Bio 1001 Final

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Wetlands purify water by removing sediments and pollutants. True or False?


Woodpeckers and squirrels both nest in tree cavities. This is an example of interspecific competition. True or False?


Succession that begins on bare rock after glaciers have passed, or on newly formed volcanic islands, is A) primary. B) secondary. C) allogenic. D) pioneer. E) autogenic.

A. primary

The human species first appeared in the A) Quaternary period. B) Cretaceous period. C) Jurassic period. D) Tertiary period. E) Permian period.

A. quaternary period

What human activity can cause flooding along riverbanks? A) Removal of forests and wetlands along the river B) Decreased conversion of forests to farmland C) Overfishing D) Increased evaporation due to fewer trees E) Decreased soil formation

A. removal of forest and wetlands along the river

In the unique seafloor vent community, the primary producers are A) sulfur bacteria. B) phytoplankton. C) tube worms. D) plants. E) giant snails.

A. sulfur bacteria

Which biome is rapidly expanding into the African Sahel? A) Tropical rain forest B) Tropical deciduous forest C) Savanna D) Desert E) Chaparral

D. desert

Which biome receives the lowest annual rainfall? A) Tropical rain forest B) Tropical deciduous forest C) Savanna D) Desert E) Chaparral

D. desert

Thick, water-storing leaves and stems and shallow, spreading roots are adaptations to A) tropical rain forests. B) temperate deciduous forests. C) northern coniferous forests. D) deserts. E) tropical scrub forests.

D. deserts

The "pre-adaptations" of early arthropods that allowed them to evolve into terrestrial forms were A) lungs. B) vertebral columns. C) kidneys. D) exoskeletons. E) eggs.

D. exoskeletons

The largest threat to global biodiversity, as identified by the IUCN, is A) global warming. B) introduced species. C) phosphate pollution. D) habitat destruction. E) lack of farmland

D. habitat destruction

Large mammals and birds require ________ acres of continuous suitable habitat for food and territory. A) 2 B) 4 C) dozens of D) hundreds of E) millions of

D. hundreds of

Attempts are being made to restore the Kissimmee River, in the Florida Everglades, in order to A) reduce ecotourism. B) expand development. C) use more land for agriculture. D) improve the water quality and restore biodiversity. E) decrease biodiversity.

D. improve the water quality and restore biodiversity

The first community that forms on bare rock often has organisms such as A) herbs and conifers. B) grasses and weeds. C) broad-leaf trees and conifers. D) lichens and mosses. E) woody shrubs and conifers.

D. lichens and mosses

The single greatest threat to marine life is pollution. True or False?


Parasites are generally smaller than their host. True or False?


Some of the organic molecules on the early Earth came from outer space. True or False?


The keystone species in the African savanna is the elephant. True or False?


The most serious threat to biodiversity is habitat destruction. True or False?


hybrid offspring are sterile or have low fertility

hybrid infertility

hybrid offspring fail to survive

hybrid inviability

species don't interbreed because a physical barrier separates them

geographic isolation

factors that influence biotic potential:

-Age of first reproduction -frequency of first reproduction -average number of offspring reproduced produced per reproductive cycles -length of reproductive life span -death rate under ideal conditions

List postmating isolating mechanisms

-gametic incompatibility -hybrid inviability -hybrid infertility

List the premating isolating mechanisms

-geographic isolation -ecological isolation -temporal isolation -behavioral isolation -mechanical incompatibility

Sustainable agriculture depends on planting large tracts of high-profit crops. True or False?


One consequence of global warming is the melting of the glaciers and the resulting rise in sea levels. What will likely be the direct effect of this increase in sea levels on coral reefs? A) Coral reefs in deeper waters will die because insufficient light reaches them for photosynthesis. B) Coral reefs in shallow waters will grow more rapidly due to added protection against harmful UV radiation. C) Coral reefs will be stimulated to grow faster due to the dilution of the seawater's salt content. D) Productivity will decrease as the pure water from the glaciers dilutes the nutrients in the sea. E) Productivity will increase as nutrients trapped in the glacial ice are released and spread throughout the oceans by currents.

A. Coral reefs in deeper waters will die because insufficient light reaches them for photosynthesis.

What is the ecological significance of shallow bays and coastal wetlands such as estuaries and salt marshes? A) They are the breeding grounds for a wide variety of sea-dwelling animals. B) They are an important source of crude oil. C) They serve as the habitat for many endangered species. D) Coral reefs occur in these areas. E) They are safe from most human impact because humans do not live there.

