Bible Module 1

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The focus of the book of _____ is that Jesus is all we need in life.



Colossians gives the most concise description of Satan's lies that can be found in the entire Bible. It also addresses worldly philosophy, human tradition, legalism, self-abasement (humiliation), worship of angels, exotic visions, asceticism (extreme self-discipline), self-made religion, and more.

Which two books were written in Babylon during the time of exile?

Daniel Ezekiel

Which modern English translation was the first major revision of the Bible since the King James Version?

English Revised Version

In the book of _____, Paul encourages believers by helping them realize the incredible gift of God's unmerited grace.


The Edomites were the descendants of _____.


Who might have written the Dead Sea Scrolls?


The books of 1 and 2 Chronicles were probably authored by ____.


The book of ________ covers about 2,200 years of history.


Luke is the only _____ to write books of the New Testament.



God is faithful despite the unfaithfulness of His people. God punishes disobedience. God calls humans to repent. God offers redemption and reconciliation.

The ________ tell the story of the earthly ministry of Christ.


God uses _____ to wake His people up from their spiritual apathy and encourage them to remain strong and holy.


The theme of this book is that Jesus is superior to the angels, prophets, Moses, the law, the tabernacle, and the sacrificial system.


The Church began when the ________ ________ was poured out on the Day of Pentecost.

Holy Spirit

The book of _____ serves as an illustration of God's faithfulness amid His "marriage" (covenant) to an unfaithful people.



The Talmudists were Rabbinical Scholars that created a codex. They had strict rules in the transcription of scrolls into the codex: each page of the codex must have the same number of columns (48 lines long each), and each line had to be 30 letters long. Nothing, not even a part of a letter, could be written from memory.

Which was the first Latin translation of the Bible?

The Vulgate

Synoptic Gospesl

Matthew, Mark, and Luke are known as the Synoptic Gospels. They see the life and ministry of Jesus in a very similar way, centering on historical events and the teachings of Christ.

There are at least 1,600 quotes from the ________ included in the ________.

New Testament; Old Testament

Nahum warned the city of _____ about God's judgment after the people returned to their wicked ways following Jonah's mission.


During the time of the book of _______, the Israelites were wandering in the wilderness for forty years between Mt. Sinai and the Land of Promise.


The book of ______ is a message to all Christians who have felt betrayed by a fellow believer.


Christ's return from the dead is known as the ________.


______ is the only prophetical book in the New Testament.


_______ means "unveiling" or "uncovering".


The book of _____ is the perhaps most theological book in the entire Bible.



Romans contains important theological themes. It begins with God's universal and general revelation through the creation and ends with a warning to watch out for those who cause divisions in the church and preach false doctrine. The basic theme throughout Romans is righteousness: we are sinners, but through the righteousness of Christ, we can be forgiven and saved.

_____ is an example of how Gentiles were included in the blessing to all the nations that God promised to Abraham.


After the period of the judges, Samuel was instructed by God to anoint ____ as the first king of Israel.


In one or two sentences, explain what three possibilities scholars suggest as identities for the "chosen lady" addressed in 2 John.

Scholars believe the chosen lady could be the Church, a godly mother, or a house church in Asia Minor.

The title Psalms comes from the Greek word psalmos, which refers to which of the following?

Stringed instruments that accompany songs

In one or two sentences, explain the relationship between the Old Testament and the New Testament.

Studying the Old Testament can provide valuable insight into the New Testament. Including the Old Testament in studying the Bible will offer important glimpses into Jesus life and how His coming was foretold.

The apostle Matthew was a Jewish citizen working as a _____ _____ for the Romans.

Tax collector


The Apocrypha is a collection of 14 additional books sometimes included after the end of Revelation in certain Protestant versions of the Bible. These books are not considered Holy Scripture, serving as only additional historical information.

In a short paragraph, explain how the entire Bible is centered on Jesus Christ.

The Bible focuses on Jesus with prophecy, miracles, and the fact that God the Father sent his one and only son down to save all of humanity. Each book in the Bible will have a different message you can gleam and understand. These messages all point to a benevelont and loving Creator that wishes to save us.

In one or two sentences, explain what scholars mean when they say the Bible is inerrant.

