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142. Participants in a sexual stimulation study who mistakenly thought they had consumed alcohol were more likely to report having strong sexual fantasies and feeling guilt-free than those who thought they had not consumed alcohol. This study best illustrated the impact of

.user expectations.

60. The human sleep cycle repeats itself about every...

90 minutes

13. Which of the following is true of "hypnotically refreshed" memories

A combination of fact and fiction

26. Dissociation refers to

A state of divided consciousness

9. Hypnotically age-regressed people

Act as they think a child would, but out-perform children

105. which theory suggests that dreams are mental responses to random bursts of neural stimulation

Activation-synthesis theory

128. Compulsive craving and use of a drug indicates


130. Aaron still uses amphetamines, even when they threaten his way of life. This indicates


12. Twenty-eight year old Theodore has an irrational fear of dogs. His therapist hypnotizes him and asks him to mentally relive his earliest childhood experience with a dog. The therapist is making use of

Age regression

145. Why is it dangerous to combine alcohol with a sleeping pill?

Alcohol and sleeping pills are depressants; their combined action reduces nervous system activity and can lead to death

180. In contrast to alcohol, marijuana

Amplifies sensitivity to sounds

114. As a participant in a sleep-research study for the past 3 nights, Tim has been repeatedly disturbed during REM sleep. Tonight, when allowed to sleep undisturbed, Tim will likely experience

An Increase in REM sleep

97. People with sleep apnea do not recall being awake and gasping for air, then falling back to sleep. Which of the following best explains this phenomenon?

Anything that happens during the 5 minutes just before we fall asleep is typically lost from memory

46. Which of the following is most accurate about a typical nights sleep

As sleep progresses, NREM-3 sleep diminishes while REM sleep increases

101. Josef, a high school student, tells his therapist that he has had a recurring dream in which he hunts and kills a ferocious tiger. The therapist explains that the dream reflects Josef's unresolved feelings of hostility towards his father. According to Freud, the therapist is revealing the possible ________ content of Josef's dream.

B. Latent

1. The school of thought in psychology that systematically avoided the study of consciousness during the first half of the last century was:


36. with the approach of night, our body temperatures begin to drop. This best illustrates

Circadian rhythm

37. Cindi prefers to take her tests in the late afternoon rather than during the morning, because her energy level and ability to concentrate are better at that time. Her experience most likely reflects the influence of the

Circadian rhythm

111. Prior to age 9, children's dreams seem more like a slide show and less like an active story in which the dreamer is an actor. This best illustrates that the content of dreams reflect children

Cognitive development

22. People become unresponsive to hypnosis if told that those who are highly gullible are easily hypnotized. This fact is most consistent with the theory that hypnosis involves

Conscious role-playing

47. The large, slow brain waves associated with deep sleep are called

Delta waves

25. The divided - consciousness theory of hypnosis states that hypnosis involves


27. Split in consciousness in which some thoughts occur simultaneously with and yet separately from other thoughts is called


28. People hypnotize from pain relief may show activity in brain areas that receive pain sensations but not in brain areas that make us consciously aware of the pain. This most directly supports the theory that hypnosis involves


21. Hypnotize people are more likely to perform dangerous acts then those who were asked to simulate hypnosis. This fact is most consistent with

Dissociation theory

30. Evidence that people in a posthypnotic state have no difficulty remembering everything that they had learned while under hypnosis would most clearly serve to challenge

Dissociation theory

116. Chemical substances that alter perceptions and moods are called ___ drugs


115. The occurrence of REM rebound supports the notion that

Humans, like most other mammals, need REM sleep

24. Ernest hilgard suggested that participants felt little pain when their arms were lowered into ice baths because

Hypnosis dissociates the pain sensation from the emotional suffering that people expect from pain

134. Which of the following is true of alcohol?

In large doses, it is a depressant; in small doses, it is a depressant.

129. Danger of labelling too much sex, shopping, exercise, or gambling as addiction is

It invokes shame and guilt*

63. Which of the following is true of melatonin?

It is a sleep horemone released by the pineal gland into the bloodstream.

172. Jason has smoking marijuana. Which of the following best describes the effects of this psychoactive drug on Jason's behavior?