A. They are the breeding grounds for a wide variety of sea-dwelling animals.

The first multicellular eukaryotic fossils were A) algae. B) fungi. C) cyanobacteria. D) reptiles. E) amphibians.

A. algae

Pollutants such as ________ may affect the reproduction of organisms. A) bisphenol A B) carbon monoxide C) nitrogen D) sulfur E) water

A. bisphenol A

Two species that have a high degree of niche overlap will A) compete intensely. B) speciate. C) interbreed. D) be in a predator-prey relationship. E) coexist peacefully.

A. compete intensely

A major human cultural innovation that happened about 10,000 years ago was the A) development of domesticated crops and livestock. B) development of language. C) development of self-expression in art forms. D) use of tools. E) ability to think in abstract terms.

A. development of domesticated crops and livestock

Two populations of the columbine flower had lived at different altitudes in the same area. When the two were reunited, they could no longer breed. Which isolation mechanism had occurred? Select one: a. Ecological isolation b. Geographical isolation c. Temporal isolation d. Behavioral isolation

A. ecological isolation

Sea urchins spawn their gametes freely into the surrounding ocean waters. The sperm of one type of urchin will not fertilize the egg of another type of urchin. Which isolation mechanism is occurring? Select one: a. Gametic incompatibility b. Temporal isolation c. Geographical isolation d. Ecological isolation

A. gametic incompatibility

On the basis of differences in DNA and structure, West African elephants are thought to be a different species from Central, East, and South African savanna elephants and Central African forest elephants. Which isolation mechanism has occurred? Select one: a. Geographical isolation Correct b. Temporal isolation c. Behavioral isolation d. Ecological isolation

A. geographical isolation

In a tropical rain forest, the majority of animals are found A) in the towering treetops. B) on the forest floor. C) in the soil. D) in the cleared areas. E) in the shorter trees.

A. in the towering treetops

Members of the same species of green sea turtle compete for sea jellies off the coast of Maui. The turtles are exhibiting _____. Select one: a. intraspecific competition Correct b. density-independent interactions c. scramble competition d. interspecific competition

A. infraspecific competition

The earliest multicellular animals in the fossil record are A) jellyfish. B) kelp. C) trilobites. D) worms. E) cyanobacteria.

A. jellyfish

Tropical rain forests provide all of the following EXCEPT: A) large supplies of gasoline. B) wood used for cooking by local residents. C) traditional medicines. D) hardwoods for consumers worldwide. E) ecotourism.

A. large supplies of gasoline

Oligotrophic lakes are characterized by A) low nutrient levels, and clear water with deep penetration of light. B) high nutrient levels, murky water, and shallow penetration of light. C) low oxygen concentrations. D) dense "blooms" of algae. E) the largest number and diversity of organisms.

A. low nutrient levels, and clear water with deep penetration of light

It has been proposed that large brains evolved in Homo species because A) natural selection favored large-brained individuals because they were better in social interactions. B) evolution of a large brain was a consequence of evolution of overall larger body size. C) large brains allowed better visual acuity, which was favored by natural selection. D) genetic drift increased the frequency of large-brained alleles. E) large-brained individuals were better able to outwit and escape predators

A. natural selection favored large-brained individuals because they were better in social interactions

Groups of tissues that function together form a(n) A) organ. B) organ system. C) system. D) individual. E) gland.

A. organ

The theory that life began in the distant past from nonliving molecules that became able to reproduce themselves is called A) prebiotic evolution. B) prehistoric evolution. C) natural selection. D) spontaneous evolution. E) endosymbiont evolution.

A. prebiotic evolution

The major goal of conservation biology is to A) preserve the diversity of living organisms. B) restore the biosphere to its previously unspoiled condition. C) make the biosphere more habitable for humanity. D) increase the population sizes of all species. E) repair the damage to ecosystems done by introduced species.

A. preserve the diversity of living organisms

Which of the following factors does NOT influence biotic potential? Select one: a. The number of members in a population b. The frequency at which reproduction occurs c. The length of the organism's reproductive life span d. The death rate of individuals under ideal conditions

A. the number of members in a population

Why is the African elephant considered a keystone species? A) The removal of elephants from their community would result in drastic changes in the ecological structure of the community. B) It is the largest organism in its community. C) Elephants live in large cooperative herds that dominate other smaller groups within the community. D) Elephants eat more food than any other species in their community. E) Elephant populations are larger than the populations of any other organisms in their community.

