BIO 150 Exam #2 (Ch's 6, 7, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 3.1, 3.2, 12.1, 12.2) Dr. Cooper - NKU

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The Calvin Cycle requires all of the following except: a. carbon dioxide. b. oxygen. c. ATP. d. NADPH.


Which of the statements correctly describes the role of the enzyme maltase in the conversion of maltose to glucose? The equation for the reaction is: maltose + H2O --maltase--> 2glucose a. Maltose binds maltase and catalyzes the hydrolysis of maltase into two glucose molecules. b. Maltase binds maltose and catalyzes the hydrolysis of maltose into two glucose molecules. c. Maltose binds to maltase and loses one water molecule, forming two glucose molecules. d. Maltase binds two molecules of maltose and catalyzes their dehydration to form glucose.


You have been hired to develop a drug to inhibit the action of a certain enzyme. Where should the drug bind to competitively inhibit the enzyme? a. to the substrate of the enzyme b. to the active site of the enzyme c. to a site on the enzyme other than the active site d. to the mRNA that encodes the enzyme


Potential Energy

Stored energy

During one of the three phases of the Calvin Cycle, carbon atoms from 3 CO2 molecules are incorporated into three 5-Carbon sugars. This creates unstable 6-Carbon sugar that immediately breaks into two 3-Carbon sugars. What phase of the Calvin Cycle does this occur? a. reduction b. light-dependent reactions c. regeneration of RuBP d. carbon fixation/carboxylation


Pyruvate oxidation directly produces ALL of the following EXCEPT __________. a. ATP b. NADH c. Acetyl-CoA d. CO2


What component of the chloroplast is the site of light-dependent reactions? a. thylakoids b. granum c. stroma d. double membrane


Which reactant is reduced in photosynthesis? a. CO2 b. H2O c. C6H12O6 d. O2


Which statement about ATP is true? a. The hydrolysis of ATP provides energy to drive endergonic cellular processes. b. ATP is relatively stable and can be stored away for the cell to use later. c. The addition of a phosphate group to ATP releases energy. d. ADP has a higher free energy (G) than ATP.


A specialized protein in the small intestine breaks up DNA molecules into individual nucleotides. In this reaction, which molecule is the product? a. the small intestine b. the specialized protein c. the nucleotides d. the DNA molecules


Amino acids can be used as fuel during cellular respiration once the nitrogen-containing amine groups have been removed from them. When do amino acids that have had their amine groups removed enter the pathways of cellular respiration? a. in the Krebs cycle or the electron transport chain b. only in the Krebs cycle c. during the Krebs cycle or during glycolysis d. only during glycolysis


Complete the following sentence. Entropy is ______________________________. a. the amount of kinetic energy in the random movement of molecules b. the amount of energy in a system that is capable of performing work c. the amount of energy in a system that cannot be converted into work d. the amount of potential energy stored in the chemical bonds of molecules


During photosynthesis, specific pigments absorb light energy, which is then used to fuel the building of sugar molecules. Which colors correspond to the wavelengths of Chlorophyll b? a. violet blue b. green-yellow c. violet-blue and orange-red


Glycolysis is a series of chemical reactions that convert glucose to pyruvic acid. Glycolysis also uses and generates chemical energy. Several compounds are necessary for glycolysis. These compounds are also components of other metabolic pathways in the cell. Match the compounds in the drop-down menus on the right with the descriptions on the left. You will not select all the compounds. You may select any compound more than once. the direct energy source for glycolysis a. pyruvic acid b. NADH c. ATP d. glucose


How do enzymes recognize their substrates? a. a binding site that fits the shape of the substrate b. an unstructured, positively charged tail that recruits the substrate to the enzyme c. a binding site that fits the shape and complements the charge of the substrate d. a binding site that fits the shape of the enzymatic product


How does adenosine triphosphate (ATP) drive energy-required reactions in the cell? a. ATP generates a proton gradient to drive reactions. b. ATP lowers the activation energy of a reaction. c. The hydrolysis of ATP is coupled to a non-spontaneous reaction. d. ATP allows metabolic reactions to proceed without an enzyme. e. The hydrolysis of ATP releases heat to drive energy-requiring reactions.


Regardless of the electron acceptor used, one of the products of fermentation is always: a. ADP b. ATP c. NAD+ d. CO2 e. alcohol


What step in PCR duplicates the action performed by the enzyme helicase in DNA replication? a. annealing b. elongation c. denaturation d. electrophoresis


A specialized protein in the small intestine breaks up DNA molecules into individual nucleotides. In this reaction, which molecule is the substrate? a. the small intestine b. the specialized protein c. the nucleotides d. the DNA molecules


Activation energy is best defined as the energy that a. is required to form products that are at a higher energy than the reactants. b. is released when an enzyme binds its specific reactant molecules. c. is transferred to the products at the end of the reaction. d. is required to bring the reactant molecules to a transition state. e. is used to make new chemical bonds and form products.


Assume a thylakoid is somehow puctured so that the lumen is no longer separated from the stroma (but the transport proteins and photosystems are not affected). This damage will have the most direct effect on which of the following processes? a. the splitting of water b. the absorption of light energy by chlorophyll c. the flow of electrons from photosystem II to photosystem I d. the synthesis of ATP e. the reduction of NADP+


Below is an event that occurs during cellular respiration. Identify where this event occurs within a eukaryotic cell. The majority of ATP is generated a. mitochondrial matrix b. cytosol c. nuclear membrane d. mitochondrial membrane


Provide the complementary sequence to this DNA strand: 5'-CGTAATCGG-3' a. 5'-GCATTAGCC-3' b. 5'-CGTAATCGG-3' c. 5'-GGCTAATGC-3' d. 5'-CCGATTACG-3'


Which of the following describes an endergonic reaction? a. a reaction that is spontaneous b. a reaction that requires oxygen c. a reaction that releases energy d. a reaction that absorbs energy from work


List the components of a chlorplast:

double membrane, granum, thylakoid and stroma

What is needed for the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis to take place?

light energy, water and chlorophyll

Complete the photosynthesis reactions by naming the energy source and the products of these reactions. Photosynthesis reactants: 6CO2 and 6H2O --(Energy source)--> Photosynthesis products:

light, C6H12O6 and 6O2

Exergonic reaction

releases energy

Endergonic reaction

requires energy

The pyruvic acid from glycolysis can be converted to acetic acid, which can enter the citric acid cycle. Because this process is a cycle, the atoms entering the cycle must balance the atoms that leave. Consider the carbon balance in the citric acid cycle. How many CO2 molecules leave the cycle for each acetic acid molecule that enters? For this question, assume that carbon only enters as acetic acid and exits as CO2. Note that acetic acid has two carbon atoms. You can determine the number of carbon atoms in carbon dioxide from its formula, CO2. Using the above answer, how many molecules of CO2 are directly generated by the citric acid cycle from 2 molecules of acetic acid? Again, this question assumes that carbon only enters as acetic acid and exits as CO2.

