2

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Feast of Purim

Zerubbabel and Jeshua

First Return: Temple Rebuilt

Theme of Ezra

First and Second Return of Israel: People Restored and Temple Rebuilt

Theme of Exodus

Formation of Israel as a Holy Nation

Purpose of the Exile (Leviticus 26; Jeremiah 25)

Fulfillment of the covenant Punishment for sin 70 year rest for the land

Abraham & Sarah

Genesis 17


Genesis 35


Genesis 49

Ruth's faith

Gentile expressing faith in the God of heaven

Deteriorating Spirituality

Gideon: idolatry Jephthah: sacrificed daughter Samson: married Canaanite woman

How did God keep His promise of a king?

Gives the people what they want Instructs them how to live under a king


Giving what is undeserved

Theme of Numbers

God Leads Israel in the Wilderness

Entering the land

God blesses obedience

Victory at Jericho

God blesses obedience

Defeat at Ai

God chastises disobedience

(Genesis - Deuteronomy)

God establishes His promise of hope through the formation of Israel

The last words of Joshua

God has been faithful Israel is called to holy living Covenant is renewed (remaining in the land requires continued obedience)

(Job - Song of Solomon)

God instructs humanity on living in light of His promised hope

Transition of leadership

God is faithful to His promise God is faithful in His presence

(Isaiah - Malachi)

God reinforces His promise of hope through the prophets of Israel

(Joshua - Esther)

God sustains His promised hope through the history of Israel

Theme of Deuteronomy

God's Covenant with Israel is Re-established

Theme of Esther

God's protection over Israel during times of exile

Attributes of God Highlighted

Grace, Mercy, Righteousness

God is faithful

He keeps His promises

God is Sovereign

His will will be done

Faith & obedience were replaced with...

Idolatry & disobedience

Theme of Leviticus

Instructions for Israel as a Kingdom of Priests

Northern Kingdom


1 Samuel 8

Israel Demands a King

Result of the test of obedience

Israel failed to obey God completely - Did not drive out the inhabitants

Second Return rebuilt the *people*

Israel had fallen into sin (married strangers - Gentiles) Prompted people to confess & forsake their sin (obedience to remain in the land)

Living during the exile

Jeremiah 29

Southern Capital


Southern Kingdom


God restored His people to the land

King Cyrus, King of Persia

Deuteronomy 28-30

Land Covenant

Exodus 19

Mosaic Covenant

13 years after Ezra...

Nehemiah returned to Jerusalem

Good kings? (Northern)

No good kings!





Joshua 24

People's Commitment to the Covenant



Theme of Ruth

Preservation of the Messianic Line

Genesis 3

Promise of Hope

Solomon's failure

Rejected God's command for a king His heart was turned from God to idols

"everyman did that which was right in his own eyes"

Relativity of truth (when truth becomes relative then truth becomes irrelevant)

Promise of a House

Right of succession Jesus Christ, the Son of David

Theme of 1 Kings

Rise and Decline of Israel

The Messianic Line preserved

Ruth (a Gentile) becomes the great-grandmother of King David... ...through whom would come Christ!

Northern Capital


The people's choice

Saul: what they could see (the visible)

Israel rejected God's rulership

Saw God as insufficient to fight their battles Adopted the world's reasoning for success: "like all the nations"

Word of God was elevated

Scripture was read form morning to midday Repentance and worship were emphasized


Second Return: Spiritual Revival

Cycle of Apostasy in Judges

Sin, Servitude, Supplication, Salvation, Submission

Good kings? (Southern)

Some good kings!

Theme of Genesis

The Book of Beginnings

Theme of 1 Chronicles

The Kingdom Established

Theme of Joshua

The entrance and settlement of Canaan

Theme of 2 Samuel

The establishment of the monarchy with David as the king

Theme of 1 Samuel

The establishment of the monarchy with Saul as the king

Theme of 2 Chronicles

The kingdom divided and exiled

God's response to Saul

The kingdom taken away; obedience is better than sacrifice


The people's hearts

Crossing the Jordan

The priests went first and stepped into the water

God's covenant with Noah (Noahic Covenant)

The world will never again be destroyed by a flood; unconditional (Genesis 6-11)


Third Return: Wall Rebuilt

Theme of Nehemiah

Third return of Israel: Wall is Rebuilt

Confusion & Chaos

Tribe of Benjamin nearly destroyed by the other tribes

Davidic Covenant

Unconditional Promise of a House Promise of a Kingdom Promise of a Throne (2 Samuel 7:12-16)


Withholding what is deserved

First Return rebuilt the *temple*

Work was stopped after foundation was laid (15 years) Work completed after Haggai & Zachariah encouraged the people

First Return led by

Zerubbabel & Jeshua

Jerusalem became the capital

Zion City of David

Esther, a Hebrew woman, married...

a Gentile, Ahasuerus

Kinsman Redeemer

a capable relative who comes to the aid of a needy family member

Promise of a Kingdom

a domain; place to rule


a military leader who administers justice

David's failure

adultery, conspiracy, murder

King Ahasuerus

held a beauty contest for choosing a new queen


high priest

Solomon's punishment

his son (Rehoboam) would lose half of the kingdom

Hamman (king's servant) plotted to...

kill all Jews after being insulted by Mordecai (Esther's Uncle)




last of the judges

God's response to David

mercy & forgiveness

From theocracy to...