A. the removal of elephants from their community would result in drastic changes in the ecological structure of the community

Similar cells that perform a particular function are known as A) tissues. B) organs. C) organ systems. D) organisms.

A. tissues

Multiple layers of vegetation, ranging from shade-tolerant undergrowth up to towering sun-loving canopy trees, are characteristic of A) tropical rain forests. B) tropical deciduous forests. C) savannas. D) deserts. E) chaparrals.

A. tropical rain forests

How will a population of butterfly fish respond to a decline in the anemone population on which they prey? The butterfly fish population _____. Select one: a. will decrease after awhile b. will increase after awhile c. will decrease immediately d. will not change. The butterfly fish will eat something else

A. will decrease after a while

The most heat-tolerant organisms presently known come from A) chaparrals. B) deep-sea hydrothermal vents. C) tundras. D) tropical deciduous forests. E) tropical rain forests.

B. deep-sea hydrothermal vents

According to the graph, the human population's biological footprint in 1965 was estimated at A) 0.5 Earth. B) 0.6 Earth. C) 0.8 Earth. D) 1 Earth. E) 1.2 Earths.

B. 0.6 Earth

The organisms originally responsible for putting oxygen in Earth's atmosphere lived around A) 1.5 million years ago. B) 2.3 billion years ago. C) 3.5 million years ago. D) 3.5 billion years ago. E) 6 billion years ago.

B. 2.3 billion years ago

) The oldest fossil organisms presently known have been dated at approximately how many years old? A) 4.5 billion B) 3.5 billion C) 1.7 billion D) less than 1.7 billion E) more than 4.5 billion

B. 3.5 billion

The Atlantic cod population decreased dramatically during the 1900s due to overfishing. What conservation measure, presently being applied, is most likely to help this fish population recover? A) Putting a bounty on sharks and tuna in the area that would otherwise eat the cod B) Establishing marine reserves in the area that prohibit fishing until stocks recover C) Fertilizing the ocean with raw sewage to cause eutrophication, thus increasing productivity D) Encouraging selective fishing on haddock, turbot, and other species that compete with cod for food E) Spreading silt in the water to reduce UV radiation damage to sensitive cod

B. Establishing marine reserves in the area that prohibit fishing until stocks recover

Why do most of the flowers in a temperate deciduous forest bloom in the spring? A) The spring is the dry season; most of the rain falls during the cool, wet winters. B) The leaves of deciduous trees do not block the light in the spring, therefore allowing sunlight to reach the forest floor. C) The largest number of insect pollinators is available in the spring. D) Nutrients are most available in the spring. E) In the spring the trees do not block the wind and thus prevent wind pollination.

B. The leaves of deciduous trees do not block the light in the spring, therefore allowing sunlight to reach the forest floor.

What are the fundamental resources required to support life? A) Nutrients, oxygen, sugar, appropriate temperatures B) Water, nutrients, energy, appropriate temperatures C) Water, energy, oxygen, nutrients D) Oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, water E) Oxygen, water, energy, carbon

B. Water, nutrients, energy, appropriate temperatures

In the soil, ________ convert atmospheric nitrogen into a form that plants can use. A) plants B) bacteria C) fungi D) worms E) insects

B. bacteria

A female cricket does not understand the mating call of a male cricket. Which isolation mechanism is occurring? Select one: a. Geographical isolation b. Behavioral isolation Correct c. Temporal isolation d. Ecological isolation

B. behavioral isolation

________ are large areas that have similar environmental conditions and characteristic plant communities. A) Climatic zones B) Biomes C) Ecosystems D) Climax communities E) Biospheres

B. biomes

The process by which two interacting species act as agents of natural selection on one another is called A) mutualism. B) coevolution C) parasitism. D) mimicry. E) symbiosis.

B. coevolution

In ________, the interaction between two species harms both of them. A) coevolution B) competition C) mutualism D) parasitism E) symbiosis

B. competition

The thick, green stems and spike-like leaves of cacti and euphorbias are adaptations to A) collect light in environments that have limited amounts of light. B) conserve water in dry environments. C) increase gas exchange in oxygen-poor environments. D) speed up heating and cooling in environments that have little temperature fluctuation. E) take up atmospheric nitrogen in nutrient-poor environments.

