Bi Sci 001 Study Guide 3

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What is the liquid interior of the chloroplast called?


What is a function of antioxidants?

to decrease damage done to cells by free radicals

In general, when would the net movement of small, uncharged atoms and molecules through the plasma membrane end?

when the concentration of a solute is equal on both sides of the membrane

How many liters of water does an average human need to replace each day by consuming food or drink?


In most cases, how does tap water compare to bottled water?

Bottled water and tap water are equally clean

Which vitamin is water soluble and cannot be synthesized by the body?


Which organelle is a stack of membranous sacs that sort proteins to their proper cellular location?

Golgi apparatus

What happens to excess protein in the body?

It is stored as fat

What is the function of the plasma membrane in a photosynthetic eukaryotic cell?

It isolates the cell's contents from the external environment

Why is fiber an important part of a healthful human diet?

It may decrease the risk of certain types of cancers

Which statement is true about minerals?

Minerals cannot be made by the body

Why are whole foods better for your health than processed foods?

Processed foods don't contain all the vitamins and minerals found in whole foods

Imagine a balloon is made from a membrane that's permeable to water but not sucrose molecules. How would the balloon be affected if it is filled with a 50% sucrose solution and then placed in a beaker of water?

The balloon would get larger as it gains water

How would the permeability of the phospholipid bilayer of plasma membranes be described?

The bilayer is differentially permeable

Elodea is a freshwater aquatic plant that is often used as aquarium vegetation. How would an Elodea plant be affected by immersion in a saltwater aquarium?

The cells of the plant would shrink as water from the plant moved into the aquarium

Imagine a balloon is made from a membrane that's permeable to water but not sucrose molecules. How would the concentration of sucrose inside the balloon be affected if the balloon is filled with a 50% sucrose solution and then placed in a beaker of water?

The concentration will decrease

Carbohydrates are an excellent source of energy for the body. If a candy bar and a pear contain an equal number of calories from carbohydrates, which is a healthier food and why?

The pear is healthier because it contains more vitamins, minerals, and fiber

Why are the trans-fatty acids common in fast foods a concern to nutritionists?

They increase the incidence of clogged arteries

How are trans fats different from regular saturated fats?

Trans fats have flattened fatty acids

What is a major difference between saturated and unsaturated fats?

Unsaturated fats contain carbon-to-carbon double bonds, but saturated fats don't

What is the purpose of vitamins in the human body?

Vitamins help enzymes function properly

Which components form the structure of the plasma membrane?

a double layer of lipids with proteins embedded in it

What is the high energy molecule that is made from converted food energy in the mitochondria and is used to power cellular reactions?

adenosine triphosphate

What are the monomer "building blocks" that make up proteins?

amino acids

Which molecule, when moving across a plasma membrane, would require the most ATP to be used?

an ion moving against a concentration gradient

What are the protein pores in the plasma membrane that allow water to enter cells?


Which food is made up of many branching chains of sugar monomers?


Which food is most likely to contain all essential amino acids?


Use the figure to answer the following question. Which substance requires the use of a protein channel to pass through a plasma membrane?

calcium ions

To which category of nutrients does table sugar (sucrose) belong?


Which macronutrient is the major source of energy for cell processes?


Which cell component is composed of microtubules and helps move chromosomes around during cell division?


Which organelle is found in plant cells but not in animal cells?


Which organelle performs photosynthesis?


If vitamins help molecules reduce the activation energy for necessary chemical reactions, what is their role within the cell?


What protein fibers help form the framework of structural support for cells?

cytoskeletal elements

Inside a eukaryotic cell, what is the watery matrix where the organelles are found?


If sports drinks have a higher solute concentration than blood, what condition may result when you drink them?


What is a deficiency of water in the body?


During diffusion, how do the solute molecules move?

down a concentration gradient of solute molecules

Although viruses are extremely small, they are too large to enter a cell by passive transport. Which process brings viruses into a host cell?


Phagocytic white blood cells digest many of the invasive bacteria that enter the human body. How could a bacterial cell enter a white blood cell in order to be digested?


Which organelle is a network of membranes involved in the production of proteins?

endoplasmic reticulum

Which type of amino acids cannot be synthesized by the body?


What type of fatty acids include omega-3 and omega-6?

essential fatty acids

Which process fuses vesicles with the plasma membrane to move substances out of a cell?


How would amino acids and calcium ions from the bloodstream move across a cell membrane?

facilitated diffusion

Which antioxidant is naturally found in cocoa?


Why are monosaccharides used by body cells?

for energy production

If a drop of red food coloring is added to a glass of water, how will the red-colored molecules move?

from an area of high concentration of red-colored molecules to an area of low concentration

In what molecular form does the human body store excess carbohydrates in muscles and the liver?


Which process does not involve molecules moving across cell membranes?


What term describes the interior of a phospholipid bilayer?


Where do the reactions of cellular respiration occur?

in the matrix of the mitochondria

Which organelle contains digestive enzymes that degrade a variety of macromolecules?


Which organelle in a scavenging white blood cell would break down bacteria that had entered the body?


What are nutrients that the human body requires in large quantities?


Which organelle performs cellular respiration?


Which item has not been tested by the Food and Drug Administration for safety and effectiveness?


Which problem could be caused by a decrease in the body's normal water level?

muscle cramps

In which eukaryotic cell structure are ribosomes made?


What is the compartment in a eukaryotic cell where DNA is stored as chromatin?


If Erin would like to make a stir fry with an unsaturated fat, which fat would be suggested by Sam?

olive oil

What is the type of diffusion in which water moves down a concentration gradient?


How are large substances moved during exocytosis?

out of the cell

Which process involves the movement of molecules or atoms down a concentration gradient across plasma membranes?

passive transport

Which food is rich in complex carbohydrates?


Cells contain proteins that help transport substances from the exterior to the interior of the cell. Where are these proteins found?

plasma membrane

What cell structure defines the outer boundary of all cells, separating the cell's contents from its environment? (two words)

plasma membrane

What is a fat with many unsaturated carbons called?


Which essential mineral is provided by a diet rich in whole grains?


What two-word term describes food that has been stripped of most of its nutrients?

processed food

What type of molecules, embedded in phospholipid bilayers, transport hydrophilic molecules into or out of the cell?


The antibiotic streptomycin prevents protein synthesis in prokaryotes. Which cell component would be affected by this antibiotic?


What are the "work-bench" structures where cell proteins are assembled?


What characteristic of a plasma membrane allows certain molecules to pass through while preventing the passage of other molecules?


Tanya eats a vegan diet, which means that she does not eat any animal products. What would be a good source of calcium for Tanya?


In what molecular form do plants store their excess carbohydrates?


What is diffusion?

the movement of molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration

In commercial food manufacturing, what is the purpose of hydrogenation?

to make an unsaturated fat more saturated

Assume that a plant is suffering from drought and is beginning to wilt. Which cell component is most likely being affected, and what type of molecule is being lost from this structure?

vacuole; water

What membrane-bound structures fuse with plasma membranes during exocytosis or endocytosis?


Which of the following is a micronutrient?

vitamin C

Which substance requires sunlight for its synthesis?

vitamin D

Which vitamin could build up to dangerous levels within the body?

vitamin D

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