Was Israel wrong in demanding a king?

not really...God had planned for a king

Land inherited

on both sides of the Jordan River


one sent by God to deliver His message


one who ministers and mediates between God & man



A life of...

purpose direction prayer peace discernment anticipation (HOPE!)

Northern Kingdom continued to...

rebel against God despite numerous warnings from prophets

Southern Kingdom continued to...

rebel against God despite numerous warnings from prophets

The people...

repented and reaffirmed the covenant (obedience in the land)

Saul's response to his sin

shifted blame to the people; said the oxen were for sacrifice for the Lord


the city walls - completed in 52 days!

Esther petitioned...

the king for deliverance

The Lord sustains His promise of hope through...

the times of the kings!


the willful rejection of Truth

After Joshua died

there was no formal leadership

Why did God command the Israelites to destroy the Canaanites

to avoid contamination of the "holy nation" (evil overcomes good naturally)

God is King

what He says goes

Southern Tribes

2 tribes

Levites received

48 cities rather than land positions

Northern Kingdom also called


"Sabbatical year"

Every 7 years

Second Return led by

Ezra (80 years after Zerubbabel)

1 Kings 12

Division of the Kingdom


Doing what is right (all the time)


governor, descendant of David

Test of obedience

drive out the remaining inhabitants of the land


first of the kings

Promise of a Throne

future king


governing of a people by divine guidance

Rahab's faith was confirmed

"Joshua saved Rahab...she dwelleth in Israel"

Rahab demonstrated her faith

"she bound the scarlet line in the window"

Rahab expressed her faith

"the Lord your God, He is God"

Israel's Failure

(Judges 1:21-33) "Neither did ______ drive out"

1 & 2 Samuel, 1 & 2 Kings












Return from exile




Transition of Israel's leadership


Types of Israel's leadership


Truths highlighted from the story of Ruth

1. God always has a righteous remnant 2. God is always faithful to His people

Lessons Learned

1. God is Sovereign 2. God is always at work 3. God is faithful to keep His promises

God's covenant with Abraham (Abrahamic Covenant)

1. God would make a great nation out of Abraham and his descendants 2. This nation would be a conduit of universal blessing - Salvation through a descendant of Abraham (JESUS) Unconditional (Genesis 12:1-3)

Prescription for success

1. Remember God's promises 2. Obey God's precepts 3. Rely on God's presence

How does God continue to keep His promises in Ruth?

1. Ruth & Boaz 2. Preservation of the Messianic Line

Northern Tribes

10 tribes

Ezra was...

A ready scribe Prepared to seek the law Prepared to do the law Prepared to teach Israel

Genesis 12

Abrahamic Covenant

Boaz's faith

Actions demonstrate his obedience to the commands of God Kinsman Redeemer

Nehemiah was cupbearer to...

Artaxerxes, King of Persia

Northern taken captive by...

Assyria - 722 B.C. (2 Kings 17)

Southern taken captive by...

Babylon - 586 B.C. (2 Chronicles 36)

3 Campaigns

Central, Southern, Northern (5-6 years after crossing Jordan)

Feast of Purim

Commemorates survival of Jews (celebrated still)

God's covenant with Moses (Mosaic Covenant)

Conditional "if you will obey my voice indeed" God desired to dwell with His people A people right with Him A place to dwell (Exodus 19:3-6)

Land Covenant

Conditional Obedience is required to dwell in the land (Deuteronomy 28-30)

Theme of Judges

Cycles of Apostasy and Deliverance

God's choice

David: what He could see (the invisible) "a man after His own heart" "the Lord looketh on the heart"

2 Samuel 7

Davidic Covenant

Theme of 2 Kings

Decline and Fall of Israel



God's command to Israel in Judges

Destruction of the Canaanites


Deuteronomy 17

Saul's failure

Did not destroy the Amalekites completely; Partial obedience to God's command to destroy the Amalekites



Israel served the Lord...

all the days of Joshua's generation


an absolute monarch who exercises control over his subjects

What is a covenant?

an agreement between two or more parties

Conditional Covenant

based upon the faithfulness of all parties to discharge agreed upon duties with agreed upon consequences for failure

David's response to his sin

confession & repentance

Unconditional Covenant

dependent solely upon the faithfulness of the one making the covenant

Queen Vashti


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