B. conserve water in dry environments

The profundal zone is home to organisms that are A) photosynthetic. B) decomposers and detritivores. C) eutrophic. D) intertidal. E) adapted to high levels of light.

B. decomposers and detritivores

The biotic portion of an ecosystem includes the plants, animals, and water. True or False?


A species that is a mimic may A) produce chemicals that deter predators. B) have behavior similar to that of another species. C) resemble its surroundings. D) use bright colors to warn that it is harmful. E) produce "smoke screens."

B. have behavior similar to that of another species

The major driving force behind winds, ocean currents, and the global water cycle is A) geothermal heating from beneath Earth's surface. B) heat produced by the sun. C) Earth's magnetic field. D) the gravitational pull of the moon. E) Earth's rotation.

B. heat produced by the sun

Deforestation impacts the climate in what way? A) Increasing the levels of oxygen B) Increasing the levels of carbon dioxide C) Decreasing global temperature D) Decreasing the amount of wood available for building shelter E) Decreasing the habitat space for forest-dwelling animals

B. increasing the levels of carbon dioxide

Plants help reduce flooding by A) removing soil. B) increasing the soil's ability to hold water. C) increasing CO2 levels. D) breaking down the soil. E) decreasing the amount of water returned to the air.

B. increasing the soil's ability to hold water

The ________ is the zone near the shore of a lake where a diverse group of organisms lives and where light and nutrients are abundant. A) phytoplankton B) littoral C) stratification D) limnetic E) profundal

B. littoral

In aquatic ecosystems, the highest nutrients levels are found in areas that have the A) highest light levels. B) lowest light levels. C) highest temperatures. D) fewest sediments. E) highest elevation.

B. lowest light levels

Competition between the members of two species is A) always very intense and is referred to as intraspecific. B) most intense when the species are most similar and is referred to as interspecific. C) unusual and is referred to as interspecific. D) very common and is referred to as intraspecific. E) least intense between similar species and is referred to as interspecific.

B. most intense when the species are most similar and is referred to as interspecific

Most body systems maintain homeostasis through ________ systems. A) positive feedback B) negative feedback C) monitoring D) alternating E) redundant

B. negative feedback

Most of the world's food supply comes from A) more than 100 rain-forest species. B) only 12 plant crops. C) wild plants. D) frost-resistant crops. E) salt-tolerant crops.

B. only 12 plant crops

The biologist who studies interactions at the community level investigates interactions among A) organisms of one species. B) organisms of more than one species. C) animals of one species. D) social animals (such as insects). E) ecosystems.

B. organisms of more than one species

Fleas on a dog are an example of A) predators. B) parasites. C) hosts. D) mutualists. E) prey.

B. parasites

In the rain forests of Panama, scientists found a colony of tree-dwelling black ants where some individuals had red abdomens. When examined, the scientists determined that the ants with red abdomens were infected with roundworm eggs. Birds would prey on these ants, mistaking their red bellies for berries. In the interactions among the tree-dwelling black ants, the roundworms, and the birds, the roundworms are the A) predators. B) parasites. C) hosts. D) mutualists. E) prey.

B. parasites

Insects that feed on plants without consuming them completely may be classified as A) predators. B) parasites. C) hosts. D) mutualists. E) prey.

B. parasites

Humans contract bacterial infections such as tuberculosis or syphilis. What is this ecological relationship called? A) Predation B) Parasitism C) Mutualism D) Resource partitioning E) Competition

B. parasitism

The project to straighten the Kissimmee River in the mid-twentieth century and the subsequent loss of wetlands resulted in A) a decline in populations of invasive species. B) a pollution problem. C) an increase in the local average temperature. D) enhanced natural water purification. E) an increase in native plant populations with an accompanying decline in herbivore species.

B. pollution problem

Harmless king snakes mimic the color patterns of venomous coral snakes, which serve as models. If avoidance were based solely on prior predator experience with the model, what do you predict would happen in areas where coral snakes were never present? A) Predators would initially attack and eat king snakes but soon learn to avoid them. B) Predators would attack and eat king snakes. C) Predators would avoid king snakes. D) Predators would initially avoid king snakes but soon learn to attack and eat them. E) No predictions can be made based on the information given.

