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Ectomychorrhizal fungi

form sheaths around roots and penetrate between root cells

The endosymbiosis theory explains that mitochondria may have once been _______

free-living aerobic bacteria

The endosymbiosis theory explains that chloroplasts may have once been _______

free-living cyanobacteria

True or false: The leading hypothesis to explain the origin of the nuclear envelope is based on

infoldings of the plasma membrane

What is cell cleavage?

rapid cell division

Imagine that you are given some chemoorganotrophic bacteria to grow. What should you use as a source of energy for this type of bacteria? sugar light hydrogen sulfide ammonia


Natural selection is the only mechanism for evolutionary change that produces what?


Which form of nitrogenous waste requires the most water for dilution?


Mutualistic relationship metabolic strategy what are the two types

An association between organisms of two different species in which each member benefits. Ednophytic and mychorizzal

A particular species of protist has obtained a chloroplast via secondary endosymbiosis. You know this because the chloroplasts _____. a. have only a single pigment b. have three or four membranes c. are exceptionally small d. have nuclear and cyanobacterial genes


According to the endosymbiosis theory, what type of organism is the original ancestor of the chloroplast? a. a photosynthetic archaean b. a cyanobacterium c. an algal-like, primitive eukaryote d. a modified mitochondrion


All of the following are true for natural selection EXCEPT: a. Variation exists in populations (all individuals are NOT the same). b. Characteristics acquired by individuals over the course of their lifetime, e.g. big muscles from weight lifting are passed on to their offspring. c. There is differential reproductive success within populations, i.e. some individuals have more offspring than others. d. The fittest individuals leave the most offspring


Consider the endosymbiotic theory for the origin of the mitochondrion. The relationship between the two organisms was considered to be stable because a mutual advantage existed between them: The host cell provided the bacterium _______ while the bacterium provided the host cell ______. a. ATP; protection and carbon compounds b. Protection and carbon compounds; ATP c. ATP; oxygen d. oxygen; carbon compounds


Genetic variation ________. a. arises in response to changes in the environment b. must be present in a population before natural selection can act upon the population c. tends to be reduced by when diploid organisms produce gametes d. is created by the direct action of natural selection


Identify the prezygotic barrier: Female fireflies give a species specific sequence of flashes.

Behavioral isolation

Which type of connective tissue transports waste and materials throughout the body and has a liquid extracellular matrix called plasma?


Which type of connective tissues function as structural support and have a hard extracellular matrix?


How are fungi classified?

By differences in their reproductive structures

According to the endosymbiosis theory, what are the origins of the inner and outer membranes of mitochondria? a. The outer membrane is derived from the original bacterium, and the inner membrane is derived from the host cell that engulfed the bacterium by endocytosis. b. Both the inner and outer membranes are derived from the host cell that engulfed the bacterium. c. The inner membrane is derived from the original bacterium, and the outer membrane is derived from the host cell that engulfed the bacterium by endocytosis. d. Both the inner and outer membranes are derived from the original bacterium that was engulfed by the host bacterium.


Which statement correctly describes secondary endosymbiosis? a. A protist engulfs two types of bacteria. b. A protist engulfs a bacterium. c. A photosynthetic protist is engulfed by another protist. d. A bacterium reproduces inside a protist. e. Two protists exchange symbiotic genes.


Which type of muscle tissue functions as heart contractions and are branched cells make up the walls of the heart?


Which type of connective tissues function as structural support and have a stiff extracellular matrix?


What is gastrulation?

Cells move and rearrange to form 3 germ layers

Asexual reproduction fungi life cycle starting with mycelium

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Sexual reproduction fungi life cycle starting with mycelium

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What are the 5 classifications of fungi?