The Bible is without error or fault in all its teachings. The Bible had no error in its original form and when properly interpreted.

Prior to being written down by Moses, the stories of Creation, the Flood, and the Tower of Babel were passed down as ________.

oral accounts

The book of Revelation is the only book of ________ in the New Testament.


The Orthodox canon includes an additional ________.


John's _______ letter is addressed to "the chosen lady," who remains unidentified.


Obadiah is the _______ book in the Old Testament.


John concentrates more on ______ than giving accounts of miracles and events.


Translations of the Bible are important because they allow the Bible to be _______________.

understood and reflected upon

The title of the book of Proverbs comes from the many short tidbits of _____ that make up this book, meant to educate people on seeing themselves and the world through God's eyes.


The theme of _____ is that believers should strive to remain faithful and display Christ-like behavior in the midst of difficult circumstances.

1 Peter

The book of ________ was written after Paul was released from house arrest in Rome.

1 Timothy

The book of _________ is the most intimate account ever written of the trials and triumphs of Christian ministry.

2 Corinthians

According to this book, believers should strive to demonstrate love, hospitality, and unity, and remain cautious around false teachers.

2 John

In ____, the author wrote to warn believers of the danger and destructive nature of false teaching.

2 Peter

In _______, Paul encourages the church to be diligent in ministering to others because Jesus hasn't returned yet.

2 Thessalonians

In the book of _______, Paul encourages the church to be diligent in ministering to others because Jesus hasn't returned yet.

2 Thessalonians

_______ was written shortly before Paul was executed in Rome.

2 Timothy

The New Testament is a collection of ________ books written over a period of fifty to sixty years.


The central theme of this book is that God delights in believers like Gaius who walk in truth and display love/hospitality toward others.

3 John

There are (A)________ different books written by (B)________ different authors in the Old Testament.

39 30

The Israelites were allowed to return Jerusalem from Babylon after __ ____ of exile.

70 years

What is a canon?

A group of books accepted as Holy Scripture

In his ______ letter, the apostle John writes of God's love and encourages his readers to obey God's commandments.

1 John

This letter affirms Christ's humanity and deity, and it focuses on God's love through Christ.

1 John

The book of ______ describes the division of the kingdom into the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah.

1 Kings

One of the overarching messages of the book of ____ is that "actions speak louder than words."


What is a codex?

An early form of a book

What three languages was the Bible originally written in?

Ancient Hebrew Aramaic Greek

Some Protestant Bibles include fourteen additional books, known as the ________.


Micah predicted the destruction of Israel by the ______ and of Judah by the ________.

Assyrians; Babylonians

The prophet Zechariah was born in ______ and came to Jerusalem with the exiles that returned under Zerubbabel.


As a kinsman redeemer, _____ is a picture of Christ, who is our ultimate Redeemer.


The Old Testament is a collection of books that are primarily about


Who is considered the most well-known prophet in the Bible?



Israel disobeys and experiences oppression. Israel cries out to God and He raises up a judge to deliver them. Israel is delivered and lives in peace once again. Israel disobeys and experiences oppression . . . and so the cycle continues.

In the book of 2 Kings, the northern kingdom of ________ is captured by the _______, while the southern kingdom of _______ is captured by the ________.

Israel, Assyrians Judah, Babylonians

In one or two sentences, describe the time period covered by the Pentateuch.

It covers a time period from Creation until the death of Moses.

The theme of ____ is that God's grace enables and compels believers to live out their faith in Christ.


______ is one of the longest books in the Bible.


This book records a terrible locust plague sent by God to punish His people for their sins.


The Hebrew nation was enslaved after the death of _____ in the book of Exodus.


Deuteronomy was written by Moses and probably finished by ______ because Deuteronomy recounts the details of Moses' death.


_____ led the Israelites into the Promised Land and divided the land among the twelve tribes.


Zephaniah was a prophet during the reign of King _____ of Judah.


_______ insisted that Jewish Christians must continue to follow the Mosiac Law.


This book stands for the truth and a defense of the faith against false teachers and doctrine.


The New Testament was written in ________.