B. predators would attack and eat king snakes

After a forested area such as a national forest is clear-cut, what type of succession occurs? A) Primary B) Secondary C) Subclimax D) Climax E) Biome

B. secondary

One firefly population mates right after sundown, and another mates in the middle of the night. Which isolation mechanism is occurring? Select one: a. Geographical isolation b. Temporal isolation c. Behavioral isolation d. Ecological isolation

B. temporal isolation

Pronounced wet and dry seasons and high annual temperatures are characteristic of A) tropical rain forests. B) tropical deciduous forests. C) tundras. D) deserts. E) chaparrals.

B. tropical deciduous forests

The greatest diversity of plants and animals is found in A) temperate deciduous forests. B) tropical rain forests. C) chaparrals. D) northern coniferous forests. E) savannas.

B. tropical rain forests

The prevailing winds in the Glacier National Park area of Montana are from the west. Which side of this mountainous region receives the most rain and snow? A) East B) West C) North D) South E) It depends on the season.

B. west

Why do higher-latitude ecosystems experience more pronounced seasons than ecosystems at equatorial latitudes? A) Air currents generated by Earth's rotation have stronger effects at higher latitudes. B) Heated air rises at the equator and falls at mid-latitudes. C) Earth is tilted on its axis as it orbits the sun annually. D) The mass of the continents is greater at the equator, which evens out temperature variations in ocean circulation. E) Ocean currents moderate near-shore environments.

C. Earth is tilted on its axis as it orbits the sun annually

In an ideal biosphere reserve, like the one in the illustration, what activities occur in the central (darkest) area? A) Only animals are allowed; humans are prohibited from entering this area. B) Development is concentrated in order to minimize its impact in the outer margins. C) Animal monitoring and research are allowed. D) Educational programs, low-impact development, and ecotourism activities are allowed. E) Sustainable agriculture and high-impact tourism are allowed.

C. animal monitoring and research are allowed

Plants prevent erosion by A) holding water. B) supporting animals that consume excess water. C) blocking winds and stabilizing soil with extensive root systems. D) promoting flooding. E) recycling nutrients.

C. blocking winds and stabilizing soil with extensive root systems

A certain species of animal represents just 3% of the biomass in its ecosystem. We might classify this as a keystone species if its removal A) allowed an even rarer species to increase in numbers and take its place. B) caused 2% of the other species in the community to disappear. C) caused the diversity of the plant community to decline by 40%. D) caused plant biomass to increase by 5%. E) had no effect on the community whatsoever.

C. caused the diversity of the plant community to decline by 40%

A rain shadow is caused by A) ocean currents that heat and cool more quickly than do air or landmasses. B) ocean currents that heat and cool more slowly than do air or landmasses. C) cool, dry air that warms as it moves down over a mountain, picking up moisture. D) warm, moist air that cools as it moves down over a mountain, releasing moisture. E) large mountain masses in the center of continents that restrict air flow.

C. cool, dry air that warms as it moves down over a mountain, picking up moisture

Which of the following North American biomes has been almost completely destroyed by agricultural use? A) Desert B) Temperate deciduous forest C) Grassland D) Tundra E) Northern coniferous forest

C. grassland

In the rain forests of Panama, scientists found a colony of tree-dwelling black ants where some individuals had red abdomens. When examined, the scientists determined that the ants with red abdomens were infected with roundworm eggs. Birds would prey on these ants, mistaking their red bellies for berries. In the interactions among the tree-dwelling black ants, the roundworms, and the birds, the ants are the ________ for the roundworms. A) predators B) parasites C) hosts D) mutualists E) prey

C. hosts

Clear-cutting of rain forests may result in the local climate becoming A) cooler and drier. B) cooler and wetter. C) hotter and drier. D) hotter and wetter. E) It is not expected to affect the local climate.

C. hotter and drier

Native Americans planted crops of corn, squash, and beans. The beans increased the level of nitrogen in the soil. The corn required high levels of nitrogen and provided a support for the beans to climb and receive more light. The large leaves on the squash shaded the ground and limited weed growth. This agricultural method A) increased the number of pests in the fields. B) created wildlife corridors. C) is a type of sustainable agriculture. D) caused mass extinctions. E) reduced the ecosystem services.

