bio ch 8

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Transfers electrons to organic molecule. No ETC. Final product is alcohol or lactate. ATP synthesized by substrate-level phosphorylation during glycolysis

Which of the following is an end product of glycolysis?


In chemiosmosis, ATP is produced as hydrogen ions (protons) pass through _____.

ATP synthase

How does anaerobic respiration differ from aerobic respiration?

Anaerobic respiration utilizes NO3− as the terminal electron acceptor

t or f: If yeast cells are incubated under anaerobic conditions, the pyruvate they produce is converted to "lactate".

False - ethyl alcohol

Glucose is phosphorylated.


List four stages of Aerobic respiration. Where do they take place?

Glycolysis- located in the cytosol Formation of acetyl coenzyme A- located in the Mitochondria matrix Citric acid cycle-located in the Mitochondria matrix Electron transport and chemiosmosis- located in the Mitochondria matrix

Anaerobic respiration=

Respiration that does not require oxygen

What is the role of the oxygen molecules required for aerobic respiration?

To accept the low energy electrons at the end of the electron transport chain

If yeasts are grown under anaerobic conditions, pyruvate is converted first to ____ and then to ____.

acetaldehyde; ethyl alcohol


allows exergonic redox reactions to produce ATP by oxidative phosphorylation

During aerobic respiration, nutrients are ____ to carbon dioxide and water.


Aerobic respiration=

cells use this to obtain energy from glucose


gain of electrons

What are other names for Citric acid cycle?

krebs cycle and tricarboxylic acid cycle( TCAcycle)

One gram of ____ contains more than twice the amount of energy of a gram of glucose.



loss of electrons

Where does the citric acid cycle take place in a eukaryotic cell?

mitochondrial matrix

Which molecules are final electron acceptors during anaerobic respiration?

nitrate and sulfate

Which molecule is the final electron acceptor in aerobic respiration?


Glycolysis yields a net energy profit of ____ ATP molecules per molecule of glucose.


Which of the following is an exploited product of lactate fermentation?


How many ATP molecules are formed at the end of Aerobic respiration and anaerobic respiration?

2 ATP molecules

What type of energy molecules are formed at the end of Glycolysis and how many?


How many ATP molecules are harvested by electron transport chain and chemiosmosis?

32 ATP

The complete aerobic metabolism of one molecule of glucose yields a maximum of how many ATPs?

36 to 38

ATP synthase is a component.

electron transport and chemiosmosis

NADH is oxidized.

electron transport and chemiosmosis

Oxygen is the final electron acceptor.

electron transport and chemiosmosis

During chemiosmosis, what must be transferred from NADH and FADH2 to electron acceptor molecules?


Which of the following is an anaerobic pathway?


This is the first process that occurs in the mitochondrion

formation of acetyl CoA

After the conversion of pyruvate molecules to acetyl CoA molecules, how many NADH molecules have been produced from one glucose molecule?


Which of the following molecules can be used as a substrate for cellular respiration?

glucose, lipids, proteins, and fatty acids

How do Lipids enter in to Aerobic respiration cycle?

glycerol is converted to a compound that enters glycolysis and fatty acids are converted by β-oxidation to acetyl CoA.

Fructose-1,6-bisphosphate is split into two sugars


Pyruvate is an end product.


Both alcohol fermentation and lactate fermentation are highly ____ because the fuel is only partially ____.

inefficient; oxidized

The energy released during the chain of electron transport molecules is used to create a(n) ____ gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane for chemiosmosis.


In glycolysis, a six-carbon glucose molecule is converted into two three-carbon molecules of:


What products are formed during two phases of Glycolysis?


What type of reaction is aerobic respiration?


During the citric acid cycle, each acetyl group entering the cycle yields

1 ATP, 3 NADH, and 1 FADH2

Which reaction is the aerobic respiration of glucose?

C6H12O6 + 6 O2 + 6 H2O → 6 CO2 + 12 H2O + energy

Compare and contrast aerobic and anaerobic pathways used by cells to extract energy from organic molecules. Include the mechanism of ATP formation, the final electron acceptor, and the end products in your comparison.

BOTH aerobic and anaerobic pathways, electrons are transferred from glucose to NADH, and these electrons pass down an electron transport chain that is linked to the formation of ATP via chemiosmosis. Carbon dioxide is produced in both pathways. However, the final electron accepted in the AEROBIC PATHWAY is O2, which is converted to water. In the ANAEROBIC PATHWAY the final electron acceptor is an inorganic molecule such as nitrate or sulfate, which in turn is converted to a more reduced inorganic molecule.

Explain why fermentation is a highly inefficient process.

Only part of the fuel (glucose) is oxidized. It requires a large supply of fuel to perform the same amount of work as if aerobic respiration (20 times as much glucose). There is only a net profit of 2 ATPs during fermentation versus the 36-38 produced during aerobic respiration.

Explain how proteins can be metabolized by the same pathways that oxidize glucose

Proteins are converted to their components amino acids which in turn are deaminated to urea and various types of carbon skeletons. These carbon skeletons then feed into glycolysis, the citric acid cycle, and / or are converted to acetyl CoA

Peter Mitchell demonstrated ATP production by aerobic bacteria to prove what process?


Which is a product from the first reaction of the citric acid cycle?


FAD is converted to FADH2

citric acid cycle

GDP is phosphorylated

citric acid cycle

Oxaloacetate reacts with an acetyl group

citric acid cycle

In eukaryotes, where does glycolysis occur?


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