2CO2, 4CO2

Kinetic Energy

Energy of motion

Classify the following statements about the role of ADP, ATP, and phosphate groups in cellular respiration as true or false. Cellular respiration only produces ATP; it does not require an input of ATP.


Classify the following statements about the role of ADP, ATP, and phosphate groups in cellular respiration as true or false. Hydrolysis of ADP provides the energy to split the glucose molecule during glycolysis.


Classify the following statements about the role of ADP, ATP, and phosphate groups in cellular respiration as true or false. ATP is composed of ribose, adenine, and three phosphate groups.


Determine which phrase(s) describes an active site. a. is a specific enzyme location that binds with the substrate b. is a biological catalyst, is a specific enzyme location that binds with the substrate c. is a biological catalyst, is a protein containing an active site d. is a substance that the enzyme acts upon, is a protein containing an active site


During the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis, energy excites electrons in chlorophyll molecules, transforming the energy into chemical energy. What is the source of the electrons that replace the excited electrons lost from chlorophyll? a. H2O b. carbon dioxide c. light d. ATP


The nucleus of a cell contains genetic material and many proteins. The interaction between these proteins and genetic material forms various structures. Choose the term that describes the statement: This series of nucleotides encodes proteins. a. DNA b. Chromosome c. Histones d. Protein


Why is Taq polymerase used for PCR rather than another type of DNA polymerase? a. it can withstand the drastic changes in temperature. b. it can more accurately polymerize DNA than other enzymes. c. it is less expensive than other DNA polymerases. d. it can polymerize RNA as well as DNA. e. it does not require a primer.


Identify the examples as being exergonic. a. pedaling a bike up a steep hill, generating carbohydrates in photosynthesis, constructing a protein from amino acids b. breaking down glucose in cellular respiration, metabolizing a protein into amino acids, generating carbohydrates in photosynthesis c. a ball rolling down a hill, breaking down glucose in cellular respiration, metabolizing a protein into amino acids d. generating carbohydrates in photosynthesis, a ball rolling down a hill, constructing a protein from amino acids


In addition to ATP, what are the end products of glycolysis? a. CO2 an dH2O b. NAD+ and pyruvate c. NADH and pyruvate d. CO2 and NADH e. H2O and NAD+


The products of the Light-Dependent reactions are: a. NADH, ATP b. NADH, CO2 c. NADPH, ATP d. NADPH, H2O e. NADP+, ADP


A specialized protein in the small intestine breaks up DNA molecules into individual nucleotides. In this reaction, which molecule is the substrate? a. the specialized protein b. the small intestine c. the nucleotides d. the DNA molecules


Choose the answer that has endergonic examples. a. a ball rolling down a hill, breaking down glucose in cellular respiration, metabolizing a protein into amno acids. b. breaking down glucose in cellular respiration, pedaling a bike up a steep hill, a ball rolling down a hill c. generating carbohydrates in photosynthesis, constructing a protein from amino acids, metabolizing a protein into amino acids. d. generating carbohydrates in photosynthesis, pedaling a bike up a steep hill, constructing a protein form amino acids.


What is produced during light-dependent reactions?

energy-rich ATP and NADPH

Arrange the events of the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis in the order that they occur. (Initial event to final event) - Hydrogen ions are pumped into the interior of the thylakoid. - ATP and NADPH are produced. - H+ ions pass through an enzyme as they move out of the thylakoid. - Electrons escape from chlorophyll molecules and move down an electron transport chain. - Photons of light excite electrons on specific chlorophyll molecules.

- Photons of light excite electrons on specific chlorophyll molecules. - Electrons escape from chlorophyll molecules and move down an electron transport chain. - Hydrogen ions are pumped into the interior of the thylakoid. - H+ ions pass through an enzyme as they move out of the thylakoid. - ATP and NADPH are produced.

Classify the following statements about the role of ADP, ATP, and phosphate groups in cellular respiration as true or false. Cellular respiration produces ATP by adding phsphate groups to ADP.


A specialized protein in the small intestine breaks up DNA molecules into individual nucleotides. In this reaction, which molecule is the product? a. the nucleotides b. the DNA molecules c. the small intestine d. the specialized protein


Choose the DNA nucleotide bases that complements adenine. a. Thymine b. Cytosine c. Guanine d. Adenine


Choose the DNA nucleotide bases that complements guanine. a. Cytosine b. Guanine c. Adenine d. Thymine


Classify the following as examples of potential energy. a. ATP, fat molecules stored in cells b. ATP, fat molecules stored in cells, cell movement c. fat molecules stored in cells, diffusion of molecules across the plasma membrane d. ATP, fat molecules stored in cells, diffusion of molecules across the plasma membrane


Complete the following sentence. Entropy is ______________________________. a. the amount of energy in a system that cannot be converted into work b. the amount of potential energy stored in the chemical bonds of molecules c. the amount of kinetic energy in the random movement of molecuels d. the amount of energy in a system that is capable of performing work


DNA replication happens somewhat differently in prokaryotes vs eukaryotes. Which of the following statements about eukaryotic DNA replication is true? a. eukaryotes have linear chromosomes with many origins of replicaiton b. eukaryotes have a circular chromosome with many origins of replication c. eukaryotes have linear chromosomes with one origin of replication d. eukaryotes have a circular chromosome with one origin of replication


Determine if each phrase describes an active site. a. is a specific enzyme location that binds with the substrate b. is a substance that the enzymes acts upon c. is a protein containing an active site d. may be a lipid e. is a biological catalyst f. a and b