Chytrids zygomycetes glomeromycota basidiomycota ascomycota

Blood in __________________. a. veins is always deoxygenated while in arteries it is always oxygenated. b. arteries is always oxygenated while in veins it is always deoxygenated. c. veins is flowing away from the heart while in arteries it is flowing toward the heart. d. arteries is flowing away from the heart while in veins it is flowing toward the heart. e. None of the answers above is correct


Natural selection ________. a. creates beneficial mutations b. is a random process c. completely eliminates harmful mutations d. can favor beneficial mutations


Which of the following is a mutualism where the fungus receives carbohydrates from a photosynthesizing organism. A.Lichen B.Ectomycorrhizal association C.Arbuscular myccorhizal association D.All of the above E.None of the above F.B and C only


Which of the following is necessary for speciation to occur? a. Geographic isolation b. Adaptation of two different phenotypes in a population due to disruptive selection c. Exploitation of different resources or habitats among individuals of a population d. Reproductive isolation between populations e. Adaptation of reproductive traits in a population


Which of the following pairs of organisms excrete nitrogenous wastes in the form of uric acid? a. humans and frogs b. fish and turtles c. lions and horses d. insects and birds e. mice and birds


In which type of environment are protists found? a. salt water b. fresh water c. soil d. on other organisms e. All answers are correct.


Which genes change proliferation, death, movement, and differentiation of cells?

Effector genes

Saprophytic metabolic strategy

Fungi feed on dead and decaying matter

Identify the prezygotic barrier: Sea urchins rely on a species-specific protein that allows sperm to penetrate eggs.

Gametic Isolation

Which genes define the broad segments/ position of head, thorax, and abdominal regions?

Gap Genes

Protists characteristics: -Unicellular, multicellular, or both? -Eukaryotic or prokaryotic? -Monophyletic or paraphyletic? -Do they all have cell walls? -Produce sexually, asexually, or both?

-Both -Eukaryotic -Paraphyletic -Only some have cell walls -Both

Animalia characteristics: -Eukaryotic or prokaryotic? -Unicellular or multicellular? -Cell walls? -Autotrophic or heterotrophic?

-Euakryotic -multicellular -no cell walls -heterotrophic

Match the description with the type of blood vessel. (Use the choices as many times as needed.) 1. Have one way valves to prevent backflow 2. Are under higher pressure 3. Are under lower pressure 4. Have a small diameter, approximately the diameter of a single red blood cell 5. Have very thick walls a. Veins b. Arteries c. Capillaries

1. A 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. B

Match the ploidy of the following structures during sexual reproduction in fungi. 1. Mycelium (prior to encountering a different mating type) 2. Heterokaryotic mycelium 3. Spore producing body (e.g. mushroom) 4. Zygote 5. Spores A. Haploid (n) B.Heterokaryotic (n + n) C.Diploid (2n)

1. A 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. A

What are the 2 main types of speciation events?

1. Allopatric speciation: Complete geographic isolation leads to genetic isolation 2. Sympatric isolation: Genetic isolation occurs between populations occupying the same space.

What are the three types of nitrogenous waste?

1. Ammonia 2. Urea 3. Uric Acid

Predict what kind of waste is excreted by: 1. Tadpoles 2. Toads and frogs 3. An embryo developing inside an egg laid on land 4. Aquatic insects

1. Ammonia 2. Urea 3. Uric Acid 4. Ammonia

How is blood filtered in each part of the nephron structure? 1. Renal corpuscle 2. Proximal tubule 3. Descending limb of Loop of Henle 4. Thin ascending limb of LoH(transport type) 5. Thick ascending limb of LoH(transport type) 6. Distal Tubule

1. Blood is initially filtered in the Renal Corpuscle 2. Nutrients, valuable ions, and water are reabsorbed into the body and blood in the proximal tubule 3. Only water is reabsorbed in the descending limb of the loop of henle 4. Salts and nutrients are reabsorbed through passive transport in the thin ascending 5. Salts and nutrients are reabsorbed by active transport in the thick ascending limb 6. Additional ions and water are reabsorbed

What are the 4 adult tissue types?

1. Connective 2. Nervous 3. Muscle 4. Epithelial

What are the 4 stages of embryonic development?

1. Fertilization 2. Cleavage 3. Gastrulation 4. Organogenesis

What are the 5 prezygotic reproduction barriers?

