Bible Doctrine Unit 9

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the ages of kings in the Old Testament

mistakes in copying

the genealogies of Jesus

nonparallel passages

The Bible contains more apparent contradictions involving _____ than any other category.


the superscription over the Cross

partial information

Our new birth and our individual spiritual experiences verify God's presence in us.

personal experience

According to Revelation 4:11, God created all things for His own _____.


Many Biblical writers chose to describe nature in _____ form rather than in technical language.


Christianity is unique from all other religions because it has a _____ Savior, not a dead founder.


Christianity is unique from all other religions because it offers _____ by grace, not works.


Apparent errors in copying the Bible were made by:


the use of the word judgment

shades of meaning

A person who questions the integrity and truth of the Bible is called a(n) _____.


Some words in the Scripture, such as names of animals, are not _____ clearly from the original language into English.


Angels and human beings were created as free moral agents. T/F


Dual reigns were common in Daniel's day. T/F


God does not approve of evil but allows it to run its course. T/F


God has revealed Himself to man through the Scriptures. T/F


Hell is characterized by darkness and eternal fire. T/F


Idolatry exists today. T/F


Jesus is the Incarnate Word of God. T/F


Many people today do not know where and how God is speaking. T/F


Matthew may have been identifying the source of his quote with the first author of the prophetic scroll, Jeremiah. T/F


Paul's companions on the road to Damascus heard Jesus' voice but evidently did not understand His words. T/F


Satan is capable of performing miracles. T/F


Science provides a good basis on which to affirm the accuracy of the Bible. T/F


Scientists still describe natural phenomena from the human view-point as people did in the Bible. T/F


Some Bible criticism is constructive. T/F


The Bible describes heaven as being upward from the earth. T/F


The Biblical descriptions of heaven and hell serve as clues to their relative locations. T/F


The metamorphosis of a caterpillar into a butterfly is marvelous, while the Resurrection of Jesus Christ is miraculous. T/F


The prophets spoke and wrote some things which were not preserved in the Bible. T/F


When God spoke at Jesus' baptism, the crowd heard different words than those that Jesus heard. T/F


"All religions contain some _____.


John 14:6: "Jesus said to him, I am the _____ , and the _____ , and the _____ ; no one comes to the _____, ______ through Me."

way truth life father except

"Then God said, Let the waters teem with swarms of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth in the open expanse of the _____ " (Genesis 1:20).


An unbeliever who has no faith or who holds a different faith is called a(n) _____.


The heathen are without excuse, according to Romans 1:20, because nature reveals _____.


"_____ , sincere people are in all religions."


The writer of the Gospel of _____ was a highly educated physician and scholarly historian.


Select what a Christian should not do about alleged mistakes in the Bible. a. ignore them b. try to understand them c. trust God's Word d. examine problem passages e. either reach a conclusion or suspend judgment


Choose six attributes of God that are glorified by His dealings with evil. a. power b. patience c. universality d. justice e. holiness f. wisdom g. grace h. creativity i. love

a b d e g i

Along with nonparallel passages, the other four categories of alleged contradictions in the Bible are _____. a. doctrinal b. moral c. ethical d. numerical e. logical f. factual

a c d f

teleological argument

a divine intelligence

cosmological argument

a divine power

The heathen are without excuse, according to Romans 1:25, because they exchanged the truth of God for _____.

a lie

anthropological argument

a moral personality

A person who is genuinely seeking truth, even though he or she may question the integrity of the Bible, is called a(n) _____.


: The innate need of man to worship someone or something bears evidence of God's existence.


A person who denies that the nature of God and the universe can be known is called a(n) _____.


Those who fail to glorify God are recipients of God's _____.


A person who claims there is no God is called a(n) _____.


Select what a Christian should do about alleged mistakes in the Bible. a. ignore them b. try to understand them c. trust God's Word d. examine problem passages e. either reach a conclusion or suspend judgment

b c d e

Jesus urged others to follow a _____ example of simplicity and faith.