Koine Greek

Select all of the ways that the Song of Solomon can be interpreted.

Love between Christ and His Church Love between God and His people, Israel Love between a man and a woman

This Gospel was written first.


Who developed the Protestant canon?

Martin Luther

Matthew quoted the ___ ______ more than any other gospel writer.

Old Testament

Through his death on the cross, Jesus paid the ________ for the sins of the world.


Once a denier of Christ, _____ went boldly from the day of Pentecost to preach a sermon where thousands came to be saved.


What three Jewish sects were established during the Intertestamental period?

Pharisees Sadducees Essenes


The Lord is the "Holy One of Israel" (mentioned 30 times). Israel is the Lord's "holy people" (Isaiah 62:12). Jerusalem is God's "holy city" (Isaiah 48:2) and "holy mountain" (Isaiah 11:9; 27:13). The Lord is inviting the Gentiles (the nations) to worship Him (Isaiah 2:2; 56:7).


The Masoretes were a group of Jewish scribe scholars. Their rules for transcription were so strict that they counted the number of words and letters in each book and calculated the middle word and middle letter. They knew the number of times each letter of the alphabet appeared in each book. If a copy did not agree exactly with the original, it was destroyed.

What two events from the Old Testament find fulfillment through Christ in the New Testament, thus proving that Christianity is the one true religion?

The Passover The Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur)

The Hebrew title for the book of Ecclesiastes is Qoheleth, which comes from the Hebrew word qohelet. It can be translated as...

The Preacher The Teacher


The book of Ecclesiastes is a summary of Solomon's lifelong attempt to find peace and meaning in life, which ultimately results in a simple answer: "Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man."

Paul and his companions were chased out of ________ by unbelievers that were jealous of the success of the Gospel.


In a few words, describe how the prophets Elijah and Elisha reminded the Israelites that God had not abandoned them.

They perform miracles that witnessed the power of God, and confront the leaders of the divided nation.


This book details a conversation between Habakkuk and God for the benefit of God's people. The prophet asks why God does not destroy evil.


This book is a collection of songs that contains praises to God, prophecies about the coming Messiah, prayers to God, and poems about God.

At the Council of Trent, the Catholic Church declared that the ________ was the text from which all other translations of the Bible were to be taken.


Which Bible version was the first major English translation?

Wycliffe's Bible

______ called for spiritual renewal among the Israelites, who were ignoring God's laws, not tithing, and offering unacceptable sacrifices.


______ lived at the same time as the older prophet Haggai.


Intertestamental means ________.

between the testaments

Old Testament manuscripts were written on ________.

clay parchment leather metal papyrus

Jesus is the ________ of God's revelation of Himself to mankind.


Nehemiah was _______ to King Artaxerxes, which made it possible for him to ask the king for permission to lead the Israelites back to Jerusalem.


One of the myths of the Old Testament is that it is too ________ to understand.


Because of the strict rules of copyists regarding how to hand-copy early manuscripts, there are few ________ between the Dead Sea Scrolls and newer transcripts of Scripture.


The Dead Sea Scrolls are the ________ Old Testament manuscripts that have been found to date.


The New Testament chronicles the beginning of the ________ and the spread of Christianity.

early church

The apostle Paul was originally an ________ of the Church.


In the book of Galatians, Paul emphasizes salvation by _______ through _______.

faith; Christ

Esther depended on the ________ of God to keep her safe when she was willing to stand up for her people, the displaced Jews.


The New Testament covers a time period of ________.

fewer than one hundred years

In his __ letter, the apostle John writes of God's love and encourages his readers to obey God's commandments.


The Pentateuch is the first ________ books of the Bible.


In 2 Corinthians, Paul emphasizes the importance of ________ and the triumph of the gospel message.


The Intertestamental period is a gap of approximately ________ between the last events of the Old Testament and the birth of Christ.

four hundred years

The Old Testament provides a record of ________.


Mark emphasizes the _______ of Jesus' miracles.


The Old Testament is the ________ to understanding the New Testament.


Malachi is the ____ book of the Old Testament.


The Epistles written by Paul are essentially ________ to the churches.


If Job wrote the book that bears his name, then it could be the _____ book in the Bible.


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