Determine which phrase(s) describes a substrate. a. is a substance that the enzyme acts upon, may be a lipid b. is a biological catalyst, is a specific enzyme location that binds with the substrate c. is a substance that the enzyme acts upon, is a protein containing an active site d. is a specific enzyme location that binds with the substrate


Glycolysis is a series of chemical reactions that convert glucose to pyruvic acid. Glycolysis also uses and generates chemical energy. Several compounds are necessary for glycolysis. These compounds are also components of other metabolic pathways in the cell. Match the compounds in the drop-down menus on the right with the descriptions on the left. You will not select all the compounds. You may select any compound more than once. a product that donates electrons to the electron transport chain a. NADH b. ATP c. glucose d. pyruvic acid


Glycolysis is a series of chemical reactions that convert glucose to pyruvic acid. Glycolysis also uses and generates chemical energy. Several compounds are necessary for glycolysis. These compounds are also components of other metabolic pathways in the cell. Match the compounds in the drop-down menus on the right with the descriptions on the left. You will not select all the compounds. You may select any compound more than once. an end product that is modified to enter the citric acid cycle a. pyruvic acid b. glucose c. ATP d. NADH


The ATP made during glycolysis is generated by a. substrate-level phosphorylation b. hydrolysis c. oxidative phosphorylation d. chemiosmosis e. oxidation of NADHto NAD+


The Meselson and Stahl experiment starts with E.coli containing 15N/15N labeled DNA grown in 14N media. Which result did Meselson and Stahl observe by sedimentation equilibrium centrifugation to provide strong evidence for the semiconservative model of DNA replication? a. The first generation has hybrid 15N/14N DNA, and the second generation has both hybrid 15N/14N DNA and 14N/14N DNA. No 15N/15N DNA was observed. b. The first generation has hybrid 15N/14N DNA, and the second generation has hybrid 15N/14N DNA. No 15N/15N DNA or 14N/14N DNA was observed. c. Both the first and second generation have both 15N/15N DNA and 14N/14N DNA. No hybrid 15N/14N DNA was observed.


The bonds that hold two complementary strands of DNA together are a. hydrogen bonds b. phosphodiester bonds c. ionic bonds d. peptide bonds e. covalent bonds


What does the first law of thermodynamics state about energy? a. energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be transformed or transferred. b. energy is destroyed with each transformation until it all finally disappears. c. energy is stored in objects, but it is depleted when the objects are in motion. d. energy is constantly being created to replace energy that has been lost.


Which of the following would most likely inhibit cellular respiration? a. high levels of ATP b. high levels of glucose c. high levels of ADP d. high levels of oxygen e. high levels of NAD+


Which statement accurately describes the Calvin cycle? a. The Calvin cycle is a light-independent metabolic pathway occurring in the chloroplast stroma that converts carbon from carbon dioxide into sugar. b. he Calvin cycle is a light-dependent metabolic pathway occurring in the chloroplast thylakoid membrane that captures energy from sunlight with chlorophyll and converts it to ATP. c. The Calvin cycle is a chemiosmotic reaction that creates an electrochemical proton gradient by shuttling hydrogen ions across a membrane, which is then used to generate the chemical energy, ATP. d. The Calvin cycle is an anaerobic metabolic pathway of ATP formation during which glucose is converted to lactate and two net ATP molecules.


Which statement describes the function of photosynthetic pigments in leaves? a. They absorb light energy and trap high energy electrons. b. They allow oxygen to exit the cell through the stomata. c. They block light from sensitive energy-generating areas of the cell. d. They convert energy from sunlight to energy in simple sugars. e. They sequester nutrients in the leaves of green food plants.


A new DNA molecule can only be synthesized in the _________ direction. This means that new nucleotides can only be added to the ____ end of the growing strand. a. 3'-5-; 3' b. 5'-3'; 3' c. 3'-5'; 5' d. 5'-3'; 5'


A specialized protein in the small intestine breaks up DNA molecules into individual nucleotides. In this reaction, which molecule is the enzyme? a. the small intestine b. the specialized protein c. the nucleotides d. the DNA molecules


A specialized protein in the small intestine breaks up DNA molecules into individual nucleotides. In this reaction, which molecule is the enzyme? a. the small intestine b. the specialized protein c. the DNA molecules d. the nucleotides


Activation energy is best defined as the energy that a. is required to form products that are at a higher energy than the reactants. b. is required to bring the reactant molecules to a transition state. c. is transferred to the products at the end of the reaction. d. is released when an enzyme binds its specific reactant molecules. e. is used to make new chemical bonds and form products.


Although the path of one glucose molecule through glycolysis generates a total of four ATP molecules, there is a net gain of only two ATP for each glucose molecule that enters the pathway. Why does the passage of one glucose molecule through glycolysis have a payoff of only two ATP molecules? a. Two ATP molecules are used to convert pyruvic acid to a form that can enter the citric acid cycle. b. Two ATP molecules are used in the initial phase of glycolysis, reducing the net gain to two ATP. c. Two ATP molecules are used to synthesize two NADH molecules in the second phase of glycolysis. d. Two ATP molecules are generated by each of the pyruvic acid molecules generated by glycolysis.


Below is an event that occurs during cellular respiration. Identify where this event occurs within a eukaryotic cell. Citric acid cycle a. cytosol b. mitochondrial matrix c. mitochondrial membrane d. nuclear membrane


Below is an event that occurs during cellular respiration. Identify where this event occurs within a eukaryotic cell. Conversion of pyruvate to acetayl-CoA a. mitchondrial membrane b. mitochondrial matrix c. cytosol d. nuclear membrane


Below is an event that occurs during cellular respiration. Identify where this event occurs within a eukaryotic cell. breakdown of glucose to pyruvate a. nuclear membrane b. cytosol c. mitochondrial membrane d. mitochondrial matrix


Choose the answer that has exergonic examples. a. breaking down glucose in cellular respiration, pedaling a bike up a steep hill, a ball rolling down a hill. b. a ball rolling down a hill, breaking down glucose in cellular respiration, metabolizing a protein into amno acids. c. generating carbohydrates in photosynthesis, pedaling a bike up a steep hill, constructing a protein form amino acids. d. generating carbohydrates in photosynthesis, constructing a protein from amino acids, metabolizing a protein into amino acids.