C. is a type of sustainable agriculture

A ________ species is fundamentally essential to an ecosystem; its loss changes the structure of the entire community, even though it may only represent a small portion of the population. A) redundant B) baseline C) keystone D) footprint E) rivet

C. keystone

Which zone is inhabited by bottom-feeding catfish, crayfish, aquatic worms, clams, and bacteria? A) Pelagic B) Benthic C) Limnetic D) Intertidal E) Profundal

C. limnetic

Which human activity is NOT a threat to biodiversity? A) Building a large sugarcane plantation in a tropical rain forest B) Cattle ranching C) No-till farming D) Application of synthetic fertilizers E) Importing pigs and goats in Hawaii for food

C. no-till farming

Which biome is characterized by widely spaced trees surrounded by grasses? A) Tropical rain forest B) Tropical deciduous forest C) Savanna D) Desert E) Chaparral

C. savanna

Which biome probably contains the largest number and most diverse group of large mammals? A) Tropical rain forest B) Tropical deciduous forest C) Savanna D) Desert E) Chaparral

C. savanna

Coral reefs have formed as the result of A) volcanic activity in warm tropical waters. B) rising ocean levels. C) skeletons from some types of Cnidarians and algae. D) seafloor settling. E) cool water settling over warmer water.

C. skeletons from some types of Cnidarians and algae

The variety and abundance of the different species that make up a community is the ________ of a community. A) genetic diversity B) conservation biology C) species diversity D) ecosystem services E) ecosystem diversity

C. species diversity

The striking dissimilarities in plant communities among different biomes that have the same average yearly amount of rainfall can be explained by the fact that A) plant communities are not influenced by rainfall. B) plant communities evolve more slowly than changes in weather patterns. C) temperature and rainfall interact to influence plant communities. D) plant communities occur randomly, depending on where seeds are blown or carried. E) plant communities are influenced more by the acidity of rain than by the amount of rainfall.

C. temperature and rainfall interact to influence plant communities

As a result of global warming A) the ozone layer is becoming thicker. B) species' ranges are shifting toward the equator. C) there are greater extremes in weather patterns. D) species are becoming active later in the spring. E) forests are expanding in range.

C. there are greater extremes in weather patterns

The "Southern Beech" tree is found in such diverse places as Australia, South Africa, and South America. It was not transplanted by people. How did it probably get to these widely separated locations? A) Seeds were carried by birds. B) Seeds were blown by the prevailing winds. C) These landmasses were once connected and later drifted apart. D) The simultaneous creation of the same species occurred in different geographic locations. E) Glaciers split what was once a continuous, huge population of beeches.

C. these landmasses were once connected and later drifted apart

Many marine animal species are threatened because A) they are overexploited as pets. B) they are overexploited for research and development. C) they are caught in nets along with other species being fished. D) their habitats, coastal wetlands, are disappearing. E) coral reefs are spreading.

C. they are caught in nets along with other species being fished

Why is it advantageous for a parasite NOT to kill its host? Select one: a. To eliminate the need to search for another host b. To allow another organism to kill the host c. To live off the host for as long as possible Correct

C. to live off the host for as long as possible

If global warming makes the southeastern United States warmer but does not change the amount of rainfall, we might expect to see a shift from the present temperate deciduous forest biome to A) alpine tundra. B) chaparral. C) tropical deciduous forest. D) northern coniferous forest. E) tropical rain forest.

C. tropical deciduous forest

Coastal wetlands, or marshes, serve to A) purify water farther upriver. B) store phosphorus. C) return nitrogen to the atmosphere. D) "absorb" water from major storms. E) provide a habitat for major predators.

D. "absorb" water from major storms

The ecological footprint of the human species is about A) 50% of Earth's biocapacity. B) 80% of Earth's biocapacity. C) equal to Earth's biocapacity. D) 50% greater than Earth's biocapacity. E) 80% greater than Earth's biocapacity.

D. 50% greater than Earth's biocapacity

Which is the correct series of events in the evolution of life on Earth? A) O2 → photosynthesis → aerobic metabolism B) Aerobic metabolism → photosynthesis → O2 C) O2 → aerobic metabolism → photosynthesis D) Photosynthesis → O2 → aerobic metabolism

D. Photosynthesis → O2 → aerobic metabolism

Why is the human-caused damage to coral reefs of particular concern? A) The physical structure of reefs has an important influence on the movement of ocean currents. B) Reefs represent unique ecosystems that obtain energy through chemosynthesis rather than photosynthesis. C) Reefs function in the detoxification of marine pollutants. D) Reefs provide food and shelter for the world's most diverse collection of marine invertebrates and fish. E) Reefs are not particularly sensitive to human-caused disturbance.