1. Habitat Isolation 2. Behavioral Isolation 3. Temporal Isolation 4. Mechanical Isolation 5. Gametic Isolation

What are the 4 types of connective tissue?

1. Loose 2. cartilage 3. bone 4. blood

What are the 5 assumptions of the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium?

1. No natural selection (no selection for gene in question) 2. No genetic drift (large population size) 3. No gene flow (no immigration or emigration) 4. No mutation (no new alleles) 5. Random mating for gene in question (mates not chosen for a specific allele)

What are the 4 main parts of the nephron structure?

1. Renal Corpuscle 2. Proximal Tube 3. Loop of Henle 4. Distal Tube

What are the 2 requirements for speciation?

1. Reproductive or Genetic Isolation (no gene flow) 2. Divergence(deviation/change)(influenced by mutation, genetic drift, and selection)-Continue to evolve independently of the original population

What are the 3 types of muscle tissue?

1. Skeletal 2. Cardiac 3. Smooth

Natural selection process (4)

1. population with varied inherited traits 2. elimination of individuals with certain traits 3. reproduction of survivors 4. increasing frequency of traits that enhance survival and reproductive success

What are the 3 postzygotic barriers?

1. reduced hybrid viability 2. reduced hybrid fertility 3. hybrid breakdown

Starting from the filtrate of blood, give the pathway of pre-urine processing in terrestrial vertebrates.(5)

1. renal corpuscle 2.proximal tubule 3.loop of Henle 4. distal tubule 5.collection duct

what are the 4 requirements for natural selection?

1.Variation in traits of individuals within a population 2. Heredity: Trait differences are heritable 3. Difference in fitness: Some individuals leave more offspring than others 4. The fate of individuals is not random. Individuals with advantageous traits leave the most offspring

A person is looking at microorganisms in a sample of water. Which feature would identify a microorganism as a protist instead of a prokaryote? a. a nucleus b. flagella c. a single cell d. chlorophyll e. All answers are correct.


Hardy and Weinberg were scientists interested in understanding changes in genetic variation over time in a population. They established criteria that must be met in order for a population to be in "equilibrium." What is "equilibrium?" a. Allele frequencies or proportions of genotypes will remain constant from generation to generation. b. There will be equal numbers of possible genotypes and thus phenotypes in a population. c. There will be equal numbers of dominant and recessive alleles d. Evolution due to mutations will occur at a predictable, constant rate.


Protists and bacteria are grouped into different domains because _____. a. protists have a membrane-bounded nucleus, which bacterial cells lack b. bacteria decompose protists c. protists eat bacteria d. bacteria are not made of cells e. protists are photosynthetic


What evidence exists for the secondary endosymbiotic theory? a. Certain protists contain organelles that are enclosed in four layers of membranes. This indicates secondary endosymbiosis. b. All protists have plastids. c. The mitochondria of all protists have two membranes. d. Not all protists have mitochondria. e. All answers are correct.


hat effect does ADH (antidiuretic hormone) have on the nephron? a. It increases water permeability of the descending limb of the loop of Henle. b. It decreases water permeability of the descending limb of he loop of Henle. c. It increases the water permeability of the collecting duct d. It decreases the water permeability of the collecting duct. e. None of the answers are correct.


Which genes trigger the development of structures like wings, antenna, legs, etc.?

Homeotic genes

Identify the postzygotic barrier: Zedonks (hybrid between zebras and donkeys) are sterile and cannot produce offspring.

Hybrid Breakdown

What is reduced hybrid viability? Give an example

Hybrids are produced but fail to develop to reproductive maturity ex.) Certain types of frogs form hybrid tadpoles that die before they can become a frog

What is hybrid breakdown? Give an example

Offspring of hybrids have reduced viability or fertility ex.) The offspring of hybrid copepods have less potential for survival or reproduction

Fungi using energy from carbon sources in decaying leaf litter are __________. Mycorrizal Saprophytic Endophytic Parasiti


What are the 3 metabolic strategies of fungi?