Jason will become relaxed and experience mild hallucinations, followed by memory loss.

171. After ingesting a small dose of a psychoactive drug, vivid hallucinations and the feeling of being separated from your own body is experienced. The effects are most likely from what?


176. An altered state of consciousness similar to that of a near-death experience is most likely to result from the use of


179. Regular users of __________ may achieve a high with smaller amounts of the drug than occasional users


181. Mrs Roberts, who suffers from AIDS, has been given an ordinarily illegal drug at the university hospital. Considering her specific medical condition, it is likely that she had received


177. THC, the active ingredient in ________, is classified as a ________

Marijuana; hallucinogen

64. When light strikes the retina, it signals the superchiasmatic nuclues to alter ____________ production by the pineal gland.


113. The best indication that dreaming serves a necessary biological function is provided be the fact that

Most mammals experience REM rebound

45. The hypnagogic sensations of falling or floating are most likely to occur during which sleep stage

NREM-1 sleep

49. The brain waves associated with REM sleep are most similar to those of

NREM-1 sleep

90. About three hours after he falls asleep, Bobby sits up screaming incoherently. His mother tries to wake him, but with no success. His pulse races as he gasps for breath. The next morning he remembers nothing. It appears that Bobby suffers from

Night terrors

175. Near-death experiences are

Often accompanied by visions of bright lights

123. Unpleasant withdrawal symptoms indicate

Physical dependence

124. Physical pain and intense cravings indicate

Physical dependence

127. Without caffeine, Marty has severe headaches. This indicates

Physical dependence

126. Which symptom is most clearly drug addiction?

Physical dependence*

17. While Bev was hypnotized, her therapist suggested that during the next several days she would have a strong desire to eat a well-balanced meals. The therapist was apparently making use of

Posthypnotic suggestions

117. Alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, and a wide variety of other chemical agents that alter perceptions and moods are called

Psychoactive drugs

125. Max hasn't experienced withdrawal but still feels he needs to drink coffee. This indicates

Psychological dependence

3. How did the definition of psychology change when behaviorism began to dominate the field?

Psychology centered on direct observation of our actions.

104. Brain regions that are active as rats learn to navigate a maze show similar activity patterns again as the rats later experience

REM sleep

50. At 3' o clock in the morning John has already slept for 4 hours. As long as his sleep continues, we can expect an increasing occurrence of

REM sleep

51. Fast and jerky movements of the eyes are especially likely to be associated with...

REM sleep

52. Genital arousal is most likely to be associated with...

REM sleep

55. After Carlos had been asleep for about an hour and a half, his heart began to beat faster, his breathing became fast and irregular, and his closed eyes began to dart back and forth. Carlos was most likely experiencing...

REM sleep

89. Nightmare are to ____ as night terrors are to ____

REM:NREM-3 sleep

48. Paradoxical sleep is to slow wave sleep as______ sleep is to __________ sleep


121. Drug tolerance refers to

Reduced effect after regular drug usage

178. Studies of marijuana's effects indicate that

Regular users may achieve a high with less of the drug than occasional users

29. When subjected to a painful medical procedure without the benefit of an anesthetic, a hypnotize person is most likely to

Show psychological activation of the sensory cortex

20. The claim that hypnotic phenomena are regulated by normal conscious processes is associated with the theory that hypnosis reflects the power of

Social influence

21. Hypnotized people are no more likely to perform dangerous acts than those who are asked to simulate hypnosis. This fact is most consistent with

Social-influence theory

65. The circadium rythm is influenced by light-sensitive retinal proteins that trigger signals to be

Suprachiasmatic nucleus

112. REM rebound involves the

Tendency for REM sleep to increase following REM sleep deprivation

62. How is the hypothalamus involved in sleep?

The hypothalamus triggers the pituitary galnd in the endocrine system to produce the horemone thyroxin, which leads you to sleep.

