Bible Unit 8 Choices

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Fill in the blanks. (You can find the verse above.) Proverbs 17:17 says, "A friend loveth ____ _____ _____, and a brother is born for adversity."

at; all; times

Look up Isaiah 38:17. "Behold, for peace I had great bitterness; but thou hast in love to my soul delivered it from the pit of corruption: for thou hast cast all my sins _______ ________ ________.

behind; thy; back

Look up Isaiah 43:25. "I, even I, am he that _______ out thy ______ for mine own sake, and will not remember thy sins.

blot; transgressions

The _______ of a Christian is the temple of the Holy Spirit.


Look up Psalm 103:12. "As far as the ______ is from the ______, so far hath he _____ our transgressions from us."

east; west; removed

to tempt


The theme of 1 John 1, is: love joy peace fellowship


When God forgives a sin, He then: writes it down in a book forgets the sin reminds the person about it wants more confession for the sin

forgets the sin

To give


To bring something on oneself.


When a Christian is tempted to sin, God will: stop the temptation before he sins not allow him to sin make a way to escape the temptation not interfere

make a way to escape the temptation

An illegal drug used by young people is: aspirin iodine marijuana marjoram


"Do not covet," "do not fornicate," and "do not talk foolishly" are: positive commands negative commands guiding principles

negative commands

A drug is a substance that affects the body's: nervous system sense of touch sin nature physical structure

nervous system

When a person believes on the Lord Jesus Christ, God gives him a: certificate blessing command new nature

new nature

Someone's ____________ is their belief.


The old nature comes from a(n)______ birth, as a descendant of Adam.


"Be kind," "be thankful," and "sing to the Lord" are: positive commands negative commands guiding principles

positive commands

to push forward; to urge onward


Love, faith, peace, and joy are behaviors characteristic of the ______ nature.


Hebrew 10:17 "And their sins and iniquities will I _____ _______ _________."

remember no more

The new nature comes from a(n)______ birth, given by God.


From Galatians 5:19-23, select the behaviors characteristic of the old nature. temperance, strife, hatred, envyings, love, meekness, wrath, drunkenness

strife, hatred, envyings, wrath, drunkenness

Christians should avoid behavior that causes another Christian to: stumble complain obey confess


Look up Isaiah 44:22. "I have ______ ______, as a thick cloud, thy transgressions, and, as a cloud, thy sins: return unto me; for I have redeemed thee."

swept; away

The old nature is derived from: sinful acts Adam the flesh drugs


T/F A Christian has the right to judge (with a view to condemning) others.


T/F A person should use illegal drugs whenever he has severe pain.


T/F Agapao is given because of a person's merit.


T/F Christians have unrestricted liberty (freedom) in their behavior.


T/F Confession means seeing a sin from our point of view as being exceedingly sinful.


T/F Cramming is an effective method for learning.


T/F Friendships happen automatically.


T/F God has given positive and negative commands for all behavior.


T/F Guilt is just a feeling of having done wrong.


T/F If a student cheats secretly, he is the only one who knows what he has done.


T/F Illegal drugs have predictable effects.


T/F Loss of coordination, sense transfer, and seizures are some of the psychological effects of drugs.


T/F Paul said that Christians are never to eat meat.


T/F Peer pressure for taking drugs starts in the upper grades of high school.


T/F Some students have to cheat.


T/F Staying away from those who cheat is the only way to avoid cheating.


T/F The Bible gives no direct commands for behavior.


T/F Using a calendar to record due dates will help you pay attention in class.


T/F When a person becomes a believer, the old sin nature no longer has any influence in decision making.


T/F You can always trust the counsel or advice you get from a friend even if he or she is not a Christian.


T/f It does not matter where you sit when you study.


To be strongly attracted; spellbound.


Hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting, or feeling something that only exists in one's imagination.


Select the reasons why some students cheat. The student is too lazy to study. The student already knows the right answers. The student is pressured to make good grades. The subject matter is hard.