D. Reefs provide food and shelter for the world's most diverse collection of marine invertebrates and fish.

Probably the greatest advantage for the original multicellular organisms was their ability to A) use more oxygen. B) increase their metabolism. C) increase their food intake. D) avoid predators. E) photosynthesize

D. avoid predators

Adult sea turtles are primarily threatened by A) beach development. B) hunting. C) polluted ocean waters. D) beach development and hunting. E) beach development, hunting, and polluted ocean waters.

D. beach development and hunting

If a population has great biotic potential, doubling in size every year, it will exhibit _____. Select one: a. exponential growth b. an S-shaped curve c. a J-shaped curve d. both a J-shaped curve and exponential growth

D. both a J-shaped curve and exponential growth

In hydrothermal vent communities, primary productivity is based on A) photosynthesis. B) herbivory. C) detritivores D) chemosynthesis. E) bacterial decomposition.

D. chemosynthesis

The northern coniferous forest is characterized by A) dry soils that lack vegetation. B) tallgrass. C) fire-adapted plants. D) long and cold winters, short growing seasons, and conifers. E) few grasses, moist soils, and trees that drop their leaves in the winter.

D. long and cold winters, short growing seasons, and conifers

In which biome would you expect to find large numbers of black bears, snowshoe hares, moose, lynx, wolves, and deer? A) Tropical rain forest B) Desert C) Savanna D) Northern coniferous forest E) Chaparral

D. northern coniferous forest

Predation is similar to ________ in that both types of relationship benefit one of the interacting species while harming the other. A) coevolution B) competition C) mutualism D) parasitism E) symbiosis

D. parasitism

Traditional medicines, which are used by the majority of people in less developed countries, are primarily derived from A) water. B) rock. C) animals. D) plants. E) commercially purchased ingredients.

D. plants

Which of the following is NOT an example of how plant communities continue to support healthy ecosystems? A) Plant roots stabilize soil and prevent erosion. B) Leafy trees provide shade, thereby reducing temperatures. C) Forests support the water cycle, through evaporation returning water to the atmosphere. D) Plants increase levels of CO2, by releasing CO2 as a byproduct of photosynthesis. E) Plants prevent flooding by absorbing water through their extensive root systems

D. plants increase levels of CO2, by releasing CO2 as a byproduct of photosynthesis

The earliest fossil organisms resemble modern A) protists. B) green algae. C) eukaryotes. D) prokaryotes. E) protocells.

D. prokaryotes

In an attempt to control aphids that are destroying his plums, a farmer in Iowa imports a colony of Asian ladybugs that feast on the aphids. The Asian ladybugs are not eaten by the local bird populations. The Asian ladybug population multiplies quickly, displaces the local ladybugs, eliminates the aphids, and begins to eat other local insects. The Asian ladybug A) is responsible for habitat fragmentation in the plum orchard. B) is increasing the biodiversity of the orchard. C) is being overexploited. D) qualifies as an invasive species. E) is a threatened species.

D. qualifies as an invasive species

The most likely explanation for any mass-extinction event is A) loss of genetic diversity due to inbreeding. B) a gradual increase in global temperature. C) coevolution of predator and prey species. D) rapid environmental change. E) human activity.

D. rapid environmental change

The major concentrations of life in the oceans are found in A) the aphotic zone due to high light levels. B) deep, large oceans due to high nutrient concentrations. C) the oligotrophic zone due to clear and clean water. D) regions of upwelling and in shallow coastal waters. E) the anoxic zone.

D. regions of upwelling and in shallow coastal waters

It is difficult to estimate current rates of extinction because A) the fossil record is unreliable. B) extinction is very rare. C) new species are evolving as fast as species are becoming extinct. D) the number of species is unknown; many still remain undiscovered to science. E) most species in danger of extinction are microscopic.

D. the number of species is unknown; many still remain undiscovered to science

Removal of a keystone species from an ecosystem has minimal effect because other species compensate and take over its role. True or False?


According to the graph, the human population's biological footprint in 2000 was estimated at A) 0.5 Earth. B) 0.6 Earth. C) 0.8 Earth. D) 1 Earth. E) 1.2 Earths.

E. 1.2 Earths

) If you open a can of chicken noodle soup and immediately examine it microscopically, you will find no microorganisms. If you let the open can sit on the shelf for a few weeks and then examine it, you will find lots of microorganisms. The origin of these microorganisms is most likely A) spontaneous generation. B) improper sterilization of the soup prior to canning. C) prebiotic evolution. D) endosymbiotic evolution. E) airborne microorganisms.

