BIo 1002- ch.22 Pomarico

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________ is a material that is added to the cell walls of "woody" plants. It increases the stiffness of the cells and allows better support for the leaves; support


_______ are tiny male gametophytes that carry sperm-producing cells. They are dispersed by wind or airborne insects.

Pollen grains

Name the range of traits that appeared as plants made the transition from origins in water onto the land.

Roots Xylem and Phloem Lignin Cuticle Stomata

_______ are openings in the surface (usually underside) of a leaf, which allow gas exchange but limit water loss.


Stomata are pores found in the leaves and stems of plants. What is the function of stomata?

Stomata open to allow gas exchange and close to conserve water

___are gymnosperms that reproduce by means of seeds formed inside cones.


The ____ is a waxy coating that covers the epidermis of of many land plants and limits the evaporation of water.


In the moss life cycle _____ cells within a sporangium undergo _____ to produce _____ spores.

diploid ... meiosis ... haploid

Ginkgos are ______, plants whose seeds are not encased in an ovary. Apple trees are _________, flowering plants whose seeds are encased within ovaries that may mature into fruit.


To strengthen the conducting cells and help plants stand erect without water for them to float in, land plants developed


In mosses gametes are produced by _____; in ferns gametes are produced by _____.


The sperm produced by mosses require _____ to reach an archegonium.


The cuticle is an adaptation associated with which major event in plant evolution?

moving onto land

In addition to the difference of flower production, these major groups show differences in production of ___


Seedless Vascular plants include

Club Moss - Division Lycophyta Horsetails - Division Sphenophyta Ferns - Division Pteridophyta

The category of Gymnosperms includes:

Conifers - Division Coniferophyta (Evergreens including Pine, Fir, Spruce,Cypress, Redwood and Cedar) Cycads -Division Cycadophyta Ginkgo - Division Ginkgophyta Gnetophytes - Division Gnetophyta

_____ is a layer of waxy material on the epidermal layer of plants that helps prevent water loss or desiccation;external protection


The conspicuous part of a fern plant is a _____.

Diploid sporophyte

The main distinguishing characteristics of the Kingdom Plantae are

-Eukaryotic -Multicellular -Photosynthetic autotrophs -Varied and complex life cycles -Cell walls made of cellulose -Food reserve stored as starch or oils

__________means the sporophyte and the gametophyte have a different overall appearance


What is an advantage shared by early plants that invaded land?

Increased sunlight availability and Fewer predators

___________means the sporophyte and the gametophyte have a similar overall appearance


Which of these characteristics is shared by algae and seed plants?


characteristics of Angiosperms include:

-Flowers -Seeds enclosed in a fruit -Broad leaves -Advanced vascular tissue

List algae traits:

-Most or all of life cycle in water (Tidal forms) -No vascular tissue -No leaves, stomata or cuticle -Variation in dominant form of the life cycle (Sporophyte and gametophyte) -Sporophyte and gametophyte (Heteromorphic or Isomorphic)

The next groups of land plants to evolve were the seeds plants. The new characteristics that showed up with this group are:

-No longer require water for reproduction -Gametophyte greatly reduced Male gametophyte becomes pollen -Seeds replace spores. -Heterosporous (two types of spores: Male and Female)

The life cycle of the Conifers (see fig. 22-11) show two of the key characteristics of seed plants:

-Pollen -Dominant Sporophyte

The seedless vascular plants share some common characteristics:

-Produce spores (not seeds). This isn't anything new! -Sporophyte is the dominant form in the life cycle -Still require water for reproduction

The remaining main category of land plants, the vascular plants, shows additional characteristics:

-Roots -Vascular tissue (Xylem and Phloem) -Lignin

One division represents the remaining land plants:

Angiosperms - Division Anthophyta

The Angiosperms are divided two Classes:

Monocots - Class Monocotyledoneae (Grasses, Grains, Lilies, and Palms) Dicots - Class Dicotyledoneae

The seeded vascular plants can be divided into two major groups:

Nonflowering Plants - Gymnosperms Flowering Plants - Angiosperms

In moss, _____ produce sperm.


The sperm-containing pollen grains of seed plants are dispersed by wind or animals to fertilize egg cells. Why is this type of sperm dispersal advantageous over that observed in nonvascular plants and seedless vascular plants?

Water is not needed for fertilization to occur

_______________are parts of the plants vascular tissue system. They are vessels that transport water, minerals, nutrients (especially sugars) and hormones throughout the plant. Plants with this trait are vascular plants; conducting vessel

Xylem and Phloem

What are the most primitive plant types ?


Which of the following best describes an "alternation of generations" life cycle?

alternation of a haploid gametophyte with a diploid sporophyte

Most plants go through a life cycle that involves an ______________

alternation of generations

Where do fern antheridia develop?

on the underside of the gameophyte

________ are structures within the ovaries of flowers inside which female gametophytes develop.


In the life cycle of most plants, a diploid_______generation produces haploid spores through meiotic cell division. The spores develop into a haploid _______generation which produces sperm and eggs by mitosis. These fuse and produce a diploid zygote, and the life cycle begins again.

sporophyte, gametophyte

Pores called ________ in leaves and stems open to allow gas exchange but close when water is scarce, reducing the amount of water lost to evaporation.


The first vascular plants to evolve were _________________

the seedless vascular plants

When plants transitioned to land they also had to develop different methods for reproduction for the movement of gametes_________ and for the dispersal of spores and seeds ________.

zoospores, zygotes

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