173. The altered state of consciousness that is most similar to a drug-induced hallucination is...

The near-death experience

23. Hypnotize participants asked to lower their arm into an ice bath exhibited no pain when given that suggestion. Psychologist supporting the social influence theory would suggest that

The participant was caught up in playing the role of a "good hypnotic subject" ignore the pain

91. Which of the following is true of night terrors?

They typically occur during NREM-3 sleep

118. The need to take larger and larger doses of a drug in order to experience its effect is an indication of


119. As drug users experience neuroadaptation, they demonstrate signs of


15. Researchers have demonstrated that hypnosis can be useful in

Treating Obesity

174. As oxygen deprivation just prior to death turns off the brains inhibitory cells, neural activity increases in the what?

Visual cortex

122. Discomfort and distress after discontinuation of a drug indicates


167. Which of the following is a psychedelic drug?

a - LSD

169. LSD and other powerful hallucinogens are chemically similar to, and therefore block the actions of, a subtype of the neurotransmitter serotonin. At the synapse, these drugs act as a(n)

a - agonist

69. Daniel Kahneman and his colleagues found that the daily moods of working women were most influenced by

a good night's sleep

35. Circadian rhythms refer to

a pattern of biological functioning that occurs on a roughly 24-hour cycle

7. Twenty-two-year-old Felicia scores high in hypnotic responsiveness as measured by the Stanford Hypnotic Susceptibility Scale. Research suggests that Felicia may also have

a rich fantasy life

10. Under hypnosis, Mrs. Mohammed is encouraged by her therapist to vividly experience and describe the details of an argument she had with her father when she was a child. The therapist is employing a technique called

age regression

152. Soon after taking a psychoactive drug, Larisa's breathing slowed, her pupils constricted, and her feelings of anxiety were replaced by blissful pleasure. Larisa most likely experienced the effects of


151. François was dismayed to discover that some of his football teammates were using drugs to enhance their footwork and endurance on the playing field. Which of the following drugs were the players most likely using?


160. Which of the following is a common symptom of nicotine withdrawal?


71. sleep talking may occur during

any stage of sleep

108. Dreams often involve sudden emotional reactions and surprising changes in scene. This best serves to support the theory that dreams a. represent both latent content and manifest content.

are triggered by random bursts of neural activity.

165. The release of stored serotonin and the eventual damage of serotonin-producing neurons is most closely associated with the long-term use of

b - Ecstasy

162. When cocaine is snorted, free-based, or injected, it produces a rush of euphoria by

b - blocking the reuptake of dopamine

163. A brief 15-30 minute rush of euphoria followed by a crash of agitated depression is most likely associated with the use of

b - cocaine

164. One of the immediate effects of Ecstasy is

b - dehydration

168. LSD is most likely to produce

b - hallucinations

161. A rewarding consequence of cigarette smoking is that it reduces

b - sensitivity to pain

144. Sodium pentothal has sometimes been called a "truth serum" because it relaxes people and enables them to more freely disclose personally embarrassing experiences. It is most likely that sodium pentothal is a(n)


143. Nembutal, Seconal, and Amytal, drugs prescribed to reduce insomnia, are


14. In one study, both hypnotized and unhypnotized subjects were told to throw acid in a researcher's face. In this experiment, hypnotized people

behaved in the same fashion as unhypnotized individuals

34. Those who emphasize that mood fluctuations may be indicative of seasonal affective disorder are are highlighting the importance of

biological rhythms

31. To move beyond the "hypnosis is social influence" versus "hypnosis is divided consciousness" debate, today's hypnosis researchers are using a unified _______ approach.


33. Understanding hypnosis in terms of focus attention, distinctive brain activity, and the presence of an authoritative presence in a legitimate context, requires an intergrated ________ approach


166. Which of the following is an amphetamine derivative that acts as a mild hallucinogen?

c - Ecstasy

156. Which of the following is the most widely consumed psychoactive substance?


157. Which of the following psychoactive drugs is most likely to impair people's ability to sleep?


87. sleep apnea is a disorder involving

cessation of breathing during sleep

39. Our inability to fall asleep early as we had planned is most likely a reflection of

circadian rhythm

40. After flying from california to new york, Arthur experienced a restless, sleepless night. His problem was most likely caused by a disruption of his normal

circadian rhythm

41. After four years of working nights Raymond now works days. His present difficulty in getting to sleep at night is most likely due to a disruption of his normal

circadian rhythm

4. until reading this question you were unaware that your shoes are pressing against your feet. this focusing of your conscious attention or selective attention illustrates that

conscious awareness is one part of the dual processing that occurs in our two-track minds