Choose the best definition of activation energy. a. energy that is stored in chemical bonds b. amount of energy required to initiate a chemical reaction c. energy difference between reactants and products in a reaction d. energy produced by an object in motion e. energy absorbed during a chemical reaction


Choose which of the following are examples of kinetic energy. a. fat molecules stored in cells and ATP b. cell movement and diffusion of molecules across the plasma membrane c. cell movement and fat molecules stored in cells d. ATP and cell movement


Classify the following as examples of kinetic energy. a. cell movement, ATP, diffusion of molecules across the plasma membrane b. cell movement, diffusion of molecules across the plasma membrane c. ATP, fat molecules stored in cells d. ATP, fat molecules stored in cells, cell movement


During photosynthesis, specific pigments absorb light energy, which is then used to fuel the building of sugar molecules. Which colors correspond to the wavelengths of Chlorophyll a? a. green-yellow b. violet-blue and orange-red c. violet-blue


During photosynthesis, specific pigments absorb light energy, which is then used to fuel the building of sugar molecules. Which colors correspond to the wavelengths of carotenoids? a. violet-blue and orange-red b. violet-blue c. green-yellow


Enzymes take part in nearly all metabolic reactions. What is an enzyme's impact on the activation energy of a chemical reaction? Complete the sentence below. Enzymes ________ the activation energy of a reaction. a. higher b. lower c. level out d. activate


Enzymes take part in nearly all metabolic reactions. What is an enzyme's impact on the activation energy of a chemical reaction? a. Enzymes increase the activation energy of a reaction. b. Enzymes lower the activation energy of a reaction. c. Enzymes don't affect the activation energy of a reaction.


Glycolysis is a series of chemical reactions that convert glucose to pyruvic acid. Glycolysis also uses and generates chemical energy. Several compounds are necessary for glycolysis. These compounds are also components of other metabolic pathways in the cell. Match the compounds in the drop-down menus on the right with the descriptions on the left. You will not select all the compounds. You may select any compound more than once. a product that can be used directly for energy a. NADH b. ATP c. pyruvic acid d. glucose


In general, what happens during an oxidation-reduction reaction between two molecules? a. An oxygen atom in the oxidized molecule attracts an electron and a hydrogen atom in the reduced molecule donates an electron. b. An atom in the oxidized molecule donates an electron as an atom in the reduced molecule attracts the electron. c. A carbon atom in the oxidized molecule donates an electron and a hydrogen atom in the reduced molecule attracts an electron. d. An atom in the reduced molecule donates an electron as an atom in the oxidized molecule attracts the electron.


In the presence of a metabolic poison that completely inhibits the function of ATP synthase, (but does not affect the function of the electron transport chain), which of the following would you expect? a. a decrese in H+ concentration difference across the membrane b. an increase in H+ concentration difference across the membrane c. increased synthesis of ATP d. H+ pumping by the electron transport chain stops e. oxygen consumption stops


Metabolic pathways fall into two general categories: anabolic and catabolic. Are the net results of these pathways exergonic or endergonic? a. Anabolic pathways are exergonic, catabolic pathways are endergonic. b. Anabolic pathways are endergonic, catabolic pathways are exergonic. c. Both anabolic and catabolic pathways are exergonic. d. Both anabolic and catabolic pathways are endergonic.


The electron transport chain consists of protein complexes embedded in the inner mitochondrial membrane, where it generates a proton gradient by a series of oxidation-reduction, or redox, reactions. Although all the stages of cellular respiration (glycolysis, the citric acid cycle, and the electron transport chain) are necessary for life, the electron transport chain is sometimes called the most important stage. Complete the sentence. The electron transport chain uses the transfer of __________ between protein complexes to set up a proton gradient. a. protons b. electrons c. proteins d. ATP


The oxygen consumed during cellular respiration is involved most directly in which process or event? a. glycolysis b. accepting electrons at the end of the electron transport chain c. citric acid cycle d. the phosphorylation of ADP to form ATP e. chemiosmosis


Two daughter strands of DNA are synthesized during DNA replication. Which term describes the new chain of DNA that begins at the origin of replication and is synthesized continuously in the direction of replication? a. primer b. leading strand c. lagging strand d. Okazaki fragment


What are telomeres? a. the regions of sister chromatids where the sister chromatids are bound together b. the DNA positioned at the ends of eukaryotic DNA strands c. enzymes that unwind DNA strands during replication d. sections of repetitve DNA sequences located anywhere within a eukaryotic DNA strand


What conclusion was made by Griffith in his experiment using virulent and harmless forms of bacteria that he injected into mice? a. protein is the genetic material b. genetic traits can be transferred c. DNA is shaped like a helix with a consistent diameter d. DNA is the genetic material


What is the purpose of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR)? a. measure changes in gene expression b. generate copies of a piece of DNA c. separate DNA based on charge d. purify a specific piece of DNA


What molecules are used to temporarily store high energy electrons that are harvested from glucose in a series of gradual steps? a. H2O b. NAD+ c. ADP d. O2 e. CO2


What phrases describe lactic acid fermentation? a. used by yeast cells, generates ethanol b. used by animal cells, produces lactic acid (lactate) c. considered to be an anaerobic process, generates ethanol d. produces lactic acid (lactate), used by yeast cells


When proteins are catabolized by your cells, which of the following occurs? a. proteins are broken down directly into monosaccharides b. amino groups are removed from the amino acids and the remaining molecules are fed into glycolysis or the citric acid cycle c. beta-oxidation breaks down the proteins d. the citric acid cycle is run backwards


Which of the following enzymes: function pairs is mismatched? a. single-strand binding protein: stabilizes single-stranded DNA b. RNA primase: erases RNA primers and replaces them with DNA c. DNA ligase: connects Okazaki fragments together d. topoisomerase: relives strain on the double helix e. DNA helicase: unwinds the double helix


Which of the following is correct regarding Okazaki fragments? a. they are composed completely of RNA primers b. they are synthesized in the 5'-3' direction c. they are found on the leading strand of a replicating DNA molecule d. they replace incorrect nucleotides in a new strand of DNA e. none of the above are correct


Which of the following sequences correctly represents the flow of electrons during noncyclic electron transport (light dependent reactions)? a. NADP --> PS1 --> ETC --> PS2 --> O2 b. H2O --> PS2 --> ETC --> PS1 --> NADP+ c. PS1 --> ETC --> PS1 d. H2O --> PS1 --> NADP+ --> ETC e. PS2 --> NADP+ --> PS1 --> H2O


Which of the following statements correctly describes the role of the enzyme maltase in the conversion of maltose to glucose? The equation for the reaction is maltose + H2O -m-a-l-t-a-s-e-> 2 glucose a. maltose binds to maltase and loses one water molecule, forming two glucose molecules. b. maltase binds moltase and catalyzes the hydrolysis of maltose into two glucose molecules. c. maltose binds maltase and catalyzes the hydrolysis of maltase into two glucose molecules. d. maltase binds two molecules of maltose and catalyzes their dehydration to form glucose.