The student is too lazy to study. The student is pressured to make good grades. The subject matter is hard.

How did the believers in Rome react when they disagreed with each other concerning their behavior? They edified one another. They glorified God together. They despised and judged each other.

They despised and judged each other.

T/ F Confession will restore a Christian's relationship with God.


T/F A characteristic of friendship displayed by Abraham and by Jesus' disciples was trust.


T/F A drug is a substance that affects the body's nervous system.


T/F According to 1 John 1:3, the theme of 1 John, Chapter 1 is communion with believers and with God.


T/F Cheating is taking something that is not rightfully yours.


T/F Cheating will hinder the maturing process.


T/F Christians should avoid behavior that causes a brother or sister in Christ to stumble.


T/F Christians should do all things to the glory of God.


T/F Confession involves seeing a sin from God's point of view.


T/F Doctors prescribe some drugs that others use illegally.


T/F Effects of drugs can be permanent.


T/F Fileo is given because of a person's merit.


T/F Friends do not withhold good things from each other.


T/F God has friends.


T/F Having good study habits will help you learn more.


T/F Illegal drugs can have permanent effects.


T/F Impaired judgment, distorted reality, and decreased will power are some of the psychological or mental effects of drugs.


T/F Many young people take drugs because of peer pressure or to defy the rules of their parents, government, or God.


T/F Most youth have had opportunities to obtain illegal drugs.


T/F People sin because they are born with a sin nature.


T/F Showing friendship helps to form a friendship


T/F The Bible gives many principles for behavior.


T/F The two natures of a Christian are called the old man, or old nature, and the new man, or new nature.


T/F When you are reading, it is possible to see the words, yet not really be reading.


T/F You should evaluate your own behavior.


Many young people take drugs to defy: parents government God all of the above

all of the above

Mutual hatred among enemies.


Bodily well-being or happiness.


Pretending to be what one is not.


1 John 1:9: "____ we ____our ____ , he is ____ and ____ to ____ us ____ _____, and to ____us from _____ ________."

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness

An inner force that holds back one's impulses.


Worth; goodness.


Will God remember the sins we confess to Him? (yes - no)


Being in harmony or agreement.


Fill in the blanks. (You can find the verse above.) 1 John 1:9 "If we ______ our sins, he is faithful and just to _______ us our sins, and to _______ us from all _______."

confess; forgive; cleanse; unrighteousness

Clashing; opposing


To bring together face to face


To ________ means to earnestly desire to have more.


Look up Micah 7:19. "He will turn again, he will have compassion upon us; he will subdue our iniquities; and thou wilt cast all their sins into the _______ of the _______."

depths; sea

To be born from the line of some ancestor


Something that restrains


A (n)______________ means a situation that requires a difficult choice.


To develop an enduring friendship, two people must share the same: group of friends life values and perspective life goals and interests cares and concerns

life values and perspectives

From Galatians 5:19-23, select the behaviors characteristic of the new nature. adultery, long-suffering, joy, variance, peace, gentleness, heresies, goodness

long-suffering, joy, peace, gentleness, goodness

Ephesians 5:3-4 "But ______, and all _____, or ______, let it not be once named among you, as becometh saints; neither _____, nor foolish ______, nor ______, which are not convenient: but rather giving of _______."

sexual immorality; impurity; covetousness; filthiness; course talking; thanksgiving

Adultery, idolatry, envying, and drunkenness are behaviors characteristic of the______ nature.


People sin because they have a(n) ________ nature.


According to Romans 14, the questionable practice that troubled the believers in Rome was judging others their diet, eating meat not surrendering personal rights

their diet, eating meat

Peace and quiet


According to Philippians 4:8, the mind of a Christian is to be directed toward things that are ____, _____, _____, ______, _____, ______ _____ and ______

true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report, good report, virtue, virtuous, praise

Jesus considered His friends to be of great: education intelligence fun worth


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