Bio 2 semester 2 final prep. All of the following statements about ligand receptor complexes are true except

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steriod (lipid/nonpolar) hormones

Insulin, epinephrine, testosterone, follicle stimulating hormone, and estrogen are all capable of triggering the flow of communication in a signal transduction pathway directly inside the cell. Which of the following terms best describes such molecules?


Contains its own DNA and Ribosomes

Transmembrane (integral) proteins (ion pump)

Cystic Fibrosis is a genetic disease in humans in which the CFTR protein, which functions as a chloride ion channel, is missing or nonfunctional in cell membranes. The CFTR protein belongs to what category of membrane proteins?

secrete molecules that result in response by other yeast cells.

In yeast signal tranduction, the yeast cells


The figure to the left illustrates which stage of mitosis?

inactivate protein kinases and turn off the signal transduction

The function of phosphatases in a signal transduction is best described as to

an increase of total population of humans on the planet

The human population's life expectancy has increased significantly but seems to have an upper limit. Which of the following might be described as an ecological consequence of passing that upper limit by regulating cell death?

It allows for the amplification of the signal.

Which of the following best describes a benefit of the many steps involved in a protein kinase cascade?


Which of the following components is not directly involved in synthesis or secretion of proteins?

Difficulty obtaining nutrients.

Which of the following does not occur as a cell grows larger and larger in size?

It exhibits a specificity for a particular type of molecule

Which of the following is a characteristic feature of a carrier protein in a plasma membrane?

Paracrine signaling

Which of the following is characterized by a cell releasing a single molecule into the environment, followed by a number of cells in the immediate vicinity responding?

They are usually transmembrane proteins.

Which of the following is correct about the integral membrane proteins?

to maintain critical limit on cell size

Which of the following is not a known function of the cytoskeleton?

Multiple steps provide for greater possible amplification of a signal.

Which of the following is the best explanation for the fact that most transduction pathways have multiple steps?

It would not be able to activate and inactivate the G protein on the cytoplasmic side of the plasma membrane

Which of the following is true for the signaling system in an animal cell that lacks the ability to produce GTP?

They control gene expression

Which of the following is true of transcription (protein synthesis) factors?

Cyclic AMP

Which of the following molecules acts as a second messenger in the cascade by which epinephrine stimulates the activation of the enzyme glycogen phosphorylase?

passive transport

Which of the following processes includes all others?

The animal cell is in an isotonic solution, and the plant cell is in a hypotonic solution

Which of the following statements correctly describes the normal tonicity conditions for typical plant and animal cells?

It is a passive process in which molecules move from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration

Which of the following statements is correct about diffusion?

phospholipids and proteins

Which of the following types of molecules are the major structural components of the cell membrane?

G protein coupled receptor singaling

Which of the following would be inhibited by a drug that specifically blocks the addition of phosphate groups to proteins?

Decreased production of cAMP in liver cells.

Which of the following would likely not be observed in a person injected with epinephrine?

rough ER

Which structure is the site of the of the synthesis of proteins that may be exported?

smooth ER

Which type of organelle is primarily involved in the synthesis of oils, phospholipids and steroids?


White blood cells engulf bacteria through what process?


All of the following are enzymes involved in the signal transduction pathway shown except....

nucleic acids

All of the following membranes are part of the cell membrane except

D. Ligand receptor complexes are most often formed in cell communication pathways in which participating cells are in direct contact

All of the following statements about ligand receptor complexes are true except


All of the following structures and proteins are directly associated with movement in cells or by cells except

cell-cell recognition

An animal cell lacking oligosaccharides on the external surface of its plasma membrane would likely be impaired in which function?

facilitated diffusion

An organism with a cell wall would have the most difficulty doing which process?

many nuclei

10. A cell that undergoes repeated mitosis without cytokineses would have


8. What is cancer caused by?


A cell has 12 chromosomes. How many chromosomes will each daughter cell have?

a plant or animal

A cell has the following molecules and structures: DNA, ribosomes, plasma membrane, and mitochondria. It could be a cell from...

Golgi apparatus

A cell lacking the ability to make and secrete glycoproteins would most likely be defficient in its


A cell whose cytoplasm has a concentration of .02 molar glucose if placed in a test tube of water containing .02 molar glucose. Assuming that glucose is not actively transported into the cell, which of the following terms describes the tonicity of the external solution relative to the cytoplasm of the cell?

The patient's red blood cells will swell because the blood fluid is hypotonic compared to the cells.

A patient has had a serious accident and lost a lot of blood. In an attempt to replenish body fluids, distilled water, equal to the volume of blood lost, is transferred directly into one of his veins. What will be the most probable result of this transformation?

II only

A transmembrane protein is a protein that goes from one side of the membrane through to the other side of the membrane. Which model pictured in the image above depicts a membrane protein serving as a ligand receptor in a signal transduction pathway?

This arrangement allows adrenalin, a steroid hormone with receptors on blood cells found within kidneys, to reach its destination with little energy input.

Adrenalin (epinephrine) is often released in response to environmental dangers and produces the fight or flight response. Which of the following explains why organism with the adrenal gland arterial arrangement have a selective advantage over those with fewer arteries connected to the adrenal gland?

Estrogen binds to specific receptors inside of many kinds of cells, each of which have different responses to its binding

At puberty, an adolescent female body changes in both structure and function of several organ systems, primarily under the influence of changing concentrations of estrogens and other steroid hormones. How can one hormone, such as estrogen, mediate son many effects?