E. airborne microorganisms

Why is it important to preserve the genes of the wild relatives of crop plants? A) By preserving the genes, we can control the growth of the wild relatives, which threaten our crop plants. B) The wild relatives are the food sources for all domestic animal species. C) The wild species have all become extinct. D) The wild relatives are food sources for a large percentage of the human population. E) Beneficial genes from the wild relatives may be transferred into crop plants.

E. beneficial genes from the wild relatives may be transferred into crop plants

Plants in this biome have small leaves coated with protective waxes to reduce evaporation, and can survive a fire. A) Tropical rain forest B) Tropical deciduous forest C) Savanna D) Desert E) Chaparral

E. chaparral

In the process called ________, interactions between species can limit population size, but can also influence the physical characteristics and behaviors of the interacting populations. A) succession B) mutualism C) camouflage D) symbiosis E) coevolution

E. coevolution

________ takes into account both the biotic (living) communities and the abiotic (nonliving) environments on which the communities depend. A) Genetic diversity B) Conservation biology C) Species diversity D) Ecosystem services E) Ecosystem diversity

E. ecosystem diversity

The generally slow and steady succession of species on Earth has been interrupted by A) unusually high rates of plate tectonics. B) genetic equilibrium. C) balanced polymorphism. D) extreme specialization of a few species. E) episodes of mass extinction.

E. episodes of mass extinction

Much of the tropical rain-forest land that has been lost has been used for A) airfields to support ecotourism. B) wildlife preserves. C) human dwellings. D) recreational areas. E) farmland.

E. farmland

Some biologists believe that life on Earth is in the midst of a sixth major mass-extinction event caused by A) loss of genetic diversity due to inbreeding. B) a gradual decrease in global temperature. C) coevolution of predator and prey species. D) sustainable agriculture efforts. E) human activity.

E. human activity

In the fall, the trees in a temperate deciduous forest lose their leaves primarily as an adaptation to A) changing light. B) cooler temperatures. C) lack of accessible nutrients. D) excess rainfall. E) lack of available water.

E. lack of available water

What are the major limiting factors that determine the distribution of organisms in aquatic ecosystems? A) Availability of water and appropriate temperatures B) Excess water and nutrients C) Appropriate temperatures and excess water D) Light and excess water E) Light and nutrients

E. light and nutrients

The greatest natural threat to newly hatched sea turtles is A) beach development. B) ecotourism. C) polluted ocean waters. D) drowning. E) predation by native species.

E. predation by native species

A(n) ________ is an area that is very dry because the air in that region has passed over a mountain and lost most of its moisture. A) basin B) chaparral C) tropical desert D) adiabat E) rain shadow

E. rain shadow

The temperatures at the equator remain warm year-round because A) Earth's rotation on a tilted axis creates more atmospheric friction at the equator. B) Earth's natural curvature places the equator nearer to the sun. C) the sun shines over the equator for more hours in the day. D) there are large oceans near the equator that absorb large amounts of heat. E) sunlight strikes the equator relatively directly with little seasonal variation.

E. sunlight strikes the equator relatively directly with little seasonal variation

A keystone species is the most numerous species in an ecosystem. True or False?


Global climate change will cause deserts to become hotter and wetter. True or False?


Global warming is accelerating the growth of coral reefs. True or False?


In a stable ecosystem, the number of predators is greater than the number of prey. True or False?


In heavily forested areas, the trees reduce evaporation and disrupt the normal water cycle. True or False?


In mutualistic interactions, one species is harmed and one benefits. True or False?


Living organisms can spontaneously generate from nonliving matter. True or False?


Climate change has been linked to mass extinctions. True or False?


In a process called coevolution, two species exert natural selection pressures on each other. True or False?


In aquatic environments, high levels of nutrients can act as pollutants. True or False?


In the ocean, whales are the keystone species. True or False?


Intraspecific competition limits population size. True or False?


species don't interbreed because they have different courtship and mating rituals

behavioral isolation

species don't interbreed even if they are within the same area because they occupy different habitats

ecological isolation

produces a j-shaped curve

exponential growth

sperm from one species can't fertilize egg of another species

gametic incompatibility

produces an s-shaped curve

logistic growth

species don't interbreed because their reproductive structures are incompatible

mechanical incompatibility

factors that prevent organisms of two species from producing vigorous, fertile offspring after mating

postmating isolating mechanisms

factors that prevent organisms of two species from mating

premating isolating mechanisms

species don't interbreed because they breed at different times

temporal isolation

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