137. Alcohol consumption disrupts the processing of recent experiences into long-term memory by

decreasing REM sleep

139. Alcohol is considered a


135. Drugs such as alcohol and opiates that calm neural activity and slow body functions are called


73. Sleep deprivation has been shown to

diminish immunity to disease

138. Research indicates that alcohol

disrupts the processing of recent experiences into long-term memories

32. One plausible theory suggests that hypnosis relieves pain by

distracting attention

106. One theory suggests that the brain activity associated with ________ is helpful for developing and preserving neural pathways in the brain


58. Three hours after going to sleep, Shoshanna's heart rate increases, her breathing becomes more rapid, and her eyes move rapidly under her closed lids. Research suggests the Shoshanna is...


84. Bad advice for someone with insomnia

drink wine 15 minutes before bed time

170. An altered state of consciousness in which people experience fantastic images and often feel from their bodies is most closely associated with the use of

e - LSD

79. Slow wave sleep promotes

effective memory

18. Research has indicated that hypnosis

enables some people to undergo surgery with only a local anesthesia

133. The greatest danger of viewing drug addiction as a disease is that this may lead drug addicts to

feel powerless to overcome the addiction

38. The impact of the circadian rhythm is best illustrated by

fluctuations in energy level and alertness across the span of a day

75. Bats need a lot of sleep because their high waking metabolism produces_ that are toxic to neurons

free radicals

158. Adolescents are most likely to start smoking in order to

gain social acceptance

68. Some people function well with fewer than 6 hours of sleep per night, while others need 9 hours or more. Such differences between individual sleep patterns indicates

genetics makes a difference in how much sleep we need and get

53. Which of the following typically occur during REM sleep?

genital arousal

43. Sensory experiences that occur without a sensory stimulus are called


54. After sleeping for about an hour and a half, Jose enters a phase of paradoxical sleep. He is likely to...

have very relaxed muscles

6. Hypnosis involves a state of

heighten openness to suggestion

80. Researchers have demonstrated that people trained to perform tasks recall them better after a night's sleep than after several hours awake. This finding suggests that sleep

helps restore and repair brain tissue

149. Soon after taking a psychoactive drug, Larisa's breathing slowed, her pupils constricted, and her feelings of anxiety were replaced by blissful pleasure. Larisa most likely experienced the effects of


19. Advocates of the social influence theory of hypnosis are likely to argue that

hypnotized people are simply enacting the role of good hypnotic subjects

74. Traffic accident rates have been found to _ after the spring change to daylight savings time and to _ after the fall change back to standard time

increase; decrease

131. Research on the use of addictive drugs indicates that

individuals who are given morphine for pain relief seldom develop the irresistible cravings of an addict.

110. Research indicates that the percentage of total sleep spent in REM sleep is higher in ________ than in ________.

infants; adults

81. Layla has difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep. She is most likely suffering from


98. According to Freud, the latent content of a dream refers to...

its underlying but censored meaning

100. According to Freud, the personally threatening and censored meaning of a dream is its

latent content

99. Greg remembered a recent dream in which his girlfriend suddenly grabbed the wheel of his speeding car. Greg's therapist suggested that the dream might be a representation of the girlfriend's efforts to avoid sexual intimacy. According to Freud, the therapist was attempting to reveal the ____ of Greg's dream.

latent content

109. The emotional tone of our dreams is especially likely to be influenced by activation of the ___ during REM sleep

limbic system

93. Freud called the remembered story line of a dream its ___ content


94. Shane, a straight-A student, remembers dreaming that he failed an important chemistry test, according to Freud, Shane's account represents the ___ content of his dream


95. And Inge recalled her dream, she was dancing with a tall, dark gentleman when suddenly the music shifted you loud rock and the man disappeared. According to Freud, Inge's account represents the ___ content of her dream.


132. Research on the use of addictive drugs indicates that

many people are able to stop using addictive drugs without professional help.