True science and Scripture are:


A person who questions the integrity of the Bible, even though he or she may be genuinely seeking truth, is called a(n) _____.


faith and works

different emphases

An honest, receptive inquiry into the Bible usually results in an attitude of:


All miracles are performed directly by God. T/F


All miracles are violations of natural law. T/F


Creation and forgiveness are divine attributes of God. T/F


Criticism against the Bible in the name of science arises primarily because the Bible uses technical language in its references to science-related subjects. T/F


God is the creator of moral evil. T/F


God, in revealing Himself through what He created, does not expect man to respond. T/F


Omnipotence and eternal existence are divine activities of God. T/F


Records confirm that it is not possible for a whale to swallow a man whole. T/F


Revelation 22:18-19 tells us that there is more to be added to God's written Word. T/F


Scripture originated from God, but science originated from man. T/F


The Bible identifies the exact locations of heaven and hell. T/F


The English word, hell, is translated from only one original word in the Bible. T/F


The Hebrew word, Tophet, and the Greek word, Gehenna, identify the city dump inside the walls of Jerusalem. T/F


God created all things to make Himself _____ others.

known to

The historical problem in Daniel clears up when we realize that Darius the Mede was actually Cyrus the Persian. T/F


The presence of evil makes it more difficult to recognize God's attributes. T/F


The written message of Jesus and the Apostles was completed in the four Gospel accounts. T/F


The written message of Jesus and the Apostles was completed with the book of Malachi. T/F


Those today who have never heard the Gospel have no hope. T/F


Trying to prove that God exists is more difficult than trying to prove that He does not exist. T/F


love and hate

figures of speech

The Bible calls an atheist a _____.


The heathen are without excuse, according to Romans 1:21, because men did not _____ God when they knew Him.


Christianity is unique from all other religions because its God is _____, not a simple deity. 1: an inseparable Trinity 2: a spirit 3: ancient


Which of the arguments against the local flood theory uses the ark? 1: If the flood was local, Noah could have migrated to an unflooded area. 2: It is inconsistent to accept some parts of the Flood account and not the others. 3: A promise was given never to destroy the earth again with a flood. 4: All men have descended from Noah's three sons.


Which of the elements is being referred to in the argument below? Its irregularities show evidence of flooding. 1: the earth's surface 2: fossil 3: sedimentary rock


Which of the following is not a reason why the heathen are accountable for their sin. 1: Nature reveals Jesus Christ as the way to God 2: Men rejected God when they knew Him 3: Men prefer sin to God


Apparent contradictions or mistakes in the Bible occur: 1: not at all 2: very few times 3: very many times 4: throughout all of it


Christianity is unique from all other religions because it follows _____, not the teachings of men. 1: the best way 2: the authentic Word of God 3: a better way


In the Old Testament: 1: God was not visible in his essence 2: pre-Incarnate Christ was visible 3: The trinity was manifested 4: God appeared only as an angel


The Biblical account of Jesus' walking on water is a miracle of: 1: timing 2: intervention of natural laws 3: visible appearance 4: all of these


Which of the elements is being referred to in the argument below? The formation requires sudden burial. 1: the earth's surface 2: fossil 3: sedimentary rock


Which of the objections below uses the Bible to argue against the local flood theory? 1: If the flood was local, Noah could have migrated to an unflooded area. 2: It is inconsistent to accept some parts of the Flood account and not the others. 3: A promise was given never to destroy the earth again with a flood. 4: All men have descended from Noah's three sons.


Cyrus the Persian and Darius the Median were: 1: the same person 2: rulers of different kingdoms 3: ruler and subruler 4: not contemporaries


The Biblical account of Jesus' birth is a miracle of: 1: timing 2: intervention of natural laws 3: visible appearance 4: all of these


Which of the arguments against the local flood theory uses God? 1: If the flood was local, Noah could have migrated to an unflooded area. 2: It is inconsistent to accept some parts of the Flood account and not the others. 3: A promise was given never to destroy the earth again with a flood. 4: All men have descended from Noah's three sons.


Which of the elements is being referred to in the argument below? Shows evidence of being deposited during the various stages of a massive flood. 1: the earth's surface 2: fossil 3: sedimentary rock


A Christian with honest doubts should: 1: study them through 2: suspend judgment 3: avoid denials 4: all of these


God created the world for His: 1: pleasure 2: fellowship 3: glory 4: all of these


Heaven in the Scripture is used to describe the: 1: earth's atmosphere 2: realm of the planets and stars 3: third heaven of God's abode 4: all of these


Which of the arguments below against the local flood theory uses the existence of the human race? 1: If the flood was local, Noah could have migrated to an unflooded area. 2: It is inconsistent to accept some parts of the Flood account and not the others. 3: A promise was given never to destroy the earth again with a flood. 4: All men have descended from Noah's three sons.


According to Genesis 8:4, the ark rested upon the mountains of _____ which are located in the modern-day country of _____.

Ararat Turkey

"All roads lead to _____.


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