Why do most plant leaves appear green? a. pigments in plant cells absorb green wavelengths from the visible spectrum of light. b. pigments in plant cells absorb blue and red light, but much of the green light is reflected. c. carotenoid pigments in some plant cell organelles absorb green wavelengths of light. d. xanthophyll pigments in plant cells reflect yellow wavelengths of light.


Photorespiration occurs when ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase, commonly called rubisco, catalyzes the addition of oxygen to ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate, commonly called RuBP. How does photorespiration reduce the output of the Calvin cycle? a. Photorespiration metabolizes the glucose that is synthesized during the Calvin cycle reactions, so it increases the net quantity of the products of the Calvin cycle. b. Photorespiration requires ATP and releases carbon dioxide which contains the carbon that was fixed in the Calvin cycle, so it reduces the output of the Calvin cycle. c. The addition of oxygen to RuBP shuts down the light-capturing reactions of photosynthesis, so the energy-carrier molecules that drive the Calvin cycle reactions are not produced. d. Oxygen and carbon dioxide compete for the same active sites in rubisco, so if oxygen occupies the active site during photorespiration, carbon dioxide cannot be fixed to RuBP at that site.

b. and d.

What phrases describe the Calvin cycle? a. produces ATP b. is a light-independent metabolic pathway c. occurs in the theylakoid membrane d. converts carbon dioxide to simple sugars e. occurs in the stroma of the chloroplast

b., d., e.

Both photosynthesis and cellular respiration are cellular processes that involve glucose. How do these two processes differently affect the metabolism of glucose? a. Plants use photosynthesis to release energy from glucose, whereas animals use cellular respiration to release energy from glucose. b. Both processes build glucose, but in photosynthesis glucose stores energy gathered from light, whereas in cellular respiration glucose stores energy gathered from heat. c. Glucose is produced during photosynthesis to hold the energy gathered from light, whereas glucose is broken down during cellular respiration to release stored cellular energy. d. Photosynthesis releases energy from the breakdown of glucose molecules, whereas cellular respiration harvests energy from light and stores it in glucose molecules.


Choose which one is correct in listing the steps of DNA replication. a. Single-stranded DNA-binding proteins bind to each template strand., Helicase unwinds the DNA double helix., RNA primers are added., DNA ligase joins DNA fragments together., RNA primers are removed., DNA polymerase synthesizes DNA. b. DNA polymerase synthesizes DNA., RNA primers are removed., DNA ligase joins DNA fragments together., RNA primers are added., Single-stranded DNA-binding proteins bind to each template strand., Helicase unwinds the DNA double helix. c. Helicase unwinds the DNA double helix., Single-stranded DNA-binding proteins bind to each template strand., RNA primers are added., DNA polymerase synthesizes DNA., RNA primers are removed., DNA ligase joins DNA fragments together. d. RNA Primers are added., Helicase unwinds the DNA double helix., Single-stranded DNA-binding proteins bind to each template strand., DNA plymerase synthesizes DNA., RNA Primers are removed., DNA ligase joins DNA fragments together.


DNA and RNA are nucleic acids. Like other polymers, nucleic acids are made up of repeating units called monomers. What are the monomers, or building blocks, of nucleic acids? a. amino acids b. monosaccharides c. nucleotides d. fatty acids


During one of the three phases of the Calvin cycle, three molecules of ATP are used to catalyze the rearrangement of five three-carbon sugars, known as glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate (G3P), into three five-carbon sugars, known as ribulose bisphosphate (RuBP). Another molecule of G3P is exported to the cytoplasm to form glucose. In which phase of the Calvin cycle does this occur? a. light-dependent reactions b. carbon fixation c. regeneration d. reduction


How are DNA fragments separated using gel electrophoresis? a. More highly charged DNA fragments move through the gel more quickly. b. Larger DNA fragments bind more strongly to the gel than do smaller DNA fragments. c. Larger DNA fragments move more slowly through the gel than do smaller fragments. d. DNA fragments complementary to probes in the gel travel more slowly through the matrix.


If a drug binds to an enzyme and allosterically activates the action of the enzyme, which statemenactions true regarding the enzyme? a. The allosteric site is only used to help enzymes form dimers, and the drug will not affect the action of the enzyme. AND the drug will increase the binding affinity of the substrate to the active site of the enzyme. b. The drug will bind in the active site of the enzyme, and the conformation of the active site will change. AND the drug will bind to the enzyme at a site other than the active site, and the conformation of the active site will change. c. The drug will increase the binding affinity of the substrate to the active site of the enzyme. AND the drug will bind to the enzyme at a site other than the active site, and the conformation of the active site will change. d. The allosteric site is only used to help enzymes form dimers, and the drug will not affect the action of the enzyme. AND The drug will bind in the active site of the enzyme, and the conformation of the active site will change.


Molecules that influence enzymes through allosteric regulation a. bind directly to the active site. b. bind to the subsrate molecule. c. bind to a non-active site on the enzyme. d. bind to the products.


The leading strand and lagging strand differ in that: a. the leading strand is synthesized by adding nucleotides to the 3' end of the growing strand and the lagging strand is synthesized by adding nucleotides to the 5' end. b. the lagging strand is synthesized continuously, whereas the leading strand is synthesized in short fragments that are ultimately stitched together. c. the leading strand is synthesized in the same direction as the unwinding of the replication fork and the lagging strand is synthesized in the opposite direction. d. there is no difference between the leading and lagging strand.


