BIO - CHAPTER 7 The Skeletal System: The Axial Skeleton

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A __ is a tubelike opening


A ___ is a "seam" - an immovable joint between bones of the skull.


A ___ is a hole for passage of blood vessels, nerves or ligaments.


A ___ is a rounded projection with a smooth articular surface.


A ___ is a shallow depression.


A ___ is usually rounded articular process supported on a neck.

fibrocartilage intervertebral

A tough ____ disc is found between the bodies of adjacent vertebrae.


Almost all bones are classified into ___ main types based on shape


Besides forming the large cranial cavity, the ___ also forms several smaller cavities.


Bone ___ serve as attachment points for ligaments and tendons


Bone ____ - Projections or outrowths that form joints


Bones of the upper and lower limbs (extremities) and the bones forming the girdles that connect the limbs to the axial skeleton are part of the ____ skeleton.


How many bones does the Appendicular skeleton have?


How many bones does the Axial skeleton have?

nucleus pulposus, annulus fibrosus

In a case of a a herniated disc , the ___ is able to leak out due to a tear in the ____.


In the lower region of the vertebral column, the sacrum is made up of __ fused vertebrae.

false ribs

In the thorax, the bottom 5 pairs of ribs are called ___.


In the vertebral column, a herniated disc may occur due to trauma or, sometimes, simply associated with ____.

thoracic curve-bent forward

Kyphosis is an increased ___.


Like the keystone of a roman arch, the ___ is the "center brick" that balances the outward thrust of the other bones.

lumbar curve-bent backwards

Lordosis is an increased ___.


Of the 8 cranial bones that fit together to form the braincase, the___ bone is the "keystone".


Other than the middle ear bones (auditory ossicles), the ___ is the only moveable skull bone.

convex (bulging out)

Relative to the front of the body, the cervical and lumbar curves are ____.

lateral curvature

Scoliosis is an increased ___.


The 3 bones of the sternum usually fuse by ___ years of age

false ribs

The 5 pairs of the ribs are called ___ because their cartilage is indirectly connected to the sternum.

paranasal sinuses

The __ are used as resonating (echo) chambers to enhance the voice as well as structures that increase the surface area of the nasal mucosa and help to moisten it as well.


The __ bones are cube shaped.


The __ bones are greater seed length than width


The __ bones are thin layers of parallel plates.


The __ provides the framework for attaching the muscles that move various parts of the head


The __ small cavities which house organs involved in hearing and equilibrium

paranasal sinuses

The ___ are mucous membrane-lined cavities in the frontal, maxillary, sphenoid and ethmoid bones.

false ribs, floating ribs

The ___ attach indirectly to the sternum with an elongated piece of costal cartilage or not at all are called ___.


The ___ bones are complex shapes.

first 2

The ___ cervical vertebrae are different from the others in shape and function

fibrocartilage intervertebral

The ___ functions to absorb vertical shock and form joints which are strong yet still permit movement of the spine

vertebral column

The ___ is also known as the spinal column, backbone and spine

xiphoid process

The ___ is broken in CPR if hand placement isn't proper.

vertebral column

The ___ is made up of 26 vertebrae divided into 5 regions.

mandible (lower jawbone)

The ___ is the largest and strongest facial bone


The ___ or breastbone, is flat and is located in the center of the anterior thoracic wall.


The ___ protects and supports the brain and special sense organs.


The ___ provides the framework for attaching the muscles that produce facial expressions

lumbar vertebrae

The ___ support the body's weight.

hyoid bone

The ___ supports the tongue by attaching to muscles. It is situated at the top of the larynx.

skull bones

The ____ are associated with a number of processes, ridges, lines, depressions and foramen

lumbar vertebrae

The ____ are the largest and strongest in the vertebral column.


The ____ bones are shaped like a sesame seed.


The ____ is also triangular in shape and is composed of 4 vertebrae that fuse together between 20 and 30 years of age.

vertebral column

The ____ protects the spinal cord

thoracic vertebrae

The ____ support the ribs and have special structures for rib head and tubercle attachment.

cranial and facial bones

The bones of the skull are grouped into what two categories?

costal (hyaline) cartilage

The bony portion of the ribs ends a few inches from the sternum and is connected to ____ which attaches to the sternum.


The coccyx is made up of __ fused vertebrae.

true ribs

The first 7 pairs of the ribs are called the ____ because their cartilage is directly connected to the sternum.


The human skeleton consists of ___ named bones


The human skeleton is grouped into __ principal divisions

nucleus pulposus

The interior of the fibrocartilage intervertebral disc is called a ___ and is soft and pulpy


The rest of the braincase bones are dependent for support on the ___ bone (with its greater and lesser wings).

12 pairs

The ribs are___ that extend from the thoracic vertebrae to the sternum

thoracic cavity

The ribs provide support to the ___.


The ribs, sternum (breastbone), and bones of the vertebral column are part of the _____ skeleton.


The sacrum and coccyx are __ individual bones as are the other 24 vertebrae. .


The skull bones, auditory ossicles (ear bones), hyoid bone, are part of the ____ skeleton.

22, 3

The skull contains ___ bones, not including the __ middle ear bones in both ears.


The sternal angle is about where the arch of the ___ is and the split of the trachea into the bronchi.


The sternum articulates with the clavicles and the costal cartilages from the ____.

upper manubrium, the middle body, and lower xiphoid process

The sternum is divided into what 3 segments?

concave (cupping in)

The thoracic and sacral curves are _____.


The triangular-shaped ___ is composed of 5 vertebrae that begin to fuse together between 16 and 18 years of age. The process ends at around 30 years of age.


There are _ Cranial Bones


There are __ facial bones

Axial skeleton and Appendicular skeleton

What are the 2 groups that the human skeleton is grouped into?

Long, Short, Flat, Irregular, and Sesamoid

What are the 5 types of bones?

Depressions and openings, and processes f

What are two major types of surface markings on bones?

normal adult

When viewed from the front, a ___ vertebral column appears straight.


When viewed from the side, the vertebral of a normal adult has ___ slight bends which constitute the normal spinal curvatures.

squished the jelly donut

When you have a herniated disk, think of it as having a _____.

depressions and openings

___ allow the passage of soft tissues and joint formation.


____ close up beginning at 6 months of age through 2 years


_____ are mesenchyme-filled spaces between cranial bones present at birth.


_____ are the jointed areas where flat bones come together.


_____ bones are small, extra bone plates located within the sutures of cranial bones.

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