Bible 1006: LIFEPAC Test

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According to 1 Kings 4:32, Solomon's songs numbered 3,000.

the expression used to describe Job's latter years was used similarly with reference to Abraham and Isaac.

All of the following items support Job's identity with the patriarchal period except ____.

the confirmation of Samuel's ministry as a prophet

All of the following items were marks of Israel's deep spiritual decline during the years of the judges except ___.

idea contrasted

Antithetic parallelism


As God's revelation of truth, His Word does no avoid reporting the ___ of His people.

Psalm 41:13


Psalms 73-89

Book III

Deuteronomy: Law and land

Book V

idea built to crescendo

Climactic parallelism


Construction of the Temple was begun in the ____ year following the Exodus.


Construction of the Temple was begun in the seventh year of Solomon's reign.


David was secretly anointed by Samuel as Saul's successor.

wisdom, health, honor

God was faithful to His unconditional promise made to Solomon giving him _____, ____, and _____.

invoke a curse or judgement

Imprecatory psalms are psalms that ____.

wheat, oil

In return for cedar and fir form Lebanon, Solomon gave Hiram, king of Tyre, ___ year by year.

literary form

Lyric poetry

correspondence of clauses



Saul's confession to Samuel, "I have sinned," following Samuel's classic statement, "to obey is better than sacrifice," was really insincere.

idea repeated in similar words

Synonymous parallelism

idea explained or expanded

Synthetic parallelism



divided, Greek, Hebrew

The books of Samuel were first _____ in the Septuagint, the oldest _____ translation of the _____ Scriptures.

a.) the ministry of Samuel b.)the reign of Saul c.) the reign of David

The content of the books of Samuel includes (in correct order).


Threatened by the javelin of his own father, Jonathan was finally convinced that Saul meant to slay David.

"That all people of the earth may know that the Lord is God, and that there is none else."

Upon conclusion of his prayer, what purpose of God for Israel did Solomon express to the people (1 Kings 8:60)?

ex.) Things of this world which are apart from God do not bring happiness-- only emptiness.

What is the meaning of the statement "All is vanity"?

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