The light-independent reactions of photosynthesis, also called the Calvin cycle, use and produce a variety of molecules. What are the molecules that are brought in and used in the Calvin cycle? a. organic molecules such as glucose b. energy-rich 3-carbon molecules and energy-carrier molecules that have lost some energy c. CO2 from outside the cell and molecules carrying energy from the light-dependent reactions


The nucleus of a cell contains genetic material and many proteins. The interaction between these proteins and genetic material forms various structures. Choose the term that describes the statement: These proteins regulate transcription and modifications of genetic material. a. Protein b. Chromosome c. Histones d. DNA


What does the first law of thermodynamics state about energy? a. Energy is stored in objects, but it is depleted when the objects are in motion. b. Energy is destroyed with each transformation until it all finally disappears. c. Energy can be transformed, but it cannot be either created or destroyed. d. Energy is constantly being created to replace energy that has been lost.


What is a phosphodiester bond? a. a covalent bond that forms the backbone of polypeptide chains b. an ionic bond that forms between two charged amino acid side chains c. a covalent bond that forms the backbone of DNA and RNA molecules d. a covalent bond that forms between the deoxyribose sugar and base in DNA e. a hydrogen bond that forms between two amino acid side chains


What is the basis of separation of different DNA fragments by gel electrophoresis? a. the type of primer used b. the presence of a dye c. the size of the DNA fragments d. the sequence of the DNA fragments e. the type of Taq used


What is the proton gradient in cellular respiration? a. the accumulation of ATP on one side of the inner mitochondrial membrane b. the movement of protons (H ) across a selectively permeable (semipermeable) membrane c. a higher concentration of protons (H ) on one side of a membrane than the other d. the passive transport of electrons across the inner mitochondrial membrane


Which DNA sequence below is most likely to be recognized by a restricted endonuclease enzyme? a. GATCTC b. TCATCA c. TGGCCA d. ATGCCA


Which enzyme joins fragments of DNA into a continuous strand? a. DNA polymerase b. helicase c. ligase d. primase


Which of the following are characteristics of an exergonic reaction? a. releases energy, requires work, nonspontaneous b. requires work, has an increase in free energy, is spontaneous c. releases energy, is spontaneous, has a decrease in free energy d. has a decrease in free energy, nonspontaneous, requires work


Which of the following correctly contrasts anabolic and catabolic pathways? a. Anabolic pathways use oxygen, whereas catabolic pathways do not use oxygen. b. Anabolic pathways release energy, whereas catabolic pathways require energy. c. Anabolic pathways are synthesis pathways, whereas catabolic pathways are degradation pathways. d. There is no contrast. Anabolic and catabolic are synonymous terms.


Which of the following correctly contrasts anabolic and catabolic pathways? a. anabolic pathways release energy, whereas catabolic pathways require energy. b. There is no contrast. Anabolic and catabolic are synonymous terms. c. Anabolic pathways are synthesis pathways, whereas catabolic pathways are degradation pathways. d. Anabolic pathways use oxygen, whereas catabolic pathways do not use oxygen.


Which of the following is a simplified equation for cellular respiration? a. glucose + nitrogen ----> carbon monoxide + water b. carbon dioxide + water + light ----> glucose + oxygen c. glucose + oxygen ----> carbon dioxide + water d. nucleic acid + water ----> nucleotides + carbon dioxide


Which of the following is true about reaction center chlorophylls? a. they are only found in photosystem 1 b. they are only found in photosystem 2 c. they pass excited electrons out of their photosystem d. they directly capture light energy e. they are found in the lumen of the chloroplast


Which statement best describes free energy? a. energy that is added to start a reaction b. the amount of energy in a reaction that is freed as heat c. useful energy, associated with a reaction, that can perform work d. a measure of how fast a reaction can take place e. energy that must be added for a reaction to be spontaneous


Why is Taq polymerase used as the DNA polymerase in the polymerase chain reaction (PCR)? a. It does not require DNA primers as a starting point for replication to copy a single strand of DNA b. It is less prone to making replication errors than DNA polymerases from other species. c. It is thermodynamically stable at the temperature used to separate the DNA strands. d. It can replicate much longer sequences of DNA than other types of DNA polymerases.


You have been hired to develop a drug to inhibit the action of a certain enzyme. Where should the drug bind to competitively inhibiting the enzyme? a. to the mRNA that encodes the enzyme b. to a site on the enzyme other than the active site c. to the active site of the enzyme d. to the substrate of the enzyme


Determine which phrase(s) describes an enzyme. a. is a biological catalyst, is a specific enzyme location that binds with the substrate b. is a substance that the enzyme acts upon, is a protein containing an active site c. is a specific enzyme location that binds with the substrate, may be a lipid d. is a biological catalyst, is a protein containing an active site


During one of the three phases of the Calvin cycle, six molecules of ATP and six molecules of NADPH transfer electrons to six three-carbon sugars known as 3-phosphoglyceric acid (3PGA). The transfer of electrons transforms the six 3PGA molecules into six molecules of a three-carbon sugar called glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate (G3P). In which phase of the Calvin cycle does this occur? a. carbon fixation b. regeneration c. light-dependent reactions d. reduction


During the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis, energy excites electrons in chlorophyll molecules, transforming the energy into chemical energy. What provides the energy that excites the electrons in the chlorophyll molecules? a. H2O b. ATP c. carbon dioxide d. light


During which stage(s) of cellular respiration is NAD+ is reduced to NADH? a. glycolysis only b. glycolysis and citric acid cycle c. glycolysis and pyruvate oxidation d. glycolysis, pyruvate oxidation, and citric acid cycle e. electron transport chain and chemiosmosis


Glycolysis is a series of chemical reactions that convert glucose to pyruvic acid. Glycolysis also uses and generates chemical energy. Several compounds are necessary for glycolysis. These compounds are also components of other metabolic pathways in the cell. Match the compounds in the drop-down menus on the right with the descriptions on the left. You will not select all the compounds. You may select any compound more than once. a carbohydrate that enters glycolysis directly a. ATP b. NADH c. pyruvic acid d. glucose


Glycolysis is a step in the breakdown of glucose. Which of the following statements describe glycolysis? a. it occurs in a cell's mitochondria, it is common to aerobic and anaerobic respiration b. it uses some of the oxygen form breathing, it produces a net gain of two ATP and NADH c. it occurs in a cell's mitochondria, it uses some of the oxygen form breathing d. it is common to aerobic and anaerobic respiration, it produces a net gain of two ATP and two NADH