Saprophytic Parasitic Mutualistic

Which genes establish anterior and posterior gradient within each individual segment?

Segment polarity genes

Which type of muscle tissues functions as movement as directed by nerve cells and consists of long muscle fiber cells?


Which type of muscle tissue functions as Involuntary movements such as digestion and arterial constriction/dilation and are tapered cells that line digestive tract and blood vessels?


Identify the prezygotic barrier: Bishop pines and Monterrey pines grow in southern California. They release their pollen and different times of the year.

Temporal Isolation

What is gametic isolation? Give an example

When male and female GAMETES are not compatible ex.) Sea Urchins of different species have differing gamete proteins and their gametes will only fuse with those of the same species

What is mechanical isolation? Give an example

When male and female SEX ORGANS are not compatible ex.)Certain breeds of dogs are morphologically incapable of mating due to size

What is behavioral isolation?Give an example

When species have different courtship behaviors. ex.) Certain groups of birds will only respond to species-specific mating calls

What is temporal isolation? Give an example

When two or more species breed at different times ex.)Frogs live in same pond but breed during different seasons

What is nervous tissue? What is its function?

a tissue consisting of neurons and the cells that support them Conducts electrical signals

Parasitic metabolic strategy

absorb nutrients from living organisms

Which type of nitrogenous waste is most toxic?


arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi

contact plasma membranes of root cells


establish broad anterior-posterior gradient of embryo

What is reduced hybrid fertility? Give an example

Hybrids fail to produce functional gametes(sterility) ex.) Mules are sterile hybrids resulting from mating between a horse and a donkey

Which type of connective tissue have many soft proteins in the matrix and provide padding under skin and organs?

Loose connective tissues

Identify the prezygotic reproductive barrier: Snails of different Bradybaena spp. can't mate because their shells spiral in opposite directions and genitalia don't align.

Mechanical Isolation

Which genes organize cells into individual segments?

Pair-rule genes

How do bacteria get their energy? Give examples of each(3)

Phototrophs: Use Photosynthesis(sunlight) Chemoorganotrophs: Use Organic molecules(decomposition of dead organisms, methane, sugar) Chemolithotrophs: Inorganic molecules(ammonia waste, hydrogen sulfide)

What is habitat isolation? Give an example

Populations live in different habitats and do not meet. ex.)Two bird species live in an area and are not known to interbreed. One species feeds and mates in the treetops and the other on the ground.

What is Fick's Law?

Rate of diffusion= SAx(P2-P1)/D

Identify the postzygotic barrier: Scientists have successfully bred two species of wasp in the laboratory, but only after treating them with antibiotics to kill the microbes that normally live on the wasps' bodies.

Reduced Hybrid Viability

Identify the postzygotic barrier: Eastern meadowlarks and western meadowlarks are almost morphologically identical but their offspring are infertile

Reduced hybrid fertility

Identify the postzygotic barrier: When rock doves mate with ring-necked doves, less than 6% of eggs hatch.

Reduced hybrid viability

What is organogenesis?

Tissue and organ formation

What are connective tissues?

Tissues that support, protects, and holds the body together. Secrete and extracellular matrix

Which type(s) of nitrogenous waste requires ATP?

Urea and Uric Acid

Animals produce waste, even very young ones. Which type of nitrogenous waste would you expect to find produced by embryos inside eggs laid on land?

Uric Acid

Which type of nitrogenous waste requires the most amount of energy?

Uric Acid

Which type of nitrogenous wastes released by animals needs the least amount of water?

Uric Acid

What are epithelial tissues? What are their function?

layers of closely packed cells that cover the outside of the body and lines the surface of organs They function as barriers and protective layers and selectively transport water, nutrients, and other substances across interface.

Mycorrhizal metabolic strategy

live in association with plant roots in a mutualistic relationship

Endophytic metabolic strategy

live inside of land plants in above ground areas in a mutualistic relationship

parts of the Regulatory gene cascade

morphogens gap genes pair-rule genes segment polarity genes homeotic genes effector genes

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