2. By 1960, the study of consciousness had been revived by psychologists' renewed interest in:

mental processes

154. The British gov classifies the highly addictive crystallized form of ____________ as one of the most dangerous of drugs


153. When cocaine is injected or smoked, it produces a rush of euphoria that lasts 15 to 30 minutes. But the stimulant drug ___ can trigger 8 hours of so of heightened energy and euphoria


82. The lack of the neurotransmitter orexin has been linked to


85. which sleep disorder would be the most incapacitating for a commercial bus driver


120. The change in brain chemistry that offsets the effects of a psychoactive drug is called


150. Which of the following drugs is classified as a stimulant?


159. By triggering the release of epinephrine and norepinephrine, ________ boosts alertness and diminishes appetite.


70. Chronic sleep debt is most likely to promote


11. Research indicates that memories retrieved during hypnosis are

often a combination of fact and fiction

147. Morphine and heroin are


5. Consciousness is

our awareness of ourselves and our environment

56. REM sleep is called paradoxical sleep because...

our nervous system is highly active, while our voluntary muscles hardly move

92. Research studies of the content of dreams indicate that...

people are more likely to dream of failure than of success

67. Which of the following is evidence for cultural influences on sleep patterns?

people in countries without electric lights generally sleep longer

107. The activation-synthesis theory best helps to explain why:

people often experience sudden visual images during REM sleep.

77. Deep sleep plays an important role in

physical growth

103. Some researchers suggest that the brain activity associated with REM sleep provides the sleeping brain with periodic stimulation. This finding supports which of the following dream theories?


16. Just prior to awakening chinua from a hypnotic state, the therapist told him that during the next few days he would feel nauseous whenever he reached for a cigarette. Chinua's therapist was attempting to make use of

posthypnotic suggestions

After drinking 3 cans of beer, Akiva felt less guilty about the way he mistreated his wife and children. Akiva's reduced guilt most likely resulted from the fact that his alcohol consumption has:

reduced his self - awareness

141. After drinking three cans of beer, Akiva felt less guilty about the way he mistreated his wife and children. Akiva's reduced guilt most likely resulted from the fact that his alcohol consumption has

reduced his self-awareness

83. what is the best advice for someone dealing with insomnia

relax and drink a glass of milk before bedtime (good luck, vegans)

42. Alpha waves are associated with

relaxed but awake state

102. evidence suggests that we consolidate our memories of recent life events through

rem sleep

140. Alcohol consumption is least likely to make people more


86. obesity is a risk factor for developing

sleep apnea

88. Mr. Dayton stops breathing during sleep... Mr. Dayton suffers from

sleep apnea

66. Research of sleep patterns indicates

sleep patterns may be genetically influenced

44. The rythmic bursts of brain activity that occur during NREM-2 sleep are called

sleep spindles

78. The pituitary gland releases a growth hormone during

slow-wave sleep

76. Compared with when they were only 20 years old, 60 year olds

spend less time in deep sleep

8. People are particularly responsive to hypnosis if they

strongly expect that they can be hypnotized

148. What is most likely to occur when the brain is repeatedly flooded with artificial opiates?

the brain stops producing endorphins

136. After a stressful day at the office, Arthur has five or six drinks at a local bar before going home from dinner. Research suggests that Arthur's heavy drinking will have the most adverse effect on his ability to remembe

the next day the names of the people he talked to and what he said while drinking

57. When people are experiencing vivid dreams...

their eyes are likely to move under their closed eyelids

155. What do methamphetamine, caffeine, and cocaine have in common?

they excite neural activity and arouse body functions

96. After suffering a trauma, people commonly report an increase in

threatening dreams

Participants in a sexual stimulants study who mistakenly thought they had consumed alcohol were more likely to report having strong sexual fantasies and guilt - free than those who thought they had not consumed alcohol. This study best illustrated the impact of

user expectations

72. Terry has not had a decent night of sleep in over a week. If this sleep deprivation continues, he will become increasingly susceptible to

viral infection

61. Margie insists that she never dreams, but her sister feels she can prove otherwise. To prove that Margie does dream, her sister should

wake Margie after 5 minutes of REM sleep and ask her what she's dreaming.

59. 49 year old Lance insists that he never dreams. Research suggests that he probably...

would report a vivid dream if he were awakened during REM sleep

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