How do enzymes recognize their substrates? a. a binding site that fits the shape of the enzymatic product b. an unstructured, positively charged tail that recruits the substrate to the enzyme c. a binding site that fits the shape of the substrate d. a binding site that fits the shape and complements the charge of the substrate


Identify the examples as being endergonic. a. a ball rolling down a hill, breaking down glucose in cellular respiration, metabolizing a protein into amino acids b. pedaling a bike up a steep hill, metabolizing a protein into amino acids, constructing a protein from amino acids c. breaking down glucose in cellular respiration, metabolizing a protein into amino acids, generating carbohydrates in photosynthesis d. pedaling a bike up a steep hill, generating carbohydrates in photosynthesis, constructing a protein from amino acids


Identify whether each substance is a reactant of the citric acid cycle. a. acetyl-CoA, NADH, GTP, ubiquinone b. GDP, ubiquinol, NAD+, acetyl-CoA c. CO2, GDP, NADH, ubiquinone d. acetyl-CoA, NAD+, GDP, ubiquinone


If a mutation prevented synthesis of the enzyme DNA polymerase, which part of DNA replication would be most affected? a. DNA unwinding b. formation of RNA primers c. formation of the replication fork d. synthesis of the new DNA strand e. removal of RNA primers


Plants synthesize their own food in the form of sugars during the process of photosynthesis. Which of the following statements describe photosynthesis? a. converts carbon dioxide to sugars, releasing oxygen. b. is a cellular process that occurs in the chloroplasts of plant cells. c. generates sugars from the energy contained in sunlight. d. All of the above


Since DNA is replicated semiconservatively, what does each new daughter cell receive from the parent cell after replication and mitosis? a. two new strands of DNA with the original strands being degraded b. either both original strands or two new strands c. a combination of new strands with original strands interspersed d. one of the original strands and one new strand


The electron transport chain consists of protein complexes embedded in the inner mitochondrial membrane, where it generates a proton gradient by a series of oxidation-reduction, or redox, reactions. Although all the stages of cellular respiration (glycolysis, the citric acid cycle, and the electron transport chain) are necessary for life, the electron transport chain is sometimes called the most important stage. Answer the question. What is the function of the proton gradient in the mitochondrion? a. It is chemical energy that directly drives the synthesis of proteins. b. It is potential energy that oxidizes FADH2, forming FAD. c. It is kinetic energy that interconverts O2 and H2O. d. It is potential energy that the cell uses to generate ATP.


The nucleus of a cell contains genetic material and many proteins. The interaction between these proteins and genetic material forms various structures. Choose the term that describes the statement: This folded amino acid chain is genetically encoded and performs specific functions in the cell. a. Histones b. DNA c. Chromosomes d. Protein


The nucleus of a cell contains genetic material and many proteins. The interaction between these proteins and genetic material forms various structures. Choose the term that describes the statement: This tightly coiled, densely packed DNA is oriented around a centromere. a. Protein b. Histones c. DNA d. Chromosomes


What are the characteristics of an exergonic reaction? a. requires work, absorbs energy, is spontaneous b. has a decrease in free energy, releases energy, requires work c. absorbs energy, has a decrease in free energy, releases energy d. is spontaneous, has a decrease in free energy, releases energy


What intermolecular force is responsible for holding the two strands of a DNA double helix together? a. ionic bond b. phosphodiester bond c. covalent bond d. hydrogen bond


What is a restriction enzyme? a. enzymes that dissociate proteins in the nuclear membrane after mRNA strands exit the nucleus b. enzymes that bind to DNA polymerase molecules to prevent DNA from being replicated c. bacterial enzymes that regulate levels of mitosis-promoting factor to limit the rate of cell division d. enzymes that can cleave DNA molecules at or near a specific nucleotide sequence


What is the primary purpose of photosynthesis? a. produce ATP through the harvesting of light energy. b. break down organic molecules with light energy. c. oxidation of glucose for the production of ATP. d. conver light energy into stored chemical energy. e. regeneration of NAD+.


Where in a chloroplast is the chlorophyll pigment found? a. stroma b. inner membrane c. outer membrane d. thylakoid membrane e. lumen


Where in the cell do pyruvate oxidation and the citric acid cycle take place? a. cytoplasm b. nucleus c. mitochondrial inner membrane d. mitochondrial matrix e. mitochondrial intermembrane space


Where is the useful energy stored in a molecule of ATP? a. Within the bonds between nitrogen and carbon b. In the carbon-to-carbon bonds found in the ribose c. In the bond connecting the base to the ribose d. In the bonds connecting the two terminal phosphate groups


Which best defines Activation Energy? a. energy absorbed during a chemical reaction b. energy produced by an object in motion c. energy difference between reactants and products in a reaction d. amount of energy required to initiate a chemical reaction e. energy that is stored in chemical bonds


Which of the following is an example of potential rather than kinetic energy? a. A boy mowing grass b. Water rushing over Niagara Falls c. A fierfly using light flashes to attract a mate d. Food made up of energy-rich macromolecules e. Running a marathon


Which of the following statements describes a catalyst? a. is a protein that functions in a metabolic reaction, decreases the energy difference between reactants and products, increases the rate of exergonic reactions b. decreases the energy difference between reactants and products, increases the rate of exergonic reactions, is not consumed during the chemical reaction c. lowers the activation energy of a chemical reaction, is a protein that functions in a metabolic reaction, decreases the energy difference between reactants and products d.increases the rate of exergonic reactions, lowers the activation energy of a chemical reaction, is not consumed during the chemical reaction


Which statement best describes free energy? a. energy that is added to start a reaction b. a measure of how fast a reaction can take place c. the amount of energy in a reaction that is freed as heat d. useful energy, associated with a reaction, that can perform work e. energy that must be added for a reaction to be spontaneous


Which statement describes the central dogma of biology? a. DNA is transcribed to an amino acid sequence. RNA is translated to an amino acid sequence. b. Transcription is the process of synthesizing DNA from RNA. Translation is the process of synthesizing an amino acid sequence from DNA. c. DNA is translated into RNA. RNA is transcribed into an amino acid sequence. d. DNA is transcribed into RNA. RNA is translated into an amino acid sequence.