They can change their conformation after binding with single polypeptides

Because most receptors are membrane proteins, which of the following is usually true?


Caffeine is an inhibitor of phosphodiesterase (phosphatase). Therefore, the cells of a person who has recently consumed coffee would have increased levels of

Hypertonic to the fresh water but hypotonic to the salt solution

Celery stalks that are immersed in freshwater that are immersed in freshwater for several hours become stiff and hard. Similar stalks left in a salt solution become limp and soft. From this we can deduce that the cells of the celery stalks are

the nuclear envelope

Cells can be described as having a cytoskeleton of internal structures that contribute to the shape, organization, and movement of the cell. All of the following are part of the cytoskeleton except

m phase

During which phase in the cell cycle does mitosis happen?

Reception, Transduction, Amplification, Response

Each of the following numbered processes are involved in signal transduction pathways:


Grana, thylakoids, and stroma are all components


Helps to recycle the cell's inorganic material

That activates epinephrine receptors

If a pharmaceutical company wished to design a drug to maintain low blood sugar levels, one approach might be to design a compound...

they died off because the cancerous cells deprived them of nutrients

If cancer is present, what is the likely explanation for what happened to the cells depicted in the curves labeled B and D in figure 9-2?


In animal cells, hydrolytic enzymes are packaged to prevent general destruction of cellular components. Which of the following organelles functions in this compartmentalization?

Cell membrane proteins & molecules inside the cell must be involved in transmitting the signal.

In his research on cell signaling involving epinephrine, EW sutherland determined glycogen phosphorylase was activated by epinephrine. Sutherland found that in vitro, in the lab setting, epinephrine was unable to activate phosphorylase. The reaction required live cells. Which of the following best explains why epinephrine reacted only in live cells?

Aggregation (grouping) of bacteria that can cause cavities

In the formation of biofilms (groups/films of bacteria) such as those forming on unbrushed teeth, cell signaling serves which function?


Motor proteins provide for molecular motion in cells by interacting with what type of cellular structures?

A cell's ability to distinguish one type of neighboring cell from another (tell self from nonself)

Of the following functions, which is most important for the glycoproteins and glycolipids of animal cell membranes?

Receptor tyrosine kinases

One of the major categories of receptors in the plasma membrane reacts by forming dimers, adding phosphate groups, and then activating relay proteins. Which type does this?

If the patient's cancer cells have detectable HER2.

Receptor tyrosine kinases (RTK's) are found at high levels on various cancer cells. A prtoein, Herceptin, has been found to bind to an TRK known as HER2. This medication could then bind and stop the pathway inside the cancerous cell preventing mitosis. This information can now be utilized in breast cancer treatment if which of the following is true?

The steroid/receptor complex can cross the nuclear membrane.

Since steroid receptors are located intracellularly, which of the following is true?

Transport vesicles fuse with one side (cis face) of the golgi and leave from the opposite side (trans face).

The Golgi apparatus has a polarity or sidedness to its structure and function. Which of the following statements correctly describes the polarity?


The cell cycle is regulated by


The cell to the left is undergoing mitosis. Which stage will follow this one?

They must be highly permeable to water and small molecules in order to allow cells to exchange matter and energy with their environment.

The cell walls of bacteria, fungi, and plant cells and the extracellular matrix of animal cells are all external to the plasma membrane. Which of the following is not a characteristic of all of these extracellular structures?

Cells Communicate with each other through direct contact.

The dashed arrows indicate the pathway taken by chemical signals. Which of the following statements best describes this type of cell communication?

active transport

The membrane activity most nearly opposite to exocytosis

active transport

The movement of a substance across a biological membrane against its concentration gradient with the help of energy input is

Enables the membrane to stay fluid more easily when cell temperature drops

The presence of cholesterol in the plasma membrane of some animals.

A cell that is producing cytoplasmic enzymes (proteins)

Under which of the following conditions would you expect to find a cell with a large number of free ribosomes?

It moves through aquaporins in the membrane

Water passes quickly through cell membranes because


What membrane surface molecules are thought to be most important as cells recognize one another?


When a neuron responds to a particular neurotransmitter by opening gated ion channels, the neurotransmitter is serving as which part of the signal pathway?

The hydrophilic interactions that hold membrane together are weakest at this point.

When biological membranes are frozen and then fractured, they tend to break along the mid bilayer. The best explanation for this is that...

The two types of muscle cells have different signal transduction pathways for epinephrine and as a result have different cellular responses.

When epinephrine binds to cardiac (heart) muscle cells, it speeds their contraction. When it binds to muscle cells of the small intestine, it inhibits their contraction. Which of the following best accounts for the fact that the same hormone can have different effects on muscle cells?

Eubacteria, Fungi, Animalia, and Plantae

Which kingdoms contain organisms that employ cell to cell communication?


Which of the cells depicted in the line graph in Figure 9-2 are most likely cancerous?


Which of the following are capable of converting light energy into chemical energy?

because DNA synthesis is taking place.

Why is the synthesis stage of interphase called this?

Similarity of the drug molecule to the other molecules transported by the target cells

You are working on a team that is designing a new drug. In order for this drug to work, it must enter the cytoplasm of specific target cells. Which of the following would be a factor that determines whether the molecules selectively enters the target cells?

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