Bible Test 3

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With what title did the Lord address Ezekiel?

"Son of Man"

What object did God set among his people in Amos 7?

A plumbline

In the poem in Hosea 2, what was Israel to give up?

Baal worship/lovers

To which country does Daniel 1 say some of the articles from the temple were taken?


The antithesis of Lady Wisdom. She is a personification of willful, arrogant ignorance. She competes with Lady Wisdom for the hearts and minds of young men in Proverbs.

Dame Folly

What decree did Nebuchadnezzar make concerning his image?

That all were to fall down and worship the image when music plays

A dialogue between a sage and a righteous sufferer that severely challenges the retributional theology of Mesopotamia. This is the closest Mesopotamian parallel to the disputations in the book of Job.

The Babylonian Theodicy

What people group worshiped Baal?

The Canaanites

How many sections are there in Ezekiel's message?


Also known as the "Sumerian Job" this is the earliest known Mesopotamian text to explore the problem of the righteous sufferer. Though the speaker insists on his innocence most of the text consists of a penitential lament that eventually leads to restoration and healing by the god. This text provides an important contrast to Job's approach to the same theological problem.

"A Man and His God"

How many days was Ezekiel to lie on his right side for Judah's sin according to chapter 4?

40 days

What does God compare Israel to in Hosea 11?

A child and a son

What is a palistrophe?

A literary pattern

What is Israel compared to in Hosea 10?

A luxuriant vine

What appeared to Daniel in chapter 10?

A man

What is pseudonymity?

A piece of writing attributed to a well known person

How did God describe Israel to Ezekiel in chapter 2?

A rebellious nation

What did the outstretched hand give to Ezekiel in chapter 2?

A scroll

Who was Amos, according to Amos 1:1?

A shepherd

What are the poems that are arranged according to the Hebrew alphabet in which the first letter of each line or each stanza begins with successive letters of the alphabet?


In Hosea 4:15, what does Hosea say that Israel has committed?


A gentile king whose proverb collection is preserved in Proverbs 30.


Who was the matriarch of the gods?


What is personfication?

Attributing personal qualities to impersonal or even inanimate entities as a way of describing them

According to the end of chapter 2 of Hosea, what was God wanting to do with his people?

Call them his people

What was Daniel told to do with the scroll at the end of the book of Daniel?

Close it and seal it

Which ruler allowed deported people to return and rebuild their homes and sanctuaries?


The book of Hosea represents the Word of the Lord that came to Hosea over what period of time?

Days of Jeroboam, Days of Uzziah, Days of Ahaz, Days of Hezekiah

What does Amos 9:1-10 say will happen to Israel?


According to Ezekiel 24, what did Ezekiel do the morning after his wife died?

Did as the Lord commanded him

Who was the patriarch of the gods?


A young man who interrupts the conversation of Job and his three friends to add his own commentary on Job's situation as well as on the failure of the three friends to provide an adequate explanation.


Job's three friends who take turns responding to Job's scathing cosmic curse in Job 3. Their responses reflect the conventional wisdom of retributional theology.

Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar

Why is Israel being judged, according to Hosea 9?

For their Baal worship

How many kingdoms were to come before God's kingdom was established?


What did Ezekiel see in the whirlwind in chapter 1?

Four living creatures

A literary figure who introduces the main content of a book or story and who may reappear at the end to evaluate the book's contents is known as what?

Frame narrator

According to Hosea 9, who has Israel rejected as their king?


What is the name of Hosea's wife?


What was the king's response to Daniel's interpretation of his dream in Daniel 2?

He fell prostate before him, gave him gifts, made him ruler of the province of Babylon, put him over the wise men

What happened to Nebuchadnezzar?

He went crazy and ate grass in the same manner as cattle

What does the name "Hosea" mean?

Help or deliverance

What was Ezekiel to burn in chapter 5?

His hair

What is the central relationship described in the book of Hosea?

Hosea's relationship with Gomer

What piece of literature is a famous collection of 30 Egyptian wisdom sayings that finds a close parallel in Proverbs 22:17-23:11?

Instruction of Amenemope

An Egyptian manual of behavior based on the assumption of an orderly creation similar to that described in Genesis 1-2.

Instruction of Ani

When God called for fire in Amos 7 what did it do?

It destroyed the great deep and ate up the land

Why does Amos question people who long for the day of the Lord according to Amos 5:18?

It will be a day of darkness and not of light

What is another name derived from Hosea?

Jesus and Yeshua

A personification of wisdom frequently employed as a literary device in proverbs. Many believe that this personification was inspired by the Egyptian concept/goddess Ma'at.

Lady Wisdom

A gentile king whose proverb collection is preserved in Proverbs 31.


What stripped the land clean according to Amos 7?


Also known as the "Babylonian Job," this wisdom text is a poetic monologue that begins and ends with praise to Marduk despite the speaker's experience of indescribable pain and loss.

Ludlul Bel Nemeqi

Who was the wife of Thoth?


What appeared on the wall during Belshazzar's feast in chapter 5?

Mene, Mene, Tekel, and Parsin

According to chapter 12, who will arise to protect God's people?


What does Hosea have to do to get his wife back?

Pay for her

The Hebrew designation for the book we know as Ecclesiastes. Also the penname of the main speaker in the book.


In addition to sin, what has Judah done according to Amos 2?

Rejected the law, not kept the statutes, and followed lies

What is promised to Israel in Amos 9:11-15?


One who collects, contemplates, refines, and shares the indigenous wisdom tradition


Who were the "sons of the prophets?"

Servants under the charge of Elijah and Elisha

How many years of insanity does Daniel say Nebuchadnezzar experienced?


Against which century is the backdrop of Daniel set?


Israel's third king who presided over a golden age of cultural achievement and imperial expansion. He is also the patron of Israel's wisdom tradition credit with collecting and composing many of the proverbs found in the book of Proverbs.


A member of Yahweh's divine council who tests Yahweh's relationship with humanity in order to purge it of all ulterior motives.

The Satan

Which collection does Hosea head up in the Hebrew Bible?

The Twelve

How do we know that Hosea wrote the book of Hosea?

The book introductory verses

Hosea's reputation has resulted in him being called what?

The deathbed prophet

To what position was Daniel appointed in chapter 6?

The highest official/satrap

To what section of Scripture does the book of Ezekiel belong?

The major prophets

What was the meaning of the basket of ripe fruit in Amos 8?

The time is right to punish Israel

According to Amos 2, how has Israel sinned?

They did not take care of the poor, they committed sexual sins, and they told the prophets not to prophesy

What was special about the names of Hosea's children?

They had meaning/connected to the prophecy

How was a select group of Israelite men treated by the Babylonians?

They were taught the language and literature of Babylon, offered food from the king's table, and prepared to enter the king's service

What was the consequence of not worshipping the image?

Thrown into the furnace

According to Hosea 2:23, what does God want to cause Israel?

To cause them to come back

What instruction did Hosea give his wife in chapter 3?

To stay with him for many days

What is Israel compared to in Amos 5:2?


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