Which would you expect of a eukaryotic cell lacking telomerase? a. a high probability of becoming cancerous b. a high rate of DNA repair c. an inability to repair DNA damage caused by mutagens d. a reduction in chromosome length after replication e. very long telomeres


At what specific point in the cellular respiration process has glucose been broken down completely from a six carbon molecule to 6 molecules of CO2? a. by the end of the preparatory phase in glycolysis b. by the end of glycolysis c. by the end of pyruvate oxidation d. by the end of citrate formation in the citric acid cycle e. by the end of citrate oxidation/decarboxylation in the citric acid cycle


How does adenosine triphosphate (ATP) drive energy-required reactions in the cell? a. ATP generates a proton gradient to drive reactions. b. ATP lowers the activation energy of a reaction. c. The hydrolysis of ATP releases heat to drive energy-requiring reactions. d. ATP allows metabolic reactions to proceed without an enzyme. e. The hydrolysis of ATP is coupled to a non-spontaneous reaction.


If a drug binds to an enzyme and allosterically activates the action of the enzyme, which statements are true regarding the enzyme? a. the drug will bind to the enzyme at a site other than the active site, and the conformation of the active site will change. b. the allosteric site is only used to help enzymes form dimers, and the drug will not affect the action of the enzyme. c. the drug will increase the binding affinity of the substrate to the active site of the enzyme. d. the drug will bind in the active site of the enzyme, and the conformation of the active site will change. e. a and c f. b and d


In the Calvin Cycle of photosynthesis, the enzyme that fixes CO2 by adding it to the five-carbon molecule RuBP is called ____________. a. NADPH reductase b. peroxidase c. polymerase d. ATP synthase e. rubisco


What events occur during the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis? a. CO2 is incorporated into energy-rich carbohydrate molecules. b. Electrons on special chlorophyll molecules gain energy form light. c. H+ ions are used to help produce the energy carriers, ATP and NADPH. d. Excited electrons help move H+ ions to create a concentration gradient. e. b, c, and d


What is the overall chemical equation for cellular respiration? a. C6H12O6 + 6H2O ----> 6CO2 + 6O2 b. C6H12O6 + 6CO2 ----> 6O2 + 6H2O c. 6CO2 + 6O2 ----> C6H12O6 + 6H2O d. 6CO2 + 6H2O ----> C6H12O6 + 6O2 e. C6H12O6 + 6O2 ----> 6CO2 + 6H2O


Determine if each phrase describes a substrate. a. is a specific enzyme location that binds with the substrate b. is a substance that the enzymes acts upon c. is a protein containing an active site d. may be a lipid e. is a biological catalyst f. b and d


Determine if each phrase describes an enzyme. a. is a specific enzyme location that binds with the substrate b. is a substance that the enzymes acts upon c. is a protein containing an active site d. may be a lipid e. is a biological catalyst f. c and e


Which statement(s) describe a catalyst? a. is not consumed during the chemical reaction b. decreases the energy difference between reactants and products c. is a protein that functions in a metabolic reaction d. increases the rate of exergonic reactions e. lowers the activation energy of a chemical reaction f. a, b, and e g. a, d, and e


List the stages of cellular respiration in the order that they occer:

glycolysis, conversion of pyruvate to acetyl-CoA, citric acid cycle, electron transport chain

Complete the overall reaction catalyzed by the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex. Move the compounds and cofactors to the correct answer blanks. Two terms will not be used. (substrate - from glycolysis)________ + _______ + _______ ----> (product)________ + ________ + H+ + CO2 - ADP - ATP - pyruvate - NAD+ - CoA - NADH - acetylCoA

pyruvate + NAD+ +CoA ----> acetylCoA + NADH + H+ + CO2

Suppose Jennifer has a PCR product that contains three DNA fragments of 500, 600, and 1200 base pairs in length. She separates the three fragments using gel electrophoresis. Which fragment will migrate the farthest from the wells at the top of the gel? a. the 500 bp fragment b. the 600 bp fragment c. the 1200 bp fragment d. All fragments will migrate the same distance.


What is the primary pigment used to convert light energy to chemical energy in photosynthesis? a. chlorophyll a b. chlorophyll b c. chlorophyll c d. carotenoids


Which of the following describes an endergonic reaction? a. a reaction that absorbs energy from work b. a reaction that is spontaneous c. a reaction that releases energy d. a reaction that requires oxygen


If the delta G of a reaction was -31.45 kJoules, you would know that a. It is an endergonic reaction. b. The reaction would proceed spontaneously. c. The reaction requires an energy input of 31.45 kJoules to proceed. d. The products of the reaction have more energy than th reactants.


What phrases describe ethanol fermentation? a. used by animal cells, generates ethanol b. used by yeast cells, generates ethanol c. produces lactic acide(lactate), considered to be an anaerobic process d. regenerates NAD+ that can be used in glycolysis, used by animal cells


Choose which of the following are examples of potential energy. a. cell movement and diffusion of molecules across the plasma membrane b. ATP and cell movement c. fat molecules stored in cells and ATP d. cell movement and fat molecules stored in cells.


Guanine makes up 20% of the nucleotides in a sample of DNA from an organism. What percentage of the nucleotides in this sample will be thymine? a. 10% b. 20% c. 30% d. 60% e. 80%


In an enzyme-catalyzed reaction, the reactant the enzyme acts on is called the __________. a. entropy b. catalyst c. substrate d. product e. enzyme


In plants, cyclic electron transport is needed because: a. electrons must be recycled back to photosystem II b. more NADPH than ATP is required in the Calvin Cycle c. more ATP is required than NADPH in the CAlvin Cycle d. more CO2 is used in the light reactions than in the Calvin Cycle e. NADP+ must be regenerated


When a glucose molecule loses a hydrogen atom as the result of an oxidation-reduction reaction, the molecule is a. phosphorylated. b. hydrogenated. c. oxidized. d. reduced. e. electronized.


In humans, when oxygen is unavailable during heavy exercise, what process do muscle cells use for energy generation? a. glycolysis with ethanol fermentation b. fermentation only c. aerobic respiration d. glycolysis coupled with lactic acid fermentation e. glycolysis only


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